Chapter 1370 The Candle Dragon Clan Reappears! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Yue Qiqiao was extremely excited in her heart. She didn’t expect that she would come to Wang Teng on the initiative to achieve such a gain.

The profit of the pill is 10%!

Don’t think it’s only 10%, but as long as she sells more, the quantity will be considerable.

This is definitely more profitable than doing tasks!

And it doesn’t take much time.

Originally, she only wanted to use Wang Teng’s strength to sell Yuanyue Orbs with her in the academy, but now it seems that selling pills is more cost-effective.

After all, Wang Teng is a grandmaster of the alchemy. She had seen those grandmaster-level pills in the academy’s treasure chest before, and they basically required tens of thousands of points, so you shouldn’t earn too much.

“If you agree, I will find you again in the future.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Agree, of course I agree, this kind of good thing can’t be without me.” Yue Qi Qiao said quickly.

“That’s good.” Wang Teng nodded and said, “As for your Yuanyue Pearl, if you have time, you can accumulate it and use it later.”

“No problem.” Yue Qiqiao naturally promised, she didn’t think it was troublesome to earn points.

Wang Teng glanced at her strangely, but didn’t realize that Yue Qi was unexpectedly a money fan.

But this is also a good thing for him. If it hadn’t been for Yue Qiqiao to come to the door on the initiative, this matter would not have been settled so easily.

This month, Yueqi accidentally handed him a ladder, and he just climbed down along it.

“Then Ji Haochen, Leng Qianxue and the others…” Yue Qi asked Qiao.

“I have time to contact them to talk about this.” Wang Teng said, naturally it is better for him to come forward on this matter.

In any case, it was he who gave these geniuses a way to make money, and if Yue Qi was allowed to come forward, this favor would inevitably be greatly compromised.

The abacus in Wang Teng’s heart crackled!

Again, they can make money, but he will definitely not lose.

“There is also Tu Xiaoba, how about Situ Wan’er and the others?” Yue Qi Qiao hesitated for a while and asked again.

These people did not enter the top ten in the genius battle, she was worried that Wang Teng looked down on them.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget them.” Wang Teng said, “Situ Wan’er is also my friend, and although the little rabbit is a little bit naughty, I think her character is still very pleasing, and it should be soon. It will blend in with other warriors, and it’s very suitable to help me sell pills.”

After he finished speaking, he couldn’t help touching his chin, and couldn’t help clicking a compliment for his wit, a look like a profiteer spontaneously emerged.

“…” Yue Qi Qiao said silently: “Are you a child laborer?”

“Tu Xiaoba is not young, right?” Wang Teng looked weird, scanning from Yue Qiqiao’s chest, he remembered that Tu Xiaoba was not too young.

“Bah, where are you looking.” Yue Qi’s face flew with blush on Qiao Qiao’s face and glared at him: “I’m too lazy to care about you as a rascal, I’m leaving.”

“Go, go.” Wang Teng waved his hand, and said with an unpretentious look: “If you get the benefit, throw me away. It’s really sad.”

“I believe you are a ghost.” Yue Qi rolled her eyes and left directly.

But she had just walked to the gate when a tall figure blocked her.

This person is extremely tall and sturdy, resembling a demi-human race, covered in a dark red rim armor, with two dark red horns on top of his head, which faintly reveals a sense of nobility.

“Dragon’s horns!” Yue Qiqiao’s gaze paused on the two dark red horns above the other’s head, and her heart was slightly awe-inspiring.

This figure gave her a strong sense of oppression, like a giant star beast standing in front of her!

Moreover, the faint aura that radiated from the other party also showed that this person was absolutely extraordinary.

That kind of aura, she has only felt in two people, one is the emperor of the Dagan Empire, the other is naturally Wang Teng!

Now there is another person in front of me!

“Wang Teng, do you live here?” The voice of the person who came was loud, but with a hint of pride and indifference.

“Who are you?” Yue Qiqiao’s face was solemn, and she unconsciously stepped back.

“Who I am, you don’t need to know, if Wang Teng lives here, you go and call him out.” The man said lightly.

An ugly color flashed across Yue Qi’s Qiao Qiao face, and the person in front of her didn’t put her in his eyes at all, and that kind of defiant attitude was simply scorning her.

In any case, she was regarded as the top ten arrogant of the Dagan Empire, but now she was looked down upon by someone of unknown origin, and she was even asked to run errands.

Anyone who just changed, couldn’t bear such a thing.

So she snorted coldly, ignored the other party at all, and just left.

It’s up to her to find Wang Teng by herself.

“Huh?” The incoming person’s face was slightly dark, but he didn’t make any movements.

However, there were many people behind him. One of the young people stepped forward and stood in front of Yue Qiqiao with a smile: “Beauty, you can’t go yet!”

“Go away!” Yue Qiqiao’s face was slightly cold. She was afraid of the man with the dragon horn on her head, but was not at all afraid of the young man in front of her. Seeing him blocking herself, she patted it out.

The young man’s complexion changed slightly, and he didn’t expect Yue Qi to make a move when he accidentally said it. In a hurry, he also took a palm.


The two of them slapped straight against each other, and the Force exploded between the palms of both sides, and there was a roar.

The young man was photographed and took more than a dozen steps backwards to stabilize his figure, staring at Yue Qiqiao with an ugly expression.

The others all looked at Yue Qiqiao in surprise, but didn’t expect this woman to be so strong.

Yue Qi snorted, ignoring them, and wanted to leave.

“Did I let you go?” An indifferent voice faintly sounded.

Yue Qiqiao suddenly felt a powerful aura pressing from behind, making her unable to stop her steps, her face paled slightly.

“This person is so strong! What kind of race is it?” Yue Qi turned his head to look at the strong man with dragon horns on his head, shocked in his heart.

“Go and call someone!” The Longjiao man grew more vigorous and said lightly while looking at Yue Qi Qiao.

Yue Qiqiao’s face turned pale, a trace of cold sweat dripped from her forehead, but she felt extremely humiliated in her heart, and she had to fight the opponent with her hands, even if she was injured.

“Where is the mad dog barking in front of my door, disturbing quietness!”

At this moment, a voice faintly came from the manor, with a hint of coldness.


A huge aura also followed, colliding with the aura of the dragon horn man.

Yue Qiqiao suddenly felt relieved, and the invisible pressure disappeared.

She also let out a sigh in her heart, and this guy finally came out.

I just don’t know who Wang Teng is stronger than this dragon horn man.

This person must be a genius in other territories, and may even be the first place in the battle of geniuses like Wang Teng, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

The face of the dragon horn man and the people behind him all changed slightly.

The people in this manor actually call them crazy dogs!

What a courage!

Everyone looked into the manor, and saw a black-haired young man slowly walked out of it, and the other’s indifferent gaze swept across them, causing everyone’s heart to jump.

Wang Teng’s eyes finally fell on the dragon-horned man headed, and he was a little surprised: “Candle Dragon Clan!”

He really didn’t expect the other party to come to the door so quickly, and it was still in the Seventh Star Academy, not elsewhere.

“Wang Teng! This person is very strong!” Yue Qi retreated to his side by chance, transmitting the sound.

“I know, are you okay?” Wang Teng nodded and asked with concern.

“I’m fine, but if you click it out later, it won’t necessarily happen.” Yue Qi shook his head cleverly, and rolled his eyes at him.

“Who told you not to inform me the first time, if it weren’t for the fluctuations in the force of your fight that caught my attention, I didn’t know that a group of villains actually came outside the door.” Wang Teng said silently.

Yue Qiqiao was very depressed. If it hadn’t been for the other party to let her be the microphone, which meant that she would humiliate her, she would have notified Wang Teng a long time ago, so how could she have done anything with the other party.

Looking at her, Wang Teng immediately reacted. He naturally heard the last words of the Longjiao man, so he immediately understood that Yue Qi would have been humiliated by coincidence, and said apologetically: “Sorry, I was the one who caused the trouble. When it comes to you, I will give you an idea about this matter.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the dragon-horned man in front of him, and said lightly: “Is it your group of mad dogs barking in front of my door?”



“Who do you say is a mad dog?”

A loud shout came from the group of people behind the Longjiao man. These people are also geniuses of various forces, but at this time they are called mad dogs, who can bear it.

“Whoever should do it!” Wang Teng laughed.

“You…” The man behind the dragon horn man was almost furious.

“You’re looking for death!” The Longjiao man’s face was also completely cold, staring at Wang Teng.

“Yes, I’m looking for shit, do you have any? Take a dip on the spot.” Wang Teng said.

Dragon Horn Man: “…”

Everyone: “…”

Yue Qiqiao: “…”

For a moment, the surroundings fell into a strange silence.

Not only was the sky thunder rolling in the minds of the Dragon Horn man and others, but Yue Qiqiao’s pretty face was also full of shock and astonishment. I really didn’t expect Wang Teng to say such… filthy words.

Is this really the peerless arrogant who made it to the star list?

It’s not like it!

Soon the Dragon Horn man also reacted, his complexion became extremely ugly.

Humiliation, this is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo!

“Looking for death!” The Longjiao man’s expression was cold, and he slammed a punch at Wang Teng.

A gleam of cold light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he also punched, and the fire force burst out, condensed into a fist mark on his fist, and violently collided with the opponent.


A terrifying roar sounded, the air wave rolled back, and the people behind the dragon horn man, as well as Yue Qiqiao, were all pushed away.

The Longjiao man also shrank his pupils slightly, and he couldn’t help but step back five steps.

Looking at Wang Teng again, he only took three steps backwards.

This result made the Dragon Horn man a little unacceptable. His first move turned out to be the other side’s upper hand.

“Good strength, but that’s it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“You really are Wang Teng, you can be on the star list, you do have some strength.” The Longjiao man said indifferently: “Come again!”

“You have no chance!” Wang Teng shook his head and looked to the sky.

A spaceship flew from a distance, and finally hovered above everyone’s heads, and several figures jumped down from the spaceship.

“College arbitration committee!” someone behind the Longjiao man exclaimed.

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