Chapter 1365 Seven rulings! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng looked at the young man in front of him, his sudden enthusiasm made him a little surprised.

This person looks similar to humans, but has a single horn on top of his head. It should be a special race, with a faintly powerful aura exuding from his body, he is a domain master-level powerhouse!

“It’s me!” Wang Teng nodded.

“I have heard of Wang Teng’s name for a long time, and now your reputation in our Seven Star Academy is not small.” The young man smiled meaningfully.

Wang Teng smiled and said modestly. He had learned this situation from Sikong’s second mouth, and there was no need to repeat it.

The reputation of the star list has its advantages and disadvantages, and maybe it can be used!

Not to mention!

Although the young man in front of him looked very enthusiastic, his senior posture was very full and uncomfortable.

He just arrived and didn’t know each other, so there is no need to say more.

“I’m waiting for the logistics staff of the Academy Arbitration Committee. My name is Sally. Now I will take you to your residence.” The young man introduced himself and led everyone on board a small spacecraft and flew towards the mainland. go.

Along the way, Wang Teng and others were all on a warship. It was the first time to get on a spaceship, and finally found a sense of familiarity.

And this is a master class spacecraft, it can be described as extremely luxurious.

And that Sally was a domain master class, and he was quite good to be able to sit on a master class spacecraft.

Judging from his appearance, among the logistics staff of the academy arbitration committee…, he should be regarded as someone of some status.

So when everyone got on this world master-class spacecraft, it was obvious that there was a trace of complacency on his face.

“Dear brothers and sisters, you can fly with a spacecraft within the continent of the Seventh Star Academy, but the spacecraft must be registered, and then I will send you some precautions of the academy. You must remember it clearly, otherwise it will be very It is easy to cause unnecessary trouble.”

At this time everyone was sitting in the hall of the spaceship, Sally glanced over and said lightly.

“This is not my alarmist talk. If you violate the rules of the Academy, members of the arbitration committee will punish you!”

When everyone heard the words, they couldn’t help but feel stunned. It seems that the Star Academy is not so free.

And what kind of existence does the college arbitration committee really exist?

Such doubts flashed in many people’s hearts.

“The Academy Arbitration Committee is an arbitration agency composed of the strongest group of students from the Seven Star Academy. The power comes from the Academy and also from the Star Academy.”

“Nominally, the younger generations of the Seven Star Academy are all within the jurisdiction of the Academy Arbitration Council.”

Seeing everyone’s doubts, Sally smiled slightly and continued.

The genius warriors from all over were surprised that this academy arbitration committee was so powerful that it could actually govern the younger generation of the seven starry sky academies.

And it seems that the backing is very strong!

But as soon as they figured out what kind of academy arbitration committee existed, a starry arbitration committee appeared again here.

For a while, I was confused again.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered. Listening to this, the Academy Arbitration Committee should be an organization within the Academy. As for the Starry Sky Arbitration Committee…

As the name suggests, it is a huge organization under this vast starry sky!

It is hard to imagine, who formed this starry arbitration committee?

Sally smiled slightly, did not explain too much what the Star Tribunal was, just continued:

“The arbitration committee of the Academy is the strongest of the Seven Star Academy. They are all infinite prides who have reached the immortal level within 30,000 years. They are also insurmountable existences in the entire universe, so you should not rush. Challenge the authority of the arbitration committee.”

“Reach immortality in thirty thousand years!!!” Everyone’s eyes widened in shock, as if they had heard something extremely incredible.

That’s immortal!

Many people may not be able to reach the immortal level for 100,000 years!

As a result, the seven Tianjiao in charge of the academy’s arbitration committee reached the immortal level within 30,000 years, which is really unimaginable.

And to become immortal grade with the help of Tianjiao, its weight is completely different.

The same is immortal grade. Some people have appointed them as princes, others have appointed kings, and some are even called venerables. The biggest reason is the huge gap in strength.

Some Tianjiao can fight at a higher level when they are weak. If such a Tianjiao reaches the Immortal rank, the combat power will undoubtedly be very terrifying, and one person can defeat countless opponents of the same rank.

It can be said that the strongest of the seven academies is the kind of people who practice fast and are extremely powerful.

Even if the young warriors present are all geniuses from all major forces, they dare not say that they can reach the Immortal level in 30,000 years, and it would be pretty good to be able to reach the master level.

Just stepping on the continent where the Seven Star Academy is located, they have already felt the heavy pressure!

Even if it was Wang Teng, there was a dignified look in his eyes at this time.

But more, it is a feeling of enthusiasm.

That’s interesting!

It’s so lonely to be invincible by yourself!

And thirty thousand years is too long, he doesn’t want him to reach the immortal level in thirty thousand years.

“The strongest of the seven academies is called the leader, and is also called… the ruling!” Sali saw that these young talented warriors were shocked by him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curve.

When they first entered the Star Academy, it was not so.

However, at that time, they only understood the seven rulings on the surface. After so many years, they really understood what the seven rulings represented, and their awe in their hearts became more and more profound.

Those are seven insurmountable mountains!


Everyone shook in their hearts, as if they saw the seven stalwart and powerful figures pressing on their heads, and the boundless pressure made them unable to breathe.

“Of course, the seven rulings are too far away from you, and they don’t usually overlap. You only need to know their existence.” Sally said lightly.

“And under the seven rulings, there are still many immortal grades, and the realm masters belong to them. If you can grow up in the future and enter the eyes of the seven rulings, you may be favored by the seven rulings.”

“Heh~” Wang Teng couldn’t help but let out a chuckle in his heart.

Just after entering the Star Academy, I gave the freshmen a start, what a great authority!

Which one of the people present is not the supreme genius of the various forces, let them be attached to the seven rulings, this is simply looking down on everyone.

Perhaps this Sally was just unintentional, because he was too awed by the seven rulings in his heart, and now imposes this awe on them.

But for the geniuses present, this is unbearable, even to say that this is a kind of humiliation.

Many young geniuses showed anger and dissatisfaction on their faces. They came to the Star Academy to become stronger, not to become a vassal of a strong person.

Sally smiled faintly, with a hint of joking at the corners of his mouth.

He was the same at the beginning, and he was dissatisfied, but only after experiencing severe beatings would he know the horror of the Seven Rulings.

These geniuses selected from various territories will eventually follow his old path.

Of course, there may be people who can get closer to the seven rulings, but they are only close, such as those immortal and world masters attached to the seven rulings.

They used to be the top geniuses, and their vision was so broad, but now they have been defeated by the seven rulings, and they are willing to surrender.

What’s the difference?

Thinking about it this way, Sally’s playful gaze swept over the young faces in front of them. How would they feel if they remembered today’s events in the future?

It should be very complicated!

It’s just that when he saw one of them, the smile on his face couldn’t bear a slight pause.

That person didn’t have the slightest anger or dissatisfaction on his face, but some were just extremely indifferent, as if the title of the Seven Rulings did not affect him at all.

Wang Teng!

It’s him!

Sally narrowed his eyes, his thoughts tumbling.

It is said that the seven rulings were the Tianjiao who entered the star list!

Wang Teng, it was an accident!

The biggest surprise of this year!

A peerless Tianjiao who has entered the star list, can it really shake the status of the seven judges?

Do not!

It is impossible!

How about getting on the star list, it doesn’t matter if you don’t grow up, there are too many Tianjiao who have fallen in the middle.

And the seven rulings are based on their own strength!

They deserve the respect of everyone!

Only when you get to that point can you talk about it, otherwise everything will be empty talk.

“Too horrible! Too horrible!” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help but muttered, his heart was so shocked, it was so insightful again.

Nima, the Seven Star Academy, is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

Immortal rank is already considered a top-notch existence in the outside world, and as a result, there seem to be many in these seven star academies.

Especially when compared with the seven rulings that reached the immortal rank within 30,000 years, the immortal ranks of the outside world are simply not enough to look at.

“Don’t make a fuss about it, okay, you who lost me.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Yuan Kuan Gu was choked immediately.

This guy’s tone is really big enough!

“That’s the absolute arrogant who has grown into an immortal rank within 30,000 years. You must not underestimate them.” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help saying.

“I didn’t underestimate them, but they are not unsurpassable.” Wang Teng said.

Yuankunkun didn’t know what to say anymore, it wanted to persuade Wang Teng not to be too arrogant, but thinking of Wang Teng’s previous record, it felt that its persuasion seemed a little pale and weak.

Just like this genius battle, it was determined from the beginning that Wang Teng could not make the top ten.

As a result, Wang Teng took the first place and also made the star list!

Its face was beaten and swollen.

Maybe Wang Teng can really surpass the seven rulings.

Thirty thousand years is too difficult for many geniuses to reach the immortal level!

But look at how old Wang Teng is now!

He’s in his early twenties!

It is not impossible to reach the immortal level within 30,000 years.

Chuankuan’s eyes lit up, and it suddenly felt that Wang Teng seemed hopeful, and maybe it could really shake the seven verdicts in the future and replace them.

At that time, Wang Teng became a ruling, and it was not so round.

When people mention the name of adjudication, don’t they mention it round, the intelligent life that helps adjudication all the way.

It’s exciting to think about it, wow ha ha ha…

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