Chapter 1366 (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

On the spaceship.

Sally routinely tells the new students about things in the academy, mostly with some common sense, lest the new students don’t understand anything and violate certain taboos in the academy.

Although the logistic staff of the college arbitration committee was a bit pretending to be a senior, the things that should be done did not fall behind at all.

“Our academy adopts a points system. Points are used for everything, such as accommodation, purchasing exercises, combat skills, weapons, etc., and even the opportunity to enter the secret realm!” Sally said.

“Points!” Everyone listened very carefully, for fear of missing something, but when they heard the secret realm, they were all shocked.

When the genius battle started, they already knew about the secret realm and yearned for this secret realm.

They are still a constant star now, and the reason they are suppressing the breakthrough is to wait for this secret realm to get the benefits of heaven and break through the universe level.

Such a breakthrough can crush the geniuses of the same generation.

This is their spirit, they are all geniuses, and naturally they have to take the strongest path.

And if they can get the benefits in the secret realm, it will be enough to make them stand out from the crowd in the universe.

Now listening to what Sally said, it seems that the places in the Secret Realm can be purchased with points?

Many people had doubts in their hearts and asked them on the spot.

“Senior Sally, can the places in the secret realm be purchased with points?”

“Points are only one of them, and other things are needed. You will know these later.” Sally smiled mysteriously.

Everyone couldn’t help being speechless, half-talking, this kind of person should be dragged out and hacked to death.

“How do you get the points?” someone asked again.

“There are many ways to get points, such as doing tasks, such as learning some insights left by predecessors, getting rankings, etc. Of course, you can also join the college arbitration committee. If I come to receive you today, the college arbitration committee will give me For the mission, I can get the corresponding points.” Sally said.

At this time, everyone knew that Sally had college points to receive new students.

At the same time, under the introduction of the other party, they also knew that the points are equivalent to the outside universe currency, but in the academy, the points are much easier to use than the universe currency.

“Okay, I won’t say much about the specifics. The way to get points is in the college admission guide I sent you. Take a look after you go back.” Sally said.

“Now I will introduce you to where to live!”

“In the academy, student residences are divided into four categories: universe zone, domain master zone, boundary zone, and immortal zone!”

“If you listen to the names of these four accommodation areas, you should be able to know what they mean.”

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, isn’t this divided according to personal realm strength?

“So, the universe can only live in the universe?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s not the case. If you have the ability to squeeze into the corresponding level in the major rankings of the college, you can naturally live in higher-level areas.” Sally said with a meaningful smile.

He knew that would be the case. These genius warriors said that they were proud to be good, and that they were not good to listen to was that their eyes were above the top.

But what is this place, this is the Star Academy, which is not a genius among geniuses, it is difficult, too difficult to get ahead among a group of geniuses!

So this is just a matter of talking.

Everyone thoughtfully.

“Why is there no star area?” someone asked.

Sally looked strange and glanced at this person, and said: “Everyone present is the top ten geniuses in the genius battle. With the secret realm quota, they will soon be able to break through the cosmos level. What is the purpose of this stellar area?”

The man blushed and knew that he had asked a very stupid question.

“What are the rankings?” someone asked.

“The most famous is the college’s top 100 list, the seven star academies, each has a top 100 list.” Sally said.

“Top 100 list!” Everyone was surprised.

The top 100 in the academy, think about it, you know that it’s not that easy to get in.

“You guessed it right. Almost all on the top 100 list are world masters, immortal powers, and no one below the world master can be on the list.” Sally glanced at everyone and said, “So just entered. You of the college, it’s best to take a deep dive instead of thinking about how to get on the list.”

The latter words already carry a bit of warning, although it is a bit of a show, but it can be heard, and it is also for the good of everyone.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered. He wanted to know what kind of strength these geniuses who entered the Starry Sky Academy would have after they were promoted to the world master level?

I’m afraid that even if it is him, it is not so easy for him to fight at a higher level.

“Oh yes, in addition to the top 100 list, there is also a star goddess list. This star goddess list is not only for our academy, but a list of the entire universe goddess. The most beautiful woman in the universe is on the list. And the strength has to be recognized, but this list only belongs to women hahaha.” Sally said at last, he laughed, and that look turned out to be a little wretched.

When the men present heard the star goddess list, their eyes lit up.

Not for the points, but for the words of the most beautiful woman in the universe.

Since this star goddess list includes the goddesses of the entire universe, it is naturally very worth seeing.

Man, who doesn’t like goddesses!

Even genius is no exception.

And the female genius warriors present also showed longing for their faces. If they could make a name on this list, they would die without regret.

This is undoubtedly a great honor for women!

No woman can resist this temptation.

Wang Teng was speechless. This starry sky goddess list seemed very famous. Last time, the instructors of the Seven Stars Academy used the goddesses on the starry sky goddess list to seduce him. Now that I think about it, it is quite absurd.

But it’s also interesting.

I don’t know how beautiful the goddess on the starry sky goddess list is, and can make people so sought after.

Looking at Yue Qiqiao next to him, his two big eyes were about to shine.

Speaking of her appearance and temperament is also very good, I wonder how it compares with the goddesses on the goddess list?

“Sali senior, is there any senior in our academy on the list?” The male warrior below asked curiously.

“Of course there are, and there are a lot of them.” Sally smiled slightly: “If you want to know who it is, you can check it online. The list not only has a detailed introduction, but also their true appearance, although compared with real people. , It’s still a lot worse, but at any rate you can know what they look like.”

The male genius warriors seemed to be beaten up in blood, and they saw a lot of ordinary female warriors, but the warriors on the star goddess list had not yet seen them.

Wang Teng: →_→

MMP is all lsp!

“There are other various lists, I won’t elaborate on them one by one, you can check it yourself.” Sally said, as if thinking of something, he said:

“In addition, you are new students, and everyone should be rewarded with points. According to the ranking of the genius battle, the points rewarded by each person are different.”

“The first place should have 10,000 points, the second place is about 5,000 points, and the third place is 3,000 points. The lower ones are gradually decreasing.”

“You can look at your smart watch. When you enter the Seven Star Academy, your identity information will be automatically entered.”

Everyone quickly looked at their smart watches and checked them.

Sure enough, the certification mark of the Seventh Star Academy appeared in their identity information, and there were also points records.

“Thirty thousand points?” Wang Teng looked at his points, with a look of surprise on his face.

Sally has been paying attention to Wang Teng, and when he sees a different color on his face, he knows that his points are estimated to be more than ten thousand.

This is normal!

If there is no special reward for entering the star list, it is not normal.

“According to the past practice, the students who enter the star list should have three times the points of the usual first place.” Sally said.

“Fuck! Triple!!!” Someone exploded directly.

“That’s 30,000 points!”

“It’s irrational. I only have one thousand points, and he actually has thirty thousand points.”

“It’s so cool to be on the star list with so many benefits.”

Everyone looked at Wang Teng. If they were only dissatisfied with Wang Teng before, then now they are a little bit envious and jealous.

Thirty thousand points, a few blocks away from them, who can stand it.

They all know that this point is their foundation in the academy, and the resources behind it are estimated to be exchanged for points. Wang Teng holds 30,000 points, which is obviously far ahead of them.

“Wang Teng, do you really have 30,000 points? Give me a look.” Yue Qi came over by chance and wanted to see his smart watch, her pretty face full of curiosity and envy.

“It is indeed thirty thousand.” Wang Teng squinted his eyes, glanced at Sally, and said with a faint smile: “It seems that the senior is very clear about all this.”

“Hahaha, after all, everyone is paying attention to you, and it’s not a secret anyway.” Sali laughed.

When everyone saw Wang Teng’s admission, they were even more envious.

The spacecraft flew over the continent of the Seventh Star Academy for a short half an hour, and finally came to an island floating above a huge lake.

Everyone looked down from the spaceship and saw that the island was so huge that it could not see the end at a glance. There were countless manors underneath, row upon row, so luxurious.

The environment on the island is very good, and various natural landscapes can be seen everywhere, just like a real island, which looks very comfortable.

Living in such an environment will make you feel very happy.

“The universe area is here, and the building below has a door sign indicating whether it is inhabited or not. You can choose any uninhabited one.” Sally smiled to everyone.

“If there is anything else, the college will notify you through a smart watch.”

“The rest of the cultivation matters are up to you to find out for yourself.”

“Then, I will send you all here, and I wish you all a happy life in the Seventh Star Academy!”

At this point, everyone knew that this person’s mission was over, and it was time for them to leave.

The spacecraft did not land, and everyone flew out directly from the hatch in the abdomen of the spacecraft and landed on the island.

“Wang Teng, let’s find a townhouse where the three of us are closer, so we might have a caregiver.” Yue Qi cleverly looked around and said.

“I have no problem, you just live in the same manor as me and I am very happy.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Shameless!” Yue Qiqiao suddenly made a big red face and cursed.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng didn’t care, he laughed, and then looked at the emperor beside him: “Brother Yunxian, how about you.”

“Yes!” Yu Yunxian nodded plainly, as if he didn’t intend to be a lonely person.

“Then start looking.” Wang Teng glanced around in the sky, his eyes lit up suddenly: “That place is nice, be quiet!”

The place that Wang Teng chose was at the foot of a verdant mountain peak, the mountain was shaded by trees, the environment was pleasant, and it was overgrown with exotic flowers and plants. The Force alone was stronger than other places, and it was an excellent place for cultivation.

“Such a good position, it is estimated that other people have already occupied it.” Yue Qiqiao said.

“Look at it first before speaking.” Wang Teng had already seen it with [Pupils of True Sight], and found that there was only one manor over there, and the other buildings were probably empty, but this obviously couldn’t be said directly.

Soon the three of them came to the foot of the mountain.

There are a total of four manors here, built around the mountain peaks, and they are very quiet. Each manor is full of ancient times, and there are various plants growing around, and some have even climbed onto the outer walls of the manor.

Wang Teng likes this environment very much.

“Hey, there is really no one.” Yue Qiqiao said in surprise: “What a good place, there is only one person living in it.”

There is an electronic screen on the gate of the manor, and three of the manors are indeed marked with the words uninhabited, which happens to be occupied by the three of them.

“In that case, the three of us will choose a manor to live in.” Wang Teng smiled.

Naturally, Yue Qiqiao and Yu Yunxian had no opinion. They each chose a manor. Although they were separated by a certain distance, they were still close together.

For a warrior like them, such a close distance, coupled with the reaction time, does not take a few seconds to reach.

If anything happens in the future, the three people can also take care of each other.

The three of them didn’t say much. They just arrived, and what they need most now is to get acquainted with the Seventh Star Academy.

“No. 1568!” Wang Teng looked at the house number, and opened the door of the manor with his smart watch. The electronic screen on the door immediately changed to the words “Inhabited”, and then he pushed the door and walked in. .

These manors are mainly large enough and cover a wide area, with a few buildings in the center and grasslands on the periphery.

Wang Teng walked around at random and got to know the manor well. The manor’s facilities are complete. It is a living villa with luxurious and spacious interior. All the facilities are new, without any sense of oldness, nor can it be seen. No trace of anyone living in it, I don’t know how to do it.

In addition, there is a huge training ground, which is cast with extremely hard metal and inscribed with runes, which can withstand powerful attacks.

Even next to the training ground, Wang Teng found a swimming pool, spacious and comfortable, with cold water, and a device for controlling the water temperature next to it. After the training, it must be very comfortable to come over and take a dip.

Of course, if you ask Yue Qiqiao, Leng Qianxue and others to come and paddle together, you will definitely be happier.

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