Chapter 1364 Are You A Little Sister? (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Seven Star Academy, there are seven…Continents!!!”

The second prince Yu Yuanrui, Ji Haochen and others all opened their eyes wide, shocked in their hearts, unable to calm down for a long time.

Even Wang Teng couldn’t help showing a hint of shock on his face.

In the universe, various celestial bodies can be seen everywhere, such as planets, stars, black holes, and even supergiant stars.

But it was the first time that Wang Teng had seen such a huge continent.

In the virtual universe, many forces exist in the form of continents, but this is in reality.

In this mang universe, there are continents, which is really unimaginable.

Moreover, all the celestial bodies around that continent are reduced to foils. Planets, stars, etc., are just appendages of that continent.

Therefore, everyone will be so shocked!

They can’t even use words to describe their feelings at the moment.

The young warriors present are all top geniuses in various territories. They have never seen what kind of existence, but when they saw the seven continents today, their knowledge was completely subverted.

“Everyone, how about our Seven Star Academy?” An immortal existence opened his mouth and smiled faintly.

Everyone finally came back to their senses, looking at the immortal mentor, they didn’t know how to describe it.


A group of immortal warriors couldn’t help laughing when they saw their appearance.

I think that when they first came to the Seven Star Academy, it was not the case, but that was all many epochs ago.

There was a trace of remembrance in the eyes of many immortal existences, but they quickly disappeared and were hidden by a touch of depth.

“Teacher, how big is this continent?” Wang Teng asked in a low voice to Sikong Second.

“Each continent spans hundreds of thousands of light years.” Sikong said secondly.

“Hundreds of thousands of light years!!!” Wang Teng was secretly speechless.

The battle star that held the genius battle before was a superstar, already very huge, at least several times that of the earth star.

But compared with these seven continents, they are like sesame seeds on a big pie, not comparable.

“It’s too big, it’s really too big. I didn’t expect such a existence in the universe.” A round and shocking voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.

Don’t blame it for making a fuss, no matter who sees these seven continents for the first time, they will have such an expression.

What’s more, it used to be just a hillbilly in the intelligent life, and now it has been able to gain insights after following Wang Teng.

Chuankuan felt that he was right with the person again.

From now on it will be…

Real, well-informed, and round!

“Seven terrifying continents, I don’t know if they were formed naturally, or…man-made?” Yuan Kuan asked.

And this was also the biggest doubt in Wang Teng’s heart, he asked Sikong Second.

“Guess!” Sikong Second looked at him mysteriously and smiled.

“…” Wang Teng.

Goose all day long, and finally be pecked by the geese.

These two words are what Wang Teng likes most to use to gag others, but he did not expect that he would be treated like this today.

It’s really Feng Shui turns!

“Can’t guess.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said.

“Okay! Okay! You kid really cooperates at all.” Sikong Second shook his head, and then said, “In fact, we don’t know.”


Wang Teng glanced at him.

Tutor, you are really a dog!

You pretend to be mysterious about things you don’t know.

Of course, he only dared to spit out these words in his heart. In any case, he was an immortal powerhouse and couldn’t be offended.

At this time, the warship under their feet continued to fly forward at extreme speed.

Although the continent in front of me seemed to be close, it took more than three hours for the warship to fly before it really approached the continent.

The closer they were, the more they were shocked by the vastness of the mainland.

“Instructor, do these seven continents correspond to the seven star academies?” a genius warrior asked.

“Yes, although the seven star academies are called seven academies, to a certain extent, the seven star academies are one, so all the seven star academies are here. Each continent in front of you represents an academy. Later, there will be warships from the respective schools to pick you up, and you will be separated here.” The immortal existence said.

Everyone suddenly realized why they had to gather together. It turned out that the seven star academies were in the same place.

“Wang Teng, the stars around the mainland seem to be rune force weapons.” Yuan Gungun said suddenly.

The distance was too far just now to be able to see clearly, and when he got close at this time, Yuan Kuanguo found an abnormality.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he looked towards the nearest planet, and he saw the traces of the rune force weapon.

He is the master of runes, and the fluctuations that the runes emit can’t be hidden from his eyes.

“That is a rune force weapon.” Sikong Second noticed Wang Teng’s gaze, and said with a smile: “There are many dangers in the chaotic star sea. Without these weapons, other dangerous creatures will always approach the Seven Star Academy.”

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully.

“Look, there is a chaotic star sea creature there.” Sikong Second suddenly pointed to a place and said.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and Sikong, the follower, looked in the second direction.

Under the chaotic liquid energy of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, a huge black shadow flashed past, and then suddenly rushed towards the third continent in the middle.

It was an extremely ferocious star beast with a body as large as a planet. It opened its blood basin and opened its mouth as if it was about to swallow something.

Star behemoth!

This is a real star behemoth! ! !

Many people on the battleship exclaimed.

Even if they just looked from a distance, they felt the horror of the behemoth in the starry sky.

This is a middle-ranked emperor star beast, but it exudes an extremely fierce and terrifying aura, the feeling is far beyond the average middle-ranked emperor star beast.

The young warriors present are all geniuses who can fight beyond the ranks. Everyone has killed the middle-ranked emperor star beast.

But when facing this star beast, their complexion changed slightly, and a dignified look flashed in their eyes.

Wang Teng turned on [Pupils of True Sight], with strong eyesight, as if he saw a person in front of the star behemoth.


At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded.

Above the mainland, a blade of light flashed, and it collided with the giant star beast.

The appearance of that sword light also changed the complexion of many people. They asked themselves that they could not make such an attack.

The shot is very strong!

But the light of the knife fell on the surface of the giant starry sky beast, but it only left a scar on the surface of the giant starry sky beast, and did not kill it.


The behemoth in the starry sky let out a roar like a frenzy, covered in blood, and rushed to the mainland even more frantically.


A beam of light suddenly shot out from a planet, and instantly pierced the body of the behemoth in the starry sky, and the roar stopped abruptly.

Behemoth in the starry sky, death!

There was silence all around, and everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

“It’s so powerful!” The rounded voice said solemnly.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and his heart was slightly shocked.

If he didn’t guess wrong, the person who shot it before should be a genius student of the Star Academy, with cosmic strength, but the opponent can’t solve the star behemoth of the same level with a single blow, which is a bit surprised.

But this rune force weapon did it, one hit kills!

What a terrifying power this is!

The background of the Seven Star Academy is surprising.

And this is probably only the first defense. The real defense should be on the seven continents.

“How do you feel?” Sikong asked with a smile.

“Very strong!” Wang Teng replied, picking up the attribute bubbles dropped by the death of the star behemoth just now.

I made a lot of blank attributes in vain, and I feel happy!

“There are a lot of weapons like this. This is not the strongest. The strongest weapon can kill the behemoth in the starry sky equal to the immortal rank.” Sikong said secondly.

When Wang Teng and the young warriors around him heard these words, they were all shocked and took a deep breath.

It is too exaggerated to be able to kill even the star behemoth equal to the immortal rank.

Judging from the strength of the middle-ranked emperor star beast just now, even if it was a giant star beast equivalent to the immortal rank, its strength was by no means comparable to that of an ordinary immortal rank.


The warship landed on a planet close to seven continents. There were already warships from the Seven Star Academy waiting for it. Wang Teng once again said goodbye to Yu Yuanrui, Ji Haochen and others.

“Brother Lan Deng, you are in the Third Samsung Air Academy, I will go to play with you in the future.” Wang Teng saw Lan boarding the battleship of the Third Samsung Air Academy and waved his hand.

“It’s easy to talk.” Lan Deng’s eyes twitched and nodded with a smile.

“Why are you always staring at him?” Yue Qi Qiao stood beside Wang Teng and asked in a low voice.

“Is there? I just think he is special, how close should he be?” Wang Teng said noncommittal.

Then everyone boarded the warships of their respective colleges and flew to the seven continents.

Yu Yue Qiqiao and Wang Teng belong to the Seventh Star Academy and… the emperor!

Wang Teng did not expect that the emperor of the Dagan Empire would also choose the Seventh Star Academy.

And this was the first time he saw this emperor in these days.

The emperor had stayed in the cabin before and never showed up.

He still looks like that, the light covers his face, his face cannot be seen clearly, and his temperament is extremely detached.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of many people!

The emperor is too dazzling, no matter where he goes, he is the focus.

Many people even guess who he is and why he has never seen him on the giant warship before.

Sikong Second glanced at him when the emperor appeared, and an unidentified light flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t say much.

Wang Teng had a panoramic view of all this, and many thoughts flashed in his heart.

“Wang Teng, what the hell did you say about this emperor? Why was he let out again?” A voice suddenly rang in Wang Teng’s ear, it was a sound transmission.

Wang Teng glanced at Yue Qi and said, “Where do I know, I can’t see anything abnormal.”

“I always think he is a little weird, shall we stay away from him in the future?” Yue Qiqiao seemed to belong to the same academy as Wang Teng, so she couldn’t help being closer to him.

“It depends on the situation, I can beat it anyway.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Yue Qi was cleverly speechless.

I almost forgot, this guy in front of me is a monster that even the emperor after demonization can defeat.

At this time, Wang Teng took the initiative to walk over and asked the emperor: “Are you…have your health better?”

Yue Qiqiao: (# ̄~ ̄#)

Just said that he should not take the initiative to provoke the emperor, and this guy ran up.

How confident is this?

The emperor looked at Wang Teng and didn’t know what his expression was. After a long silence, he said, “It’s better!”

“It’s better, why don’t you cultivate more.” Wang Teng patted the emperor on the shoulder, and then said in a big brother-like tone: “From now on, everyone will be students of the Seventh Star Academy. We must help each other. what.”

Yue Qi’s eyebrows jumped when she saw it.

“Good!” The emperor was silent for a while before spitting out a word.

“By the way, I don’t know what your name is. You can’t always call the emperor’s son.” Wang Teng said.

During the battle for geniuses, the emperor was the only one who remained unnamed, which made Wang Teng very strange.

“Yu Yunxian!” The emperor said directly without concealing it at this time.

“Yun Yunxian, a good name, but why does it sound like a girl.” Wang Teng exclaimed, then looked at him strangely, and asked in a low voice, “Aren’t you a young lady?”

“…” Yu Yunxian.

“…” Yue Qiqiao.

What kind of brainpower is this person, this emperor is obviously a man, okay, how could it be a young lady, when they are blind?

And what’s the use of you being so quiet, as if someone couldn’t hear it.

“Not really?” Wang Teng widened his eyes.

“…No!” Yu Yunxian’s tone obviously fluctuated sharply.

“That’s good, that’s good, otherwise I thought I was taking advantage of you.” Wang Teng patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief.

During the game, he hit the emperor’s chest many times, and he was not soft in words. It seemed that he was indeed a man.

“…” Yu Yunxian.

Yue Qi accidentally didn’t know what Yu Yunxian’s mood was now, but if it were her, it was estimated that her mentality would have exploded.

In the distance, a group of people were shocked when they heard Wang Teng calling Yu Yunxian the emperor, and they started talking.

“It turns out that he is the emperor of the Dagan Empire. I heard that he has a very wide reputation!”

“Yes, it is said that he traveled to other territories and fought against geniuses in other territories before the battle for geniuses.”

“Unexpectedly, he actually lost to that Wang Teng!”

“Is that Wang Teng really that strong?”

“It’s definitely not a fluke to be on the star list.”


The warship entered the scope of the seventh continent and slowly landed in a spaceship mooring port.

Under the leadership of several instructors from Sikong Second Class, Wang Teng and others got off the battleship and came to the ground.

There are already many young men and women wearing college uniforms waiting in the port of anchorage. After seeing the second class of Sagong, one of the young men headed by them greeted him: “Instructor Sikong, instructor Panchong…”

“Yeah!” The second group of Sikong nodded: “These new students will be arranged by you.”

“Don’t worry, mentor, we will arrange it.” The young man said respectfully.

The second class of Sikong nodded, and then turned to Wang Teng and said, “Come to me if you have anything to do.” Then he flew away.

The group of young men and women in college uniforms suddenly looked at Wang Teng with surprise, and then seemed to recognize him.

“You are Wang Teng’s younger brother?” The young man named the leader stepped forward and smiled.

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