Chapter 1363 The Seven Star Academy are here! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

When a group of immortal-level powerhouses heard that Sikong’s second catch was a few large yellow croakers, they actually wanted to share the benefits for the first time.

This silver scale large yellow croaker seemed very attractive in their eyes.

“Don’t think about it, I don’t have enough four silver scale large yellow croaker, how can I give it to you.” Sikong had expected this scene the next morning, hehe smiled.

“Damn, you bitch, you did it deliberately!” Shan Cheng couldn’t help but explode with a swear word.

This bastard made them envious of speaking out, old Versailles!

“Hahaha…” Sikong Second couldn’t help laughing.

“Second Sikong, you are too much. There are good things that you don’t want to share with you. Four large yellow croakers, you have three are enough. Take the three-meter long one and give us one point.” The immortal powerhouse who just caught the black saury said straightforwardly: “The big deal, I will trade this black saury for you.”

“No, no, what is the black saury, it won’t help me at all.” Sikong second refused without thinking.

“The black saury can train the flesh for the younger generation of warriors, so it’s useless.” Geng Zhizhen refused.

“That’s not as good as my silver scale large yellow croaker.” Sikong second proudly said.

“Okay, don’t you guys see it? He is just crying in front of us.” Shunzhen said in a huff: “What’s so great, watch me catch a few more later.”

“Hehe, then you fish, you will be considered great if you catch it.” Sagong smiled secondly.

Others also knew that Sikong’s second guess would not be used, and they all despised him severely.

“After talking for a long time, what exactly did Wang Teng catch?” asked an immortal powerhouse with a purple lin armor all over his body.

“Yes, what he caught is even more precious than your four silver scale yellow croaker!” The others were also curious and asked one after another.

“It’s a Lei Ling!” Sikong No. 2 said directly without selling it.

“Lei Ling!!!”

Even if they were immortal powerhouses, they couldn’t help being shocked when they heard of Lei Ling’s natural nurturing thing.

“Are you kidding?” Pan Zhao frowned and looked at Sikong Second.

“If you don’t believe me, call him up and ask, you’ll know if you don’t.” Sikong said secondly.

“Well, you call him up, we old guys want to see what this Thunder Spirit is like.” Geng Zhizhen said.

Sikong No. 2 didn’t say much, and directly shouted to the following: “Wang Teng, come up.”

Wang Teng was chatting with everyone when he heard Sikong’s second voice suddenly, he couldn’t help but looked up.

The others looked at the mentors with surprise, and then at Wang Teng.

Seeing this, it seems that the immortal mentors are looking for Wang Teng for something.

Many people have a look of envy on their faces, and the genius who has made the star list is amazing, even the immortal mentor pays such attention to him.

“I’ll go up and take a look.” Wang Teng said to the second prince and the others, and flew onto the upper deck.

“You said, what does the instructor tell Wang Teng to do?” Ji Haochen couldn’t help asking.

“Who knows, maybe I want to see him, the genius who made the star list.” The second prince Yu Yuan Rui said.

Wang Teng came to the upper deck.

A group of immortal powerhouses looked at him, and he couldn’t help but make his heart jump, and he was a little nervous.

Only through close contact can he feel the pressure that this group of Immortal Grades brings to him, even though they did not show the slightest aura.

But that kind of gap in the realm of life still makes people feel uncomfortable.

“Wang Teng, take out the Lei Ling you caught earlier and show it to a few instructors.” At this moment, Sikong Second said directly.

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and looked at Sikong for a second time with some speechlessness. Is this using his Thunder Spirit to pretend to be a force?

If a mentor actually does this kind of thing, his face is thick enough!

But since the other party had spoken, and so many Immortal mentors were watching, he could only release Thunder Spirit.


The Thunder Spirit appeared in front of everyone like a dumpling.

It still didn’t know what was going on, thought it was a meal, and made a happy “grumbling”, ready to receive feeding.

But there was nothing, only a group of wolf-like eyes.

Those immortal mentors all looked at Lei Ling with bright eyes, as if they had seen some treasure.


Being stared at by a group of Immortal Grades, Lei Ling was shocked and rushed directly to Wang Teng’s head, shaking with fright.

When it was caught by Wang Teng before, it was frightened by Sikong Second, so he didn’t dare to act rashly. Now that so many Immortal Grades are staring at it, the feeling is not to mention how terrible it is.

“Hahaha, this little thing was terrified by you.” Sikong Second couldn’t help laughing.

Wang Teng was speechless, where Lei Ling was not going, what was going on with him on his head, it felt like an extra hat.

After comforting him, Lei Ling knew that there was no danger, and flew down honestly and landed on Wang Teng’s palm.

“Sure enough, it is Lei Ling, there is a strong thunder and lightning power in the body!” Pan Zhao exclaimed: “And the spiritual intelligence is not low!”

“It’s a newborn Thunder Spirit, was this really caught?” Geng Zhizhen asked in disbelief.

“It was indeed caught in the Void Turbulence Zone. Instructor Sikong wanted to compete with me, but I accidentally caught a Thunder Spirit. It was all luck.” Wang Teng said shyly.

But listening to everyone’s ears, it’s not like that.

The kid MMP is also a Versailles!

It’s no wonder that a Tianjiao who is on the star list will be turned back by Sikong second, is this considered similar?

“Your luck is also good enough. I have never seen anyone who can catch a natural elf life body like Lei Ling in the Void Turbulence Belt.” Geng Zhizhen shook his head and said with emotion.

Others also sighed, looking at Wang Teng a little differently.

It seems that Tianjiao who can be on the star list is indeed somewhat unusual.

In Wang Teng’s view, he was able to catch Lei Ling because he possessed Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder, and Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder was picked up by the system Baba, so everything belongs to the system Baba.

But in the eyes of these immortal grades, it represents a kind of long luck.

People with this kind of luck can often go farther.

Now they think that Wang Teng is likely to be such a person, so their attitude towards Wang Teng is a little better.

A Tianjiao with long luck, the future is boundless, they don’t mind to forge a little good destiny now.

Of course, that’s all, the immortal-level powerhouse is not going to catch up with a young warrior.

Still the same sentence, Tianjiao is just Tianjiao, and it is nothing before it has grown up.

If Wang Teng knew what they were thinking, he would probably laugh out loud.

Invisible brain supplement, the most deadly!

Sikong saw this scene second, and the corners of his mouth showed a curve.

He did everything he could. To take the multi-attribute route would require too much resources. This road was difficult to follow. Since he dragged Wang Teng down to the Seventh Star Academy, he naturally hoped that Wang Teng could go even further. Far away, and building a network is the first step.

In the academy, the immortal-level powerhouses can be regarded as top-notch existence. If they can be favored by these immortal-level powerhouses, Wang Teng will have a lot less resistance in the academy in the future.

After chatting for a while, Sikong second sent Wang Teng back.

Wang Teng was very sorry. He still wondered if Sikong Second could give him another chance to fish, but it was a pity.

Such an opportunity is really hard to come by.

In the future, unless he gets a warship by himself, a fishing rod that can be used to fish in the Sea of ​​Chaos, he won’t even think about fishing here.

However, he quickly understood Sikong Second’s painstaking efforts, revealing that Lei Ling was just an introduction. In fact, the other party wanted him to show his face in front of those immortal mentors, paving the way for his future cultivation career in Starry Sky Academy.

“This tutor is really…” Wang Teng smiled and shook his head, with a hint of gratitude rising in his heart.

Wang Teng returned to Ji Haochen and the others and found that everyone was looking at him curiously.

“Why are you looking at me like this?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking.

“Wang Teng, did you hug the thighs of immortal mentors?” Ji Haochen leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

“How is it possible, that is an immortal powerhouse, how can he hold his thighs so well?” Wang Teng said calmly.

“We’ve all seen it, you and those teachers are very good at talking.” Di Moses also said.

“You are wrong, they just asked me some questions.” Wang Teng said.

“Wang Teng, this is wrong with you. Everyone is your own. Take us with you if you have good things. How can you eat alone.” Ji Haochen suddenly hooked Wang Teng’s neck and said.

“Go and go.” Wang Teng slapped him away without saying it directly, but said through a voice transmission: “It’s just a familiar face. Don’t talk nonsense about it.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up and nodded one after another.

They and Wang Teng came from the same place, so naturally they have to hug each other to keep warm. The better Wang Teng is, the better they can live in the Star Academy in the future.

For the next time, Wang Teng and others were cultivating on the battleship and did not move around.

For people who have come to Luan Xinghai for the first time, it is indeed a bit strange at first, but after watching more, you will find that it is actually very boring.

Of course, it would be more interesting if they could fish every day like their instructors.

After all, there are always some weird things caught up, just like opening a blind box, there may be surprises.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On the third day, the warship shook slightly, and everyone who was practicing in the cabin felt something, and they rushed out and came to the deck.

Ahead, in the vast and dreamy ocean of energy, many stars surround the center, and seven huge continents appear in front of everyone.

In the center of each continent, there is a tall and majestic mountain that occupies almost half of the continent.

Every continent is surrounded by various planets, satellites, stars and other celestial bodies, which is magical and unusual.

“Everyone, the Seven Star Academy is here!” A voice sounded.

Wang Teng and the others were speechless, and they all watched this scene in shock.

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