Chapter 1362 You haven’t fished, you don’t understand! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng did not ask much about the emperor of the Dagan Empire.

Because Yu Yuanrui and the others are completely secretive, they know that they don’t want to say more at a glance, and even by looking at them, they probably don’t know much.

But it’s also right, when it comes to such secret things, it really is not something young warriors like them can know.

Genius, after all, just genius!

They have not yet reached the level of being able to master all the secrets!

It is estimated that there are not many people like Wang Teng who know a little about everything and don’t know anything.

“Wang Teng, they seem to be watching you.” Ji Haochen’s voice interrupted Wang Teng’s thoughts.

“Who is looking at me? Men and women?” Wang Teng looked curious and looked around.

Everyone: “…”

Is there a beautiful woman looking at my face? What’s the matter?

Is this guy really a boring man?

“Almost everyone is watching you.” Di Moses whispered dumbfoundedly.

“I thought it was a beauty who saw my peerless face and fell under my big pants.” Wang Teng said regretfully.

Everyone: “…”

“You have to be shameless.” Yue Qiqiao couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

On the side of Leng Qianxue’s pretty face full of coldness, at this moment, she also showed a non-seeing expression.

This man is shameless!

Wang Teng always gave her a sense of unreality, obviously very strong, but so inconsistent, completely different from other arrogant geniuses.

But Wang Teng also has arrogance, his arrogance lies in his heart, and that arrogance will only be revealed when others touch some of his bottom lines.

In the battle for geniuses, she had already seen this clearly.

“My face is so handsome, of course I want it.” Wang Teng said at Yue Qiqiao.

“…” Yue Qiqiao suddenly became more speechless.

The cheapest is invincible.

This person has reached a certain level of shamelessness.

“They should all know that you are on the star list.” The second prince Yu Yuanrui smiled and shook his head and said.

“Know it, know what else can I do.” Wang Teng looked around and said indifferently.

There is even some expectation in his heart. With so many geniuses, they are all attribute bubbles, and I hope they will come over to trouble him soon.

“Your heart is really big.” Ji Haochen said.

“These people are only the second, the Tianjiao in the Star Academy is your biggest trouble.” The second prince Yu Yuanrui reminded.

“I know.” Wang Teng nodded and saw Lan Deng who was silent on the side. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: “Oh Lan Deng, you are here, too. Has the Parax family targeted me lately? plan?”

“???” Everyone.

“??” Lan Deng also looked dazed, this guy is too unreasonable to play cards, is there such a question about this kind of thing?

“Isn’t there? It shouldn’t be. Those old things in your Parax family hate me to death.” Wang Teng rubbed his chin and said suspiciously.

“Ahem.” Lan Deng gave a dry cough, with a wry smile on his face: “Brother Wang, I rarely participate in family matters.”

“Impossible, you are the only genius of your Parax family to join the Seven Star Academy this time.” Wang Teng said in disbelief.

He was still very curious about this Landon in his heart. This person did not have the indifference and arrogance inherent in the Parax family, and he had never shown any hostility to him.

This is weird!

All the members of the Parax family hated him deeply, but this one had no such hatred.

Either he hides too well, or he doesn’t have much sense of belonging to the Parax family.

Either way, it is worthy of Wang Teng’s attention.

What’s more, there is news of [Gray Flame] on the other party.

“Whether you believe it or not, I have no prejudice against you, Brother Wang,” Landon said with a sincere expression.

“Is that so?” Wang Teng smiled meaningfully, patted his shoulder and said: “Then we should get along well in the Star Academy.”

“Definitely! Definitely!” Lan Deng smiled and nodded.

The others are all looking weird, is it serious that these two people look so friendly?

Wang Teng and others were chatting, and others were talking in low voices, and the object of the discussion was undoubtedly Wang Teng.

“That is Wang Teng who made the star list!”

“It looks ordinary, except for a better-looking appearance, but I don’t see anything special.”

“That’s the star list, shouldn’t the person who can be on the star list be an extremely dazzling talent.”

“It is said that this person is from the Great Emperor Empire of the Glazed Light Territory, and there has also been a Tianjiao who has appeared on the star list, and it seems that he has a profound background.”

“By the way, he actually chose the Seventh Star Academy, I don’t know what he thought?”

“Yes, the first three Starry Sky Colleges were not selected, but the seventh Starry Sky College at the end was chosen.”

“I heard that he has mastered many kinds of force. Isn’t it because of this?”

“There are many of us who have a variety of forces, but no one chooses the Seventh Star Academy. Everyone knows what the Seventh Star Academy is all about. Choosing that path is a dead end after all.”

“Too unwise!”

“I seem to have seen the end of a Tianjiao.”

“I don’t know how strong this Wang Teng is, has anyone come up and test it?”

“Why don’t you go? Let’s call you cheer.”


There are a lot of people talking, but if they really want them to test Wang Teng, no one wants to be this early bird.

They are not stupid. Tianjiao who can be on the star list is definitely not weak.

Even if you want to challenge Wang Teng, you have to enter the Star Academy for a few years.

Many people think that Wang Teng’s choice of the Seventh Star Academy is extremely stupid. It is good to say that he is unwise. In fact, many people laugh at Wang Teng in their hearts.

They probably felt that after choosing the Seventh Star Academy, no matter how talented Wang Teng was, he would be half ruined.

Even if they are not as good as Wang Teng now, they can definitely catch up after a few years.

Such examples were not unavailable before.

Many Tianjiao who entered the Seventh Star Academy were full of self-confidence at the beginning, but after a few years, everyone was confused.

This is why the Seventh Star Academy has been at the bottom.

Of course, this “people” refers to ordinary geniuses.

After all, the Seventh Star Academy is still the Star Academy.

After waiting for about two or three hours, the battleship suddenly shook and flew towards the sky.

“Going to go!”

The genius warriors on the battleship were shocked. Many of them had been waiting for several days, and now they could finally set off.

Wang Teng, Ji Haochen and others also stood up and looked out of the battleship.

I saw the warship flew straight out of the meteorite star underfoot and entered the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

The endless chaotic liquid energy rushed in, but all was broken by this huge warship, and the warship was like a sharp knife, brazenly sailing toward the depths of the chaotic sea of ​​stars.

The talented warriors on the ship were greatly shocked, all of them gathered around the edge of the ship to watch this wonder.

Generally speaking, as a genius warrior, their vision is naturally not small, but it is the first time for them to see such a magnificent scene.

Luan Xinghai has a great reputation in the outside world, but it is also confined to the strong.

These genius warriors have never been here.

For many genius warriors, they even saw the Void Turbulence Zone for the first time.

“Look, what are the mentors doing?” someone whispered.

Many people looked upwards, the deck of this battleship had two floors, the young talented warriors were all on the next floor, and the immortal mentors were on the upper floor.


“They seem to be fishing!!”

A cry of exclamation came from the mouths of these talented warriors. They were all shocked when they saw someone fishing in the chaotic sea for the first time.

Wang Teng also looked up, his eyes surprised.

He thought of a lot. It seems that not only the Void Turbulence Belt can be fished, but the Chaos Star Sea is also a holy place for fishing.

Otherwise, how could Sikong Second carry a fishing rod with him!

After all, the Void Turbulence Belt is not so easy to encounter, which immortal powerhouse would go to the Void Turbulence Belt to go fishing without having to do anything.

Now that I see this scene, the explanation is clear.

Because the seven star academies are in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the instructors of these seven star academies must usually fish.

“This Luan Xinghai can actually fish!”

There was a surprised voice from Ji Haochen and others.

Wang Teng laughed secretly in his heart. If they knew that he had fished himself, they wouldn’t know what their expression would be.

“I don’t know what’s underneath?” Ji Haochen asked in surprise.

“There are fish.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

“There are fish?” Ji Haochen and the others looked over and said suspiciously: “Impossible, it is not necessarily fish that you are fishing. Knowing that this is a sea of ​​chaotic stars, not a real ocean, I think they might actually be fishing for other things.”

“What you said makes sense.” Wang Teng glanced at him, his expression a little weird.

I haven’t fished, I don’t understand?

This guy said it was right, and people who didn’t know thought he had fished it.

But what Ji Haochen said is not wrong, there should be more weird things under this chaotic sea of ​​stars.

Those immortal mentors are not necessarily fishing, they may prefer to catch other things.

At this time, one of the instructors seemed to have better luck, the fishing rod was suddenly pulled down, and something was hooked.


A loud laugh came from above, and the instructor slammed hard, and a huge black fish was pulled out of the chaotic sea of ​​stars by him. The liquid energy splashed around, like water droplets under the sun, glowing with crystals. Light.

Everyone looked at Ji Haochen!

Who just said that fishing is not necessarily fish?

Isn’t this a fish?

They almost believed the nonsense.

“Ahem, it turned out to be a fish.” Ji Haochen gave a dry cough, his face muscles twitched, embarrassing cancer was committed.

The fish passing in midair just passed in front of him, and a pair of dead fish eyes met him for a second, as if laughing at him.

“It’s okay, there must be other things besides fish below.” Wang Teng suffocated a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted.

“…” Ji Haochen.

It’s okay not to be comforted. With this comfort, he feels even more embarrassed.

He glared at Wang Teng fiercely. This guy is making fun of him, right, must be.

“Puff!” Yueqi next to him saw his expression and finally couldn’t help laughing.

As a result, Ji Haochen’s face became darker, and this time he was really embarrassed to leave his grandma’s house.

If the first instructor had not caught a fish, he would not have been so embarrassed.

It just happened that he just vowed to say that he couldn’t be fishing. The first instructor caught a fish, and it happened to pass in front of him.

This is not what slaps are!

At the same time, on the upper deck of the battleship, several instructors were chatting.

“It’s actually a black saury!”

The crowd gathered in front of the black fish, making comments.

The instructor who caught this black fish was an old man in his fifties who seemed quite happy.

The black saury is a big fish with a dark body and the shape of a knife. This kind of fish is also considered a precious fish. It has very good meat quality and can strengthen the body of the domain master class warrior. Although it does not have much effect on them, it is good for some young people. For the warrior, it is a good thing.

“Old Geng, it seems that you were lucky today, and you just caught a black saury in a while.” Someone said.

“Hahaha, it’s just the beginning, it’s just the beginning, everyone will estimate that it is not bad.” Geng Zhizhen waved his hand and smiled.

“Second Sagong, do you want to compare with me today?” At this moment, the man next to him suddenly spoke to Sagong a second time.

“No!” Sikong held the fishing rod in his second hand, without looking back, the old god said.

“Oh, Sagong number two, haven’t you always been loyal to the competition? Why is it not the same today.” someone next to him said.

“Oh, don’t mention it.” Sikong No.2 could not give face to Shanjiao, but he had to give face to other instructors, and said depressedly: “I just lost to a junior these days ago, so I really don’t have the interest to compare.”

“Lost to a junior!”

“No, you will lose to a junior?”

“Could it be that you let the water out?”

Everyone was stunned and talked a lot.

“What are you doing to lie to you, do you lose to a junior, I still have a face?” Sikong Second said silently.

“Who did you lose to, tell us about it.” Someone said.

“Here, that’s the one below.” Sikong made a second effort.

“Hey, isn’t that the only little guy who has been on the star list this year? It seems to be called Wang Teng, right.” The immortal powerhouses have such memory, they instantly recognized Wang Teng.

“Yes, it’s him.” Sikong nodded second.

This time everyone believed it a little, but all such arrogances had something unusual, especially the luck that even they couldn’t speak of.

“What did he catch?” Shan Cheng couldn’t help asking.

“Let me tell you first, what did I catch?” Sikong Second smiled suddenly, and everyone’s appetite was lifted.

“All right, you said.” Everyone also knows Sikong Second’s temperament.

“I caught four large yellow croaker, one of them even reached three meters in length.” Sikong Second said quite proudly.

“Silver scale big yellow croaker!”

“Really, shit, what kind of luck are you.”

The immortal powerhouses unexpectedly yelled with envy: “No, the listener has a share, quickly take it out and divide it.”

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