Chapter 1361 Confusing! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Being on the star list is of great significance. You also have to carry a lot of things on your back.” Sikong said secondly.

“Bearing a lot of things? What do you mean by the instructor?” Wang Teng asked.

“For example, there must be a lot of people in the Star Academy who refuse to accept you, I am afraid they will not help but come to trouble you hahaha…” Sikong Second smirked and laughed.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless.

He has been targeted by a bunch of people before he enters the Seven Star Academy?

Can I not go to school anymore?

Is he too late to leave now?

Wang Teng suddenly felt that there might be a big hole waiting for him. He still likes to grow steadily.

“Come on, Sao Nian, strive to one day be able to reflect your kingdom of God into the void and become the existence that transcends everything.” Sikong patted Wang Teng on the shoulder for the second time, encouraging.

“The kingdom of God shines in the void!” Wang Teng’s heart was shaken, and he wanted to inquire.

But at this moment, a warship flew from the starry sky in the distance, and a sound came crashing in the void.

“Second Sikong, you are here too.”

“Damn, old ghost, don’t call me second, you still call.” Sikong second, like a cat with its tail stomped on, directly exploded its hair.

“Isn’t your name the second child? Don’t let people call it yet.” The voice laughed loudly.

“Want to fight, don’t you?” Sikong asked coldly secondly.

“Okay, every time you meet, you will be noisy. Since everyone is here, come here quickly.” Another light drink came from the chaotic star sea in front.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he looked towards where the sound came from.

There was a huge star like a meteorite floating on the edge of the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and the sound seemed to be coming from above.

“Hmph, I’m too lazy to argue with you.” Sikong snorted secondly, and the warship under them immediately rushed towards the meteorite star in front.


The warship was extremely fast, surpassing tens of thousands of miles in an instant, rushed into the sea of ​​chaotic stars, and then landed on the meteorite star.

Only then did Wang Teng see the situation on the meteorite star.

It is almost like a small continent, built to look like a spaceship mooring port, and a huge warship is parked not far in front.

Compared with the ship in front of him, the warship that Wang Teng and Sikong took second was like a three-year-old child standing in front of a strong man, with a huge gap.

“Tutor, this is…” Wang Teng asked in a low voice.

“This is the battleship going to the Seven Stars Academy. The Chaotic Sea is even more terrifying than the Void Turbulence Zone. The warship we were on board cannot withstand the chaotic energy of the Chaotic Sea.” Sikong explained the second.

“Lan Xinghai is so terrifying!” Wang Teng was slightly surprised.

At this time, another warship in the starry sky also followed closely, and also fell on this meteorite star, and a group of people walked down from above.

The head is a middle-aged man with black hair scattered, his face is somewhat long, and his breath is not obvious.

Behind him, thirty young men and women followed suit.

These young people have one thing in common, they all appear extremely confident, or…proud!

A pride from the heart!

However, these young people did not know Wang Teng, and they were not the second princes of the Dagan Empire, Ji Haochen and others.

“These should be geniuses in other territories,” Yuan Gungun said in Wang Teng’s mind.

Wang Teng nodded slightly.

“Second Sikong, did you pick up a student?” The long-faced middle-aged man walked over and said in surprise.

“Can you control it?” Sikong No. 2 did not attack him at all, and he owed no good expressions.

Panchong didn’t care. He looked at Wang Teng, his eyes narrowed, and he smiled: “I can let you take the lead alone. Isn’t he the genius on the star list?”

Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged, but his eyes flickered slightly. Sure enough, these immortal existences were extremely clueless people. Just because Sikong was the second person to pick him up, he guessed that he was on the star list. man of.

However, this person directly pointed out his identity, and seemed uneasy and kind.

Wang Teng glanced over the young warriors behind Shan Zhao, and he saw that their faces were full of inquisitiveness.

They already know the legend of the star list, and they also know what it means to be on the star list.

And now a Tianjiao who was on the star list appeared in front of them alive like this, saying that he had no idea, that was impossible.

Some are showing hostility, some are dissatisfied, some are curious, some are indifferent…

All eyes were scanning Wang Teng unscrupulously.

Wang Teng’s face was expressionless, and he smiled in his heart.

A group of tool people!

It looks great.

“These are the geniuses you brought back from the Tianlan Territory?” Sikong Second did not answer the other party’s words. Instead, he took a look at the group of young warriors on the opposite side and asked indifferently.

“Tianlan Territory!” Wang Teng’s heart moved slightly: “Is it another Terran Territory?”

“Yes, they are all the top ten geniuses of the major forces in the Tianlan Territory.” Shan Zhao nodded.

These invigilators actually have hidden benefits when they go to various territories of the universe. For example, they can get in touch with the local tianjiao first. As long as the relationship is established in advance, these tianjiao will naturally belong to their faction.

There are naturally many factions in the Star Academy, even if the same academy is no exception.

And Shan Chao alone attracted the top ten geniuses in the entire territory. I have to say that he is a very good person in the camp.

But when he saw Wang Teng behind Sikong second, he suddenly felt…not fragrant!

A talented arrogant who has made it to the star list is enough to match the geniuses behind him.

Sometimes, a peerless arrogant can not be surpassed by the number of people.

“Very good, you brought a lot of geniuses for our Seventh Star Academy to come back.” Sikong Second nodded lightly.

“…” Pan Zhao’s eyes twitched.

This Sagong second child actually spoke to himself in an admiring tone. Who does he think he is?

Wang Teng couldn’t help but laughed, this Sikong teacher was not a bad temper, and the other party estimated that he would not get any benefits.

“Your name is Wang Teng, right.” Shan Cheng ignored Sikong No. 2 and looked at Wang Teng instead.

“Yes.” Wang Teng was a little surprised. The other party actually knew his name, but now that he asked, he could only nod his head in response.

“Old ghost, what do you want to do?” Sikong second looked wary.

“What can I do? I just met this little friend of Wang Teng.” After finishing talking with a smile, he turned to Wang Teng and said, “My name is San Jia. I’m at the Seventh Star Academy. If you have any difficulties, you can Come to me.”

“Damn, you dare to dig my corner.” Sikong was furious second.

“What your corner of the wall, it is nothing before you officially enter the Star Academy.” Pan Zhao laughed, and ignored Sikong No. 2 before turning around and leading people to the huge warship.

“Wang Teng, don’t be fooled by him. This old ghost is famous for casting nets and catching more fish. If you choose his side, you won’t be able to allocate much resources.” Sikong pointed at the second. The opponent’s back gritted his teeth, and then quickly said to Wang Teng.

“Tutor, I still don’t know what your so-called faction is about.” Wang Teng smiled.

What he meant was obvious, it was too early to say this.

Sikong reacted secondly, secretly saying that he cared about it and he was confused, and he was not as thorough as a new student.

“What you said is right, these will naturally come to the Star Academy.” Sikong Second took a deep look at him, recovered calm, waved his hand, put away the warship behind him, and then walked forward. Said: “Let’s go, we also board the ship, it seems that people are almost there.”

Wang Teng nodded and followed.

The two boarded the huge receiving warship ahead.

When he arrived on this warship, Wang Teng discovered that there were already many people on the ship, divided into small groups, distinct and distinct.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered. These geniuses should belong to different forces. It seems that the Seven Star Academy really encompasses most of the geniuses of the universe.

And in his perception, all of these geniuses are extremely good, some are comparable to the second prince and others, and some are even comparable to the emperor of the great empire.

That kind of faintly radiating aura, only when it reaches a certain level, will it naturally emerge, which is definitely not what ordinary genius warriors can possess.

“Wang Teng!” At this moment, a rather pleasant voice came from the corner of the warship.

“Ji Haochen!” Wang Teng turned his head and followed the voice and looked over, and he saw a few familiar figures. It was indeed the second prince of the Dagan Empire, Ji Haochen and others.

Wang Teng looked at Sikong second.

“Go, you can stay with them before you arrive at the Star Academy.” Sikong said the second, and the figure has disappeared.

Wang Teng walked over, glanced around, and found that apart from the emperor, the top ten talented geniuses in the Dagan Empire were all here, and he smiled and asked, “When did you arrive?”

“We have arrived for a day and have been waiting for this warship to set sail.” The second prince Yu Yuanrui said with a smile.

Yu Nai is the emperor’s surname of the Dagan Empire, and this surname is relatively rare in the universe.

“Where are the others?” Wang Teng looked around, and didn’t seem to see those talented warriors in the top 1,000 of the Dagan Empire.

“They seem to have another warship to pick you up.” Ji Haochen greeted: “Come here, sit down and say, we have been discussing when you will arrive, why are you late than us?”

“I was delayed for some time on the territory, and I started late.” Wang Teng shook his head.

Then he chatted with everyone, Ji Haochen and others arrived earlier than him, and they were more familiar with this place, but they didn’t know much, because the geniuses of various forces were in groups and didn’t communicate much.

However, Wang Teng learned an important piece of news from them, that the emperor had also arrived, he was in the cabin, and he did not come out.

This made Wang Teng very surprised. What was going on with that emperor?

After being demonized, he can be released? And the seven star academies are also willing to accept it?

Everything becomes confusing and confusing.

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