Chapter 1346 Little lesson! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Are you Chuhan’s teammates?”

Wang Teng stood in front of everyone in the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps team and asked.

At this time he had separated from Lin Chuhan.

Lin Chuhan stood behind him, lowered his head slightly, his pretty face flushed, and he looked a little embarrassed.

It was the first time that she did this in a hug in the public.

Everyone in the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps squad was shocked at this time, as if they had seen something incredible.

Is this still the cold Lin Chuhan?

Such a shy look, she looked like a little daughter-in-law.

But soon they reacted.

The man standing in front of them at the moment is no ordinary person.

They have recognized that the person in front of them is the peerless heavenly king Teng who defeated countless genius warriors in the battle for genius hegemony and reached the top.

Such a legendary character suddenly appeared in front of them, and everyone was shocked and felt very unreal.

But I am afraid that only such a man can make Lin Chuhan show such a weak side.

“Thank you very much for taking care of my fiancee!” Wang Teng continued without waiting for everyone to speak.

“We… fiancee?!” Everyone was shocked.

Isaiah’s complexion was even more pale, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

“You are too polite.” The constant star warrior named Xue Fei in the team returned to his senses and quickly responded: “We are all teammates. It is okay to help each other, not to mention Lin Chuhan’s role in our team. It’s also very big. We have all received a lot of help from her.”

This constant star warrior deserves to be the leader of this team. He speaks in every aspect, neither denying the role of their team, but also explaining the role of Lin Chuhan.

This would not only allow Wang Teng to extend a little gratitude to their team, even if it was just a good impression, it was enough.

At the same time, it will not offend Lin Chuhan. After all, if she is said to be of no help, does it mean that she denies her value.

Lin Chuhan and Wang Teng have such a relationship, offending Lin Chuhan, it will not do them any good.

On the contrary, if Lin Chuhan can be stabilized, then their team may be able to use this thigh to go straight up.

Even if it’s a pendant, it’s good.

Existence like Wang Teng, as long as a little benefit leaks from the gap between the fingers, it is enough to benefit them endlessly.

This is the sorrow of ordinary warriors!

“It seems that the experience during this period of time has also helped you a lot.” Wang Teng glanced at Lin Chuhan and said with a smile.

“That’s natural, I’m already a sixth-tier warrior of the planetary star.” Lin Chuhan raised his neck and said quite arrogantly.

“Sixth-floor star level, it’s improved very quickly.” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

Just before I had time to check Lin Chuhan’s cultivation base with [Pupils of True Sight], when I looked at it at this time, she found that her strength had improved tremendously, far surpassing before.

Lin Chuhan was very happy when he received Wang Teng’s praise, but he still maintained a plain appearance, but he didn’t know that he looked a little arrogant in Wang Teng’s eyes.

It seems that every girl has the attributes of being arrogant!

Wang Teng smiled secretly in his heart, did not reveal her careful thoughts, looked at Xue Fei and others and said, “If there is nothing wrong, then we will leave.”

“Okay! Okay!” Xue Fei and the others naturally responded, and they didn’t dare to mention the previous party.

They don’t need to think about it and know that Lin Chuhan refused their party because he wanted to spend more time with Wang Teng. At this time, he was still working as an electric light bulb, so he had no vision.

“Then I will ask people to give you some small gifts, just as my gratitude to everyone.” Wang Teng said.

coming! coming!

Xue Fei and the others were surprised in their hearts, but they hurriedly said: “You don’t need to be like this. We and Lin Chuhan are teammates. It’s okay to help each other.”

“You are welcome, just take it as a little bit of my care.” Wang Teng smiled, and before they refused, he waved his hand and took Lin Chuhan to the distant Rune Force Speed.

Xue Fei, Isaiah and the others watched them board the Rune Force Speed, until they lifted off and disappeared from the field of vision, they slowly retracted their gazes, looking at each other, still feeling a little unbelievable.

“Huh~” Everyone let out a sigh of relief.

“The aura of this Earl Wang Teng really makes me breathless.” Xue Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear.

“Yes, the momentum is too strong, it’s not like a constant star warrior at all.” Duwa said.

“People are counts of the empire, and even the emperor’s son is not wrong, and the empire has to reward him, can it be the same.” Xue Fei shook his head.

“Earl, we don’t even dare to think about it,” said a young warrior with a planetary star.

“I didn’t expect Lin Chuhan to have this level of identity, so I can tell at a glance that she is unusual.” Another travel star warrior also said.

“You can get it. At best, we thought she was a direct line of a big family of this jade star. How terrible would we want to get her status? Earl Wang Teng controls the entire Magnolia galaxy, which is not comparable to those families.” Xue Fei did not have a good airway.

“I don’t know what the little gift from Earl Wang Teng will be? I look forward to it!” Several female warriors got together and discussed with gusto.

At this time, Xue Fei noticed Isaiah who had not spoken beside him, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes. This guy is also pitiful enough. Who is not good enough to see, but he sees someone who is not in the same world at all, let alone Still that fiancée.

And they all know that Isaiah’s impure mind is not because of the so-called love.

This can be regarded as a lesson for him.

“Let’s go, don’t think about it so much, Lin Chuhan is not something you can care about.” Xue Fei patted the other person on the shoulder and said.


“Puff!” Isaiah squirted out a sigh of blood, and the whole spirit wilted.

Everyone was shocked.

“What’s the matter with you?” Duval asked him quickly, holding him back.

“I’m okay.” Isaiah waved her hand pale, and barely stood up straight, and said, “I’m going back first.”

After speaking, without waiting for everyone’s response, he was already walking towards the distance staggeringly.

Many people noticed that his eyes were full of panic, regret and other emotions, as if something extremely terrifying had happened.

“Is it the moving hand?” someone asked in a low voice.

“It should be, who else can be besides the other party?” Dewar swallowed, and said with some horror.

“It seems that he doesn’t know anything about our affairs.” Xue Fei smiled bitterly: “It’s no wonder that a person like him can rest assured that Lin Chuhan can practice outside alone. There must be other means. protect.”

“This can be considered as Isaiah’s guilt. He has been thinking about it all day, and now I finally met someone who shouldn’t be touched. Even if he didn’t do anything, just a little thought, it was enough to make him fall into the bottomless abyss. “Dewar shook his head and said: “But the strength of that Earl Wang Teng is really terrifying, we haven’t found when he moved his hands.”

“Is this the strength of the first place in the genius battle? It’s too terrifying. I am afraid that even if we kill us, we will definitely not be able to react.” The others said in horror.

“Fine, let’s go, we can’t take care of this.” Xue Fei said: “Since the other party didn’t kill Isaiah, I’m afraid it will only teach him a lesson and won’t do it again.”

“Yeah.” Duval nodded, and said to the star warrior behind him: “I see it, instead of thinking about it, it’s better to practice hard for me, or I will eventually encounter the iron plate.”

“Yes!” The star warrior behind him naturally replied.

Wang Teng didn’t care about the episode of the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps squad. To that Isaiah, he just taught the opponent a little lesson.

From the very beginning, he found that Lin Chuhan’s eyes were a bit wrong.

And he also saw the group of people making a fuss.

Ah’s unexpectedly someone dared to think about his Chinese cabbage, and he was so impatient to live.

If he didn’t act on them directly, he was already more restrained because of Lin Chuhan’s face.

“When did you come back?” Lin Chuhan asked from the side.

“I’ve been back for two or three days.” Wang Teng smiled.

“How many days are you going to stay?” Lin Chuhan asked again.

“How many days do you want me to stay?” Wang Teng didn’t turn his head, but instead asked with a smile.

“I want you to stay for a year, can you stay for a year?” Lin Chuhan gave him a blank look.

“Well, it seems that someone misses me very much and is reluctant to let me go.” Wang Teng quipped.

“Who is not willing to let you go, I didn’t.” Lin Chuhan rolled his head, stroked the hair in front of his forehead, and said stiffly.

“Then I will leave tomorrow.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“You just stay one day?” Lin Chuhan was startled.

“Hahaha…” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing, teasing: “It’s not that I can’t bear it.”

“You…huh!” Lin Chuhan didn’t know where Wang Teng was teasing her, and couldn’t help but snorted softly.

“Okay, okay, this time the Star Academy gave me one month, I can stay a few more days.” Wang Teng said quickly.

Lin Chuhan did not speak, but a gleam of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Wang Teng could see the little joy on Lin Chuhan’s face at a glance, but he didn’t say anything, just smiled slightly.

“Let’s take you to eat something delicious.” Wang Teng said.

“I want to eat what you made for me.” Lin Chuhan said.

“Ahhhhhh, the requirements are so high!” Wang Teng looked at her funny, and said.

“Why, can’t such a small request satisfy me?” Lin Chuhan showed a pitiful look, and said, “I’m doing a task outside, and I can’t even eat a full meal…”

“Okay! Okay! I know!” Wang Teng quickly stopped her words: “I have agreed to your request.”

“Then it’s settled.” Lin Chuhan said “Yeah” (^-^)V in his heart!

Before long, the two returned to the manor.

Since Lin Chuhan had just returned from the mission, she seemed to be in the dust, so she went to wash up first.

Wang Teng stood in the hall, facing the air next to him, smiling:

“An Lan, long time no see!”

The surrounding space fluctuated slightly, and a figure in a black robe slowly emerged. It took off the hood on its head, revealing a face with the characteristics of a mechanical race.

“Your strength is getting stronger and stronger, you can actually find me.” An Lan looked at Wang Teng in surprise and smiled.

“What’s the matter? You forgot my spatial talent.” Wang Teng said.

“That’s true.” An Lan touched his head.

“Thanks for your hard work during this time.” Wang Teng said gratefully.

“It’s nothing, I didn’t actually do anything, so I followed out and experienced it.” An Lan said: “These mercenary group members are still very cautious. Generally, they won’t encounter much danger unless there is an unexpected situation.”

“Caution is a good thing. I think Lin Chuhan has also grown a lot.” Wang Teng nodded.

“It is true. Compared with the initial immature, I am now a lot better. I am a qualified mercenary. If my strength is not too low, I can go out to practice alone.” An Lan said.

“I’m afraid of unexpected situations.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“By the way, this time I followed them to a planet, and I also learned something.” An Lan said suddenly.

“Oh?” Wang Teng was very surprised.

“A kind of ore!” An Lan smiled and said, “It is the material I need for the advanced world master level.”

“Really?” Wang Teng was even more surprised.

The materials that can help An Lan advance to the realm master level are by no means ordinary. He didn’t expect that he would follow Lin Chuhan out, and he would have such gains.

“Of course it is true!” An Lan said.

“You’re lucky to step on the shit!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but said.

“Can you speak.” An Lan’s face went dark.

“Hahaha, then I have to congratulate you.” Wang Teng laughed and asked: “When can you advance to the master level?”

“It’s still early. How can it be so fast? There are as many as ten thousand kinds of materials for promotion alone, especially some of them are very special and difficult to find. This time I finally came across one.” An Lan shook his head.

The promotion of the mechanical race is very special. In addition to the perception and the original force, it also needs to absorb various metal ores in a special way to make their bodies reach the level of the world master.

Just like human beings cultivate, their sentiment and force have reached the requirements for promotion, and the physical body has to be upgraded accordingly, otherwise major problems will occur.

“Tell me the materials you need, and I will help you pay attention.” Wang Teng said.

“Hehe, just waiting for your words.” An Lan was not polite, and said with a smile.

He followed Wang Teng, hoping to obtain training resources through Wang Teng’s channels to help himself in his cultivation.

After all, the cultivation of their mechanical race requires a lot of scarce resources, and he is a poor man, so following Wang Teng is the best choice.

Then An Lan sent the materials he needed to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng glanced briefly, and he was a little surprised. The rarity of these materials exceeded his expectations.

“Okay, when you come across these materials, I will help you get them.” Wang Teng nodded and saved the materials.

At the same time, it also reminds Yuan Kuan Kuan, if you encounter it, pay attention to remind him.

“Then I won’t bother you, your fiancée has come out.” An Lan smiled and disappeared in place.

There was the sound of footsteps outside, and Lin Chuhan appeared in front of Wang Teng with a new look. She wore a long white dress that set off her figure extremely gracefully.

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