Chapter 1347 Mobang Chamber of Commerce! Tears of luck! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Who were you talking to just now?”

Lin Chuhan walked into the hall and looked around, but couldn’t help but ask curiously when he saw no one.

“Oh, it’s a friend of mine, who just left.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Your friend came to see you, is there something important, or do you go ahead?” Lin Chuhan said thoughtfully.

“It’s no more important than you.” Wang Teng said.

Lin Chuhan suddenly looked at him strangely.

“Why look at me like that?” Wang Teng wondered.

“When did your mouth become so sweet?” Lin Chuhan looked suspicious, and then coldly shouted: “Say, have you met a lot of women outside?”

Before watching the battle for geniuses, she felt that Wang Teng’s super alloy straight male attributes would certainly not be liked by women, but now she felt that something was wrong, and this guy’s mouth suddenly seemed to be smeared with honey.

She didn’t wipe this honey oil, it must have been wiped by other women.

“You think too much.” Wang Teng’s heart jumped, but on the surface he remained calm, and said: “I am the most dedicated person. It is impossible to give other women a chance.”

Lin Chuhan leaned forward and looked into his eyes, as if he wanted to see if he was lying.

Wang Teng’s eyes didn’t blink, full of sincerity, and then he leaned forward and sealed Lin Chuhan’s mouth.

When a woman doubts, don’t try to convince her, just kiss.

“Hmm~” Lin Chuhan was surprised when he was raided, and he gave him a two-push, and soon his whole body weakened.

After a while, the two people separated.

Wang Teng looked at Lin Chuhan with a smile on his face and did not speak.

Lin Chuhan took a breath, her pretty face flushed, she was embarrassed by him and couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

“Let’s go, go shopping, I haven’t strolled around this jade star yet.” Wang Teng stood up and said.

“Okay!” Lin Chuhan sorted out the slightly messy clothes, and naturally took Wang Teng’s arm.

The two went straight out and wandered around in Yuming City, buying and selling all kinds of clothes, accessories, cosmetics, etc. Wang Teng bought enough to make up for Lin Chuhan.

Fortunately, there is a ring of space, otherwise, with so many things, he just turned on the eight-armed monster, and it would not be enough.

Never underestimate a woman’s combat effectiveness.

“Hey, it’s the Chamber of Commerce of the Mobang family!” Lin Chuhan suddenly stopped and said.

“Mobang family?” Wang Teng hadn’t heard of this family before, and couldn’t help but follow Lin Chuhan’s gaze.

They had just come out of a shopping mall at this time and were on the edge of a bustling commercial street.

The direction Lin Chuhan was looking at was exactly on their left. It was a peculiar building. There was a huge oval mark in front of the building, like two characters written in an ancient language.

The building is extremely luxurious, with a high-end appearance, which makes people know that it is an extremely high-end location at a glance.

“Is this Mobang family famous?” Wang Teng asked.

“I’m not very clear, but I heard people say that this is a large chamber of commerce that spreads all over the cosmic nations. The strength is very strong. The most important thing is that they can see products from other cosmic nations, so many people are eager for it. “Lin Chuhan smiled.

“Then let’s go in and take a look.” Wang Teng led Lin Chuhan towards the Mobang Chamber of Commerce. He also wanted to see what the Mobang Chamber of Commerce would be unique.

“Wang Teng, this Mobang Chamber of Commerce is actually the family behind Wanbao Pavilion. You can see them in various high-civilized cosmic nations.” A round voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.

“Wanbao Pavilion, it’s no wonder that I feel familiar with the building style of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce.” Wang Teng said suddenly.

He still remembered that when he entered the virtual universe for the first time, he went to Wanbao Pavilion. At that time, he mainly went to see it.

Now that his status and status have undergone a major change, he can walk into Wanbao Pavilion without a trace.

With his current wealth, not to mention all the things in Wanbao Pavilion, at least most of them are affordable.

People who have money have enough confidence.

Looking back on the past, I can’t help but feel a little sorrowful.

After that, Wang Teng took Lin Chuhan into the building of the Mobang Chamber of Commerce with the steps of the six relatives who did not recognize it, and found that this was actually a Wanbao Pavilion, which was filled with various rare items.

However, he had only been to the Wanbao Pavilion in the virtual universe, and the real Wanbao Pavilion hadn’t been.

Lin Chuhan didn’t have much interest in battle armor or weapons, but instead turned his attention to various exquisite decorations.

Wang Teng had just taken her to the area dedicated to selling decorations, and several shopping guides’ eyes suddenly lit up.

At a glance, they could see that Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan were customers with strong purchasing power. The clothes on their bodies were expensive, and the unique temperament made them more assured.

Such a person’s identity is definitely not simple.

Several shopping guides looked at each other, and they all saw the strong competition in each other’s eyes.

They greeted them at the same time, but unfortunately only one was the fastest.

It was a tall female shopping guide with exquisite makeup on her face. She looked extremely confident and gave other people a provocative look.

“Two guests, what can I do for you?” The female shopping guide glanced at Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan, her eyes flashed with surprise, and several idioms popped up in her mind.

Lang Cai female appearance!

Golden boy and girl!

“No, let’s take a look and call you if necessary.” Lin Chuhan waved his hand directly.

“…” The female shopping guide looked stiff and could only say: “Okay, take a look first, and you can call me directly if you need it.”

If it’s an ordinary customer, she might hit a snake and stick and try her best to promote sales, but facing the two people in front of her, she doesn’t know why, she dared not give birth to any thoughts of defiance in her heart.

Especially the black-haired young man next to him, faintly exuding a different aura.

She has only felt this kind of momentum in some big people.

In other words, the black-haired young man seemed familiar.

The female shopping guide returned, not close or far away, so that it would not be an eyesore, affect the customer’s buying mood, and would not let other people take advantage of the loopholes. It can be said that it is just right.

Wang Teng secretly wondered in his heart that this female shopping guide of Wanbao Pavilion was really extraordinary, and her ability to observe words and colors was absolutely top-notch and would not make people feel bored.

At this time, Lin Chuhan read it with gusto, and asked Wang Teng a few words from time to time.

Naturally, Wang Teng was patient and gave various suggestions or opinions beside him, but in his opinion, these things didn’t seem to be very good, and the price was too cheap to match Lin Chuhan’s temperament.

He looked around, there should be something more advanced here.

At this moment, he saw a familiar figure hurriedly approaching from a distance, and soon came to the front.

“Earl Wang Teng!” The visitor saluted Wang Teng slightly, setting off his sexy body more and more alluring.

“Klara, why are you here?” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in surprise.

“I am the manager of Wanbaoge in this Jade Star.” Clara, afraid of Wang Teng’s misunderstanding, explained quickly: “We at Wanbao Pavilion are very familiar with all the senior officials of Jade Star. Once someone comes, the people below will notify me. , And Earl Wang Teng, you are our distinguished guest, so I came out to greet you personally.”

“Are you from the Mobang family?” Wang Teng was even more surprised.

“Yes, my real name is Clara Mobang!” Clara said.

“Disrespectful, I didn’t expect you to be a member of the Mobang family.” Wang Teng nodded.

The other party has this level of identity, so you can’t underestimate it.

Of course, he will not change his attitude because of this. Even if the other party is a member of the Mobang family, it will not make him care too much. There is no conflict of interest between the two parties.

Seeing this, Clara finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least for the Earl Wang Teng, and finally had an entrance.

And not like before, there is no intersection, and naturally there is no friendship.

“Wang Teng, who is this?” At this time, Lin Chuhan also noticed the situation here, walked over and asked.

In her eyes, a woman with an extremely beautiful face suddenly started talking to Wang Teng, and it seemed that they were very familiar with each other.

This made her a little wary.

Asshole, I didn’t know many women.

She just came out to go shopping, and met one, who knows how many more there are in places she doesn’t know.

“Ahem, let me introduce to you, this is a member of the Mobang family, who is also in charge of this Wanbao Pavilion.” Seeing that Lin Chuhan’s eyes were a little dangerous, Wang Teng gave a dry cough and introduced Clara’s identity. Something.

Then he said to Clara: “This is my fiancee, Lin Chuhan!”

Full of thirst for survival!

Clara was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that Earl Wang Teng already had a fiancee, and she was still such a rare beauty.

Lin Chuhan’s suspicion dissipated a lot when Wang Teng revealed his identity, and he stretched his hand towards Carat:


“Hello!” Clara couldn’t help but smile. As a woman, she could vaguely feel a trace of hostility from Lin Chuhan.

She is familiar with this hostility.

She is extremely confident about her appearance, figure, and temperament. The earl’s fiancee is indeed an extremely rare beauty, but she is at best equal to her.

Even in the sexy part, she feels that she can beat the opponent.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to be hostile to him.

It is normal that a talented arrogant like this Earl Wang Teng attracts all kinds of outstanding women.

The two jade hands separated at the touch of a touch, and Wang Teng felt the subtle atmosphere emanating from them.

It feels a bit… inexplicable!

“Then what, Clara, do you have any better accessories here?” Wang Teng asked.

“Naturally, the two of you, please come with me.” Carat stretched out his hand to lead the way, and said: “The good things here are usually on the third floor. As you two, you can go directly. It’s on the third floor.”

As soon as the few people left, the female shopping guides couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and they gathered together and whispered.

“It turns out that this is Earl Wang Teng, no wonder I look familiar.”

“It’s a pity that people of this kind of identity are not something we can reach at all.”

“Didn’t you almost get in touch with No. 048, how do you feel?” Someone asked the female shopping guide who had hosted Wang Teng before, a little gloating in words.

“Hmph, I said a few words to them anyhow.” Female shopping guide No. 048 snorted and walked away proudly.

On the other side, Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan led Clara to the third floor, the highest floor of Wanbao Pavilion.

“Our Wanbao Pavilion is actually divided into three grades, one grade on each floor, and the things on the third floor meet your identity.” Clara explained with a smile.

The three of them walked all the way to the jewelry area, Clara introduced, while getting close to Lin Chuhan.

After a while, the two of them who were obviously still very delicate just now looked very harmonious.

Wang Teng had no room for interruption at all.

This woman was terrible, she actually got close to Lin Chu in front of him.

He knew that the other party had not given up the idea of ​​letting him refine the pill.

This obviously wants to take the lady’s route!

“Do you have any store treasures here? Take them out and have a look.” Wang Teng saw that they were almost like best friends in a while, and immediately inserted between the two, and said.

“Of course there is a treasure of calmness. We have an eternal spar here. It matches Chuhan’s temperament very well, but the price is a bit more expensive.” Clara said, walking to the innermost counter, and It opened and took out a bright spar.

“Eternal spar?” Lin Chuhan looked a little strange.

“What’s the matter, don’t you like it?” Clara thought that Lin Chuhan was worried about the price, but she didn’t say it, nor did she mean to look down on the other party. She is very familiar with the price of Eternal Spar, which is really not something ordinary people can buy. So she just asked Lin Chuhan if she didn’t like it.

“That’s not the case, it’s just that I already have an eternal spar, and it’s much larger than this one.” Lin Chuhan said, looking at Wang Teng, a trace of sweetness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

When the two got engaged, Wang Teng prepared a ring inlaid with eternal spar for her, which was envied by many women and satisfied her greatest romance as a woman.

Although she doesn’t need such an expensive ring, which woman can refuse it.

The only regret is that the ring is too ostentatious to be worn on the finger at all times.

“…” Clara was taken aback, seeing the expression in Lin Chuhan’s eyes, she immediately understood.

That eternal spar must have been given by Wang Teng!

But Lin Chuhan said, her one is bigger than the one in front of him?

Clara was a little shocked, knowing that the value of this eternal spar in her hand is already equivalent to half a life planet. If it is greater than this, how much should it be worth?

Various thoughts flashed in her mind, and Clara suddenly became a little envious of Lin Chuhan.

Few women can resist the charm of eternal spar!

She is no exception!

She had been staring at the eternal spar in front of her for a long time, and she couldn’t help but come and take a look every time, but she couldn’t afford it.

Based on her current salary, she would have to work for at least 300 years before she could afford it.

It makes people desperate to think about it.

But Lin Chuhan didn’t need to do anything, he already had an eternal spar that was bigger than this, and he was so popular!

“Do you have any other treasures of the town shop here?” Wang Teng asked flatly.

“…” Clara hated this damn rich man even more when she heard Wang Teng’s bold tone.

Speaking fiercely in her heart, she said with a smile on the surface:

“Yes, I have to say that you are here just right, our Wanbao Pavilion only received an extremely rare gem yesterday.”

“Oh? What gem?” Wang Teng asked.

“The gem hasn’t been displayed yet, wait a minute, I will fetch it.” Clara said while putting the eternal spar back to its original place.

Then she walked into the corner, opened a door, and walked in.

“Wang Teng, the things here are so expensive, let’s take a look.” Lin Chuhan said hastily while Clara was away.

“Don’t worry, I have a lot of money. Spend whatever you want.” Wang Teng patted his chest with a look of good money.

“If you have money, you can’t spend it like this. Look at the eternal spar just now. It’s so expensive. Last time, I couldn’t refuse you because of the engagement banquet. This time I definitely can’t buy it that expensive.” Lin Initially culvert.

“I haven’t officially married over yet, so I have become a housekeeper.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Who wants to be your housekeeper?” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes.

As the two talked, Clara walked out again, holding a delicate purple box in her hand.

Wang Teng was a little surprised, because the purple box was made of an extremely precious mineral, and it was inscribed with mysterious and complex runes. Just the value of this box, you can buy a lot of things on the first floor.

So what kind of value will the contents of the box be?

He suddenly became curious.

With a mysterious smile on her face, Clara walked over, put the box in her hand on the coffee table, motioned to the two of them to sit down first, and said, “You have to keep your eyes open. I was going to send this thing to Emperor Star. After all, in Jade Star, no one can afford such a treasure.”

“Don’t sell it, open it and take a look.” Wang Teng said.

Even Lin Chuhan was aroused by curiosity and couldn’t help but look at the purple box.

Clara smiled slightly, clicked, opened the purple box, and a strange purple light gleamed in the eyes of the three of them.

“Is this?” Wang Teng was taken aback and almost got up from his seat.

What was in the box was a purple gemstone like tears, crystal clear, exuding a strange purple light.

And when the gem appeared, a few tiny attribute bubbles appeared.



Wang Teng picked it up quickly, and his heart was even more shocked.

Lucky attributes!

It’s really a lucky attribute!

After such a long time, he finally obtained the lucky attribute again, and he obtained it from a gem, which is really strange.

At the same time, Wang Teng also confirmed his guess that the gem in front of him is that thing…

“Tears of luck!”

The round and shocked voice suddenly sounded in Wang Teng’s mind. If there weren’t any outsiders present, it would have appeared directly and rushed forward.

“What is this?” Lin Chuhan looked at Wang Teng, and she found that Wang Teng seemed to care about the gem in front of her.

“Presumably Earl Wang Teng has recognized this thing.” Clara looked at Wang Teng in surprise.

When this gem came to their Wanbao Pavilion yesterday, they dispatched all the appraisers, and even specially let the appraiser at Wanbao Pavilion headquarters see it, before they were able to determine the identity of the gem, and Wang Teng only glanced at it. , I recognized it, which is really incredible.

“This is… the tears of luck!” Wang Teng took a deep breath in his heart and said to Lin Chuhan, “This is a gem that can bring luck to people.”

“Tears of luck! Can bring luck to people!” Lin Chuhan couldn’t help but muttered, and looked at the gem in front of him in shock.

A gem can bring luck to a person, how does she think it is so incredible.

“Earl Wang Teng is right. This tear of luck can indeed bring luck to people.” Clara explained: “In the records, this kind of gem is very rare, and no one knows how it was born. , I don’t know where it was born, everything is a mystery.”

“But some lucky people seem to be attracted by this tear of luck, and thus get it.”

“And those who get it will become more fortunate.”

“It seems a little mysterious to say, but the facts have proved it to be true. Many people have received the tears of luck. These people have encountered life and death crisis many times, but they have all overcome the difficulties until the tears of luck shattered. His luck returned to normal.”

“Then it must be very precious.” Lin Chuhan only wondered.

“I think this gem is just for you two. Tears of luck will attract lucky enough people. It’s not just a talk. Otherwise, I just got it yesterday, and the two will come today.” Clara Said.

“I don’t seem to be so lucky,” Lin Chuhan said.

Clara smiled, did not speak, but thought in her heart, isn’t it a great fortune for Lin Chuhan to meet Wang Teng who is on the star list?

“What price?” Wang Teng asked.

“Uh… in terms of prices, we haven’t actually set it down yet.” Clara didn’t expect Wang Teng to be so simple, she couldn’t help but froze for a while, then said embarrassingly.

She said that this tear of fortune was obtained yesterday, not to lie to Wang Teng, but to be true, so that even the price has not been determined.

Wang Teng also believed the other party’s words at this time, and said, “Let the people in your family be able to come to the talks.”

“Okay!” Clara nodded, without avoiding Wang Teng, she opened the communication directly and contacted the senior members of the Mobang family.

Lin Chuhan saw that Wang Teng seemed bound to win the tears of luck, and did not persuade him.

If this tear of fortune can really bring luck to the wearer, then it is indeed worth buying a lot of money.

Such treasures are hard to come by.

After a while, a light curtain shot from the smart watch in Clara’s hand, forming a light curtain in mid-air.

“Clara, why did you contact me again? Did that tear of luck cause the problem?” An old man said eagerly inside the light curtain.

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