Chapter 1345 I miss you! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Cultivation room.

Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes, and there was a golden and purple light passing by in each of his left and right eyes, which looked very strange.

“The Golden Thunder Sword Domain has been completely integrated successfully!”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and it took less than half a day to successfully integrate the domains, which is quite efficient.

But this is not over yet, he pondered for a moment, and a very unique thunder and lightning appeared in his hand, as if a living thing fluttered in his palm.

Heaven and Earth Tribulation!

Wang Teng is ready to integrate this Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder into the Golden Thunder Realm, which should greatly increase its power.

The next moment, his eyes condensed, and the silver-white lightning in his hand suddenly burst out, disappearing in an instant, turning into countless arcs of lightning and slowly blending into the domain surrounding him.

This process is not that simple. Heaven and Earth Tribulation of Lightning is something born of Heaven and Earth, and a person is inherently stronger than ordinary Thunder and Lightning.

For example, one is a nobleman, and the other is a commoner.

It is not impossible for a nobleman to integrate into the life of the common people, but the difficulty is definitely not small. The nobleman will naturally reject the common people.

This truth is placed here, it is very similar!

Although Wang Teng had already conquered Heaven and Earth Jie Lei for his own use, if he wanted to integrate it into the realm, he needed a little time to slowly blend.

He closed his eyes again, running in and feeling carefully, not in a hurry, and not at all irritable.

Time passed again…

Unconsciously, at night, Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes, and finally completely integrated Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder into the Golden Thunder Sword Region.

The thin thin sword light that thunder condensed had already taken on a silvery white color, exuding extremely terrifying power.

Although this is only a scaled-down version, the horrible aura is quietly spreading, enough to make people feel palpitation.

“After the integration of heaven and earth robbing thunder, the power has indeed greatly increased.” Wang Teng nodded secretly, quite satisfied.

With more means, integration is almost the way he must go.

After that, he has to merge Thunderstorm and others together, but the time is limited and can only be postponed for the time being.

Wang Teng dissipated the power of the domain, stood up and stretched.

Immediately feeling a little hungry, he walked out of the training room and ordered the maids to prepare dinner, and then he ran to take a bath by himself.

When he finishes the bath and walks out, dinner is ready.

In the restaurant, Wang Teng sits in his seat. On the table are various delicacies, golden soup, various meats, fish cooked in different ways, and there are vegetables from different planets. There are as many as six or seven kinds, and different aromas float on the dining table, complement each other, and greatly increase the appetite.

There is a spiritual cook master working in his manor, so that spiritual cook master usually prepares spiritual food of various master levels.

Only Wang Teng was eating at the table, looking a little lonely.

But he was used to it, and simply let go of his stomach and had a good meal.

It’s been a long time since he had a relaxed meal like this.

In the past, I was either cultivating or on the road of cultivating, so I usually deal with it casually when I eat, or I don’t eat for several days, anyway, the martial artist can support a long time without eating.

Of course, the food he eats is also the spiritual food he prepared himself, which is much better than other warriors.

At this moment, a round chair emerged from the side chair, like a baby sitting there, which looked quite interesting.

“You will really enjoy it!” it said, looking at the food on the table.

“People, don’t be nice to yourself.” Wang Teng said without looking up, and then became a little curious: “How did you run out?”

“Zhuang Zewei is looking for you again, just outside the manor.” Yuan Gunun said.

“What is he doing?” Wang Teng was a little strange.

“It’s probably because of his daughter.” Yuan Gun Road said.

“Let him in.” Wang Teng said thoughtfully.

“Okay, I’ll let him know.” Yuan Kuankuan nodded, did not leave in a hurry, still sitting there watching Wang Teng eat.

After a while, Zhuang Zewei and Zhuang Caixuan walked in under the guidance of the maid.

At this time, Chuankuang disappeared.

“Earl Wang Teng!” Zhuang Zewei saluted respectfully.

“Sit!” Wang Teng pointed his finger at the side.

“It’s fine if we just stand.” Zhuang Zewei waved his hand quickly.

“Is there anything to do with me?” Wang Teng didn’t force it, he said while eating.

“I’m here to apologize for the little girl’s recklessness.” Zhuang Zewei said with a bow.

“It’s not necessary, I didn’t take it to heart.” Wang Teng gave him a surprised look and said casually.

“You didn’t care that it was your magnanimity, but the little girl’s recklessness almost caused you trouble, and she must apologize to you.” Zhuang Zewei said, taking a look at Zhuang Caixuan beside her.

Zhuang Caixuan bit her lip. She could only walk in front of Wang Teng under his gaze, bowed deeply, and said with a complex expression: “I took the liberty of the previous thing and almost caused you trouble. I’m sorry. Please punish me.”

Wang Teng was a little bit dumbfounded, waved his hand and said, “Okay, that’s all for this matter.”

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhuang Caixuan’s eyes, but she didn’t know if what Wang Teng said was true or false, so she could only look at her father.

When these big people speak, it’s hard to tell if they are true or false. If they say that they don’t care, and turn their heads and feel unhappy with her, then she will be cold, and it may even affect their dealers.

And this is why her father specially brought her here to apologize.

Wang Teng’s promotion to earl was simply not something their family could contend with, and even the rise and fall of their family was only between the other’s thoughts.

Therefore, what Wang Teng doesn’t care about, they can’t assume that nothing has happened.

This is the rule of survival for little people!

Although to a certain extent, the dealer can be regarded as a big family.

But after all, it was only in Jade Star, out of the Magnolia galaxy, they were nothing.

The reason why these families can survive to this day has a lot to do with their cautious way of survival.

Zhuang Caixuan suddenly regretted agreeing to help Clara, although she was a little sorry for the other party, but compared with the rise and fall of the family, all this was nothing.

Zhuang Zewei was relieved when he saw that Wang Teng really didn’t care about it, and he said quickly, “Earl, your lord, you don’t remember the villain, you are really broad-minded.”

“Xiao Xuan, don’t you hurry up and thank Earl Wang Teng.”

Zhuang Caixuan naturally quickly thanked her.

Wang Teng didn’t catch any cold to their flattery. He just said indifferently: “If you think about this kind of thing in the future, I will go to the Seven Star Academy to report soon. There is no time to delay here, especially for those who have nothing to do with it. ”

“Yes!” Zhuang Caixuan was ashamed, but she could only answer honestly.

“Okay, go back.” Wang Teng said.

Zhuang Zewei didn’t dare to say anything more. Seeing that Wang Teng had issued the eviction order, he immediately took Zhuang Caixuan to leave.

Watching the two leave, Wang Teng couldn’t help shook his head.

“Why, annoying?” Yuan Kuankuan came out again and asked.

“It’s a bit annoying, I really don’t bother to pay attention to such trivial things.” Wang Teng said silently.

“You are suddenly in a high position, and you don’t know the difficulties of the people below.” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“No matter what, as long as they do things down-to-earth, I will not embarrass them.” Wang Teng said.

“This will take time to verify. You have to be a little patient.” Yuan Gun said: “But your path is not here after all. You will only go higher and higher in the future. This is a small family of Zhuang family, even if you can see your people in the future. Not bad, you don’t need to come in person at all.”

Wang Teng didn’t say much, and asked, “When will Lin Chuhan arrive tomorrow?”

“It’s about ten o’clock in the morning at Jade Star time.” Yuan Gun said.

Wang Teng nodded, swept away the food on the table, and hiccuped.

The food on the table is enough for a few people, and Wang Teng can do it alone. The martial artist’s appetite is quite terrifying.

Then he returned to the training room and continued to practice.

On the other side, after Zhuang Caixuan returned to the family, she contacted Clara directly.

Virtual universe.

In a luxurious drawing room, Clara dressed in a sexy dress, sitting on a sofa waiting anxiously.

The door suddenly opened and Zhuang Caixuan walked in.

“Xiao Xuan, how is it?” Clara quickly got up from the sofa and greeted her.

“Don’t mention it, Sister Clara, you really hurt me this time.” Zhuang Caixuan complained: “My father just took me to the baron Wang Teng’s mansion to apologize. I really didn’t expect a trivial matter. , It’s actually going to be like this.”

“Ah!” Clara was taken aback, and said, “How can this be?”

“We all underestimated the weight of this Earl Wang Teng. My father didn’t dare to offend him at all.” Zhuang Caixuan sat down on the sofa, spreading her whole body, and said dejectedly.

Clara’s face was cloudy and sunny, and she sighed: “The weight of the Imperial Earl is indeed not something that your Zhuang family can offend. I have not considered this matter properly, Xiaoxuan, I’m really sorry, I didn’t expect it to change. It’s like this.”

“Forget it! Forget it!” Seeing her look, Zhuang Caixuan felt a little unbearable, and waved her hand: “Let’s forget about this. Earl Wang Teng didn’t take it to heart. It was just my father. I’m too worried.”

“Xiao Xuan~” Clara sat down next to Zhuang Caixuan, holding her hand, and looking at each other moved.

“Sister Clara, you have lost me a lot of face this time, you said how you should make up for me.” Zhuang Caixuan said with a smirk suddenly.

“How do you think I can compensate you?” Clara smiled charmingly, and raised Zhuang Caixuan’s chin with one hand.

Zhuang Caixuan suddenly blushed.

The atmosphere between the two gradually turned pink.

The silence speaks.

……(One thousand words omitted here!)……

The two were fooling around in the living room for a while, before they languished slightly on the sofa, like two fish caught ashore, probably playing too violently.

“Sister Clara, what do you want to do with that medicine now?” Zhuang Caixuan asked with a blushing face, with a trace of contentment.

“I’ll think of a way.” Clara said with a gleam in her eyes.

“It really doesn’t work. I will see through the relationship between our Zhuang family and see if I can help you find a grandmaster who can refine a grandmaster-level sixth-grade pill.” Zhuang Caixuan said.

“Forget it, I’ll take care of this myself, so don’t bother you anymore.” Clara shook her head, then she stood up, tidyed up her clothes, and said, “Xiao Xuan, I’ll leave if I have something to do. , Let’s contact again next time.”

“Okay, goodbye Sister Clara.” Zhuang Caixuan was still slumped on the sofa, stretched out a hand and shook it softly.

“Remember to miss me.” Clara leaned down abruptly and grabbed a hand in front of Zhuang Caixuan’s bear.

“Ah…” Zhuang Caixuan let out a scream, suddenly jumped up from the sofa, trying to catch Clara, but found that the other party had already disappeared, she couldn’t help but snorted: “Hmph, running so fast, next time I Must be caught back.”

The next day, around ten o’clock in the morning.

An unremarkable constant star spacecraft flew to Jade Star from the void.

Jade Star is also an extremely prosperous planet anyway. There are countless spaceships that come and go every day, among which the most is the planetary star and the constant star spacecraft.

So the arrival of this spacecraft did not attract too many people’s attention.

Only when some people who knew the Zhanyan Mercenary Group saw the sign on the spaceship, they cast a glare, but they quickly turned away.

It’s just a constant star spacecraft, and it’s at most some ordinary mercenary warriors in the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps.

After the spacecraft was parked at the mooring port, a group of people walked out of the spacecraft. There were men and women, all of them looking young, talking and laughing, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

“Chu Han, just finished the mission. Let’s go out to celebrate at night.” A tall young man with brown hair suddenly said to a pretty woman.

“Yeah, Chu Han, our mission this time is very good, it is worth celebrating, you must come.” Another female warrior also said with a smile.

“Chu Han, if you don’t come, Brother Isaiah probably won’t be able to drink anymore.” There was a booze next to him.

“Go away, dare you take me to brush it.” The brown-haired young man scolded with a smile, but he looked at Lin Chuhan expectantly.

Lin Chuhan frowned. She didn’t like other people putting her and this Aisai together to talk about things, even if they were just talking about it.

But many warriors in the team also spoke up one after another, hoping that Lin Chuhan could come.

Her appearance and temperament are definitely the most outstanding among the crowd, far surpassing other women in the team.

Few male warriors in the team can resist her charm, even those who don’t have any thoughts about Lin Chuhan, hope she can participate together.

With such a beautiful woman participating, the atmosphere will definitely be better.

“No, I have something private this time, so I can’t celebrate with everyone. I’m very sorry.” Lin Chuhan shook his head in embarrassment.

Everyone didn’t expect that she would refuse, and they were all a little surprised.

“Chuhan, if you have a personal matter, we can push the time of the party, it’s okay.” Isaiah said.

A trace of boredom appeared in Lin Chuhan’s heart.

How could this guy be like a dog-skin plaster, she rejected each other many times, even with a cold face, without even saying a word to him.

But he didn’t take it seriously, always licking his face and leaning forward.

After all, the two are in the same team, and she can’t really kick each other away.


Just as Lin Chuhan was thinking about how to refuse, a familiar voice came from behind, making her cold and pretty face look like the ice and snow melted with surprise.

Isaiah was shocked, and did not understand why Lin Chuhan’s complexion changed so quickly.

Lin Chuhan didn’t pay attention to Isaiah’s reaction at all. She turned around abruptly and saw a black-haired young man approaching from a distance. It was the person she knew and could no longer be familiar with.

When other people saw this young man, their eyes widened in disbelief.

This is what they know…that person?

Did they read it right? ? ?

Isaiah set off a stormy sea in his heart, thinking of Lin Chuhan’s various reactions when he watched the battle for geniuses, the last trace of luck in his heart was shattered.

“I haven’t seen you for so long, don’t you give me a hug?” Wang Teng walked closer and opened his arms at Lin Chuhan, smiling.

Lin Chuhan slammed into Wang Teng’s arms and hugged him tightly.

“I miss you!”

A muffled voice came from her mouth.

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and hugged her tightly with both hands.


Isaiah’s face was pale, and he seemed to hear his own heartbreaking voice.

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