Chapter 1344 This is my trust in you Bertha! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Not only Hong Tianshi and others were surprised, but even Wang Teng did not expect that Old Han would change so much.

Is Qiancao Yunshen Pill so awesome?

Wang Teng suddenly regretted sending out nine Qiancao Yunshen Pills, so he should keep a few more for himself, maybe he could use it in the future.

Fortunately, it was not difficult for him to refine this pill, and it was a big deal to refine it again later.

“Hahaha…” Han Ping couldn’t help laughing when he saw everyone’s reaction, showing that he was really happy.

After taking Qiancao Yunshen Pill, he felt that his whole person seemed to have undergone transformation.

Originally, there was a feeling of heavy decay in the body, but now this feeling has completely disappeared, and the whole body is relaxed, as if he has unloaded a heavy burden.


For Han Ping, this is a kind of new life!

“Wang Teng, your pill actually has such a miraculous effect?” Hong Tianshi turned his head and asked Wang Teng.

“I don’t know either.” Wang Teng spread his hands, “I only know that it works well, but I didn’t expect it to be so good.”

“…” Everyone was speechless.

Can you be more reliable?

“Wang Teng, thank you!” At this time, Han Ping walked up to Wang Teng and said solemnly: “If it weren’t for you, my old bones would have been in the soil.”

“Old Han, with our relationship, you don’t need to be so polite.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Yes, I’m hypocritical, I won’t say anything else, I will keep your kindness in my heart.” Han Ping said.

Wang Teng smiled. He didn’t treat Han Lao for any kindness, so he didn’t take these words to heart.

“Your cultivation seems to have broken through.” Wang Teng said suddenly.

“I have broken through to a constant star!” Han Ping smiled.

“What? Constant star!” Hong Tianshi and others looked at Han Ping in disbelief, as if they had heard something incredible.

“After taking the pill that you gave, my internal injuries recovered and my realm naturally broke through. I didn’t expect this to happen.” Han Ping clenched his fists, feeling the turbulent force in the body, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Does this pill actually have the effect of helping breakthroughs?” Wu Xingyun asked in amazement.

“It’s not to help the breakthrough, but Han Lao himself has accumulated a lot of money. He is just dragged down by the hidden injury in his body. If there is no such hidden injury, he would have broken through.” Wang Teng shook his head and explained.

“That’s it.” Wu Xingyun and others thoughtfully.

“Unexpectedly, Han Ping became the first warrior among us to break through the constant star.” Hong Tianshi said with emotion, unavoidably a hint of envy in his tone.

After all, they were originally on the same starting line, but now Han Ping has become a constant star warrior one step earlier.

Even Wu Xingyun is a bit short.

“Hahaha, you can’t envy you.” Han Ping smiled.

“Bangse!” Yong Lianggong pouted.

“Wang Teng, do you still have this pill?” Long Changkong couldn’t help asking.

“There are six more.” Wang Teng said.

He refined a total of sixteen pills, gave the Grand Master nine of the Emperor Stars, and took one for Old Han, leaving six pills.

“There are six more, can you give us one too.” Hong Tianshi and the others lighted up and said quickly: “You can ask for your request.”

They all saw Han Ping’s change, and this pill was as important to them.

They have some hidden injuries more or less, but they are not as serious as Han Ping.

If they can take this medicine, the hidden injuries on their bodies can be completely removed, and perhaps their realm can also make a big leap.

“Take it.” Wang Teng smiled and took out four pills, each of which was divided into one: “I have refined a lot of this pill. I originally planned to see how it works before giving it to you.”

Hong Tianshi and others looked at each other, did not take the pill for the first time, but said: “We all know the value of the grandmaster-level seven-stage pill. What are you doing, so we can only be brazen, and wait for you to return later.”

“You suddenly became so polite, I am a little uncomfortable.” Wang Teng smiled and said, “Since you want to remember, then remember. Anyway, I’m not in a hurry.”

He knew that if he didn’t say that, Hong Shuai and the others would definitely be troubled, so he simply agreed.

Wu Xingyun, Hong Tianshi and the others were relieved, and then took the medicine.

“The other two medicinal pills are for you to send me back to Earth Star, and give them to my grandpa.” Wang Teng handed the last two pills to Wu Xingyun, and said.

“Okay, don’t worry, I will send someone back.” Wu Xingyun nodded.

“Then it’s okay, I think you can’t wait to take the pill to see the effect, I won’t keep you.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Hahaha, we really can’t wait, Han Ping’s effect is so jealous.” Hong Tianshi and others laughed.

Old Han and others left immediately, and Wang Teng was also idle.

He also contacted Lin Chuhan last night and knew that she would be back in two days, so he planned to wait for her to return to the Seventh Star Academy.

He thought for a while, let Yuankuankuan inform Bertha and let her come and find himself.

Bertha was the person behind his appointment to manage his fief, and he cooperated with Yuantong to manage his fief. Now that his fief is expanding, he naturally needs to be rearranged.

It didn’t take long for a Rune Force Speed ​​to land in the manor.

A figure with long green hair hurriedly walked off the speeding car and walked quickly into the hall of the manor.

“Master!” The beautiful long-haired green-haired woman knelt on one knee respectfully in front of Wang Teng.

“Bosha, it’s been a long time!” Wang Teng said with a smile: “Get up, you don’t need to be polite.”

The green long-haired woman stood up.

“Sit down.” Wang Teng pointed to the chair beside him and said.

“Subordinates don’t dare.” Bertha said

“Let you sit, just sit.” Wang Teng said flatly.

“Yes!” Bertha’s heart couldn’t help but feel a little horrified.

Her master was stronger than before, and the power on her body actually made her a little unbearable, and the other party’s words made her unable to resist. At this time, she sat down quickly.

“Take it easy, I’m afraid you won’t make it if I eat.” Wang Teng said.

Bertha didn’t know what she thought of, and her beautiful face suddenly blushed.

Eat her…

How do you eat that?

It’s no wonder that she thinks too much, that a beautiful female slave like her is about to face this kind of thing.

The reason why many people spend a lot of money to buy a female slave like her is that it is a good one.

Powerful and beautiful in appearance, it is really easy to give birth to a desire to conquer.

When Wang Teng saw her, he didn’t know what she was thinking, and suddenly felt speechless.

How come the women I met recently look at him like this.

Could it be that in their hearts, he is just a hungry ghost?

Wang Teng was very depressed, coughing dryly, and said, “Where do you want to go? Are you women with such unhealthy thinking?”

“???” Bertha was dumbfounded.

My own master is really shameless, and he actually rakes in the back.

“Okay, quickly take away the dirty thoughts in your mind and tell the truth.” Wang Teng closed up when he saw it, his expression straightened, and said.

“I don’t know if you are looking for me?” Bertha took a deep breath and asked.

“My territory has expanded. I think you have done a good job in managing the Milky Way and Magnolia Galaxy, so it’s time to add a burden to you.” Wang Teng stood up, patted Bertha’s shoulder, and said earnestly.

Bertha was surprised.

She already knew about Wang Teng becoming an earl.

After becoming an earl, Wang Teng’s territory must be expanded, which she had already guessed.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that Wang Teng would hand over the management of the new territory to her.

It should be understood that many nobles often assign a manager to one galaxy to protect the people under the embankment, so that not only can the rights of the people below be dispersed, but also they can be used to restrict each other.

At the same time, even if a manager has a problem, it will not affect other managers.

But now Wang Teng actually wants to entrust all the territories he has to her to manage, what kind of trust is this?

Even Bertha herself was somewhat flattered.

“Master, I’m afraid this isn’t appropriate?” She hesitated for a moment, and still said.

She refuses deliberately.

You must know that she is just Wang Teng’s slave, life and death are between Wang Teng’s thoughts, if something goes wrong later, then she is really going to die.

“You are worried.” Wang Teng said.

“Yes, I’m afraid I can’t do it.” Bertha said bluntly.

“Have you forgotten that I still have a chubby existence? How does it feel to help you manage the two galaxies during this period?” Wang Teng asked.

“Having the guidance of Master Chunkun is really helpful to my management work.” Bertha said.

“Master Round?” Wang Teng looked weird.

“Hehehe.” A round and round laughter sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.

“You are really nasty.” Wang Teng said irritably in his heart.

“Ahem, I’m also an intelligent life anyhow, I can’t be taken lightly.” Rounded a dry cough, said.

“Okay, I’m too lazy to talk about you.” Wang Teng looked at Bertha and said, “Since there is Tumbling to help, what are you worried about? I will continue to let it help you in the future.”

Bertha hesitated when she heard this.

“If you let go and do it, I will give you the greatest rights and freedom. If you make mistakes unintentionally, I won’t blame you, unless you have other thoughts, I will…” Wang Teng Did not finish talking.

“You can rest assured, my life is in your hands, so naturally I dare not have two hearts.” Bertha said quickly with a shock in her heart.

“Then there is nothing to worry about.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Okay.” Bertha smiled bitterly: “It seems that you must let me manage your territory.”

“This is my trust in you, Bertha.” Wang Teng patted Bertha on the shoulder again.

“…” Bertha couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

Obviously, I want to be the shopkeeper, not to say that I trust her.

I really believe in your ghost!

However, being able to entrust all the territories to her to take care of it did show that Wang Teng valued her, and she was quite happy in her heart.

It’s rare to be a slave to this level.

Sometimes Bertha will have the illusion that she is at the pinnacle of her life.

After all, she is only a cosmic-level warrior, but manages the territories of several galaxies, and ordinary domain master-level warriors have no such right.

And all this was given to her by Wang Teng!

Bertha glanced at Wang Teng with a somewhat complicated gaze. When she was bought back, her master was just a baron with an unstable foundation.

Not only has she gained a firm foothold, she has also become an earl, and her status and status have undergone earth-shaking changes, giving her an extremely unreal feeling.

“By the way, how is Hardy?” Wang Teng asked.

“He must be protecting your family from Earth Star recently.” Bertha said.

Wang Teng nodded and said, “Okay, you can go back to work. I will inform you of something through Roundabout.”

“I see.” Bertha got up and said goodbye.

When she walked out of the manor, she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, for fear that Wang Teng would want her to stay for bed.

After all, if Wang Teng made such a request, she could not refuse it.

Unless she chooses to die.

Watching Baisha leave, Wang Teng stretched his waist and left all the work to his subordinates. It was a very happy thing.

But now he has more power, and the people under him seem to be not enough.

Thinking like this, Wang Teng shook his head again. This matter is not anxious, and the people who can use it don’t come just after the talk. It depends on fate.

Then Wang Teng went directly to the training room and continued to practice.

I have to admit that the more things he masters, the more time he needs to practice. Although he has the help of the system, he has to hurry up from time to time, otherwise he will not be able to keep up with the progress at all.

In the training room, Wang Teng sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and feeling the thunder-type field gained from this genius battle!

Before in the elimination battle, he had already turned the Thunder System domain into the [Thunder Spear Domain] through a clone. At that time, he was in the Thunder System restricted area, so he felt that it was twice the result with half the effort.

Now, on Jade Star’s side, efficiency is greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Wang Teng’s savvy is excellent, which can save a lot of time.

Segments of sentiment flashed in his mind at this time. His [Thunder Gun Domain] had reached Tier 4, and there was a special wave around his body, and there was a faint thunder arc beating. There was a faint sound of thunder.

At this moment, an extremely sharp aura suddenly appeared in the area full of thunder arcs, which made the power of thunder give a sharp meaning. Between the thunder arcs, it seemed to form a series of swords. Light, exuding a deadly dangerous breath.

Golden Thunder Sword Domain!

This is the [Golden Thunder Sword Domain] obtained from the three princes, or a fusion domain of the combination of the Thunder System and the Gold System.

The [Golden Thunder Sword Region] of the Three Princes was only Tier 2 at best, but when Wang Teng was here, this [Golden Thunder Sword Region] stepped into Tier 4 steadily.

After all, the gold field and thunder field that Wang Teng mastered had reached the fourth-order level.

The two blend together, and naturally it is also the fourth-order.

Fortunately, he has obtained the relevant attributes of [Golden Thunder Sword Domain], so he is not unfamiliar with the integration of these two domains, but his domain is stronger than the three princes, and it takes time to perceive and try to merge.

Time passed slowly, and the two realms around Wang Teng had been completely integrated. The golden and purple rays of light continued to flicker, forming a series of tiny sword lights, like a clever fish swimming around him. , Extremely dangerous.

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