Chapter 1343 Old Han’s Transformation! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

“Earl Wang Teng, please wait a moment!”

Seeing that Wang Teng was about to leave, Clara couldn’t even think about it, and hurriedly called out.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Teng kept walking, heading outside the deputy professional league.

Zhuang Caixuan quickly followed.

Clara also trot to keep up with Wang Teng’s pace, and said: “Earl Wang Teng, I know it’s a bit presumptuous to say this…”

“Then don’t say it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Clara.

“…” Zhuang Caixuan looked at Wang Teng in shock. Is this a super steel straight man?

For a while, neither of them knew how to continue speaking.

When Wang Teng came to the Vice-Professional League Hall, the middle-aged man before saw him immediately, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, is your pill refining completed?” the middle-aged man asked respectfully.

Wang Teng nodded, and several jade bottles appeared in his hands. With a wave of his hand, the jade bottles floated in front of the middle-aged man and said, “This is a pill for several masters. You can send it to Emperor Star for me. Just give it to Grand Master Alfred, he knows which Grand Masters to give.”

“Okay!” The middle-aged man nodded hurriedly, but a storm was set off in his heart.

He glanced at it, and there were a total of nine grandmaster-level pills in this jade bottle. Grandmaster Wang Teng gave it away as soon as he said it. The shot would be too generous.

This also shows that Grand Master Wang Teng has an extraordinary relationship with the Grand Masters of Emperor Star!

When he thought of the previous masters confessing that he must entertain Grandmaster Wang Teng, he was even more sure of his guess.

When Clara next to her saw this scene, she almost stared out.

That’s a total of nine grandmaster-level seventh-rank pills, just like that?

If you think there are too many pills, give me one!

Clara screamed wildly in her heart.

“Wait, he just said it was the grandmaster who gave it to Emperor Star?” Suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, with a look of shock in her eyes.

After Wang Teng confessed to the middle-aged man, he walked directly out of the deputy professional league. He was not worried about the middle-aged man’s guarding and stealing, unless the other party wanted to be wanted by countless grandmaster-level figures.

The vice-professional league will never allow this situation.

The middle-aged man didn’t dare to neglect at all, and even after Wang Teng finished his explanation, he hurriedly sent the pill out and transported it to Emperor Star through the internal transportation channel of the Deputy Professional League.

It didn’t take long before the masters of Emperor Star could receive these pills.

At the deputy professional league parking lot, Wang Teng was still stopped by Clara.

“This…Miss Lala.” Wang Teng looked at each other.

“…” Clara said silently: “My name is Clara.”

“Oh.” Wang Teng nodded and said, “Miss Clara, we don’t seem to be familiar with each other?”

“I know this is presumptuous, but please give me a minute to finish my sentence.” Clara said almost pleadingly.

And bowed deeply to Wang Teng.

She was wearing a gown with a high slit and a deep V. When she leaned over, she revealed a deep…ditch!

Wang Teng has always been very honest.

So he looked at it honestly and didn’t take his gaze back.

When Clara raised her head, she met Wang Teng’s gaze, her pretty face flushed, but she soon straightened her chest, with a smug look on her face.

Oh, dog man, I am not attracted by my beauty.

“Your breast, is it real?” Wang Teng asked.

“…” Clara.

This person… looks a little shameless.

Zhuang Caixuan’s face turned dark, and Wang Teng actually molested Clara, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

“Earl Wang Teng, I’m serious.” Clara said with a straight face, “I need to refine a grandmaster-level sixth-rank pill, but the Jade Star Division cannot find a grandmaster-level one that can be refined. Alchemist, except you!”

“If you can’t find the Jade Star, just go to other planets to find it.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Clara was choked, feeling that Wang Teng really didn’t get in, but she had no choice but to continue saying: “The entire Magnolia galaxy, the Jade Star is already the most prosperous planet. The alchemist who is a grandmaster-level sixth-grade pill, is even more difficult to find on other planets, so I can only come to you.”

Zhuang Caixuan couldn’t bear to see Clara lowered and pleaded, and said, “Earl Wang Teng, or you can help Sister Clara, don’t worry, she will definitely pay the corresponding reward.”

“Yes, yes, you don’t need to worry about remuneration. I can agree to whatever conditions are needed to refine the Grandmaster-level Six-Rank Pill.” Clara said.

“Any conditions?” Wang Teng looked at her with a smile.

Clara couldn’t help but stunned, facing Wang Teng’s eyes, she didn’t know why her heart was a little flustered. This bastard wouldn’t want to hit her idea, right?

Zhuang Caixuan, who was next to her, originally wanted to help Clara continue to persuade Wang Teng, but when she heard this, her face suddenly became darker than before.

This guy looked like a woman with no words, but he didn’t expect to have such a nasty mind. He really knew people and didn’t know what he wanted.

“It doesn’t seem to work.” Wang Teng took off Clara, got on his rune Force Speed, and said to Zhuang Caixuan, “Drive, driver!”

“I…” Zhuang Caixuan’s angry Qiqiao made smoke. This guy treated her friend like this, even wanting her to drive.

“Hurry up,” Wang Teng urged.

Zhuang Caixuan took a deep breath, sat in the driver’s seat, started the Rune Force Speed, and finally took another look at Clara, and saw that she was standing there hesitating and couldn’t say anything. Then she drove the speeding car into the sky.

“Why didn’t you help her?” Zhuang Caixuan couldn’t help asking in the car.

“I am not close to her, why should I help her?” Wang Teng said.

“But…” Zhuang Caixuan wanted to say that it was her friend, but when she thought that she was here with Wang Teng, it didn’t seem to be a big deal, and she was instantly at a loss.

Wang Teng smiled, did not say anything, his mind was immersed in the attribute panel.

Under the thunderstorm just now, he picked up a lot of attribute bubbles.

Among them, there are mainly two attributes: [Thunder System Star Force] and [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder].

【Thunder Star Force】Naturally needless to say.

And the [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] attribute gains are also good, with a full 1500 points.

[Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder]: 380010000 (first order)

Now Wang Teng’s [Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder] has reached 3800 points. Although it is still Tier 1, its power is obviously much stronger.

In the battle for genius hegemony, Wang Teng used the thunder brick to smash the heads of many geniuses, which was very useful.

And the reason why this effect can be achieved, in addition to the thunder-turning brick itself is relatively smooth, there is also the effect of the power of thunder tribulation.

The power of Thunder Tribulation, few people can handle it, even the Thunder System martial artist can’t do it.

And when Wang Teng used the thunder system combat skills, he also used the power of thunder robbery to some extent, and the power was quite good.

Just use the thunder spear, which is mixed with the power of thunder robbery, to contend with thunder robbery.

Wang Teng believed that as the power of the Thunder Tribulation he mastered became stronger, this Thunder System combat skill might become his ultimate killer move in the future.

Soon, the two returned to Wang Teng’s manor.

After stopping the Rune Force Speed, Zhuang Caixuan said goodbye and left. She needed to be calm and calm.

As the little princess of the dealer, she has not suffered this kind of grievance.

What happened today caused her mentality to collapse a bit.

Wang Teng didn’t take the matter of the two women to heart, he turned his head and forgot about it.

“Rumping, help me inform Old Han!” Wang Teng said as he walked into the house.

“Okay!” Yuan Gungun replied.

Wu Xingyun and Han Ping-ping didn’t know that the pill had been refined, but when they received news from Wang Teng, they thought it was something else, and hurried over immediately.

“Wang Teng, the deputy professional master on Earth Star has already set off and will soon reach Jade Star.” Han Ping said with a smile as soon as he walked into the house.

“My side has also passed the anger with the few Grandmasters I know, and they agreed to help us.” Wang Teng said.

“That’s great, so I can only wait for the deputy professional master of Earth Star to come over.” Wu Xingyun said happily.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded, and said: “Forgot to tell you that Earth Star is now included in the Dagan Empire territory, and those who come out of Earth Star can directly handle the identity account of the Dagan Empire.”

“Really.” Wu Xingyun and others were surprised.

“This can be regarded as a reward from the Great Gan Empire.” Wang Teng said.

“Good! Good! This is a big surprise. In this way, we can truly integrate into the universe.” Hong Tianshi said.

“Not only that, in the future, the people of the Earth and Stars will also be regarded as citizens of the Dagan Empire and will be protected by the Dagan Empire.” Wang Teng said.

“Such a big piece of good news, you didn’t tell us earlier.” Hong Tianshi complained.

“Hahaha, I forgot.” Wang Teng smiled.

“This can also be forgotten.” Han Ping said silently.

“After all, I have given too many rewards. I just came back, so why don’t I think about it?” Wang Teng said.

“…” Han Pingping was speechless.

Does this speak human words?

Too many rewards are given, and it sounds like old Versailles.

“By the way, I almost forgot about the business.” Wang Teng took out the Thousand Grass Yun Shen Pill and said, “Old Han, this is a pill made for you, and your body’s dark injuries depend on it.”

“What?!” Han Ping was surprised: “This is done, when did you do it?”

“Just now.” Wang Teng said.

“…” The people of Han Ping were speechless, and Wang Teng had always acted against common sense, making them unpredictable.

“Try it.” Wang Teng threw the jade bottle to Han Ping.

Han Ping caught it in a hurry. This is related to his body. What to do if he breaks it, but Wang Teng is not serious, and he can’t say anything, and he is quite depressed.

Immediately, he couldn’t wait to open the jade bottle, and a strong pill fragrance floated out.

“What kind of pill is this? It’s so fragrant!” Wu Xingyun, Hong Tianshi and others came over curiously and asked.

“Grandmaster Level Seventh Stage!” Wang Teng said.

“??” Wu Xingyun and others stared at Wang Teng, “Grandmaster level…seventh grade?”

“Yes, I asked several other alchemy grand masters, and they said that this Thousand Herbs Yunshen Pill has the best effect in recovering dark wounds and nourishing the physical body, so I chose this kind of pill.” Wang Teng Of course.

“…” Everyone.

This reason is quite powerful.

Because of the best effect, this pill was chosen.

I am afraid that only Wang Teng has the confidence to say such a thing!

That’s a grandmaster-level seventh-grade pill, doesn’t it mean that it can be refined by refining.

However, Wang Teng just came back yesterday and refined it today. This efficiency is really nothing.

“What kind of alchemy master are you now?” Hong Tianshi asked curiously.

“Able to refine a grandmaster-level seven-tier pill in one day, it must be the pinnacle of the grandmaster-level.” Yong Lianggong guessed.

“Uh…actually, I’m only the sixth rank of Grand Master.” Wang Teng said a little embarrassed.

“…” Hong Tianshi and others.

They fell into a state of stunned again.

Everyone looked at Wang Teng blankly, not knowing what to say.

He looked like he was saying… I’m sorry, I’m only the sixth rank of Grand Master, which disappointed everyone.

“Your grandmaster-level sixth-rank, how do you refine the grandmaster-level seventh-rank pill?” Wu Xingyun said.

“For geniuses, isn’t Yuepin refining pill a normal operation?” Wang Teng said.

“…” Everyone.

Shente is operating normally!

Which normal alchemist can refine a grandmaster-level seventh-rank pill at the sixth-rank grandmaster-level?

Grandmaster-level pill, the gap between each level is huge, if it does not reach the corresponding level, forcibly refining it will only end in failure.

Even if Wu Xingyun and others are not alchemists, they still know this common sense.

“Okay, it’s not a big deal.” Wang Teng waved his hand indifferently, and then urged: “Old Han, please try it quickly.”

“Okay!” Han Ping felt a little complicated, and the problems that had troubled him for most of his life were about to be solved now, and he couldn’t help feeling unreal.

When he was in Earth and Star, because of physical problems, he had to give up continuing to practice, and fell silent at the Yellow Navy Academy, willing to be a guardian uncle.

If it hadn’t been for the explosion of the East China Sea sea beast, he would probably have died in such obscurity.

Fortunately, I met Wang Teng later, which not only saved his life, but also gave him the hope of becoming a planetary star.

Now it is even more hopeful that he will return to his peak state.

All of this made him feel full of emotion, and at the same time he was grateful to Wang Teng.

However, he didn’t say much at this time, just got up, tightly holding the jade bottle containing the Thousand Grass Cultivation Pill in his hand, and went to the training room.

Everyone came to the training room and waited.

For Wu Xingyun and others, Han Ping is a warrior who has come all the way from the end of the earth and stars like them, and they naturally hope that he can completely recover, and then join them in the cosmic starry sky.

As for Wang Teng, Han Lao is also a respectable elder. Without them, Earth Star hadn’t known what had become, and how could he have the opportunity to grow.

Therefore, Wang Teng was also very happy to be able to do something for him.

Everyone waited quietly outside, no one spoke, but their eyes were fixed on the door of the cultivation room.

As time passed bit by bit, it was already night when Wang Teng came back, and Han Ping had been in the training room for a full night without coming out.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Xingyun and others saw that Han Ping hadn’t been out for a long time, and finally got a little worried.

“Wang Teng, Han Ping won’t have any problems, right?” Hong Tianshi asked.

“Don’t worry, how could there be a problem with the pill that I refined.” Wang Teng explained: “The longer I go in, the more hidden wounds accumulate in Old Han’s body. It takes a certain time to digest the medicine and slowly clear the body. The dark wound.”

Hong Tianshi and others nodded, they were still extremely convinced of Wang Teng.

Since Wang Teng said that there is no problem, there must be no problem.

Wang Teng looked at the door of the training room and opened the [Pupil of True Vision], he couldn’t help but was taken aback, his face showed a trace of astonishment.


At this moment, the door of the training room suddenly opened.

A figure strode out from within.

“This?” Everyone shook all over, and quickly looked forward, and then their faces were filled with stunned expressions.

I saw Elder Han walking out of the training room, but he was no longer in that rickety figure and wrinkled face.

His body became extremely straight, the wrinkles on his face disappeared a lot, and even the white hair on his head became half black and half white.

If Han Lao looked like an eighty or ninety-year-old man, now he looks at most 40-50 years old.

Especially the temperament of that body, there is a bit of fortitude in the vicissitudes of life, and there is no urgency, and it is a middle-aged and old handsome man.

No wonder Wu Xingyun, Hong Tianshi and others were all dumbfounded.

“Are you… Han Ping?” Hong Tianshi asked in surprise.

“Yes, it’s me, why don’t you know it?” Han Ping laughed loudly, his voice full of anger, without the slightest sense of oldness.

“Damn!” When Hong Tianshi and others heard him confess, they couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

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