Chapter 1340 I’ve been shown, thank you! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The whole hall is brightly lit.

Under everyone’s gaze, a figure strode into the hall.

His appearance immediately became the focus of the entire hall.

Zhuang Zewei was shocked, immediately tidied up his dress, and greeted him with his daughter.

“Earl Wang Teng!”

He walked quickly to Wang Teng and bowed a little, very respectful.

“Governor Zhuang!” Wang Teng glanced over the girl next to Zhuang Zewei, looked around, and smiled: “It’s very lively!”

“In order to catch the wind and dust for you, everyone is here.” Zhuang Zewei lowered his body slightly in front of Wang Teng.

“Thank you!” Wang Teng patted him on the shoulder.

This Governor Zhuang’s attitude towards him is really much more respectful than before, and the contrast is huge.

Zhuang Zewei was flattered, then looked at the girl next to him, and introduced: “This is my daughter, Zhuang Caixuan, this girl has heard about your deeds of Earl Wang Teng many times and admires you very much, so I took the liberty to bring her to see you. you.”

Zhuang Caixuan, who was next to her, rolled her eyes when she heard his words.

Wang Teng glanced at Zhuang Caixuan without a trace, clearly capturing her expression just now, and she was a little weird in her heart.

This girl is not like Zhuang Zewei said!

As for words of admiration, he didn’t believe it at all.

In this entire hall, glanced over, most people were surrounded by young girls, looking at him one by one.

No one knew better than Wang Teng as to what thoughts he had in mind.

In this case, he did not experience it once or twice.

Isn’t he handsome, and so good, sometimes he feels helpless.

However, he did not expose Zhuang Zewei’s meaning, smiled, and reached out to Zhuang Caixuan: “Hello!”

Zhuang Caixuan looked at the handsome young man in front of him who couldn’t look straight, especially the confident and indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth. She unconsciously avoided Wang Teng’s sight and stretched out her hand in a pretty voice: “Earl Wang Teng ,Hello!”

The palms of the two separate at the touch of a finger.

“Earl Wang Teng, you didn’t bring a female companion tonight. Why don’t you let the little girl be your female companion.” Zhuang Zewei smiled.

“If Miss Zhuang doesn’t mind.” Wang Teng said.

“Just call my name.” Zhuang Caixuan walked to Wang Teng’s side under Zhuang Zewei’s gaze, and took his arm.

When everyone present saw this scene, they all secretly cursed Zhuang Zewei for being shameless, and he was the first to board.

“Earl Wang Teng, please!” Zhuang Zewei reached out and led Wang Teng into the hall.

Wang Teng nodded and took Zhuang Caixuan into it.

Those who came to the dinner came back to their senses and greeted Wang Teng.

“Earl Wang Teng!”

“Earl Wang Teng!”

One by one, they saluted and toasted to Wang Teng very diligently.

“Earl Wang Teng, in order to congratulate you on winning the first place in the genius battle, and boarding the star list, we have specially prepared a gift for you.” Zhuang Zewei said.

“Oh?” Wang Teng’s heart moved.


he likes.

However, it didn’t show it on the surface, and he said politely: “You are too polite, you can just come, what kind of gifts are you bringing, how embarrassing is this.”

“What you want.” Zhuang Zewei laughed again and again: “You are about to go to the Seven Star Academy. You will definitely consume a lot of resources in your cultivation, so I specially prepared 30 billion Universe Coins for you!”

Speaking of taking out a bank card, he held it in both hands and handed it over.

“30 billion!” Wang Teng was a little surprised, for these families, it is not a small sum.

Even Zhuang Caixuan who was next to her opened her eyes wide, looking at her father incredulously.

30 billion, just give it?

She is very aware of the strength of her family. Although there are many properties in the area of ​​Jade Star, most of them are real estate, and the family expenses are not small every year. The 30 billion yuan is definitely a major hemorrhage for the family.

In order to curry favor with this Earl Wang Teng, did you pay so much?

Zhuang Caixuan was not a Xiaobai who didn’t understand anything, but she couldn’t accept it. At this moment, she had a complicated expression, and she seemed to finally understand what the identity of the Earl Wang Teng next to her really meant.

“You must accept it. This is my heart.” Zhuang Zewei said when he saw Wang Teng hesitate.

Wang Teng shrugged off for a while, and accepted it without hesitation.

For him, 30 billion is not too much, so he can accept it so easily.

If it is too much, he would have to consider it carefully, after all, sometimes the favor is not so good.

After Zhuang Zewei started, other people came to give gifts one after another. Without exception, all of them gave money, basically more than 10 billion, and dozens of people combined turned out to be a lot of money.

Zhuang Caixuan next to her was secretly speechless. The income of Count Wang Teng in one night would have to catch up with the wealth of their entire family.

Wang Teng was also very happy, after all, it was a windfall.

As a lord, it’s not normal to take bribes.

He now has a territory of six galaxies. It would be nice if he could collect every galaxy once. Unfortunately, there is no time.

Wang Teng sighed in his heart.

“Earl Wang Teng, you have achieved a lot tonight.” Suddenly, a low voice came from his ear, and it itched his ears with a fragrance of heat.

“It’s okay.” Wang Teng said lightly while sitting in his seat and drinking, neither taking the initiative nor rejecting it!

“…” Zhuang Caixuan.

This Earl Wang Teng said so loudly.

However, looking at his face, it seems that he is very calm about this huge sum of money, and he doesn’t care about it at all.

That’s hundreds of billions of cosmic coins!

Zhuang Caixuan was a little crazy.

Just give it to her!

Since she was a child, she wanted to start a company by herself, and she made a lot of preparations for this, including learning various business methods, and she also secretly opened a small company outside, and the benefits were very good.

If she had this money, she believed that she would be able to build a force even stronger than the Zhuang family.

It’s a pity that people in the family, including her father, didn’t believe her.

Running a small company is not the same as running a giant enterprise.

They said that she was too naive and did not have enough strength to protect, and any company and enterprise would be annexed.

Zhuang Caixuan glanced at Wang Teng next to her quietly. If he could get his help, would everything be easier?

“The Empire should have given you a lot of rewards.” Zhuang Caixuan asked tentatively with a move in her heart.

Wang Teng glanced at her and said with a smile: “If it’s just Universe Coins, it would be several trillions.”

“…” Zhuang Caixuan stopped speaking, her head buzzing, and the huge “several trillions” kept reverberating in her mind.

Thank you!

Until the end of the banquet, Zhuang Caixuan was still in a trance.

After Zhuang Zewei sent away Wang Teng, he looked back at her and said: “Our Earl Wang Teng is afraid that he will not appreciate the money, but the receipt of it shows that we are still willing to accept us. Our foundation is here. As long as you hug this thigh tightly and have him shelter in the future, maybe the family can develop better.”

“He really doesn’t like it very much.” Zhuang Caixuan said complicatedly: “Father, do you know how many universe coins the Empire rewarded him?”

“How much?” Zhuang Zewei said: “How can there be hundreds of billions, but this is not the point, the point is that his six galaxies are fiefs, that is the steady income.”

“Hundreds of billions?” Zhuang Caixuan gave him a weird look.

“Why are you looking at me like this?” Zhuang Zewei frowned.

“The empire rewarded him with cosmic coins alone, there are as many as trillions.” Zhuang Caixuan said: “This is what Earl Wang Teng said personally.”

“How many…trillions!?” Zhuang Zewei’s expression froze, “Are you sure you heard it right.”

“Father, do you think there is a problem with my ears?” Zhuang Caixuan rolled her eyes, not having a good air.

“That’s not true. It’s just too amazing.” Zhuang Zewei’s complex expression said, “The empire’s importance to Earl Wang Teng is really unimaginable. Order universe coins.”

“But that’s tens of trillions. How could the empire give him so many rewards.” Zhuang Caixuan couldn’t figure it out.

“Maybe it’s because of the star list.” Zhuang Zewei shook his head, suddenly moved in his heart, and said: “This Earl Wang Teng probably told you this on purpose.”

“Tell me on purpose.” Zhuang Caixuan said with a weird face: “You mean he wants to attract me in this way, right?”

“You think too much.” Zhuang Zewei attacked mercilessly: “In his capacity, do you think it is necessary for you to be a girl from a small family?”

“Father, I’m not your daughter anymore.” Zhuang Caixuan made a big red face and stomped her feet.

“Hahaha, this is to remind you not to be too noble, no one looks down on it, this Earl Wang Teng is not something you can handle.” Zhuang Zeda laughed.

“Okay, okay, I know his identity is unusual, you don’t need to remind it again and again.” Zhuang Caixuan rolled her eyes and asked, “Then why is he doing this?”

“Of course it is to tell me through your mouth.” Zhuang Zewei said with a flash of light in his eyes.

“You mean he was beating you?” Zhuang Caixuan was not stupid, she guessed something immediately, and said with a clever idea.

“Yes.” Zhuang Zewei nodded and said: “He is telling me that he has accepted my money, but don’t take it too seriously.”

“This Earl Wang Teng is really too much, I have collected all the money, and I still have to beat you.” Zhuang Caixuan said in dissatisfaction.

“No, it’s already very good. If you hit me in such a subtle way, neither side is embarrassed.” Zhuang Zewei shook his head and smiled: “And he only said this to you, and didn’t tell anyone else, you Do you know what this means?”

“It means… he intends to accept us.” Zhuang Caixuan muttered.

“Not bad.” Zhuang Zewei nodded and smiled: “It seems that my daughter is really smarter than others.”

“Why don’t I think you are complimenting me.” Zhuang Caixuan rolled her eyes again.

“Xiao Xuan, I still hope you can find opportunities to have more contact with this Earl Wang Teng, which is good for you.” Zhuang Zewei said.

“I know, I know.” Zhuang Caixuan waved her hand impatiently, no longer giving Zhuang Zewei a chance to say more, turned around and ran away.

“This girl.” Zhuang Zewei shook his head helplessly, but had nothing to do with Zhuang Caixuan.

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