Chapter 1341 Be careful, it’s outside! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Virtual universe, vice professional league!

Wang Teng returned to the manor where he lived from the dinner, entered the virtual universe, and met with Grandmaster Alfred of the Deputy Professional League and others.

This is a living room with a large area, and the furnishings inside are extremely luxurious. Even in the virtual universe, such a room requires expensive virtual universe coins.

Fortunately, the vice-professional league is rich and does not care about such a small amount of money.

Grandmaster Alfred, Grandmaster Huayuan, Grandmaster Maude and others were very happy to see that Wang Teng took the initiative to contact them.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, we all watched the genius battle, we almost couldn’t believe it was you.” Grandmaster Alfred looked at Wang Teng in amazement and said.

“Yes, I didn’t expect your martial arts talent to be even more exaggerated than vice professional talent.” Grandmaster Hua Yuan said with emotion.

“Masters, don’t praise me anymore. I really can hear the cocoon in my ears these days.” Wang Teng waved his hand helplessly.

The masters were taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly, Wang Teng would be bothered by this.

If this were replaced by someone else and achieved such a result in the battle for genius, I am afraid I would hate it for publicity a long time ago.

“I’m here to see the masters this time, because I have something to ask for.” Wang Teng said about the deputy professional of Earth Star.

Grandmaster Alfred and other talents were stunned, and said with a smile: “This is a trivial matter, you can just tell us directly, and you will come here specially.”

“Then thank you all masters,” Wang Teng said gratefully.

“It’s all our own, don’t be so polite, and if we have fresh blood to join our deputy professional league, we can’t ask for it.” Grandmaster Huayuan smiled.

“By the way, how many master-level sub-professionals does your Earth Star have?” Grand Master Alfred asked.

“Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Rune, Spirit Kitchen and other sub-professions add up to a total of 135.” Wang Teng said.

This data was calculated by Wu Xingyun and others and told him that the statistics take time, so Wang Teng didn’t contact the masters of these deputy professional leagues until the evening.

“One hundred and thirty-five, a lot!” Grand Master Alfred and the others said in surprise.

“Generally speaking, it is impossible for a relatively backward planet to give birth to so many master-level sub-professionals.” Grandmaster Hua Yuan said.

“This shows that our planet is full of talents.” Wang Teng smiled.

“It’s not easy for Earth to be able to give birth to a genius like you.” Alfred and others laughed.

Everyone joked and laughed, and Wang Teng sent the information of the deputy professionals of the Earth Star to Grand Master Alfred and the others. They acted as guarantors, and it was not difficult for the deputy professionals of the Earth Star to join the deputy professional league.

This thing can basically be said to be done!

“By the way, Grandmaster Huayuan, do you know of any Grandmaster-level pill that has a better effect on the recovery of dark injuries?” Wang Teng asked.

“Recovering from the dark injury.” Grandmaster Huayuan and the others looked at Wang Teng, worrying: “Are you injured?”

“It’s not me, it’s one of my elders in Earth Star. He was seriously injured in his early years, and you should all know about our Earth Star’s medical treatment, so there are many hidden injuries. Now I want to help him repair his body so as not to affect him. Cultivation in the future.” Wang Teng explained.

“So that’s the case.” Grandmaster Huayuan and the others were relieved, and groaned, and said: “I know a few medicines for recovering dark wounds on the body. Among them, the most effective one is the Qiancao Yunshen Pill. A grandmaster-level seven-grade pill. This pill requires more than a thousand kinds of spirit grass. After taking it, it can nourish the body and eliminate the dark wounds.”

As he said, he paused again and asked:

“By the way, what realm is your elder now?”

“It’s just a star!” Wang Teng replied.

“That’s enough!” Grand Master Hua Yuan said with a smile: “This Thousand Grass Containing Body Pill is enough to completely eliminate his injuries, and it is also very good for him.”

“Then I will refine this Thousand Grass Concentration Pill for him.” Wang Teng made his decision immediately.

Grandmaster-level seventh-grade pill, he picked up some attributes, and it should be able to refine it.

Since you want to practice, then practice the best. For him, it doesn’t make much difference anyway.

“You can redeem the pill and elixir of the Thousand Herbs Accumulating Body Pill in our alliance. Although this Thousand Herbs Accumulating Body Pill requires more than 1,000 kinds of spiritual herbs, it is not too difficult to find. The deputy professional league in your area should be able to Get together.” Grandmaster Hua Yuan said.

“Okay, thank you Grand Master Huayuan.” Wang Teng said gratefully.

“Don’t be so polite.” Grandmaster Hua Yuan said with a smile: “It’s been a long time since I saw you refining alchemy. It’s a pity that we are now in Emperor Star and can’t get past.”

“After Grandmaster Wang Teng has refined the Thousand Herbs Yunshen Pill, if there is any excess, you can sell us a few pills. The pill you refined is too effective.” Grandmaster Hairouer smiled.

“Whether it’s for sale or not, if there is any extra, I will give you a few pills.” Wang Teng said immediately.

“That won’t work, how can we ask for your things for nothing, not to mention that they are Grandmaster’s seventh-grade pill.” Grandmaster Hairou hurriedly shook his head.

“Don’t refuse a few grandmasters. You have helped me arrange the sub-professionals of Earth Star, which has already helped me a lot.” Wang Teng laughed.

He knows that human relations, only gains, without giving, will not last forever after all.

It just so happened that Grandmaster Hairouer and the others were interested in the pill he refined, so they might as well give them a few pills.

Then Wang Teng chatted with several masters for a while before leaving.

He did not rush to leave the virtual universe, but first went to the deputy professional league to exchange the pill of Qiancao Yun Shen Pill.

In a bedroom of the manor, Wang Teng slowly opened his eyes, recalled the prescription and introduction of the Thousand Grass Yun Shen Pill in his mind, and nodded secretly.

At the same time, he has already exchanged the corresponding refining materials in the deputy professional league, which should be delivered tomorrow, and now just needs to wait.

“Round billowing, let me know as soon as the medicinal materials arrive tomorrow.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay!” Yuan Kuan came out, nodded, and smiled: “These masters are very good to you. They agreed with you without thinking about it.”

“They have helped me a lot before, and I can bear it.”

As Wang Teng said, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice. This time the battle for geniuses has gained a lot and needs to be digested.

Rounded a smile and disappeared again.

Early the next morning.

Wang Teng finished his training all night and walked out of the room.

I received the news just after eating breakfast.

“Wang Teng, your elixir has arrived.” A round voice sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.


Wang Teng nodded, walked to the parking garage of the manor, drove a bright and luxurious Rune Force Speed, and flew towards the location of Jade Star’s deputy professional league.

When Zhuang Zewei presented this manor, he also gave a lot of Rune Force Speed!

There are many such speed cars in the garage, with different styles and brands, all of which are the latest models.

These runes alone are a lot of money.

I have to admit that Zhuang Zewei has everything to do, and he, the lord, enjoys a lot of convenience.

But to others, it is a luxury speed car, in his case, it is just an ordinary means of transportation.

The Rune Force Speeder just flew out of the manor, and an equally luxurious but pink Rune Force Speeder fell down.

The window opened, and a pretty face appeared: “Earl Wang Teng is going out?”

“Zhuang Caixuan!” Wang Teng was stunned for a moment, and instead of answering, he asked: “Are you coming for me?”

“Yes, my father is afraid that you are not familiar with Jade Star, so he sent me to be a guide.” Zhuang Caixuan said with a helpless look.

“Hehe, your father is interested.” Wang Teng chuckled lightly.

“Where Earl Wang Teng is going, I’ll show you the way.” Zhuang Caixuan said.

“It’s okay.” Wang Teng nodded, still…not rejecting.

“Then wait for me to park the car and I will take your car.” Zhuang Caixuan said.

After she parked her car, she climbed onto Wang Teng’s Rune Force Speed.

“Come on.” Wang Teng gave up the driver’s seat to Zhuang Caixuan.

“You are treating me as a driver.” Zhuang Caixuan pouted, and reluctantly sat in the driver’s seat, and started the Rune Force Speed.

“Why don’t you have free coolies?” Wang Teng smiled faintly and said, “Go to the deputy professional league.”

“Vice-professional league?” Zhuang Caixuan was taken aback, and while flying into the sky, she asked: “What are you going to do? Buy weapons or pill? Our family has some good weapons and pill. If You can ask my father if you need it.”

“I want to make alchemy.” Wang Teng glanced at her.

“Alchemy??!” Zhuang Caixuan said in amazement: “Are you an alchemist?”

“Yes.” Wang Teng nodded.

“I really didn’t expect you to be an alchemist.” A strange color flashed in Zhuang Caixuan’s eyes.

“Your father should know.” Wang Teng said.

“He never told me.” Zhuang Caixuan said.

“Then your father said that you have heard a lot of my deeds, and you don’t seem to know me very well.” Wang Teng joked.

“Ahaha, what I know is mainly about martial arts.” Zhuang Caixuan gave a dry smile.

Wang Teng smiled and said nothing.

Just listen to those words, but he doesn’t really believe it.

“I don’t know what pill you are refining?” Zhuang Caixuan peeked at him from the corner of her eye and asked.

“Do you understand what I said?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.

“I don’t understand.” Zhuang Caixuan stuck out her tongue, scolding the straight man in her heart secretly. Will this Earl Wang Teng chat in the end?

God is chatting to death!

The Vice-Professional League is not far from the center of Yuming City, and Wang Teng’s manor is located in the best part of the entire Yuming City. It is naturally also nearby, and the distance is not too far.

So the two reached their destination quickly.

The Rune Force Speed ​​fell from the sky, and Zhuang Caixuan parked the car in the dedicated parking lot of the Deputy Professional League.

There was a square in front of the deputy professional league, and the two of them passed through this square and walked directly into the lobby of the deputy professional league.

The lobby is very spacious, there are many people walking in and out, some are staff, some are sub-professionals, and some are people who come to post tasks.

Zhuang Caixuan rarely came to the deputy professional league, and was looking around curiously at this time.

A middle-aged man was waiting at the door, and when he saw Wang Teng, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted him.

“Is it Grandmaster Wang Teng?”

“It’s me!” Wang Teng nodded.

“Grandmaster!” Zhuang Caixuan was stunned, staring at Wang Teng with wide eyes.

“I’m a supervisor of the Jade Star Division of the Deputy Professional League. Grandmaster Huayuan from the Emperor Star headquarters specifically explained your matter, so I’m waiting for you here early in the morning.” said the middle-aged man.

“You are polite.” Wang Teng thanked.

“The elixir you need is ready, and an alchemy room has been vacated. Please follow me.” The middle-aged man reached out and led the way.

Wang Teng followed him and walked inside the deputy professional league.

“Leave, what are you doing in a daze.”

“Oh good!” Zhuang Caixuan came back to her senses, followed quickly, and whispered beside Wang Teng, “Are you a grandmaster?”

“Isn’t it?” Wang Teng said.

“It looks like it!” Zhuang Caixuan wanted to refute, but after all she didn’t say it, she could only complain in her heart.

She thought of saying that she had a lot of pills in her home, and her face felt a little hot.

Grandmaster-level pill, they don’t have one in their family.

Not long after, a few people came to a vacant alchemy room, and the middle-aged man said, “This is it.”

“Okay, thanks a lot.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Then I will leave first. If you have any instructions, you can call me through the virtual network at any time.” The middle-aged man said.

Wang Teng watched the other party leave, then gave Zhuang Caixuan a few more words, and then walked into the alchemy room alone.

Zhuang Caiwei’s eyes flickered, watching Wang Teng’s back disappear behind the door of the alchemy room, and then withdrew her gaze, a deep curiosity appeared in her expression.

This Earl Wang Teng is really extraordinary. Even if the martial arts is strong, he is still a master-level alchemist. Such a talent is really scary.

She didn’t doubt Wang Teng’s identity at all. After all, that middle-aged man was so respectful to Wang Teng, this was not the treatment that ordinary people could enjoy.

Zhuang Caixuan’s thoughts were tumbling, and she sat down on a chair beside her and waited quietly.

After Wang Teng entered the alchemy room, he saw a box placed inside, and used his account to enter the password to open it, and he saw that the various elixir for refining the Qiancao Yunshen Pill were placed in it, rich in medicine. Then the fragrance came.

“Three medicinal herbs, the number of medicinal pills refined should be enough to distribute to Grandmaster Huayuan and the others.” Wang Teng nodded secretly, waved his hand, and a black pill furnace flew out and landed on the opening of the fire.

Blackfall furnace!

This is a legendary pill furnace owned by Wang Teng, and he has been using it to make alchemy!

Then Wang Teng sat cross-legged in front of the alchemy furnace, rolled out his mental power, and first quietly picked up the attribute bubbles around the alchemy room.




There are alchemy rooms nearby, and it is a special alchemy room for Grandmaster level, so there are many alchemy attributes.

Wang Teng picked up a wave of attribute bubbles, and his alchemy attainments suddenly improved a lot.

[Alchemist]: 650010000 (Grandmaster level)

The attribute value of Wang Teng used to be more than 5,000, but now it has been upgraded to 6,500, which is completely capable of refining a grandmaster-level sixth-grade pill.

And with Wang Teng’s understanding of the alchemy, as well as his strong spiritual power, coupled with the assistance of the different fires of heaven and earth, it should be no problem to refine the Seventh Stage Qiancao Yunshen Pill of the Grand Master.

There was a gleam in his eyes, no longer hesitating, he closed his eyes and recalled the pill of Qiancao Yun Shen.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the true spirit flames of the beasts in his body swept out and burned in the black meteor furnace.

Qiancao Yunshen Pill requires many medicinal materials nourished by the essence and blood of the star beasts, and the true spirit flame of the ten thousand beasts, as the fire of the ten thousand beasts, is precisely helpful for this, so Wang Teng chose to use it.

At this time, the flame patterns on the surface of the black meteor furnace seemed to have come alive. Under the blessing of the different fires of heaven and earth, they sometimes condensed into the shape of a phoenix and sometimes into a dragon shape, which was exceptionally strange.

Wang Teng didn’t pay attention to this. His eyes were calm and waveless, and with a wave of his big hand, his mental power swept hundreds of medicinal materials and flew over and plunged into the black meteor furnace.

Thousands of herbal medicines require a lot of time even for refining, but Wang Teng is strong in spirit and can refining hundreds of medicinal materials at the same time, which can save a lot of time.

The hundreds of medicinal materials were wrapped in flames, forming more than a hundred flame groups, floating in the pill furnace.

The refining ashes kept falling down.

In a short time, more than one hundred herbs were refined and refined one after another, some turned into droplets, and some turned into powder, floating in the pill furnace.

Wang Teng once again controlled his mental power to scroll hundreds of herbs into the Black Falling Furnace.

Time passed bit by bit…

The entire refining process lasted three hours!

This time has actually been shortened several times by Wang Teng. If it were replaced by another alchemy master, it might take a whole day to refine it.

It may not even be a one-time success.

Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief. The refining process was fairly smooth. Although there was a slight accident in the middle, it was within the controllable range and no medicinal materials were wasted.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Teng refined three medicinal materials at the same time.

Without him, save time!

After refining the medicinal materials, Wang Teng closed his eyes and rested for a while, then his eyes condensed, controlling his mental power, and fusing the thousands of medicinal materials one by one in order.

This process is the most difficult part of refining the Qiancao Yunshen Pill. This kind of pill requires too many medicinal materials. The possibility of accidents in the fusion process is much greater than that of other pill. No matter which fusion link is wrong, it will All can only fail.

Wang Teng’s expression became serious, and he dared not neglect the slightest, and slowly merged the extracts.

Time passed again.

Outside the alchemy room, Zhuang Caixuan waited boringly, her mouth pursed slightly, thinking that there would be something rare in the vice professional league following Wang Teng, but she did not expect to wait for almost a whole day just by waiting.

She wanted to go in to see Wang Teng’s alchemy process, but Wang Teng asked her to wait outside, so she didn’t dare to go in.

And she knew that when the alchemist was making alchemy, he was most taboo against others watching.

So she can only continue to wait.

“Cai Xuan?” At this moment, a suspicious voice came from the corridor nearby.

“Sister Clara!” Zhuang Caixuan was taken aback for a moment, turned her head and looked over. She was surprised and happy when she saw the visitor, hurriedly trot over, then hugged the visitor and touched her affectionately… Headlamp.

She is only as tall as the other’s headlamp.

The woman called Clara was tall and extremely sexy, and her full breasts squeezed out an exaggerated curve under the rubbing of Zhuang Caixuan.

“Be careful, it’s outside.” Clara didn’t expect Zhuang Caixuan to be so courageous, she looked around and whispered.

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