Chapter 1339 Arrangement! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

In the living room, Wang Teng talked with Wu Xingyun and others for a long time to learn about their recent situation.

At the same time, learn about the cultivation situation of the Earth Star Warrior.

“Don’t worry, after you left last time, we have arranged several batches of warriors with good talents to enter the universe. They grow very fast, and it will probably not take long before they will be promoted to the star.” Wu Xingyun said.

“As for the older generation of warriors, they have already reached the planetary star level early, and our manpower is not so nervous.”

“Sometimes it’s better for your own people.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Yes.” Wu Xingyun and the others nodded in sympathy.

They are different from Wang Teng. Wang Teng has an identity, a status, and a strong talent. He can hold down other people, but they can’t.

Give them a permanent star warrior, they may not be able to live in town!

Therefore, only the warriors from the earth star can be one mind with them, and many things can be carried out smoothly.

“The younger generation of warriors should also grow up well, how many people have broken through the stars?” Wang Teng asked again.

“Ji Xiuming, Han Zhu, they all broke through to the star level, there are a total of twelve people.” Wu Xingyun said.

“Twelve people, there are not too many. Their talents are not much different from those of the universe, they just need time to grow.” Wang Teng laughed.

“Really?” Hong Tianshi’s eyes lit up.

“This is natural. I have fought with them and are very familiar with them.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Great, this shows that the difference between our Earth and Star geniuses and those cosmic geniuses is only resources, and we still have a chance to catch up.” said Yong Shuai, who did not speak.

It is worth mentioning that Yongshuai is named Yonglianggong, Longshuai is really named Long Changkong, and Han Lao is named Han Ping!

The three of them are all showing their real names in the universe!

“When it comes to resources, I have an idea.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh!” Wu Xingyun and others’ eyes lit up, and they quickly asked, “What’s the idea?”

“We have a lot of alchemy masters, master forging masters, master runes, and masters of spirit cooks in our planet.” Wang Teng laughed.

“You mean…” Han Ping’s expression moved.

“There is an extremely large force in the universe called the Vice-Professional League of the Universe. I don’t know if you have heard of it?” Wang Teng said.

“We were performing missions outside, but we heard something about the vice professional league, but we never learned about it, so we only know some fur.” ​​Wu Xingyun hesitated for a while, said.

“The Cosmic Vice Professional Alliance is a joint organization of subprofessionals. They unite together to safeguard their own rights and interests. They are one of the several giant forces in the universe. It can be said that they are almost all over the universe. These big forces of the Bing Alliance are equally famous…” Wang Teng immediately explained to them in detail.

“So, I didn’t expect this professional league to be so powerful.” Han Ping exclaimed.

“What do you mean, let Earth Star’s sub-professionals join this cosmic sub-professional alliance?” Wu Xingyun and others have probably guessed Wang Teng’s thoughts.

“Yes, everyone should know that associate professionals are very profitable, and they will be more popular in the universe.” Wang Teng laughed.

“This is a good way to solve resources, but joining the deputy professional league shouldn’t be that easy, right?” Wu Xingyun said hesitantly.

“Yeah, I heard that this professional league is not that easy to join, and it has to pass various assessments. There is still a certain gap between the sub-professionals of Earth Star and the sub-professionals of the universe, and they may not pass the assessment.” Long Changkong Road.

“You can rest assured that I have joined the deputy professional league, and now I am a three-level master of the deputy professional league. I am familiar with many master-level existences. With my network, let the deputy professional of the earth star enter Vice-professional league is not a big problem.” Wang Teng said.

“What, you have already joined the vice professional league!” Han Ping was shocked suddenly.

“Yes, when I was in the Emperor Star of the Dagan Empire, I joined the Deputy Professional League because I needed some external force.” Wang Teng said.

“Great. In this way, it will be much easier for our Earthstar’s deputy professional to join the deputy professional league.” Yong Lianggong said excitedly.

“Wait, you just said that you are already a master of the Three Daos?” Hong Tianshi said suddenly: “Master of the Three Daos, I heard that right?”

“You heard that right, I am indeed the Three Dao Grandmaster!” Wang Teng nodded, “Otherwise, how could I establish a very large network of contacts in a short period of time. Many of them are based on my Three Dao Grand Master. For the sake of face.”

“Hiss!” When everyone heard the words, they took a breath and looked at Wang Teng like a ghost.

At this moment, there is only one question in their minds.

How did this guy practice?

The martial arts cultivation is progressing rapidly, and he won the first place in the battle for genius hegemony. This is an achievement that I don’t know how much time it will take to practice.

Wang Teng actually still has the time and energy to raise the realm of the three sub-professionals to the master level!

This is crazy!

When they were in Earth Star, they did know that Wang Teng was proficient in runes, forging, alchemy and other sub-classes, and they had all reached the master level.

But now it is at the master level, and the gap with the master level is huge, and it can’t be achieved overnight.

As a result, Wang Teng froze to complete this achievement in a short period of time, which is unbelievable.

When building the teleportation array before, Wang Teng was a space array completed with a group of rune masters, so they did not know that Wang Teng had reached the master level.

But they also knew that Wang Teng could not lie to them with this kind of thing, it was meaningless.

So this can only be true!

For a while, everyone didn’t know what to say, but looked at Wang Teng blankly.

“You guy, your talent is really enchanting!” After a long while, Han Ping took a deep breath and sighed.

“It’s no wonder that you can guarantee that the sub-professionals of Earth Star will enter the sub-professional league. It seems that it is not difficult to have your contacts.” Wu Xingyun said with a gleam in his eyes.

“I will take the time to contact the deputy professional league, and you will also prepare to let the deputy professional of Earth Star come to Jade Star.” Wang Teng said.

“Good!” Wu Xingyun nodded.

“As for the problem of the gap between Earth and the universe, let them take some simple tasks in the vice professional league first, do what they can, and learn while doing tasks, so that they can grow faster and help them integrate into the vice professional league as soon as possible. “Wang Teng groaned.

“This is a good way. I think they will be very happy if they know that there is such an opportunity in front of them.” Wu Xingyun said.

After the explanation, Wang Teng looked at Han Ping again and said with a smile: “I am now at the master level with alchemy attainments, but I can help you solve the hidden dangers of your body.”

Han Ping had experienced too many battles when he was in Earth Star. Due to the limitations of Earth Star’s medical treatment, he did not receive good treatment in time. He left many concealed injuries in his early years, and his life span was greatly shortened.

In the East China Sea sea beast riot, he almost died. Although Wang Teng rescued him in time, there were still major problems.

Originally, according to Wang Teng’s estimation, only when he reached the master level would he be able to solve it.

Now that he has reached the master level, this problem can naturally be solved.

“Really!” Han Ping’s eyes lit up. Although he has reached the planetary star and his life span has been increased, the hidden dangers of his body have not been ruled out, which will affect his cultivation, and he even feels this effect all the time now. .

Whenever he cultivates, there is always a faint pain in his body, which makes his cultivation extremely difficult.

If there is no such hidden danger, his cultivation speed will be much faster, and his future potential will be higher.

Otherwise, if this continues, he will at most reach a constant star.

“This is natural.” Wang Teng nodded and said, “When I finish dealing with the things at hand, I will open the furnace for alchemy.”

“Good! Good! Good!” Han Ping was very excited.

He originally thought that his life span would end here, but he didn’t expect that not only would he be promoted to the planetary star, but he would be able to resolve the hidden injuries in his body.

In this way, he is likely to achieve higher achievements in the future.

And all this was brought to him by Wang Teng!

“Wang Teng, this, this… I really don’t know how to thank you.” He said incoherently.

“Don’t be polite, it’s just a matter of effort for me.” Wang Teng said.

“For you, it’s just a matter of effort, but for me, it’s the grace of reconstruction.” Han Ping was deeply moved.

“Well, this is a great thing, you should be happy.” Hong Tianshi smiled.

“I should be happy, I should be happy!” Han Ping nodded repeatedly.

“By the way, what is happening to the warriors of other countries on Earth and Stars?” Wang Teng took a sip of tea, turned the subject, and asked.

“That’s not true. They know they can only rely on you, so they have been very honest.”

“What’s more, now that you have become the Earl of the Dagan Empire, the people of Earth Star also know it, and they dare not have any extra thoughts.”

“Two days ago, they also deliberately passed the qi with us, saying that they were waiting for you to come back and wanted to have a chat with you.” Wu Xingyun smiled.

“It’s fine if there is no problem. After all, they are all Earth-Stars. It is better for everyone to work together.” Wang Teng said flatly.

Wu Xingyun and the others moved in their hearts, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Although Wang Teng’s tone was dull, they knew that if someone made small movements behind his back, Wang Teng would not be so good at talking.

At this moment, the momentum that Wang Teng showed, even they felt a little pressure.

They know very well that this is the power brought by status!

Wang Teng is now the lord of several galaxies and controls the destiny of countless people.

After many times, Wu Xingyun, Han Ping and the talented people left the hall with joy, and went to deal with their own affairs.

These people, as the helms, or managers, of the earth and planets, there are many things that need to be handled by them personally.

Now that Wang Teng returns, his status has changed, and the benefits brought by them are numerous. Naturally, they have to deal with a lot more.

Fortunately, they are all good things that are conducive to the development of the earth and the planet, and they are also happy in it.

After sending Wu Xingyun and the others away, Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief, rubbing his eyebrows, feeling tired.

He actually prefers to practice than to deal with these things.



In the Zhuang family manor, a lively dinner is being held.

When all the senior officials of Jade Star and the big family heard about the dinner tonight, they all squeezed their heads and asked for an invitation letter from Zhuang Zewei.

Everyone knows that Wang Teng’s value has soared, and he is now an Earl of the Empire.

Not only that, they value the extraordinary potential of Wang Teng more!

Wang Teng’s performance in the battle for genius hegemony is now unknown to everyone.

Everyone felt that Wang Teng’s future would be limitless. Don’t hug his thighs quickly at this time, but wait more.

At the dinner party, there was a lot of excitement, conversations were endless, beautiful maids shuttled in between, and delicious wine and food filled the table.

But everyone didn’t have the mind to pay attention to these, they all looked at the door frequently.

Even Zhuang Zewei, the host of the dinner, was constantly looking at the door at this time, expecting a figure to appear.

“Father, it’s really rare for you to look so eager.” Next to him, a girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old covered her mouth and smiled.

“What do you know, our Lord Earl is not an ordinary person.” Zhuang Zewei said in a bad mood.

“I heard his deeds these days, and my ears almost heard the cocoon coming.” The girl rolled her eyes and said.

“Then you should know how amazing his potential is.” Zhuang Zewei looked around and whispered: “Look at these people around you. Which one is not like a wolf smelling meat, and they all rushed forward.”

“Your metaphor is quite appropriate.” The girl looked around and smiled.

“So, you have to understand my painstaking efforts, and to bring you here tonight, you must seize the opportunity.” Zhuang Zewei said bitterly.

My daughter was not dispatched last time because Wang Teng was just a baron, and his position was unstable and his future was uncertain.

But now it’s different. Wang Teng is promoted to earl and on the star list again, even if the Parax family can’t move him.

“I don’t want it, I already have someone I like.” The girl shook her head.

“How can you girl be so self-willed, it’s your mother who spoiled you.” Zhuang Zewei was helpless.

“And you keep saying that you have someone you like, but you can’t tell who it is. Who knows if you are lying to me.”

He glared at the girl, and then said:

“Forget it, don’t mention these, I don’t care if you have someone you like, since it’s here tonight, let’s get in touch first.”

“With the talent of this Earl Wang Teng, can there be other men who can match him?”

“Anyway, I just took my mother’s mission to come and take a look tonight. After reading it, I will flash people. If you didn’t ask my mother to let me come, I wouldn’t come.” The girl was unmoved.

“You damn girl!” Zhuang Zewei was a little angry, hating iron for not making steel.

With such a good opportunity before her eyes, this girl didn’t know how to cherish it.

Although the Earl Wang Teng already had a fiancé, how could an Earl have only one woman.

They are all men, and he naturally knows the virtues of men.

The girl was not afraid of Zhuang Zewei at all, she stuck her tongue out at him, picked up a glass of juice for herself and drank it, not paying attention to the dinner at all.

“Earl Wang Teng is here!” At this moment, a voice came in from outside the door.

The whole hall was quiet, and everyone immediately turned their heads to look around, only to see a tall and majestic black-haired young man walking in from outside the door.

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