Chapter 137 I can’t bear to kill the good guy! (Seeking monthly ticket for subscription!!)

Liu Yan stared at the Ma Lian youth without blinking, pressing the trigger from time to time, and the alloy bullet shot out with the flame tail.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng was fighting each other at this time, and the two of them kept changing their shapes, making them elusive.

Wang Teng quickly realized this, and when dodged, he consciously staggered with the opponent.

Liu Yan immediately seized the gap and fired a shot.


Before the evil person could react, a blood flower bloomed on his thigh.


The martial artist has a strong body, but the shot still blasted his thighs to the flesh and blood, and he couldn’t help screaming in pain.

“I want you to die!”

He was a little mad, and he seemed to rush towards Wang Teng when he was about to fight back, trying to solve this annoying kid first.

“Be careful!” Liu Yan’s face changed slightly and immediately reminded.

Bang bang bang!

Several shots were fired at the same time, blocking the opponent’s actions.

“Damn! Really made me mud.” Wang Teng’s eyes glared, and instead of retreating, the original force of the fire system gushed out of his body, forming a sword glow.

No one noticed that strange black mist was mixed in this fiery red sword light.

The horse-faced evildoer’s face was twisted, and he slammed his sword to greet him. The light on the sword flashed, and the power of a 3-star warrior was completely released.

The difference in strength between the two was there, and as soon as the swords touched, Wang Teng took a few steps backwards again.

This time he was prepared, and his mental power formed a thrust behind him, causing his body to stop abruptly.

The horse-faced evildoer stepped forward again, but his body suddenly froze in midair, his complexion changed drastically.

“You…use poison!”

The horse-faced evildoer roared, and the force of light on his body flashed, trying to dispel the poisonous gas in his body.

However, the poisonous gas was like bone-attached gangrene, which was difficult to disperse, but instead eroded the force together, making the force flow stagnant and difficult to move.

The poison of the demon lotus venom is so terrifying!


Seeing this opportunity, Wang Teng instantly culled in front of him.

The horse-faced evildoer looked horrified and wanted to retreat. Under the poisonous effect, his movements were half a beat slow…


The sword smashed straight into his chest, almost splitting him in half. The horse-faced evil spirit’s eyes widened, and it was obvious that he could not survive.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and Liu Yan was dumbfounded.

So that I just forgot to shoot!

The horse-faced evildoer of the 3-star warrior-level warrior was actually killed by Wang Teng!

Wasn’t he always weak before? Why is it so awesome all of a sudden? ?

Isn’t this kid pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

“You kid is ruthless!” Liu Yan stepped forward and looked at the split chest of the horse-faced evildoer, feeling a little secretly surprised.

“I don’t want to, Wang Teng has always been a kind and loving good person. Usually, I can’t bear to kill chickens. People give me the nickname-I can’t bear to kill chicken kings!” Wang Teng said with compassion and sincerity. : “Can you believe me?”

Can’t bear to kill the good guy!

Liu Yan suddenly looked strange.

“I believe you are a big ghost!”

“Oh, I had my heart turned to the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!” Wang Teng sighed deeply.

Liu Yan: “…”

“Hey, why is his face so dark?” Liu Yan suddenly saw the face of the evil horse face, and remembered his roar just now, and said in amazement: “You still know how to use poison?”

“Hey, know a little bit!” Wang Teng smiled embarrassedly.

“You little Yin!” Liu Yan looked weird and immediately took two steps back, as if she was afraid that Wang Teng would give her this too.

“Hey, I’m here to kill the enemy, okay, what is your look?” Wang Teng said.

“Hehe, I’ll help the captain and them, you can rest here for a while.” Liu Yan ran away.

Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly, his eyes fell on the few attribute bubbles that fell beside the horse-faced evildoer-pick it up!



【Water Force *12】

[Intermediate Water System Talent*2]

【Stacking Waves Sword Technique*1】

“I go!”

The situation that was near death just now seems to be… worth it!

The power and speed attributes increased, and Wang Teng’s power and speed continued to increase.

Of course the most important thing is… Intermediate Water System talent!

With this talent, Wang Teng can use the water element force.

In addition, 12 points have been added to the original force of the water system. Now his original force of the water system has a total of 33 points, and his strength has been strengthened again.

There is even an intermediate sword technique of the Profound Stage-the Waves Sword Technique!

That’s right, the Die Lang sword technique is exactly the mysterious rank sword technique.

Wang Teng has made a lot of money with another profound swordsmanship! !

This wave is really not a loss!

The only pity is that there is no water system technique!

Wang Teng couldn’t help smiling wryly.

I’m a bit greedy and lacking. The previous harvest is rich enough, and I still want the exercises. It’s almost impossible!

He shook his head, his eyes turned to the battle group of Lin Zhan and others!

As the horse-faced evil spirits were killed, the fighting power of the two sides tilted, and Lin Zhan and others soon solved the other evil spirits.

During this period, a huge roar erupted in the sky, and it seemed that someone was fighting.

But Wang Teng couldn’t see anything on their side.

“Look at this movement, the truth sect has at least dispatched 7-star warriors, we better leave as soon as possible.” Lin Zhan said solemnly.

Everyone nodded, preparing to leave from the side alley.

Wang Teng’s gaze swept away, and his mental power stretched out, pulling the attribute bubbles dropped by several murdered evildoers and the bubbles dropped by Lin Zhan and others during the battle.

【Fire Force*15】

【Earth Force *10】

[Intermediate Fire Talent*1]

【Golden Force*12】

【Wood Force *13】

【Water Force *8】




Intermediate fire talent! !

Another intermediate talent!

Wang Teng’s heart is full of joy, not only an intermediate talent, but also a fire element.

You know, the higher the talent, the stronger the control of the force.

Now his Fire Element Force has reached 2 stars, his size is getting bigger and bigger, and he has become more solid. If his talent is not improved in time, it will be more difficult to control it in the future.

The rest is the original force, as well as the increase in speed and power!

Wang Teng felt that his combat power had suddenly improved.


The feeling of becoming stronger is so cool!

The last is comprehension. After the evildoers were killed, they actually dropped 10 points of comprehension attribute.

Wang Teng’s current comprehension has reached the level of the spiritual realm, and his ordinary comprehension can only increase at a ratio of ten to one.

10 points of ordinary comprehension, and 1 point of spiritual comprehension.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (1100)

Suddenly, I felt a burst of clarity in my head, and all kinds of enlightenment flashed in my mind.

Recently, he tried to practice exercises and combat techniques, and found that since his comprehension entered the spiritual realm, his cultivation speed was much faster.

Even without relying on blank attributes to add points, it can quickly improve the proficiency of combat skills and exercises.

Wang Teng immediately understood the importance of comprehension. If the comprehension can be raised to a very high level, then is it possible that in just one day, a combat skill or exercise can be cultivated to great accomplishment and even consummation? That is not inverse. God!

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