Chapter 138 The Purpose of the Gangsters (seeking monthly pass for subscription!)

“No!” An unwilling voice came from the sky as if before dying.


At the same time, there was a sudden explosion.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Zhan and the others were about to evacuate, their complexions suddenly changed, and they looked towards the sky.


“Die, go to death!”

“Long live the truth!!!”

Crazy voices spread all around.

“Wu… Master Wu has fallen!!!”

“Run, even the 6-star Master Wu has fallen. We are not opponents at all…”

A panicked voice followed.

“A strong man has fallen!” Lin Zhan looked at each other and finally knew what they had found.


They hardly hesitated and rushed immediately.

But at this time, some people also fled to them in a hurry!

Behind the truth cult cultists chased after him, and the scene was chaotic.

“Damn it!” Lin Zhan’s expression changed. He had just settled a wave and was brought by another wave, which was really unlucky enough.

“No, don’t kill me!”

The screams sounded, and the truth cult cultists showed no mercy, as if they were here today to kill. They raised the butcher knife and cut off the head of a fallen young man.

“It’s Xu Hui and the others!” Wang Teng looked back. The others just swept past, feeling a little familiar. When he saw Xu Hui, he remembered that these people were not her seniors.

At this time, they were extremely embarrassed, and they had long lost their previous high-spirited air.

Especially after the senior was decapitated, the rest of the people were even more scared, their faces trembling all over, and some people were even stupid in place.

The students trained by these universities are also martial artists, so they are so unbearable?

Fortunately, not all are incompetent.

The two or three people around Pang Danwen raised their weapons to resist, but they were weak and inexperienced, and they were forced to retreat continuously by those evil spirits.

Xu Hui has just become a martial artist, and has not even learned the Force combat skills. At this time, he can only use basic swordsmanship against the enemy, obviously not an opponent at all.

“Dead!” An evil person raised a knife to split Xu Hui’s war sword, the sword’s power remained undiminished, and it slashed over her head.

For the first time Xu Hui faced such a life and death situation, the sharp blade was constantly enlarged in her pupils, and she completely forgot to dodge.

In fact, it was too late to dodge.

There is a big horror between life and death!

At this moment, intense fear, strong unwillingness, all kinds of emotions poured out, permeating her heart.

“Am I going to die?”

“I’m still so young?”

“It’s terrible, this is the feeling of facing death, it’s trembling!”

In an instant, various thoughts flashed through her mind.


Suddenly, a cold drink sounded.

A sword light flashed past her side and rushed towards the truth cult cult in front of her.

The truth cult cult cultist’s expression changed, and he was trying to defend himself, but it was too late.


Cut your head with one sword!

His body was stiff in place, his head flew up, blood leaped from his neck like a fountain, and then fell weakly.

A tooth for a tooth!

Just now, this evil person cut off the head of Senior Xu Hui, and now he has also been decapitated.

The causal cycle, but so!

Xu Hui saw a flash of blood flashing in front of her eyes, and blood splattered on her face. Her face was instantly pale and scary, and she couldn’t help retching.

“What are you doing in a daze, let’s go!”

A familiar voice rang in her ears, and then she felt her body being pulled and ran forward.

“Wang Teng!”

Seeing the figure in front of him, Xu Hui was full of consternation. It was Wang Teng who had rescued her just now.

Then wait for strength!

Even Senior Sister Pang Danwen is inferior to them, right?

How could Wang Teng become so strong? ?

Xu Hui was full of doubts, but knew that this was not the time to delve into it, and hurriedly followed Wang Teng closely.

The evil followers who had besieged Pang Danwen and others saw that their companion was killed by Wang Teng, and immediately attacked him.

“Depend on!”

Wang Teng cursed and pushed Xu Hui forward.

“you go first!”

“No, I can’t leave you behind.” Xu Hui said without thinking.

“Why are you staying behind, are you holding back?” Wang Teng said mercilessly, then ignored her and faced the evildoers.

When Lin Zhan and others saw him being besieged, they all returned to support.

“Senior Sister, the evil person has been led over, let’s go.” The pressure on several students around Pang Danwen was greatly reduced, and said hastily.

“No, they were besieged for our sake, and we can’t ignore it.” Pang Danwen said sternly.

“We can’t beat those evil spirits, that Wang Teng and his friends are so strong, and we would only be a disservice in the past.” Someone said fearfully.

“I don’t care, I won’t go, you have to go by yourself, I will go first.”

Someone left without looking back, making Pang Danwen and Xu Hui trembling with anger. They could see the true colors of these old friends.

The rest of the people hesitated for a while, and joined Pang Danwen in the battle, but they obviously underestimated the combat effectiveness of Lin Zhan and others. In a short moment, several evil spirits who were not too strong were beheaded.

“Let’s go, don’t delay!” Lin Zhan said.

Wang Teng glanced at Pang Danwen, nodded, and said, “Go!”

The crowd left quickly and finally got rid of the chaotic neighborhood.

Unfortunately, on the way, they ran into the few students who had fled to death. The other side gave them a little embarrassed look, then turned their heads and left quickly.

Pang Danwen shook her head and sighed.

“Hurry up and leave, my teammates and I still have some things, so I won’t be with you.” Wang Teng said to Xu Hui.

“Okay, then you pay attention to safety.” Xu Hui opened her mouth, and finally just said so.

“Thank you just now.” Pang Danwen thanked Wang Teng and others, very grateful.

After separating from Xu Hui and others, Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others stood far away on a building at this moment, looking in the direction of Bond Auction House.

“This time, Bond Auction House suffered a huge loss!” Lin Zhan sighed.

“Fortunately, our stellar bones have been auctioned. The current auction is just in case. We pay for the goods on the spot. The money has already been in our hands, otherwise we will have to lose money.” Liu Yan said.

“Who are the truth cult evil people?” Wang Teng asked.

“A group of people claiming to have mastered the truth, thinking that others are idiots and lunatics.” Yan Jinming sneered.

“The people who formed the Shinrikyo Sect are all people with ulterior motives, who advocate the occupation and enslavement of other worlds. They use doctrine to control evildoers and brainwash evildoers for driving.” Liu Yan added.

“Occupy and enslave another world?” Wang Teng was surprised by the grand goal of these people.

“I think it’s incredible, that’s why I said they are a bunch of lunatics.” Lin Zhan said disdainfully.

“This…what do they think?” Wang Teng couldn’t understand it.

“What else can I think about? It’s nothing more than feeling that the foreign world is rich in resources and wanting to increase the expansion and plundering of the other world in this way, but they don’t want to think, if it is that simple, how can all countries in the world maintain today’s peace? The situation, after all, some countries have always been aggressive.” Lin Zhan said.

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