Chapter 136 Black Bandits!

“Long live the truth!”

“It’s a truth cult evildoer, be careful!!”

The roar sounded from outside the building, and the sound went straight into the Bond auction house building.

This must be the voice of the warrior!

“Start the rune formation, hurry up!!”


The sound just sounded, followed by a huge roar.

The building was collapsing and shaking, and the expressions of everyone in the auction venue changed drastically.

“It turned out to be a truth cult cultist!!”

“Quickly, get out of the building!”

“The building is about to collapse, and the rune formations of the Bond Auction House are almost unable to withstand it.”

The rune formation is a formation composed of runes, which is used for defensive purposes!

Everyone rushed outside the building, and a warrior broke the window directly, but the screams immediately sounded.

Those who hadn’t jumped the window had brows and heartbeats, and immediately changed their directions, some rushed downstairs, and some went to the top of the building.

“Truth Religion?!” Wang Teng saw the people running for their lives below, his heart became solemn, and he was also full of doubts.

Can anyone tell me what the hell is this truth teaching?

“Hurry up!” Lin Zhan’s face was solemn, even with a look of hatred, gritted his teeth and rushed downstairs: “Let’s go down from the side of the building!”

Liu Yan and the others had cultivated a tacit understanding over a long period of time, and they almost immediately followed without hesitation.

Wang Teng knew nothing at this time, and the situation was very urgent. He had no time to ask, so he could only follow them first.

At the same time, many people rushed out of the boxes around them. At this moment, they couldn’t care about hiding their identities, and their faces were frosty, and they hated the evil spirits of the truth sect.


“Hahaha, smash it, and kill all fools who violate the doctrines of truth doctrine!” Amidst the roar, crazy laughter spread all around.


I don’t know if it is the strong men of Bond auction house or the big men who participated in the auction.

“These lunatics!”

Lin Zhan cursed, and found a window in the corner with rubbish piles underneath, and there were no people around.

“Let’s go down from here.” As he said Bento, he jumped down first.

Without saying anything, Liu Yan and the others jumped down one after another. The height of the eighth floor of the three-star warriors couldn’t help them, not to mention that the walls of this steel building did not lack a foothold.

As Wang Teng jumped down, his heart moved, and the force of the wind system surged out, forming a gust of wind around him, slowing down the force of falling, slammed it to the bottom, and gently landed on the ground.

Lin Zhan and a few people suddenly showed a look of surprise, such a relaxed posture, but even they couldn’t do it.

But now is obviously not the time to think about this.

They were about to evacuate. A few people suddenly rushed out of the corner ahead. When they saw them, they immediately shouted, “Someone here is going to flee, kill them!”

While roaring, he rushed towards Lin Zhan, Wang Teng and others, the crazy energy seemed to be a little sick.

“Everyone, it seems that we can’t be kind today!”

Lin Zhan twisted his neck, flipped his hands, took off his battle axe from behind, stood in front of Wang Teng and the others, and said lightly.

Several people took out their weapons one after another, all without fear when they were about to fight.

“Then fight!”

Liu Yan carried the heavy machine gun on her shoulders, adding a touch of heroism, and said indifferently.

Wang Teng shook his head, wondering if he was out of luck? Always encountering all kinds of troubles inexplicably, he put on his gloves and took out his sword…

Seeing that Lin Zhan and the others were standing in front of them, without any intention to dodge, the evil spirits of the truth sect suddenly showed a hideous look.

“Fool, all damn it!”

One person first held a battle knife, condensed a fiery red sword light, soared into the sky, and slashed towards Lin Zhan.


Lin Zhan gave a soft yell, crossed the axes, and the golden light burst, blocking the sharp blade.


“The power is good, but the power is not enough!”

The corner of Lin Zhan’s mouth evoked a slight curve of contempt, and he slammed his feet, forming a fierce energy, smashed the ground, and rushed towards the opponent.

The opposite person was obviously angry with his contemptuous attitude, and his eyes were even more crazy. He grinned and said, “Is it powerful enough, you try!”

Liu Yan, Yan Jinming and others have dispersed at this time, fighting with several other truth cult cultists.

“Wang Teng, you cover me!”

The heavy machine gun in Liu Yan’s hand fired, the force of the fire system attached to the alloy bullet and poured out at an amazing speed, as if torn the air straight away and appeared in front of the enemy.

On the opposite side was a young man with a horse face. His complexion changed, his figure flashed, and he avoided the bullet’s trajectory in advance, and then rushed towards Liu Yan.

He is not stupid, knowing that Liu Yan is a big threat and must be resolved first.

But Wang Teng naturally wouldn’t do nothing, so he stood in front of him.

“Dead!” The Ma Lian youth stared, showing a vicious expression, his sword in his hand swept towards Wang Teng.

A blue ray of light flashed on the sharp blade, and the opponent directly used combat skills, like a wave of stormy waves, with a terrifying aura.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed, and the force of his body surged out.

At this time, he didn’t care about hiding, and directly used the strongest fire force.

Fire Lin Sword Technique!


The two Forces are facing each other.

Wang Teng had just been promoted to the 2-star level of the Fire Elemental Force, which was not enough to see in front of the opponent, and he was directly knocked out.

3 star warrior level!

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and his complexion changed slightly.

This was just a fight, and it was a complete defeat, a difference of one level, it was really a huge disparity in strength.

“A mere two-star warrior, who gives you the courage!” The young man with a face sneered, just as he was about to take advantage of the victory, when the bullets broke through the air again.

Bang bang bang!

The horse-faced youth could only avoid, gritted his teeth, the speed skyrocketed, and rushed towards Liu Yan.

“Your opponent is me!” Wang Teng once again stood in front of him.

“I can’t help myself, get out!” An angry expression appeared on Ma Lian’s face, he was really irritated by Wang Teng, a 2-star warrior-level warrior, and it was stuck like a dog skin plaster.

He swung his war sword, and the sword light covered Wang Teng’s body.

“How can it be?”

The Ma Lian youth had an incredible face, a 2-star warrior actually avoided all his attacks.

“This kid must have a certain type of body, but with his strength, it is impossible to stick to it forever. I still don’t believe it. He can hide from eight swords and ten swords, and he can also hide from twenty swords and thirty swords. “The young man with a horse face made a fierce expression, his right hand exploded quickly, and he waved his war sword, pointing where to chop.

This speed is absolutely leveraged!

Wang Teng was tired to deal with it. In fact, if he only relied on the basic body technique, he would definitely not be able to completely avoid the attack of a 3-star warrior. However, the wind stance he got before was very effective with the force of the wind system, which made him barely able to deal with it. The attack of a 3-star warrior.

And there is mental power. When it is really unavoidable, the mental power is activated to form a pulling force to avoid attacks.

If this is replaced by another 2-star warrior, it is estimated that he would have died under the opponent’s sword a long time ago.

Even so, he was in danger, with cold sweat on his forehead, and shouted: “Sister, don’t hurry up, you are going to collect the body for me!”

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