Chapter 1336 The title is promoted! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

After Wang Teng made his choice, the second prince and others also chose the Star Academy they wanted to go to.

Everyone chooses a different college, and it seems that they have their own measurement in their minds.

But to Wang Teng’s surprise, Yue Qiqiao unexpectedly chose the Seventh Star Academy like him!

This made Sikong the second most overjoyed. In the past, it was not bad to be able to receive one student, but this time he received two at once. One of them was Wang Teng, a demon-level genius who was on the star list.

He can be said to be complacent, his eyes swept over the other invigilators of the Star Academy, his waist straightened a lot.

When Wang Teng saw him like this, he couldn’t help but shook his head.

Then he glanced at Yue Qi without a trace, feeling a little strange, but he didn’t think much about it.

Yue Qiqiao was talking with Leng Qianxue in a low voice at this time, and didn’t seem to notice Wang Teng’s gaze.

“You have one month to deal with your own personal affairs, and you must report to your respective Star Academy within one month.” Gong Han said at this time.

“One month?” Everyone moved in their hearts, this time is not much, after all, their time in the universe is not short.

Wang Teng also frowned. What can I do in such a short time? Even the Emperor Star of the Dagan Empire couldn’t go back.

“After handling your own affairs, you can notify the academy through a smart watch, and the academy will send a warship to pick you up.” Gong Han said again.

“Yes!” A hint of surprise flashed in everyone’s eyes, and then they thought of the mystery of the Seven Star Academy. If they hadn’t been guided by the Academy’s warship, they might not find a place at all. The academy’s arrangement would make sense, so he quickly responded.

“Okay, it’s okay, I should be able to retire later.” Gong Han waved his hand and smiled.

“How many invigilators will not stay for a few more days?” General Fu Xinglan asked to stay.

“No, we have to go back to our lives.” Gong Han shook his head.

“Then we will send a few invigilators.” General Fu Xinglan said.

While speaking, several immortal existences had disappeared in the main control room, leaving only a burst of slight spatial fluctuations spreading away.

Such weak spatial fluctuations, the second prince and others couldn’t even feel it, and only Wang Teng who possessed the talent for space could perceive it.

He once again lamented the power of the immortal powerhouse!

“In front of several invigilators, I don’t dare to breathe.” Ji Haochen stretched out, let out a sigh, said.

“Why are you so scared!” Wang Teng glanced at him.

“I’m afraid?” Ji Haochen was angry: “You think that everyone is the same as you, who can be valued by seven invigilators. Standing and talking can’t hurt your back.”

“Counseling is counseling, what excuses can I find.” Wang Teng despised.

“I…” Ji Haochen was depressed.

“Hahaha…” The second prince, Moses and others couldn’t help laughing.

“Actually, the invigilators still attach great importance to everyone, everyone should have received the solicitation from the Seven Star Academy just now.” The second prince flashed his eyes and said.

“Indeed, there is another message from them on the smart watch.” Di Moses nodded.

“Why didn’t I.” Wang Teng was taken aback, and he looked at his smart watch. Except for the introduction of the Seven Star Academy, he did not receive any other information.

“Isn’t it enough to recruit you? Several invigilators from the Star Academy have spoken in person.” Ji Haochen said in a bad mood.

“Oh~” Wang Teng sighed, shook his head and said, “It’s not good to be too good, it’s always incompatible with you, which bothers me a lot.”

“…” Everyone couldn’t help being speechless.

You are not too good, you are too showy!

“It’s only a month, and we don’t seem to be able to do anything.” Yue Qiqiao, who was next to him, said.

“Don’t worry, the military will use the Immortal-class spacecraft to send you back to deal with personal affairs.” The second prince smiled.

“Immortal class spacecraft!” Yue Qiqiao, Ling Yangxu and the others couldn’t help being surprised.

“Don’t underestimate yourself, everyone is now the top ten in the genius battle, and the identity is different from the past.” The second prince said.

“The benefits have been improved.” Wang Teng sighed, and he also knew that entering the top ten in the genius battle has such benefits.

“Of course, everyone is now the most precious genius warrior of the Dagan Empire, sending immortal spaceships not only to facilitate your travel, but also to protect everyone’s safety.” The second prince explained.

“Safe?” Wang Teng looked at the second prince suspiciously.

“You are about to enter the seven star academies with the glory of the top ten in the genius battle. The future is unlimited. There will always be people who are jealous of you, whether it is some people within us, or the hostile forces of the great empire, or it is lurking. The dark species in the universe may do something to you.” At this time, another voice rang.

Everyone was slightly startled, and quickly turned their heads to look around and found that the three General Fu Xinglan stepped out of the void and appeared in front of them.

“The three generals have sent seven invigilators.” Wang Teng asked.

“Yes, they have already left.” General Fu Xinglan nodded.

“Unexpectedly, we are in the top ten in the genius battle, and there is still danger.” Ji Haochen said with emotion. Although he is a genius of the Ji family, he really doesn’t know much about these things.

“It’s also normal. The assassination of geniuses has always been a tactic used by hostile forces.” Moses pondered.

“Don’t worry, everyone. At that time, our military will send warriors to protect you.” General Fu Xinglan said.

When Ji Haochen, Ling Yangxu, Yue Qiqiao and others heard the words, they relaxed slightly. Anyone who heard that he might be targeted by hostile forces would inevitably be a little worried.

They are geniuses, but geniuses are also afraid of assassination!

They are not afraid of one-on-one battles, but this assassination method has always been endless, unpredictable, and unpredictable.

“Everyone first rest in this military fortress. Your ranking record has been reported to the upper echelon of the empire. I think the reward for you will come down soon.” General Fu Xinglan laughed.

When Wang Teng heard these words, his eyes lit up.

When the news of the genius battle just came out, Yuan Gungun told him that as long as he got the top ten, he would get a lot of rewards.

Among them is the secret realm quota, but now he also knows that this secret realm quota is after entering the Seven Star Academy, so he is not in a hurry.

In addition to the number of places in the secret realm, there are rewards such as universe coins, combat skills, weapons, etc., which can be obtained immediately.

Wang Teng is very poor now, so naturally he is very concerned about it.

What’s more, he won the first place. This reward can’t be less, and he is a little expectant.

General Fu Xinglan arranged temporary accommodation for Wang Teng and others, and asked them to take them to rest.

Wang Teng and others experienced repeated battles. Both physically and mentally, they were very exhausted, and naturally they needed a good rest.

“Colonel Wang Teng, this is your residence, you can open it with your identity account.” A military warrior took Wang Teng out of a room and said.

“Okay, thank you!” Wang Teng nodded.

“You are too polite, it is my honor to serve you.” The military warrior had worshipped eyes, bowed respectfully, and left.

After watching him leave, Wang Teng opened the cabin door and found that it was truly luxurious and equipped with all kinds of facilities.

“Unexpectedly, there is such a luxurious decoration in the military fortress.” Wang Teng was a little surprised, knowing that the military’s style is simple and simple, and it is rare to see such a luxurious place.

He didn’t know that such a room was already furnished with the highest specifications, and it was generally used to receive people with very special identities.

Wang Teng won the first place in the genius battle this time, and he was also on the star list. The military attaches great importance to this. In addition, he is his own, so he naturally wants to arrange the best place for him to rest.

Even the second prince and others did not receive such treatment.

Wang Teng didn’t think much about it. After entering the room, he fell asleep directly.

When he woke up the next day, Wang Teng felt refreshed. He took the healing pills he refined, and his injuries had healed a lot.

The benefits of being a master-level alchemist are revealed… there is no shortage of pills!

However, his injury was not serious. At most, it was only an external injury. There was no internal injury, so he would recover faster.

Wang Teng walked into the bathroom to wash, and just changed his clothes, he received a summon message from General Fu Xinglan.

“It looks like it’s been rewarded.” He moved in his heart and smiled slightly.

“I don’t know what reward will be given to you?” A round voice suddenly sounded in Wang Teng’s mind.

“Who knows.” Wang Teng shook his head and walked out of the room. There were already military warriors waiting outside, taking him over to see General Fu Xinglan and others.

“Not only did you win the first place in the genius battle this time, you also made it to the star list. There must be a lot of rewards.” Yuan Gungun’s voice was a little complicated.

Before the start of the game, who could have imagined that Wang Teng could defeat all his opponents, become the first in the genius battle, and even be on the star list. This is even more daring to think about.

“I hope so.” Wang Teng said in his heart.

“The most important thing is to be on the star list. You don’t know the weight of the star list, and the Dagan Empire will definitely take it seriously.” Yuan Gungun said.

“The weight is so heavy!” Wang Teng was a little surprised. He was really not very familiar with the star list. He thought it was just a false name, but he didn’t expect that there would be substantial benefits.

“Being on the star list means that the seven star academies have recognized your talents at the same time, and feel that you can be comparable to those talents in the past, and those are the top talents in the universe, each of them has a great background, unless they fall, otherwise I’m afraid they have all become giants of one party.” Yuan Tuankuan said with emotion.

“Where did you know these things?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“I found it from the military database through your authority.” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“It seems that this star list is really amazing!” Wang Teng said.

“Otherwise, why do you think the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy take you so seriously.” Yuanren said.

While talking, Wang Teng had been taken to the main control room.

“I have seen three generals!” Wang Teng saluted the three of General Fu Xinglan. Then he saw King Chongshan standing next to him. He was a little surprised, but he also hurriedly saluted: “I have seen King Chongshan!”

“You are welcome!” Chongshan Wang waved his hand.

Wang Teng walked to the side of the second prince and the others.

“It seems that you have a good rest.” Seeing Wang Teng’s ruddy complexion, the second prince said with some surprise.

“It’s almost restored.” Wang Teng nodded and asked: “How long have you been here?”

“It’s also just here.” The second prince said.

At this time, King Chongshan looked around and said, “Since everyone has arrived, I will talk about the rewards that the empire will give you this time!”

“In this genius battle, you performed very well, especially Wang Teng. I would like to thank you for the emperor’s affairs.”

“The King of Chongshan is polite. This is what I should do.” Wang Teng said quickly. He beat the emperor like that and took the first place. It would be good if the royal family didn’t blame him.

However, Wang Teng underestimated the measurement and pattern of the royal family, and they would not have any suspicion for Wang Teng.

What’s more, Wang Teng was originally a member of the great empire, and after all, they did not lose.

Seeing that Wang Teng won the first place in the genius battle, he was still not arrogant or impatient. He nodded slightly in his heart, admiring him more, and continued: “You are on the star list this time. The Qian Empire earned a great honor.”

“I was also a little surprised about this. I just played normally and got on the star list somehow.” Wang Teng laughed.

“…” The second prince and others looked at him with slanted eyes.

What a normal play!

What an inexplicable one!

Why didn’t they make it to the star list inexplicably? Wang Teng, this guy, is really annoying.

Chongshan King was also a little bit dumbfounded, and said: “Okay, don’t be funny, I have brought you the reward from the empire!”

As he spoke, his voice suddenly became serious.

“Baron Wang Teng!”

“Yes!” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment, stood up straight, and answered with a serious expression.

“Now, on behalf of the Empire, I grant you the title of Earl of the Empire!” A square jade box appeared in the hands of King Chongshan, and he said solemnly.

Ji Haochen and others looked at King Chongshan in shock, and then at Wang Teng, with a hint of weirdness on their faces.

Two consecutive upgrades!

Wang Teng’s title was actually promoted to two levels in a row, and he was directly promoted from baron to earl!

Wang Teng was also shocked immediately, and his heart was shaken.

This reward is actually to promote his knighthood, and it is two consecutive ranks!

He clearly knows how difficult it is to promote the title. If he hadn’t obtained the inheritance of Nangong Yue at the beginning, and finally passed the trial, he would not even want to get the baronial title.

In order to obtain this baronial title, Cao Hongtu didn’t know how many years it took to accumulate military exploits. In the end, Wang Teng cut him off!

All this can explain the rareness of the title!

This is the case for a baronial title, let alone an earl of two higher ranks!

This is definitely a huge reward, and it seems that the empire has really paid a lot of money in order to win him over.

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