Chapter 1337 Double reward, double happiness! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The promotion of Wang Teng’s title has shocked everyone, and hasn’t recovered for a long time.

“Wang Teng, take out your Baron seal!” King Chongshan reminded softly.

Wang Teng immediately recovered, and took out his own baron seal from the space ring. To be honest, he hasn’t gotten hot with this baron seal, so he needs to change one.

King Chongshan opened the square jade box in his hand, and a square seal with different specifications appeared in front of everyone.

There is a Kunwu Beast on the noble side of the empire, and the Kunwu Beast’s horns are different. The Baron’s seal is one horn, and the Earl’s seal is three horns!

Wang Teng looked at the earl’s seal in the hands of King Chongshan, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

King Chongshan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the baron seal in Wang Teng’s hand flew over, and saw that he tapped one hand on the baron seal, and a golden light flew out of it, and then fell into the earl seal in his left hand.

Then he waved his hand, and the earl’s seal flew towards Wang Teng!

“Drip a drop of blood!” Chongshan Wang said.

Wang Teng naturally followed suit immediately, piercing his finger and dripping a drop of blood into the earl’s seal.

As soon as the blood touched the three horns of the Kunwu Beast printed on the earl, it instantly melted into it.


In an instant, the earl’s seal burst into a dazzling light, floated up, and fell into Wang Teng’s hands.

At this point, Wang Teng is no longer the lowest baron, but a serious empire count!

“I know that you don’t have much time, so this time the Empire did not hold an overly grand nominating ceremony, I hope you don’t mind.” Chongshan Wang said.

“How come.” Wang Teng smiled: “I don’t like trouble, so that’s good.”

“It’s fine if you can understand.” King Chongshan nodded and smiled: “This time you are on the star list, and the whole empire is shaken by it. At the same time, it also attracted the attention of the emperor. You were supposed to be granted the rank of Marquis. , But you are too young, so you are temporarily promoted to earl. In the future, as long as you grow up smoothly in the Seven Star Academy, the empire will continue to raise your title.”

“I want to improve!” Ji Haochen and the others didn’t know what to say when they heard this, and they were very envious in their hearts.

Ji Haochen, Di Moses and others all came from different surname royal families. Although they all have good backgrounds, they don’t have any titles themselves.

If you can get a title like Wang Teng, you can undoubtedly improve your status, even within their family, the right to speak will also increase.

As for Yue Qiqiao, Su Jianchen, Leng Qianxue and others, not to mention, they are not as good as Ji Haochen and others, and they are very yearning for the title of Dagan Empire.

“You also have rewards!” Chongshan King smiled slightly when he saw everyone’s expressions: “Being in the top ten means that you have great potential, so except for the second prince, everyone gets a baronial title!”

Upon hearing this, Yue Qiqiao and others were suddenly surprised.

They were able to get the title, even though it was only a baron, but it was undoubtedly a qualitative leap for them.

Even Su Jianchen and Leng Qianxue’s indifferent temperament can’t help but feel a little excited at this time.

King Chongshan took out the eight baron seals, and Ji Haochen and others immediately completed the knighthood award ceremony in accordance with the process.

“After obtaining the title, you will all have the corresponding fiefdom. This information will then be sent to your smartwatch. Remember to check it yourself.” After the king of the mountain said, he looked at Wang Teng: “As for Wang Teng, yours The fief will naturally expand too, diverging to the periphery with your original fief Magnolia galaxy as the center, adding four galaxies again.”

“Adding four galaxies!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but shake his heart. As a result, he had six galaxies in his hands!

“In addition, the galaxy where your hometown is located is now included in the territory of the empire and also serves as your fief.” King Chongshan added.

“Thank you!” Wang Teng said gratefully with a hint of joy on his face.

This is definitely good news. At the beginning, the Orland Federation was disintegrated by him. Although the Milky Way was under his name, it was not protected by a major power, and various accidents were prone to occur.

Now the Dagan Empire has incorporated the Milky Way into its territory and has become his fief, which is tantamount to adding a protective umbrella to the Milky Way.

In the future, the people of the Earth and Stars can enter the Dagan Empire without fear of being captured and used as slaves.

“And here are the armors, weapons, and medicines that are rewarded to you, and the Universe Coins have been distributed to your personal accounts.” King Zhongshan waved his hand, and a box appeared in front of everyone.

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, he didn’t rush to open the box, and immediately asked Yuangun to check his account.

“Wang Teng, you have received a sum of five trillion Cosmos coins in your first bank account in the universe.” Yuan Rolling said.

“Five trillion!” Wang Teng was slightly pleased. This reward is not bad, and it can alleviate urgent needs.

“This time the Dagan Empire is really generous.” Yuan Gungun said with emotion: “But it is probably because you are on the star list, otherwise, even if you get the first place, you will be rewarded at most hundreds of billions.”

“Yeah!” Wang Teng nodded, only then did he realize the benefits the star list had brought to him.

Surprise joy!

Definitely a surprise!

What he said to the second prince and the others was not a lie. It was really a surprise that he was able to make it to the star list.

In the first round of elimination, four clones were used to enter several other restricted areas, all for the purpose of picking up attributes!

Later, I picked sixteen to save time!

Later, the emperor was demonized, and he could not control it!

All in all, he played normally and played normally, and he never thought he would be on the star list.

Then he cast his gaze on the box in front of him and opened it.

An exquisite silver-white armor with purple lines on it lay quietly in it, exuding powerful and eye-catching waves.

Beside that armor, there was a purple long sword, which was simple in style and peculiar in shape, which had a sense of majesty and majesty.

“Thunder Master Class Armor and Master Class Weapon!” An exclamation came from the side!

The person who spoke was Ji Haochen!

The second prince, Moses, Su Jianchen and others also looked over, with shocking expressions in their eyes.

The battle armor is a master-class battle armor!

The war sword is also the master-class war sword!

And it’s all of Thunder! ! !

The things that appeared in Wang Teng’s box simply exceeded their expectations.

Ji Haochen and others have also opened their respective boxes. The weapons and battle armors in their boxes are all domain masters, and they are in line with their respective cultivation directions. They were all very happy for a while.

But when Wang Teng opened the box, they suddenly felt that the reward they received was not good!

It doesn’t matter if you get the earl title, even these weapons and battle armors are a grade higher than them.

What’s more, the difference between the domain master level and the world master level is so big, the value is not as simple as doubling or doubling.

Ling Yangxu was even more jealous. He was a thunder-type warrior. This thunder-type war sword was fine. After all, he used a long spear, and the war sword was not suitable for him. Make him salivate, and at this moment he can’t wait to pounce on it.

To other people, the Thunder Master Class Armor just shocked them, but to Ling Yangxu, it was simply a fatal temptation!

What a pity, these are rewards from other people’s families!

He looked at the domain master-level lightning armor and the domain master-level spear in the box in front of him, and suddenly felt less happy.

Wang Teng glanced at everyone, these guys are making a fuss and have never seen the world!

The second prince is calm inside!

“How is it, do you like it?” Chongshan Wang asked with a smile.

“Like it or like it, that’s…” Wang Teng was taken aback, looked at King Chongshan in surprise, and said, “Is this reward a bit too heavy?”

Realm master class weapons and battle armor, such things, even Wang Teng himself, there are not many!

Especially the Thunder System’s battle armor, Wang Teng didn’t even have one.

The Dagan Empire really gave him a great gift!

“You deserve it.” Chongshan King smiled.

“It’s a knight again, and such a huge reward makes me a little flattered.” Wang Teng smiled.

Ji Haochen and others took a look at Wang Teng and complained fiercely in their hearts. This guy got cheap and still behaved, damn it~

“Hahaha, as long as you are still a member of the great empire, you are eligible to have these things.” Chongshan King laughed.

“I am naturally a member of the Dagan Empire. If it were not for the Dagan Empire, I would not be where I am today.” Wang Teng nodded.

This is not a lie. Although he encountered many enemies after he came to the Dagan Empire, he encountered more nobles and friends. Even the royal family of the empire secretly gave him a lot of help, so the king Teng still has a sense of identity with the Dagan Empire.

King Chongshan could see the seriousness and solemnity in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he was extremely pleased in his heart. He didn’t want the Great Gan Empire to cultivate a white-eyed wolf.

Fortunately, judging from Wang Teng’s various performances, he is not such a person.

“Accept it.” Chongshan Wang said.

“Then I would be disrespectful.” Wang Teng nodded, and with a big wave of his hand, he put away the box containing the Thunder Element Realm Master Class armor and sword.

Ling Yangxu suddenly showed a sad expression, as if seeing a woman he likes following Wang Teng into the bridal chamber, his heart was bleeding.

Wang Teng noticed his expression and couldn’t help but smile secretly, fully aware of Ling Yangxu’s thoughts.

“Are you envious?” Wang Teng asked in a low voice.

“Humph!” Ling Yangxu immediately put away his expression, snorted softly, and turned away.

“Don’t be like this. If it’s a man, just say it directly. Maybe I can touch it for you.” Wang Teng said.

“Really?” Ling Yangxu’s eyes lit up slightly.

“Of course.” Wang Teng nodded vowedly.

“Ahem, envy is a little bit of envy, after all, it’s a world leader-level battle armor, or a thunder system, but it’s just a little bit.” Ling Yangxu said.

“Then you continue to envy it.” Wang Teng said.

“???” Ling Yangxu looked dumbfounded.

The second prince next to him, Ji Haochen, heard the conversation between them, and they couldn’t help laughing or crying. They couldn’t help but sympathize with Ling Yangxu.

Leng Qianxue and Yue Qiqiao looked strange.

The character of Wang Teng is really bad!

“Okay, don’t mess around. The Seven Stars Academy doesn’t have much time left for you, so you should be prepared, go back and deal with each other’s affairs clearly, and then immediately leave for the Seven Stars Academy, don’t delay.” Zhongshan Wang laughed. Shook his head, looked at Wang Teng, and said.

“Yes!” everyone responded quickly.

Ling Yangxu originally wanted to say something, but when he was interrupted, he could only shut his mouth and glared at Wang Teng.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’ll touch it for you next time, and don’t lie to you.” After Wang Teng finished speaking, he immediately turned and left. This guy’s grimace in his eyes made him unbearable.

“Wang Teng, keep it for a while!” However, General Fu Xinglan shouted at this moment.

“Okay!” Wang Teng was taken aback, stopped, and looked at General Fu Xinglan.

“Wang Teng, do you want to return to the Emperor Star?” the second prince asked: “If you do, I will wait for you, we can be together.”

“No, I’ll go to Jade Star.” Wang Teng declined the second prince’s kindness.

“Okay, then we will see you at the Seven Star Academy.” The second prince gave Wang Teng a thoughtful look, then smiled and nodded.

“See you at the Seven Star Academy!” Wang Teng also nodded.

After sending away the second prince and others, General Fu Xinglan looked at Wang Teng and said with satisfaction: “It seems that you get along with them very well.”

He originally thought that with Wang Teng’s character, there would be enemies everywhere.

Just ask which genius can bear such humiliation.

As a result, I didn’t expect that those talented warriors didn’t seem to resist Wang Teng too much, but had a good relationship with him.

Judging from the performance just now, these genius warriors have spontaneously gathered by Wang Teng’s side, and they may not even notice it themselves.

Wang Teng seems to have a special trait that can convince these genius warriors!

Of course, the most important thing is because he has a strong talent and strength as the foundation, otherwise if an ordinary warrior, the second prince and others would definitely not treat him like this.

“It’s okay, you can’t know each other if you don’t fight.” Wang Teng was stunned for a while, without realizing what General Fu Xinglan and the others saw, and said casually.

“Let you stay, because the military department also has rewards to give you.” General Fu Xinglan didn’t say much, turned the topic away with a smile, and said.

“There are rewards!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and he felt that he was lucky. He ate once at the Empire and once again at the Military Department. The treatment was much better than the others.

Double reward, double happiness!

However, if you change your mind, other people may also be rewarded by their respective forces, but it is estimated that they are not as good as the military headquarters.

“Hahaha, I didn’t see that you are still a money fan.” General Habakak laughed.

“There are rewards who don’t like it.” Wang Teng smiled.

“You gave our military a big face this time. The generals at the top of the military are very happy, so you must be rewarded.” General Fu Xinglan explained.

“What is there?” Wang Teng, General Fu Xinglan and the others were not polite, and asked directly.

“Your military rank is not suitable for further promotion, so it is mainly a resource reward.” General Fu Xinglan explained: “The military department has decided to grant you the authority of the lieutenant general level, allowing you to be in the military’s logistics network. You can purchase the required resources and enjoy discounts at the lieutenant level. In addition, you will be rewarded with a huge amount of contribution points, which can be used to purchase.”

“Great.” Wang Teng was overjoyed. Although the authority of the lieutenant general level is only authority, reaching the general level is already another level, which is really very good.

“Okay, go back and check it yourself, you should also be ready to set off.” General Fu Xinglan smiled.

“Yes!” Wang Teng hurriedly responded, then healed his emotions and gave a military salute to the three of General Fu Xinglan, before turning around and walking out of the main control room.

Not long after, an immortal-class spacecraft flew out from the giant fortress of the military headquarters and flew towards the jade star of the Magnolia galaxy.

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