Chapter 1335 Choice! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The invigilator of the Seven Star Academy explained the matter clearly and disappeared!

At this point, the genius battle has completely come to an end!

The second prince and others breathed a sigh of relief, facing the seven proctors, the pressure was still great.

“It turns out that they are the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy!” Ji Haochen said.

Seven invigilators had appeared before to suppress the power of darkness emanating from the Emperor’s Demon Transformation, so many people saw their appearance.

However, Wang Teng was the only one who really knew their identities.

They are real people face to face, but they don’t know the true face of Lushan!

Now seeing the true faces of the seven invigilators, Ji Haochen and others suddenly realized.

“These seven invigilators should all be immortal, even if it is just a projection, they look very powerful.” Di Moses said.

“After all, he is the invigilator of the Seven Star Academy, the background is really terrifying!” The second prince said with emotion.

“The battle for geniuses in other star regions must also dispatch immortal level invigilators. Together, the number of immortal levels in the seven star academies is really unimaginable.” Wang Teng said with a move in his heart.

“You actually know the genius battles of other star regions.” The second prince said in surprise.

“I heard it by accident.” Wang Teng smiled.

The second prince gave Wang Teng a deep look.

“Let’s go, the seven invigilators are going to see us alone.” Wang Teng didn’t say any more, he jumped up and rushed towards the giant fortress of the military.

The second prince and other genius warriors who had entered the top ten heard this with a hint of joy on their faces, and followed them.

The top ten genius warriors have the opportunity to choose the Star Academy they want to go to.

Next, the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy will have a separate conversation with them!

As for the attribution of the first thousand contestants, they will eventually be sent to everyone’s smart watch, and they have no right to choose.

Outside the giant fortress of the military, someone immediately came out to greet them.

When the surrounding military warriors saw Wang Teng headed by, they all cast fiery admiration and saluted Wang Teng!

After entering the giant fortress of the military department, on the road, they encountered another military fighter passing by. When they saw Wang Teng, they couldn’t help but stop and salute Wang Teng.

Wang Teng originally returned the gifts one by one, but afterwards, there was really no other way but to respond with a smile.

Too many people!

Everyone’s attitude towards him was more enthusiastic and admired than before the start of the genius battle, which made him a little uncomfortable.

“Wang Teng, you can be considered as a show of the limelight this time.” Ji Haochen elbow Wang Teng aside, and laughed in a low voice.

“It’s okay, so-so.” Wang Teng’s lips moved slightly, and he said calmly.

“…” Ji Haochen.

The second prince shook his head with a smile.

Several people quickly came to the main control room of the giant fortress, and the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy had been waiting for a long time.

At the same time, Landon of the Parax family has also arrived here.

Wang Teng was already familiar with this place, and he was no stranger to the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy, and he went straight to salute.

The Second Prince and others entered this giant fortress for the first time. Although they had only seen the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy, they did not talk to them, so they didn’t know their names, let alone where they belonged. At the Star Academy, I didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Fortunately, the instructors of the Seven Star Academy did not make them too embarrassed, so they came out and introduced themselves.

“I have seen all the invigilators!” The second prince and others immediately saluted respectfully.

“You don’t have to be polite.” Gong Han and the others waved their hands and said: “What is the reason for calling you here? You must know it in your own mind. How much do you know about the Seven Star Academy?”

“We don’t know much either.” The second prince and others looked at each other and said.

“We will send you the information of the Seven Stars Academy in a while. You can look at it yourself and then make your choice.” Gong Han nodded, not surprising to everyone’s reaction. The information of the Seven Stars Academy has always been kept secret. , They don’t know and it’s not surprising.

“Yes!” The second prince and others responded quickly.

“This is a smart watch for the students of the Seven Star Academy. You will use this in the future.” Gong Han said, with a big wave of his hand, the nine watches flew to the second prince and others.

The second prince and others immediately took it. The watch issued by the Star Academy showed a pure black color, with the logo of the Star Academy on it-one to seven ancient Chinese characters distributed on the inside of the wristband of the watch!

They curiously looked at the watch in their hands, took it with them, then turned it on, and entered their personal terminal account.

It was found that there was already a top-secret information, which was the introduction of the Seven Star Academy.

“After you read this information, it will be automatically deleted.” Gong Han said.

The second prince and others felt tight, knowing that they had only one chance and had to take it seriously.

Wang Teng is a bit strange, why is he the only one?

So he could only look at Gong Han with a suspicious look, Sikong second-class seven invigilators.

“Hahaha.” Seeing him like this, the second class of Sikong couldn’t help laughing and said, “Yours is more special.”

Wang Teng was stunned for a moment.

The second prince and others couldn’t help but look over.

Gong Han looked at Wang Teng, and then took out another watch. The style was very similar to that of the Second Prince and the others, except that this watch was slightly different.

The surface of this watch seems to have countless stars dotted on it. From time to time, a starlight flashes, which is not dazzling, but extremely soft. It looks like a starry sky that blends with the black of the watch. It is really beautiful and beautiful!

“This is a watch dedicated to Tianjiao who is on the star list. It was originally only a spare. I didn’t expect one to be issued this time.” Gong Han handed it to Wang Teng and said with a smile.

Wang Teng took it and replaced the smart watch on his wrist, feeling that the grade has improved a lot in an instant.

Originally, his smart watch was also a high-end product at a high price, but I don’t know why, compared with this watch, it is a lot worse.

Just like the difference between ordinary luxury goods and custom-made luxury goods, and this is the top custom-made luxury goods!

“With this watch, when people see it in the future, they will know that you are the prince on the star list. It is estimated that many people will be jealous.” Sikong Second said with a grin.

Wang Teng’s face turned dark, how he felt like he was being roasted on the fire.

“If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!” Nancy said with a little hehe.

“Those Tianjiao who have been on the star list in the past were not killed from countless geniuses.” Old Weng curled his lips and looked at Wang Teng and said, “How about it, Wang Xiaozi, are you afraid of it!”

“I’m afraid… trouble!” Wang Teng said calmly.

“Speaking panting, I really think you are scared.” Nancy rolled her eyes at Wang Teng.

“Nancy invigilator, don’t roll your eyes at me.” Wang Teng said.

“Why? Don’t even turn your eyes.” Nancy said in a bad mood.

“It’s mainly because it’s so good-looking, I can’t hold it.” Wang Teng said.

“…” Nancy suddenly felt that she had been molested. She could be the grandmother of Wang Teng’s grandmother’s grandmother at her age… I didn’t expect him to be so courageous.

“Hahaha…Xiaowang, you are really funny.” Sikong laughed secondly: “Come to our Seventh Star Academy. I think you are in love with our Seventh Star Academy’s style.”

“Fart, it would be a waste of Wang Teng’s talent to go to your Seventh Star Academy, and to go to our Fifth Star Academy.” Mr. Weng shouted loudly.

“It’s better to come to our Second Star Academy, don’t you say I look good, you can watch it every day after you go.” Nancy smiled.

“Nancy, you have to be shameless. You are a lot of age and actually seduce the students yourself.” Old Weng said in an angry voice.

“That’s right, it’s a lot of age, it’s not appropriate, Wang Teng, there are many young people in our college.” Sikong said secondly.

“Who do you think is a lot of age?” A “well” suddenly appeared on Nancy’s smooth forehead, her eyes were cold, and she gritted her teeth.

The second two of Weng and Sikong suddenly coughed dryly, glanced at each other, and looked away.

“Wang Teng, our Sanxingkong Academy is the one with the strongest capital. Our students occupy two seats on the Star Goddess list.” Old God Trolop said.

The Third Samsung Academy has always been commendable in this respect, so he is very confident.

“Wang Teng, our No. 1 Star Academy has been in the No. 1 position for a long, long time. It has the deepest background and should be your best choice.” Gong Han looked at the other invigilators with disdain and said.

These people are doing all kinds of crooked ways and can’t get on the stage.

The second prince and others were stunned.

The seven invigilators who had just treated them extremely plainly, when they arrived at Wang Teng’s place, they actually fought for them.

Moreover, several invigilators are simply shameless, and their style of painting changes suddenly.

That Nancy examiner used himself to attract Wang Teng. After all, it was indeed very capitalized, but the other examiners actually used some students on the star goddess list to attract Wang Teng.

This star goddess list will tell you that it is not serious when you hear it!

As the invigilator of the Seven Star Academy, is there any bottom line?

The magnificent image of the Seven Star Academy in their hearts was faltering at this time, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.

It’s no wonder that when they asked Wang Teng what the invigilator of the Seven Stars Academy looked like, he was so secretive.

It’s hard to tell if you change to them!

In case it is known, maybe he will be charged with a charge of arranging an invigilator behind his back and being put on small shoes.

But they immediately realized why the seven invigilators treated Wang Teng like this.

How important is Wang Teng’s talent?

People are really better than people, so angry.

“Ahem, dear examiners, I read the information of the Seven Star Academy, and I think the Seventh Star Academy is more suitable for me.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said.

“Seventh Star Academy!”

Sagong was the second most happy.

Several other invigilators frowned.

General Fu Xinglan, the second prince and others also frowned.

To put it bluntly, the Seventh Starry Sky Academy was at the bottom. With Wang Teng’s talent, going to the Seventh Starry Sky Academy was a bit of a waste.

“Wang Teng, don’t be impulsive.” General Fu Xinglan said through a voice transmission.

“General, I have a sense of measure myself.” Wang Teng replied, reassuring him.

General Fu Xinglan glanced at Wang Teng and saw that although he had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were firm, he knew that no matter who it was, he might not be able to shake Wang Teng’s decision. He could only sigh in his heart, no more Say more.

“Wang Teng, I know that you concurrently cultivate multiple forces, so this is the reason you chose the Seventh Star Academy, I’m right.” Gong Han said in a deep voice.

“Sure enough, I can’t hide it from you.” Wang Teng smiled and nodded.

“You arrogances, always like not to take the ordinary path.” Gong Han also smiled and said: “But you should know that the Seventh Star Academy has always been ranked seventh, and it has never been able to rise once. What is the reason. ”

“Eh eh eh, Gong Han, I don’t like to listen to you, what happened to our Seventh Star Academy.” Sikong exclaimed the second.

“Is this fact?” Gong Han glanced at him.

“I’ll just ask you, which of the students from our Seventh Star Academy is not strong?” Sikong said secondly.

“But there are too few talented martial artists in your college that can grow up, and many fall in the middle. This is a huge waste!” Gong Han said.

“That’s it, going to your Seventh Star Academy is too wasteful.” Weng Lao and others echoed.

“Don’t go to the Seventh Star Academy, it’s a huge pit.” Nancy said.

“Wang Teng, I know what you think. After all, you are born with so many talents, and you certainly don’t want to give up easily. But you have to know that after reaching the cosmos level, the more force you cultivate, the slower your progress will be, and it will consume more energy. The resources are even more massive, and it is difficult for you to grow up.” Gong Han persuaded with all his heart.

“You can’t say that. Our students will be a little bit harder in the early stage, but as long as they grow up, they will be able to beat you several, and this is the student’s own choice. They have higher pursuits, can we still Forcing them to fail.”

“In addition, as long as Wang Teng comes to our Seventh Star Academy, we will naturally tilt his resources and try our best to train him.” Sikong said secondly.

Gong Han wanted to say something more, but he heard Wang Teng say: “Thank you very much for the care of the invigilators for me, but I still decided to go to the Seventh Star Academy, which is more suitable for me.”

“Hahaha… It’s useless if you persuade you more. This is Wang Teng’s own decision. We have to respect him.” Sikong said with a big smile: “Wang Teng, don’t worry, when you arrive at the Seventh Star Academy, take your Talent will definitely be the best cultivated.”

“You… alas!” Gong Han looked at Wang Teng and sighed disappointedly, but finally said: “Since you have chosen this way, we can’t say anything, but if you regret it one day, we are the first The Star Academy will accept you.”

Wang Teng looked at him in surprise, is this OK?

Not to mention him, even Sagong second, Nancy and others were surprised.

Being able to do this is enough to show how much Gong Han values ​​Wang Teng, otherwise how could he make such a promise that can almost be said to be breaking the rules!

Soon Nancy, Weng, and other college invigilators also expressed their opinions that if Wang Teng wants to leave the Seventh Star Academy in the future, their college will also accept him again.

General Fu Xinglan, Chongshan King, Second Prince and others all watched this scene in amazement.

This treatment is really no one!

“Thank you, every invigilator!” Wang Teng knew how important this promise was. He was really moved and bowed deeply to several invigilators.

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