Chapter 1334 The battle for hegemony has officially ended! link! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The emperor was full of doubts, which made Wang Teng worry about his own situation.

The system Baba is very strong and mysterious, but it never speaks, and I don’t know what kind of existence it is.

With the increase in strength, Wang Teng can now see a trace of the truth of the universe, such as the power of the origin, which is transformed by rules and is the most fundamental force of the universe.

But the system still plunders this source of power, indicating that it has to go beyond all of this.

So, what kind of existence is it?

Why did it appear again?

Why did you choose him?

Wang Teng once thought about these questions, because his strength was still low and he couldn’t get any answers, so he had to give up.

Today, it is still the case!

Wang Teng didn’t think about it any more, after picking up the attribute bubbles, he returned to the second prince and the others for a round.

The game is over, it’s time for them to leave the battle star!

This planet will be silent again, waiting for the next start of genius hegemony.

The eyes of the second prince and others looking at Wang Teng were very complicated.

I originally thought that everyone was of the same kind, and they were all geniuses.

But now, they find that they think too much, it’s just a tiger in a group of cats.

For a while, everyone did not know what to say.

“What are you doing looking at me like this?” Wang Teng broke the silence and said with a smile, “Don’t recognize me?”

“Let me see if you are a monster with layers of human skin.” Ji Haochen walked over, trying to pull Wang Teng’s face.

“Get out!” Wang Teng cursed with a smile.

“Jump!” A jade hand stretched out next to him, grabbed Wang Teng’s arm, and yanked.

“Hiss!” Wang Teng took a breath, looked at the small rabbit who suddenly appeared on the side, and said with pain, “Are you getting fatter again?”

In vain of his fame, he didn’t expect to be taken advantage of by this little girl and succeeded in a surprise attack.

However, he was not too wary at this time, and Tu Xiaoba did not show the slightest hostility, so he could succeed.

“Ha ha, ha ha… I just try.” Tu Xiaoba let go of his hand with a guilty conscience, and smirked at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was a little speechless. This little rabbit was really very skinny, and he didn’t remember to fight. I probably forgot all the previous lessons.

He couldn’t help but glanced at the back of Tu Xiaoba’s head, thinking about when to give it to her again.

“Don’t you want to hit me again.” Tu Xiaoba was so scared that he hid back.

Yue Qiqiao is now a little frustrated with Wang Teng, but he still stood up, stood in front of Tu Xiaoba, and looked at Wang Teng without showing weakness.

“Hahaha!” The second prince and others finally laughed at this time, and they were amused by the appearance of Tu Xiaoba.

Wang Teng was very helpless. After the game was over, these people were all confident.

But it’s right, they have no grudges, and when the game is over, he can’t find any excuses to open bags for them.

“You guy is really scary, the last move should be to use the power of space.” The second prince smiled for a while and said to Wang Teng.

“It can be seen, there is nothing to hide.” Wang Teng nodded.

“That said, you really have the talent for space!” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Guess!” Wang Teng smiled.

“Guess again, why do you like people to guess so much.” Yue Qi Qiao was speechless, rolling her coquettish eyes.

Everyone talked all the way and returned to the first ring road.

Wang Teng found that a person was missing, he said softly, “Landen, gone?”

“It is estimated that they have joined the people of the Parax family.” The second prince gave Wang Teng a slightly deep look and said.

“Running quite fast.” Wang Teng sighed, “What a pity!”

Everyone looked weird, and this guy was still thinking about the people of the Parax family.

“Hey, why are the third princes gone?” Wang Teng looked around, disappointed again.

“…” Everyone.

This person seems to be a little careful!

The third prince had already been beaten like that in the game before, and Wang Teng hadn’t let him go. Is this preparing for a post-war taunt?

Wang Teng shook his head, patted Gunter on the shoulder next to him, and said: “You are still more courageous, not as persuaded as they are. Am I the kind of person who must report to you? The game is over. How could I do anything to them? , Oh, it really makes me sad.”

Gunter shook his whole body, and the muscles on his face that had returned to normal twitched. He didn’t say anything, but he was already screaming and screaming in his heart.

You are such a person!

“Don’t come near me, I’m not familiar with you.” He was flustered, but he hummed coldly on his mouth and walked directly to the side.

“We don’t know each other, why should we be so ruthless.” Wang Teng followed, and took the other’s shoulders, like a good brother.

“…” Everyone suddenly stood in silence for Gunter.

When he meets Wang Teng, Gunter doesn’t know what kind of accident he will encounter in the future.

God bless him~

“The big devil is terrible!” Tu Xiaoba hid behind Yue Qiqiao, whispering.

“Don’t mess with him, I can’t stop it.” Yue Qi Qiao whispered.

“Sister Yue, otherwise you serve the big demon king, so that you will be your own person in the future.” The little rabbit said in a shocking voice, making everyone thunderous.

Yue Qiqiao staggered under her feet, feeling astonished by being betrayed by a good girlfriend, and looked at the innocent Rabbit Xiaoba with an incredible face.

“Okay, you little rabbit, I’m defending you everywhere, you actually want to sell me.” Yue Qi saw that everyone was looking at her with a strange look, and a layer of blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she stretched out her hand in anger. Grab a pair of long rabbit ears to Xiaoba.

“Oh!” Tu Xiaoba wanted to hide, but he was a step late and was caught upright, with an exclamation in his mouth: “Sister Yue, please forgive me!”

“I can’t spare you today!” Yue Qi cleverly grinned his silver teeth and glared at Tu Xiao Ba. It was really irritating. Is this little rabbit’s heart black?

“Sister Yue, I was wrong, and I don’t dare anymore. I don’t think that others are handsome, talented and talented. That’s why I said that. I definitely didn’t do it for myself.” Tu Xiaoba quickly explained. .

Yue Qi thought about it carefully. It seemed that the guy was really handsome, and his strength and talent were even more utterly boring, but his personality was a bit bad…

Wait, what is she thinking!

Yue Qiqiao came back to his senses immediately, and almost said, staring at Xiaoba Rabbit and said with no anger: “I believe you are a ghost.”

Situ Wan’er came over, and a violent blackmailing rabbit Xiaoba’s forehead, smiled and said: “You little rabbit, try to make bad ideas, Wang Teng already has a fiancé, how can you mess with the mandarin duck book.”

“Aren’t you able to marry many as long as you like me?” Tu Xiaoba said.

“…” Everyone.

Good guy, what kind of words are these tigers and wolves!

Yue Qi is so speechless, this little rabbit wants her to serve her husband with other women… No, what does Situ Wan’er mean? The co-author is because Wang Teng has a fiancé, so I can’t talk nonsense. Do you look down on her?

Isn’t her reputation as a girl more important than Wang Teng’s reputation as a man?

“Whether or not Wang Teng has a fiancé is Wang Teng’s business. I have nothing to do with him, so don’t talk about me.” Yue Qi said calmly, calmly restored.

“That’s right, so, don’t talk nonsense anymore in the future.” Situ Wan’er’s eyes flashed, and she smiled gently at Tu Xiaoba.

Tu Xiaoba looked at Yue Qiqiao, and then at Situ Wan’er. Although they all looked very gentle and elegant, she didn’t know why she smelled a smell of gunpowder, so terrible.

The atmosphere is wrong!

[The rabbit shivering·JPG]

“What the two elder sisters said is that I was wrong.” Tu Xiaoba said with an innocent look as his eyes gurgled.

Seeing her like this, the two women felt a little funny in their hearts, so naturally they stopped saying much.

Leng Qianxue watched from the side with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Tu Xiaoba stuck his tongue out, and after a while, he leaned close to the two girls. The eldest sister screamed shortly, coaxing the two girls very happily.

Wang Teng didn’t know that he had just almost become the center of the vortex of a few women’s fights, and he was holding Gunter to the side to chat.

The main reason is that he rarely meets poisonous warriors. He meets one at this time, and he is still at the level of genius. Of course, he has to communicate well.

Gunter originally didn’t want to pay attention to Wang Teng, but he didn’t expect Wang Teng to talk about various poisons with him. He didn’t know that Wang Teng was a poisonous warrior, so he was a little surprised. How did this guy know so much?

“I am an alchemist and a poisoner at the same time!” Wang Teng smiled.

Alchemists and poison masters actually have a lot in common. After all, some elixir can save people, but they can also kill people.

Gaunt suddenly didn’t think about Wang Teng being a poisonous warrior. Wang Teng already had enough force, and if there were multiple poisons, would he still be a human!

In addition, Wang Teng’s understanding of the opposite side of the drug road made him feel a little bit the same, and he suddenly felt that he had found a friend who could talk about the same topic.

Of course, he wouldn’t let his guard down on Wang Teng so quickly, he still remembered the bruised nose and swollen face he had been beaten before.

When talking about poison, it is inevitable that I can’t help but say a few words.

This is a typical saying no in the heart, but the body is very honest!

The second prince and the others came up and were very surprised. It was strange that the two of them had a conversation.

When I got closer, I realized that Wang Teng and Gunter were talking about various poisons, and they were a bit speechless. No wonder Gunter couldn’t help it.

“Wang Teng, I remember you are the master of alchemy.” The second prince ordered.

Wang Teng nodded.

“What, this guy is an alchemy master?” Gunter was stunned, and some couldn’t believe that Wang Teng was so young, he was actually an alchemy master!

Leng Qianxue, Su Jianchen, Yue Qiqiao and the others were also a little dazed, almost didn’t react, they all looked at Wang Teng in amazement.

“Don’t look at me like that, it’s just the master.” Wang Teng smiled flatly.

“Grandmaster… nothing more!” Everyone was unable to complain.

That’s a grandmaster-level figure, it’s just that in Wang Teng’s mouth, this guy is pretending to be forced.

Gunter didn’t dare to look down upon Wang Teng anymore. Before, he only felt that Wang Teng had a very deep understanding of Du Dao, and he was a person who could communicate. He didn’t expect him to be a master-level figure.

At the same level as a grandmaster, his poisonous attainments seem to be out of place.

He suddenly understood that it was no wonder that Wang Teng had never been affected by his poison when fighting him. MMP had encountered a nemesis!

Suddenly, his attitude changed greatly. He felt that he shouldn’t hold on to the matter of being beaten before. This person can’t afford it!

What’s more, he also benefited a lot from talking with Wang Teng just now. He is not a person who doesn’t know good and bad. Since Wang Teng took the initiative to talk, he would not be stupid enough to shut him out.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the second prince with some gratitude.

This second prince is really a sleek and exquisite character, and with a single word, he will know the key to it, so that he will not suffer another big loss.

Wang Teng naturally knew the purpose of the second prince, so he said his master status smoothly.

Then, the atmosphere of everyone became more harmonious.

There was no deep hatred. After learning about Wang Teng’s status as a master, they were naturally more willing to associate with him.

Even Yue Qiqiao, Su Jianchen and others, from time to time inserted a sentence or two, wanting to integrate into the communication circle of Wang Teng and his colleagues.

Seeing this scene, the second prince smiled in his heart.

They were all the arrogances of the Dagan Empire. He did so in the hope that he would go to the Seven Star Academy next time and everyone would be united.

After all, what they have to face next is the Tianjiao martial artists of other star regions. If they are still in the scroll, wouldn’t it be a chance to give others a chance to defeat them one by one.

Originally, if the emperor hadn’t had an accident, it would have been a good bond.

With the emperor’s talent, it is enough to convince these Tianjiao.

But who could have imagined that it is impossible for an unexpected emperor to have such a thing.

The second prince sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, there is still Wang Teng.

As a warrior from the military department, Wang Teng was extraordinary regardless of his status or status. In addition, his strength and talent were enough to convince people, and he even surpassed the emperor to serve as this bond without any problems.

And he just contributed to it!

As for whether Wang Teng can turn from a bond to the head of this group of arrogances, it depends on his own ability.

At this moment, a light curtain fell from the sky and landed on the first ring of the continent, and seven figures appeared.

With a move of Wang Teng’s eyes, he immediately recognized that they were the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy!

The second prince and the others also looked up quickly, guessing in their hearts.

“We are the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy!”

The sound came from the light curtain, and the Tianjiao martial artists present were startled, and their eyes were bright and looked at the seven invigilators.

“The battle for genius hegemony has come to a successful conclusion!”

“Congratulations to you for entering the 1,000th place before the Battle of Geniuses. Your performance is very good. You stand out from battle after battle, and let us see the style of a genius warrior.”

“There is even a Tianjiao who has made the star list!”

The eyes of the seven invigilators fell on a figure below.

Wang Teng!

Everyone looked at him one after another.

“Yes, it is Wang Teng!”

“To be on the star list is the supreme glory, but Wang Teng has this qualification. This is a matter for all to see.”

“However, being on the star list also means more challenges. I hope you can go on firmly and, like the other Tianjiao on the star list, will reach the top in the future!”

Everyone was shocked, and they didn’t expect the invigilator of the Seven Star Academy to rate Wang Teng so highly.

Climb to the top!

Does Wang Teng have a chance to get there?

It’s amazing!

At this time, the voice continued:

“At the same time, I also believe that in many years from now, there will be many famous stars among you.”

“But your path has just begun, and there is still a long way to go in the future. The doors of the Seven Star Academy have been opened for you, whether you will become a powerhouse with the famous starry sky, or will you lose sight of everyone, or fall in the middle. It’s up to you.”

“Keep on climbing, your martial arts journey has just begun!”

“Here, I wish you all…Wuyun prosperous!!!!”

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