Chapter 1333 Another possibility! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The appearance of the star list surprised everyone!

But those who come fast and go fast.

Everyone still stayed in shock, and didn’t recover for a long time.

The star list is something in the legend, and the names recorded above are even the existence in the legend. Suddenly appearing in this way, everyone will inevitably be a little excited.

But now there was a living person in front of him, and everyone quickly turned their attention to Wang Teng.

This is alive!

Everyone looked at Wang Teng as if looking at a rare species.

No one wanted to know that Wang Teng could actually be on the star list, which is now extremely rare.

Wang Teng shook his head, feeling a little surprised.

However, the name stayed and the star list disappeared, so he didn’t care much about it.

Instead of paying attention to the illusory things, it is better to look at the attribute bubbles in front of you…!

He looked around, only to see a lot of attribute bubbles floating in the air, his eyes lightened suddenly, and his mental power rolled out, picking up all these attribute bubbles.

【Golden Star Force*12800】

【Water System Star Force*9850】

[Fire System Star Force*8700][Holy Gold Talent *3200][Holy Swordsmanship Talent *4000][Permanent Star Spirit*7800][Domain master level savvy*11200]

【Overlord’s Twelve Swords (Sword One)*6500】

【Overlord’s Twelve Swords (Sword Two)*5000】

【Overlord’s Twelve Swords (Sword Three)*2800】

【Overlord Finger*6000】

【Golden Realm*2200】

【The Origin of Gold*800】

[Dark Star Force *18500][Holy Dark Talent*5200]

【Dark Demon Fist*4200】

[Dark Profound Meaning*3200][Black Bites Domain*1000][Dark Origin*1000]

【Magic Change*6500】

“I’ll go, so much!”

After absorbing all the attribute bubbles, Wang Teng himself was shocked.

The emperor deserves to be the emperor, and the drop attribute bubbles are much more than others.

Wang Teng directly skipped several force attributes and looked at the talent attributes.

He obtained three holy talent attributes from the emperor, holy gold talent, holy dark talent, and holy swordsmanship talent!

[Holy Gold Talent]: 730050000;

[Holy Dark Talent]: 1750050000;

[Holy Swordsmanship Talent]: 870050000;

In a blink of an eye, Wang Teng’s three talents have been greatly improved, a bit more powerful than before.

However, the appearance of [Holy Dark Talent] still surprised Wang Teng.

After all, the emperor is a normal human being, even if it is infested by the power of darkness, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to drop the talent of darkness.

And it’s still a holy talent, which is quite terrifying!

Unless the other consciousness in him is really… a dark species!

Wang Teng frowned slightly, his thoughts flashed, but he didn’t think too much. The emperor had been taken away by Chongshan Wang and others, and it had nothing to do with him.

In addition to the talent attributes, the emperor’s spirit and perception attributes have also dropped a lot.

After all, he is very talented, and it is not surprising that he drops more than others.

[Perception]: 133500200000 (domain master level)

Wang Teng looked at his savvy attributes on the attribute panel, and was a little surprised.

You must know that when he watched it before, this savvy attribute value was only more than 60,000 points, and now it has reached more than 130,000, which is a bit terrifying.

But think about the countless talented warriors in the game, every game almost will drop the savvy attribute bubble, and the accumulation will add up to the tens of thousands of points. It is reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Next is [Twelve Swords of the Overlord]…

Sword One! Sword two! Sword Three!

All three swords are ready!

Let’s just say, as long as the emperor shows it, he will definitely be able to learn.

Wang Teng murmured a word in his heart, but he didn’t say this. The emperor was already miserable enough, so it’s better not to hit the other party again.

Wang Teng also wants to be a man.

For [Twelve Swords of the Overlord], Wang Teng is still very much looking forward to it, after all, it is a god-level combat skill.

After absorbing the three attribute bubbles, Wang Teng’s mind had a period of insights that blended into his memory and body.

【Overlord Twelve Swords (Sword One)】: 650050000 (Proficient);

[Twelve Swords of the Overlord (Sword Two)]: 500010000 (Beginner);

[Twelve Swords of the Overlord (Sword Three)]: 280010000 (Beginner);

Except for Sword One to achieve proficiency, the other two swords are still in the introductory stage.

Wang Teng shook his head in his heart and sighed.

It seems that in the future, if he wants to use this sword, two swords, and three hours, he has to improve himself.

“No matter, I have time to practice cultivation by myself. I am also a genius at any rate. I can’t waste my talent.” Wang Teng said to himself.

Having said that, with these three swords, one sword is more difficult than one, and I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to practice.

More importantly, the following is gone!

[Overlord’s Twelve Swords] As soon as you hear it, you know that there are twelve swords. Now only three swords have emerged, and the other nine swords have not been found!

This is really a sad thing!

Followed by the attributes of [Overlord’s Finger], a total of 6000 points!

Last time Wang Teng’s [Overlord’s Finger] has been promoted to proficiency, and now it has increased by 6,000 points, directly crossing the threshold of proficiency and reaching the proficiency level!

【Overlord Finger】 (Master Level): 11008000 (Proficient)

“Not bad, the overlord’s finger of the proficient level, my finger should be able to directly stab a warrior below the fifth level of the universe level.” Wang Teng looked at his finger and thought thoughtfully.

In terms of combat skills, in addition to normal combat skills, there is also a dark combat skill-Dark Demon Fist!

[Dark Demon Fist]: 12005000 (proficient)

The attribute value of 4200 points directly raises the [Dark Demon Fist] from the entry level to the proficiency level, which can exert a good power.

This turned out to be a demon-class combat skill!

Wang Teng couldn’t help recalling the situation when he was fighting with the demonized emperor. The dark fist used by the opponent was this [Dark Demon Fist].

It seems that the consciousness in the emperor’s body is not simple, otherwise how can he master the dark combat skills of the Demon Lord level!

“It’s just that this name is not good, it must be called Dark Demon Fist, who do you want me to massage?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but vomit.

Then came the realm. The emperor mastered the [Golden Realm], and only dropped 2200 attribute points.

This is not because the domain he has mastered is not advanced enough, but because he and Wang Teng’s Golden Domain are both Tier 4, and there is a coincidence, so it is not bad to be able to drop so much.

[Golden Realm]: 34504000 (fourth order)

In fact, Wang Teng is now more willing to transform this golden domain into other special metal domains, such as [Golden Light Sword Domain] and [Golden Thunder Domain]. The latter is more powerful!

Of course, it takes some time to realize the transformation, and it cannot happen overnight!

There is also a dark area-the black bite area!

Wang Teng closed his eyes and realized this [Black Devour Realm], his expression was a little surprised and solemn.

This [Black Biting Domain] seems a bit strong!

“I actually possess a certain amount of power to swallow. Isn’t this very similar to the ability of the Void Swallowing Beast?” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help but mutter in his heart.

It’s really similar!

It’s just a combination of darkness and swallowing power, not a pure swallowing power.

After all, the Void Swallowing Beast is a serious starry behemoth, and has nothing to do with the dark behemoth, so it has the purest swallowing power.

“No wonder I felt very dangerous in that huge mouth before.” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

Before the emperor’s magic transformation, the huge black meat ball burst out with a terrifying suction force, and wanted to suck Wang Teng into his mouth.

Under normal circumstances, Wang Teng may choose to take advantage of the trend to enter it, thereby defeating the opponent from the inside.

But at that time, he already felt that there was a power that made his heart palpitating, which was very dangerous, so he didn’t rush into it.

Now that I think about it, I’m a little lucky.

Because of having a clone of the Void Swallowing Beast, no one knows the horror of Devouring Power better than him.

Although he himself also possesses the magical power of the Void Swallowing Beast, he is not sure what unexpected situation will happen.

If there is no necessary risk, don’t take it.

[Black Bites Domain]: 02000 (second order)

Looking at the attribute panel, Wang Teng found that this [Black Biting Domain] just reached the second order.

He was very satisfied. This field would be a great reference for him to understand his own swallowing realm. Since the Dark Seed can comprehend the realm of swallowing power, why can’t he.

This is an opportunity!

Wang Teng thoughtfully, then looked at the last three attribute bubbles.

One is 800 points for the origin of gold, which is not too much!

However, the emperor was able to realize that the power of the source was already very powerful, which was enough to prove his talent.

[The Origin of Gold]: 105010000 (first order)

Thanks to the emperor for providing 800 points of origin power!

Wang Teng silently thanked the emperor in his heart. In any case, the emperor was a good man.

The second is the origin of darkness, 1000 points, more than the origin of gold.

[Dark Origin]: 810010000 (first order)

Wang Teng glanced at his attribute panel. The Dark Origin was already the one he had the deepest grasp, almost reaching the second order.

It’s a pity that this source of darkness is temporarily useless and can only be put on the shelf!

Wang Teng suddenly thought that he possessed so much dark power, the situation seemed a bit similar to that of the emperor?

He thought of another possibility. Wouldn’t the emperor also master the power of darkness, and then gave birth to another self-owned darkness consciousness?

“Huh ~ uh!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but shudder, his heart was a little frightened, which seemed a bit scary.

Looking at the end of the emperor’s son, his xinxing should also be very weak, but in the end, it was not affected by the power of darkness.

horrible! horrible!

Wang Teng didn’t dare to think anymore.

The last attribute bubble is [Magic Change], a total of 6,500 points, to be honest, a lot!

He didn’t have so many [Magic Transformation] attributes before, at most one or two thousand points. This time it actually dropped a full 6,500 points. It seems that the emperor’s magic transformation is really extraordinary.

[Magic Change]: 520050000 (Consummation)

“Good guy, it turned out to be Dacheng, but now it’s straight to Consummation.” Wang Teng was startled.

Such a high degree of mastery!

What horror would he be if he was transformed by magic?

The weird things that I thought of just now came out again, making Wang Teng feel a little uncomfortable.

This road is getting darker and darker!

Is it too late for MMP to look back now?

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