Chapter 1329 The emperor is enchanted! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Dead quiet!

Everyone fell into a dead silence!

The emperor… lost!

Countless viewers have seen this scene and have no idea what words to use to express their feelings at this time.

The emperor was severely wounded, vomiting blood, and the original dusty temperament was particularly embarrassed at this time, and his eyes lost their spirit, as if they had received a heavy blow.

Such an emperor is different from the previous one!

In the beginning, the emperor came by the golden-winged scarlet tiger, the behemoth in the sky, how shocking, like a peerless arrogant, the dazzling light, no one can compare!

But now, the light on the emperor’s body seemed to have disappeared, was broken up by life, and fell from heaven to the dust.

A sharp contrast immediately appeared in front of everyone, and the impact was really big.

At the same time, the other figure became more dazzling, and the light directly overshadowed the emperor, becoming the most eye-catching existence in this game.

Everyone’s eyes shifted from the emperor to the figure standing with the knife in the sky, and only shock was left in their eyes.

The emperor’s third sword is so terrifying that everyone can feel the terrible pressure even across the light curtain.

The result was that kind of sword, but it was cut to pieces by Wang Teng!

And regardless of whether it was the second sword or the third sword, Wang Teng only took one shot!

The same cut! ! !

What kind of confidence is this? What kind of grace is it?

What a powerful knife did he just perform?

The audience can hardly imagine it.



People don’t know what words to use to describe it!

Many people can see that the knife is very similar to Huang Xinghua’s, almost exactly the same.

They have reason to suspect that Wang Teng also secretly learned Huang Xinghua’s combat skills.

However, in Huang Xinghua’s hands, he could only resist the sword technique of the emperor’s first sword, but in Wang Teng’s hands, it exerted a power that was several times more powerful than Huang Xinghua’s!

Is this the legendary… the back wave pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach?

Many people set their eyes on Huang Xinghua, wanting to sympathize with him.

It turned out that the person’s expression seemed a bit wrong. What was going on with that hot and obsessive look?

Hiss… Did he see Wang Teng’s peerless demeanor, he was bent by Wang Teng?

Many people think of it maliciously.

At the same time, the powerhouses on all sides were shocked. When they saw the emperor’s original power, everyone thought that Wang Teng would undoubtedly be defeated, but they did not expect the final result to be reversed.

The winner is Wang Teng!

Everyone is wrong!


On the royal spaceship, King Chongshan shook his head, with a trace of regret on his face.

After all, the emperor is the strongest genius of the royal family, and he feels sorry for his defeat now.

However, when he thought of Wang Teng’s talent and strength, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder. Wang Teng’s talent was really the only one he had seen in his life.

“The emperor was actually defeated!” The world master-class elder next to him was shocked, a little unacceptable.

“Wang Teng has also mastered the power of the source, and it is even stronger.” King Chongshan said.

“You mean, Wang Teng’s knife just now contained the original attack?” The world master-level old man said incredulously.

“Yes, his original power is very restrained, it didn’t show up until the last moment, and at that time he had already shot, so you didn’t notice it.” King Zhongshan nodded.

“You can achieve this level!” The world master level old man said in amazement: “This is something that a world master level martial artist can do. Is he really a constant star martial artist?”

He is the master of the world himself, and no one knows the difficulty of controlling the power of the source better than him.

Wang Teng, a constant star warrior, controlled the power of the source to such an exquisite level, it was really incredible.

“So his talent is too strong!” Chongshan King sighed again, a rare trace of complexity in his expression.

A strong person in his realm has so much knowledge. Generally speaking, no matter what he sees, he can maintain a calm mood, let alone show such a complex color.

But Wang Teng’s various performances completely broke his state of mind.

“Wang Teng… won!”

On the giant fortress of the military headquarters, General Fu Xinglan and the three were also stunned.

Wang Teng’s last cut was really beyond everyone’s expectations, even they were a little surprised.

“Wang Teng’s last knife should contain the origin of the Earth Element.” General Fu Xinglan’s eyes flickered, recalling the situation of the knife, and said.

“I almost thought I had read it wrong. At the last moment, the power of the original source appeared on the blade. Wang Teng really hid it deep enough.” General Habakkak shook his head and exclaimed.

“Better than that emperor… Origin!” General Tang Wuwei was silent for a moment, and said.

“Wang Teng’s origin is indeed much stronger than the emperor’s son, so his sword beats the emperor’s third sword, but what makes me wonder is whether the Huang family’s sword technique is so powerful? General Fu Xinglan frowned, looking a little confused.

“Is there any uniqueness in that sword technique? We didn’t see it, but Wang Teng caught the mystery in it.” General Habakak speculated by touching his chin.

“It is very likely to be the case. The Immortal Class of Huang Family used this sword technique to cross the starry sky, leaving a lot of prestige. It can be seen that this sword technique is unusual.” General Fu Xinglan said.

“It’s amazing!” General Habakkak exclaimed.

He was talking about Wang Teng, not the sword technique of the Huang family, or the immortal ancestor of the Huang family.

Because in their opinion, Wang Teng learned this sword technique secretly, but it turned out to be more terrifying than Huang Xinghua. This is not something abnormal.

On the Parax family spacecraft, the face of the Lord of the Flames of Fury was stiff, and the whole person was not well.

Why did Wang Teng, who was already about to lose, finally turned against the wind and defeated the emperor!

This result, he was even more unacceptable than the realm master-level powerhouse of the royal family!

Walter Gu and Sinclair looked at each other, and they could see the stunned and shocked faces of each other, and their hearts were extremely restless.

“That kid has mastered… the power of the origin!” For a while, the Lord of the Fury Realm gritted his teeth.

No one knows how restless his heart is at this moment.

A constant star warrior has mastered the power of the source, what kind of talent this is, he can’t even imagine!

“The power of the origin!” Waltergu and Sinclaim saw a stormy sea in their hearts.

The power of the origin is something that can only be mastered by the master-level masters, and even the two domain master-level martial artists can’t touch it, and Wang Teng can actually master it. How does this make them not shocked.

“You must get rid of him! You must get rid of him!” The Lord of the Anger Flame muttered to himself, the killing intent in his eyes skyrocketed to the extreme.

Wang Teng’s talent even made him feel terrified!


On the Karandish family spacecraft, Boragu, Diqi, Olia and others all breathed out. Although they were also shocked by the result, they felt like Wang Teng turned defeat into victory. A big rock fell to the ground.

“Great, Big Brother Wang Teng really is the strongest!” Olia looked at the figure holding the saber in the light curtain, her eyes showing a strange brilliance.

Defeating the emperor with one sword is really…so handsome!

“What’s the matter with Wang Teng’s last cut? It’s not that the emperor understood the origin, but why was he defeated by Wang Teng with a single cut?” Letizia’s heart shook and said in surprise.

“He should also understand the origin.” Du Bois said.

“It is indeed the power of the origin. If I am not mistaken, his stab finally revealed the power of the origin.” Boragu recalled for a moment and nodded and said.

“Unexpectedly, Wang Teng also understood the origin. Wang Teng and the emperor are too terrifying.” Letizia exclaimed.

Diqi on the side heard the conversations of several people, and was already shocked and didn’t know what to say. Wang Teng was really enchanting, and his growth rate was staggering!

When he first met Wang Teng on Defense Star No. 4, Wang Teng was still chased by a cosmic warrior like a bereaved dog, far from him. Now Wang Teng has already thrown him away from his back.

This gap between the front and back immediately made him feel extremely complicated.

Jade Star, Wu Xingyun, Old Han and others stared into the light curtain and couldn’t help holding their breath.

“Wang Teng…had you won?” Old Han muttered to himself with a dry mouth.

“You should have won, that emperor has already lost.” Wu Xingyun said with a gleam in his eyes, suppressing his excitement.

“Wang Teng won!”

When Han Zhu and others heard this, they were all excited.

Although there are many things they can’t understand at such a high-end game, they just need to know the result. It doesn’t matter if they don’t understand it.

Wang Teng won!

In their eyes, Wang Teng represents Earth Star, and he has won a supreme glory for Earth Star!

On the spaceship of the Zhanyan Mercenary Corps squad, Lin Chuhan stared excitedly at the situation in the light curtain. Even with her temperament, she almost cheered.

Isaiah and others next to them all looked at the figure in the light curtain, with deep shock and awe in their eyes.

Such arrogance is simply not something they can reach!

They and Wang Teng who defeated the emperor seemed to live in two completely different worlds!

The gap is too big…

Above the mainland of the ring, Wang Teng looked at the emperor in front of him, and couldn’t help being a little surprised.

Is this a blow?

No way!

It’s just defeated once, and it’s like this, and the will is not firm enough!

What I said before is a good one. It’s not like looking at yourself and fighting against many geniuses to get to this point! This is not the same!

“Now, do you still think I am too arrogant?” Wang Teng said lightly.

The emperor suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Teng. There seemed to be some bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

He previously said that Wang Teng was too arrogant, but now Wang Teng has defeated him and caused him to suffer a major setback. What right does he have to say.

“Actually, I haven’t used my full strength yet, but you have already lost!” Wang Teng shook his head, leaving a sentence, and turned to the outside.

He has won this game!


The audience was in an uproar when they heard Wang Teng’s words.

After defeating the emperor, Wang Teng hasn’t used all his strength. Is this true?

Chongshan King, General Fu Xinglan and the others all froze for a while, but Wang Teng didn’t expect Wang Teng to say such words.

“It’s useless… Fully! No way?” The second prince and others looked at Wang Teng incredulously.


At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded over the mainland of the ring.

“I used other people’s combat skills, do you think I used my full strength?” Wang Teng paused, after saying this, he walked far away again, without even turning his head back.

The emperor was struck by lightning, and the pupils in his eyes shrank sharply, unable to accept this fact.

He lowered his head, no one could see his expression, just standing quietly in the sky, like a walking dead.

Everyone couldn’t help sighing.

The emperor was too miserable, and Wang Teng would be hit by Wang Teng if he lost!

If you lose, you lose, but the opponent hasn’t tried their best.

With the pride of the emperor, how can he accept such a thing.

“Wang! Teng!” Suddenly, a roar came from the emperor’s mouth.


Immediately, a powerful and terrifying wave radiated from him, swept across the world, and turned into invisible coercion to fill the entire sky.

“Is this?” Wang Teng immediately felt the abnormal change behind him, and suddenly turned around to look, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

The emperor raised his head abruptly, his eyes turned into pitch black with no whiteness, his black hair was dancing frantically, and the rich black light burst out from his facial features and blasted straight into the sky.


A roar almost like a beast came from his mouth.

In an instant, endless black mist rushed out of his body continuously, covering the sky and the sun as it filled the sky.

At the same time, even more rolling black mist wrapped around him, like black pythons, in which there were countless demon-like babble-like voices that passed into the ears, which made people crumble and couldn’t help but go crazy.

At this moment, he is like a demon! ! !

“Have you been infested by the Dark Force?” Wang Teng frowned, and the spiritual power of Zhihainei swept away, resisting the crazy whisper.

“No, it’s not right, this doesn’t seem to be a normal dark infestation.”

He opened the [Pupil of True Sight] and peered into the emperor’s body, and found that it was a little different from the darkness infestation that he had seen before.

In the past dark infestation state, the invaded person, no matter the body or soul, has been entangled with the darkness, regardless of each other.

But the emperor’s situation at this moment is very special. No matter the original force or the soul in his body, he is very different from this incomparably pure dark power.

It’s just that the power of darkness overwhelmed the emperor’s subjective consciousness at this time, causing him to shrink in the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of darkness also madly intruded into the emperor’s consciousness, but it was all blocked out, and there seemed to be something protecting the emperor’s consciousness.

“what happened???”

At the same time, countless people saw this scene, their eyes widened in amazement, and their faces were incredible.


Chongshan King’s expression changed suddenly, and he could no longer maintain his indifferent expression at this moment.

The three generals of Fu Xinglan also changed a lot. With their temperament, this shouldn’t be the case, but this matter was too shocking, and it was related to the strongest arrogant of the royal family, so they had to take it seriously.

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