Chapter 1330 The power of the demonized emperor! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

In the sky, the black mist is rolling!

The abnormal change in the emperor’s body immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and the audience was shocked.

“Is this being infested by… the darkness?”

“It’s impossible, how could the emperor be invaded by darkness??”

“Then who can tell me what is going on?”

“This is obviously infested by darkness, and the state is exactly the same, there is no difference.”

“A major event is about to happen, the emperors of the royal family are all infested by darkness!”

“I’m afraid it will make a big wave!”

“How could such a thing happen, the emperor was infested by darkness, it’s incredible!”

On the other side, King Chongshan and General Fu Xinglan gathered together, and the invigilator from the Seven Star Academy also appeared.

“Chongshan King, what the hell is going on?” Gong Han, the invigilator of the First Star Academy, asked with a deep expression on his face.

“If I say I don’t know, do you believe it?” Chongshan King rarely showed a bitter smile, looking a little helpless.

Everyone looked at each other and knew that King Zhongshan didn’t need to hide them from this kind of thing.

It’s about the dark species, how can the dignified empire conceal this matter?

After all, the tentacles of the Dark Seed reached out to the royal family of the Dagan Empire.

“Everyone, the most important thing now is to think about how to deal with this matter.” General Fu Xinglan said.

“As the emperor of your great empire, you are invaded by darkness. This influence…If you don’t handle it properly, it will probably be a big blow to your great empire.” Weng Lao Kan, the invigilator of the Fifth Star Academy After taking a look at Chongshan King, he said.

“The old man is right, what do you think should be done with this matter?” Sikong nodded secondly, looking at King Chongshan Road.

“I’ll bring the emperor back.” Chongshan King sighed.

His meaning was already obvious, he took action by himself and took away the emperor directly, so as not to cause greater disturbances.

“Not right!” Nancy, the invigilator of the Second Star Academy, shook her head. Seeing everyone watching over, she slowly explained, “If only a few people see it, it’s a battle for geniuses, countless. People are watching, if you act rashly, it means that you have a guilty conscience in the imperial family.”

“Everyone talks about it. I’m afraid I can’t imagine how the rumors will spread afterwards.”

Nancy’s meaning is very obvious, even if the other party is the emperor of the great empire, if something like this happens, at least an explanation should be given to the audience, rather than taken away.

The best way to explain to the audience is to suppress the emperor!

The corner of Chongshan King’s eyes twitched and frowned. Why didn’t he know this, but it was related to the face of the royal family. He really didn’t want to see the emperor being suppressed in front of so many people.

This is definitely a great shame to the royal family!

However, the emperor fell into demonization, he was more anxious than anyone else, this matter should not be delayed, and he could not tolerate any more hesitation.

“What do you mean?” Chongshan King suppressed his impatience and asked.

“It’s better to let the game continue, just like Faramore’s game before.” Gong Han groaned and said.

“Faramo’s strength is far inferior to the emperor’s son. The emperor’s state at the moment, Wang Teng is afraid…” General Fu Xinglan frowned and said slightly worried.

“Why don’t you listen to Wang Teng’s own opinion?” Sikong’s second glance flashed and smiled.

“Then just ask him.” Old Weng said directly.

“Alright, I will ask him through the sound transmission.” After General Fu Xinglan finished speaking, he immediately transmitted the sound transmission to Wang Teng and asked him whether he would continue the game.

And told the difficulty of this matter, let him treat it with caution.

Above the mainland of the ring, Wang Teng was observing the situation of the emperor, when he suddenly heard the voice of General Fu Xinglan in his ear, he was taken aback for a moment.

Then he reacted, glanced at the opposite emperor, and nodded slightly towards the sky.

“It seems that he agreed!” Sikong Second looked at Wang Teng in the light curtain with a deep smile, and said with a smile.

“This kid is very confident!” Nancy smiled.

“Well, let him try.” General Fu Xinglan shook his head and sighed in his heart.

He originally intended to make Wang Teng give up, after all, he involved the emperor.

But it’s not easy to say clearly, only a vague reminder, I don’t know if Wang Teng can hear it?

But since Wang Teng was sure, he couldn’t say anything more.

The King of Chongshan had acquiesced in this matter, and let Wang Teng suppress the emperor, I am afraid it was the best result!

At least Wang Teng is a Tianjiao who is as famous as the emperor, even if the emperor loses in the hands of Wang Teng, it will not be too ugly.

At the very least, it is better than the Seven Star Academy taking the initiative to suppress it in person.

Wang Teng recalled the words spoken by General Fu Xinglan’s voice transmission, and smiled in his heart, a little grateful, he could naturally hear the other party reminding him.

However, it seemed that the invigilator of the Seven Star Academy wanted him to resolve the matter, so he still agreed.

If he doesn’t have the strength, it’s fine, but since he is sure, he doesn’t mind taking a trip to this muddy water.

At this moment, the emperor was completely in a state of demonization, with a pair of dark eyes without emotion, cold and evil, looking at Wang Teng with a gaze without any fluctuations.

Wang Teng hooked the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and hooked his finger towards the emperor.

“…” The audience was originally very nervous and frightened, but at this moment, they were a little speechless when they saw this scene.

What kind of heart is Wang Teng, facing the demonized emperor, dare to provoke the opponent so much.

General Fu Xinglan and others and the invigilators of the Seven Star Academy were also dumbfounded, and Wang Teng’s actions were always unexpected.

But the effect is indeed very good. The Demonized Emperor did not rush to do anything, but he was no longer silent. He actually opened his mouth and said in a strange and cold voice: “Actually, I want to thank you. If it wasn’t for you to defeat him, let him The mentality is unbalanced, and it is impossible for me to find an opportunity to suppress his main consciousness.”

The meaning contained in this sentence is somewhat intriguing.

Chongshan King, General Fu Xinglan, the invigilator of the Seven Star Academy and others couldn’t help frowning.

“His demonized state seems a bit unusual.” Nancy groaned.

“It seems that there is another consciousness in the emperor’s body.” General Fu Xinglan said.

“Is it the evil consciousness that was born after being invaded by darkness? Or was it invaded by other existence?” King Shigeshan’s expression changed slightly.

“I can’t see anything for the time being, keep watching.” Gong Han said with a frown.

When Wang Teng heard the words of the Demonized Emperor, he heard a secret voice in his heart, which was consistent with his guess.

The emperor’s demonized state is indeed a bit special. It is not he himself that is controlling this body, it is completely like a change of person.

“Then how are you going to thank me?” Wang Teng suddenly said to the emperor Mohua.

Demonized Emperor: (°ー°〃)

I always feel something is wrong?

It makes it seem like it really wants to thank the other party.

“Just forget it if you don’t want to thank, why bother to deceive my feelings.” Wang Teng shook his head and sighed, very disappointed.

“…” A blue vein burst out of the emperor’s forehead, and he sneered: “I grant you permission to be my slave and serve me. What do you think of this thank you gift?”

“It sounds very good, but I only like to serve mistresses, I don’t like men.” Wang Teng touched his chin, and said a little disgustingly.

The audience suddenly felt that the atmosphere had become a little weird, as if something had run over their faces.

What’s the situation with MMP, and I still want to drive a car!

The emperor demonized his breathing, and the corners of his eyes twitched: “Give you a chance, if you don’t cherish it, then you go to die!”

A bitter killing intent erupted in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand and pointed a finger at Wang Teng. The endless black mist rolled up and turned into spikes-like attacks and shot towards Wang Teng.


The terrible coldness and malice swept in, as if to drown and infect the human spirit!

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and the pagoda of Nine Treasures in the sea vibrated, emitting a golden light, dispelling the spiritual impact of this evil intention.

At the same time, he stepped out suddenly, and a dazzling white light burst out of his fist, which turned into a fist mark and bombarded out.

Bright fist!

The countless spikes were smashed by a punch, and the light of the fist marks rose up into the sky like a white beam of light, smashing the thick black mist through a big hole.

“Light Force!” Demonized Emperor Son said in surprise.

“Wang Teng is really a martial artist of the Guangming family!” The audience was surprised and delighted.

When Wang Teng defeated Faramo before, although his attack was concealed by Faramo’s black mist domain, he couldn’t see anything clearly, but the last group of light burst out like a small sun, shattering the black mist domain, and many people couldn’t bear it. I guess Wang Teng is very likely to possess the Light Element Power in addition to the Seven Element Forces he has mastered.

Now it seems that their guess is not wrong!

Wang Teng is indeed an extremely rare light martial artist!

For a while, everyone was very angry, and the light martial artist was the nemesis of the power of darkness.

Wang Teng was originally stronger than the emperor. Although the emperor is now demonized and his strength has greatly increased, Wang Teng also possesses the light force, and he may not be able to defeat the emperor.

Wang Teng stepped into the void, and his whole body was enveloped by a beam of light, like a small sun hanging in the sky, rushing towards the demonized emperor.


The bright fist broke out again, turning into a fist mark, the light dazzling extremely, reflecting the sky.

“Huh! What about the light force!” The Demonized Emperor snorted coldly, his figure turned into a black light, and he greeted Wang Teng. The same fist burst, and the black mist in the sky was attracted and turned into a fist print bombardment. Out.

boom! boom! boom……

The fist prints of two colors, one black and one white, collide in the sky, as if the sky is divided into two halves, black and white are distinct!

Surprisingly, at this time, the emperor’s fist marks were even comparable to Wang Teng’s.

The two forces of darkness and light have restrained each other. At this time, the two sides collided, eroded each other, annihilated each other, and the terrible aftermath of the force rolled back in all directions.

The dark force of the demonized emperor is very terrifying, far surpassing the average constant star warrior. When it erupts, it seems to be continuous, so his fist marks are also endless.

If it weren’t for Wang Teng’s strong reserves of force, coupled with his strong physical body, he might have been unable to stop the attack of the Demonized Emperor.

The audience was dazzled, and they were all shocked by the strength of both sides.

Wang Teng’s fist print that exudes the meaning of light is no less than the previous five-element fist. It is very powerful and has a bright and vast fist, as if it can purify all dark things.

After the emperor was demonized, the fist imprints he cast also had the meaning of darkness, evil, chaos… and it was able to directly collide with Wang Teng’s bright fist imprints.

You must know that before the emperor was demonized, he didn’t dare to accept Wang Teng’s fist imprint, so he could only avoid the edge.

The gap between before and after this is really big.


The two punched each other again, and both retreated several kilometers before stopping their figure.

Wang Teng stared at the demonized emperor, his opponent’s strength was somewhat beyond his expectation. More importantly, the opponent used dark combat skills. Is this also the emperor’s mastery?

It should be impossible!

Wang Teng himself denied this speculation first.

Now that the consciousness controlling the emperor’s body is obviously another existence, and he has obviously mastered other combat skills, this means that Wang Teng’s understanding of the emperor’s body is useless at this time.

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and he stopped thinking about it. The battle knife in his hand condensed a terrifying yellow light from the sky.

Huang Tian’s knife!


The roar erupted, and the yellow blade light carried a piece of yellow air, like a yellow sky, crashing towards the demonized emperor.

Many people widened their eyes and looked at the battle over the mainland of the ring.

At this moment, a golden sword light soared into the sky.


The golden sword light collided with the yellow sword light, and there was a sound of gold and iron fighting, and the sharp sword intent and sword intent swept out, cutting the sky into black gaps.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he saw that the golden sword light was not only pure gold, but also mixed with strange black lines.

The third sword of the emperor was actually added the power of darkness!

Wang Teng thought a little bit stunned in his heart, and then he barely hesitated, his figure flashed, and he retreated violently to the rear.


Sure enough, at this moment, there was a crisp cracking sound from the front collision.

What shattered and opened turned out to be Wang Teng’s yellow knife light!

It was also the collision between Huang Tian’s sword and the emperor’s third sword, and it was Wang Teng’s Huang Tian’s sword that broke and opened at this moment!


Many people’s complexion changed drastically, staring at this scene in the sky in horror.

Wang Teng’s horrible knife couldn’t stop the sword light of the Demonized Emperor at this time.

The strength of the demonized emperor is really much stronger than before!

Everyone couldn’t help worrying about Wang Teng.

I saw that after the sword light smashed Wang Teng’s yellow sword light, he cast off his momentum and slashed towards Wang Teng suddenly.

Although Wang Teng had already anticipated this scene and withdrew in advance, the speed of that sword light was so fast, as if it had passed through space, it came to Wang Teng’s face in an instant.


Everyone was shocked, all staring at the sky in horror.

Life and death are in an instant!

The complexion of General Fu Xinglan and others changed slightly, and they suddenly took a step, almost about to rescue them.

“Don’t worry!” Gong Han’s eyes flashed, and a hand was placed on General Fu Xinglan’s shoulder: “Look at Wang Teng’s face.”

General Fu Xinglan was taken aback for a moment, and he came back to his senses in an instant. Wang Teng’s expression was extremely calm. Although dignified, he was not panicked. He was concerned and confused.

Jade Star, Wu Xingyun, Old Han and others all changed their expressions one after another, staring in amazement at the fatal crisis that Wang Teng was facing in the light curtain.

Upon seeing this scene, Lin Chuhan clenched his jade hands tightly, his pupils contracted sharply, almost exclaiming.


The terrifying golden sword light slashed down, and a jet black aura broke out completely at this time, instantly submerging Wang Teng.

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