Chapter 1328 The emperor, defeat! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)


When the emperor saw that yellow sword light came straight, his complexion finally changed.

He immediately pulled away and retreated, but it was still too late.

The yellow sword light came from across the air, and instantly fell on him, drowning it.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, from the collapse of the golden sword light to the flood of the emperor by Wang Teng’s sword light, but the short moment was overwhelming.

The audience reacted, shocked, and took a breath!


The emperor… lost?

Everyone was full of incredible, the emperor’s powerful sword was finally defeated by Wang Teng!

What a strong knife! ! !

The second prince and others were equally unbelievable, almost unable to believe their eyes.

It turns out that Wang Teng is not only strong in swordsmanship, but also in swordsmanship!

How did this guy practice?

Huang Xinghua’s whole person was excited, his eyes were full of scorching heat, his eyes fixed on Wang Teng.

Loess slashed!

Definitely the loess of their family slashed!

It turns out that the loess can really exert such a powerful power with a single knife.

At this time, he couldn’t bother to think about why Wang Teng would inherit the sword technique of their family. He was completely attracted by the powerful power of this sword technique.

Before, he used the loess to slash, but he was defeated by the emperor’s first sword!

But Wang Teng’s loess slash can defeat the emperor’s second sword!

this means……

It’s not that the sword technique is not strong enough, but the person who uses the sword technique is not strong enough!

The problem is not with the knife, but with the people!

If it wasn’t that the game hadn’t ended yet, he would have rushed to ask Wang Teng for advice.

On the royal spaceship, King Chongshan couldn’t help being a little surprised.

He previously praised the emperor’s sword for being extraordinary, which is equivalent to saying that the emperor is likely to beat Wang Teng.

As a result, Wang Teng actually defeated the emperor with a sword!

This is simply hitting him in the face!

“The sword of the emperor actually lost?!!!” The world master-level old man next to him was also unbelievable.

“Unbelievable, unbelievable, young people now can’t see through.” The seriously injured Wang shook his head.

“Wait, Wang Teng’s sword technique seems to be Huang Xinghua’s previous sword technique, right?” The world master-level old man suddenly thought of something and said.

“It should be, that kid guessed that Huang Xinghua’s knife skills were also secretly learned, and even surpassed Huang Xinghua’s attainments in a short period of time. This is really…” The king of the mountain looked a little complicated, shook his head, and finally only Can find two words to describe: “Terror!”

“Hi!” The world master-level old man took a breath, and he didn’t know what to say anymore.

Over the mainland of the ring, Wang Teng looked forward, his eyebrows slightly raised.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the place where the blade was cut, and it was the emperor.

His whole body was bursting with dazzling light, like a mask that shielded him, his appearance was not injured except for a little embarrassment.

The emperor, did not lose!

Many people were relieved to see that the emperor was safe and sound.

“Huang Xinghua stole your sword skills?” The emperor’s hair was a little messy, and his breathing was a little bit quicker, but his eyes were fixed on Wang Teng and couldn’t help asking.

“Guess!” Wang Teng said.

“…” The emperor wanted to vomit blood depressed.

These two words again!

you guess!

Guess your sister!

At this moment, even with the emperor’s disposition, he couldn’t help but want to explode.

This Wang Teng is really too bad. He has never been able to answer his words properly. Guess what, if he can be sure, does he need to ask?

“Your strength really surprised me.” The emperor took a deep breath and said slowly.

“How many swords do you have?” Wang Teng asked curiously.

“It seems that you are very familiar with my swordsmanship!” The emperor said with a flash of eyes.

“Ahahaha, I’ll just ask.” Wang Teng gave a haha, he couldn’t tell the emperor. He knew clearly that [Overlord’s Twelve Swords] had twelve swords. .

“My swordsmanship has a total of three swords!” The emperor didn’t bother with the matter either. He took a deep look at Wang Teng and said.

“Three swords!” Wang Teng laughed: “Then you have another chance!”

In the distance, Su Jianchen was shocked. The emperor actually had another sword. The second sword was already that powerful. How much should the third sword reach?

“I didn’t fully comprehend this third sword. I can use it, but I can’t control it.” The emperor didn’t rush to use it, but said: “So, if I use it, you are likely to…will die!”

“Dead?” Wang Teng laughed a little, as if he had heard something extremely funny.

“What are you laughing at?” The emperor frowned.

“Then you don’t have to worry about killing me, just show it to me. I’ll be the one who died.” Wang Teng said.

“You are too conceited!” A trace of anger flashed in the emperor’s eyes, and Wang Teng’s words made him feel despised. No one had dared to despise him so much.

“Whether it’s arrogant, it depends on whether you have this strength.” Wang Teng’s face was flat and said: “Use your third sword, otherwise you will have no chance!”

“Okay!” The emperor gave a soft drink, staring at Wang Teng and said: “Since you ask for such a request, then I will fulfill you!”

“My third sword has been defeated by all my opponents since I realized it, and I have never missed it.”

“You are optimistic about it!”

Before he finished his words, his eyes seemed to shoot out two strange sword lights, rushing straight into the sky!

A majestic momentum burst out, and the terrifying force gushed out of his body like sea water.

The golden force gathered into a thick beam of light and rushed straight to the sky!

Although the emperor is only the perfect ninth level of the constant star, his metal force is unimaginable and completely beyond the category of the constant star warrior.

At this moment, this massive amount of Gold Elemental Force burst out, which is truly amazing!

The second prince and the others looked at the beam of light formed by the force of the gold element, and a stormy sea was set off in their hearts, which was terrifying!

At this time, they realized the gap between themselves and the emperor!

They are genius warriors, and the accumulation of their own force must surpass countless ordinary warriors. Otherwise, if they rely solely on the most basic constant-star nine-layer force, they will not be able to support them to perform domain master-level and even world master-level combat skills. Not to mention the higher level of immortal combat skills.

Wang Teng was also extremely surprised. This emperor was indeed not an ordinary genius. Such a strong metal force must be acquired by practicing high-level techniques.

From Wang Teng’s point of view, this is at least an immortal-level exercise method, even a god-level exercise method!

Reminiscent of the emperor possessing the [Overlord Twelve Swords] this god-level combat skill, it seems that it is not impossible to have a god-level technique.

And the god-level technique that the emperor masters should be the gold-type technique, otherwise his other two elements of force could not be so different from the gold-type force.

At this time, the golden beam of light rushed straight into the sky, and an invisible pressure radiated out, causing the earth to tremble and countless dust rising into the sky.

Even Wang Teng, thousands of meters away, felt the terrifying pressure.

It seems that this third sword is indeed very scary!

Wang Teng’s face was slightly solemn, and he didn’t rush to do it, but continued to observe the third sword of the emperor.

At this moment, he felt a strange wave emanating from the emperor’s body, that was… the power of the law of origin!

The emperor actually mastered the power of the source! ! !

This time, Wang Teng was really shocked. It is not surprising that he mastered the power of the origin. After all, the emperor had mastered the origin of the gold element by himself.

Although in Wang Teng’s view, the source of power he has mastered is very small, but mastering it means mastering it.

Without crossing that threshold, there are totally two worlds!

The emperor crossed this threshold and mastered the power of the source, and he stood in the same class as him.

No wonder the emperor said that his third sword has never met an opponent!

There are really too few constant star warriors who can master the power of the source.

It is a pity that the emperor met Wang Teng…

Wang Teng could see that the emperor had mastered the power of the source, and the powers of various forces could naturally also see it.

They were shocked!

On the Parax family spacecraft, the Lord of the Flames of Anger looked at the emperor in the light curtain in shock, and said: “The emperor is really a man of heaven, and he has mastered the power of the source at the constant star! Wang Tengyao Lost! Hahaha, he will definitely lose!”

Upon hearing this, Walter Gu and Sincremon were surprised and delighted.

The emperor mastered the power of the source, what would Wang Teng use to compete with him?

Within the giant fortress of the military headquarters, General Fu Xinglan also had a shock in the hearts of the three generals: “It is unimaginable that this emperor has actually mastered the power of the origin!”

“Wang Teng is in danger!” General Habakkak said solemnly.

On the Calendish family spacecraft, Du Bois and Boragu felt at the same time, and they looked at each other and were shocked.

“Unexpectedly, the emperor would have mastered the power of origin.” Boragu said in disbelief.

“Wang Teng is about to lose!” Du Bois shook his head and said.

“How could this happen? How could Big Brother Wang Teng lose!” Olia’s face was pale, and said in disbelief.

“The power of the origin is the power that can only be mastered by the master-level power. The emperor has mastered the power of the origin. In this game, he is already invincible.” Boragu sighed and explained.

Although he is very optimistic about Wang Teng, in the face of the power of the source, Wang Teng’s powerful combat skills seem to have slightly lost.

When everyone heard the words, their hearts suddenly became heavy.

On the royal spaceship, a strange light flashed in the eyes of King Chongshan, and he muttered to himself: “It is surprising that Wang Teng has grasped a trace of the power of origin. It seems that Wang Teng is about to lose.”

As soon as the emperor showed his original power, everyone felt that Wang Teng would definitely lose, and there was no chance of winning.

Because this is not a level of power!


Above the continent of the ring, the emperor stood in the golden beam of light, and a horrible golden sword light condensed from the top of his head, exuding extremely terrible fluctuations.

Wang Teng looked at the sword light, smiled in his heart, and raised the saber in his hand again, the same as the previous Huang Tian’s knife.

When the emperor saw this scene, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but a curve appeared. It was the same knife, is there no other means?

It seems that Wang Teng is already exhausted!

When everyone saw that Wang Teng was still using the previous sword technique, they were all stunned, wondering why Wang Teng would continue to use that sword.

Does he really have no other means?

Many people couldn’t help shaking their heads, feeling sorry for Wang Teng. It seems that the emperor won the game!

Only Huang Xinghua was a little excited. He remembered an absurd saying that the family had been handed down. Their family’s “slashed loess” was very special and seemed not restricted by the level. As long as the user was strong enough, he could let him. The power continues to increase, as if there is no upper limit!

The previous Huang Xinghua didn’t believe this rumor, and felt that it was completely nonsense.

But after seeing Wang Teng’s “slashing yellow soil” before, his thoughts were shaken.

A bold idea breeds wildly in his heart!

Maybe in Wang Teng’s hands, this “slash of loess” can really contend with the emperor’s third sword?

Thinking about this, Huang Xinghua stared fiercely at Wang Teng in the sky, staring at the knife in his hand, looking forward to seeing the scene he most wanted to see.

In the sky, the emperor’s third sword has been completely condensed. After integrating the power of the source, strange and mysterious lines appeared on the surface of the sword light, just like the manifestation of the law of the source, exuding the power of heaven and earth.

“The third sword!”

The golden light of the emperor’s eyes shot straight into the sky, and the sword in his hand was slashed out.

In an instant, the beam of light suddenly converged, and all of it fell into the golden sword light, and then the golden sword light suddenly slashed towards Wang Teng.

This sword seems to have the power of destroying the sky and the earth, wherever it passes, the space is shattered, and there are a series of dark and deep space cracks, which are extremely infiltrating!

Above Wang Teng’s head was a yellow ray of light, like a yellow sky, and the yellow sword light shot straight into the sky, but it was extremely restrained, and strange and mysterious lines appeared on it.

“Huh?!” King Zhongshan saw this scene and was suddenly startled.

“This is…” At the same time, the powerhouses of all races also noticed the changes in the sword’s light, and their hearts shook violently.


In the sky, Wang Teng slashed out, and the yellow sword light collided with the third sword of the emperor.


There was a crisp sound.

The emperor’s face was pale, the third sword used his force, but at this moment a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn’t need to look at it to know that Wang Teng’s blade must be broken, how could that blade be the opponent of his third sword.

After all, Wang Teng was defeated in his hands!

But soon his smile stiffened, and he looked forward incredibly.

Unexpected situation appeared, the third sword of the emperor, which contained the power of the original source, collapsed, cracks appeared on the golden sword light, and then the “boom” turned into countless golden light spots. Wandering in the sky.

In the emperor’s stunned gaze, the yellow sword light fell directly on him.

“Puff!” A big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the emperor flew out upside down, only 10,000 meters away to stop his figure.

“You are defeated!” Wang Teng was holding a battle knife and looked at the emperor with plain eyes.

“How is it possible? How could I be defeated!” The emperor couldn’t accept this fact. The eyes that were originally full of divine light appeared dizzy, and their pupils lost their focus.

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