Chapter 1327 Wang Teng’s Huangtian Sword! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)


Two domineering golden sword lights collided in the sky, bursting into a violent roar.

Where the sword light passed, the void shattered, and a series of pitch-black cracks appeared!

These two terrifying sword lights actually broke through the space!

The sharp and small sword lights swept in all directions, forming an extremely terrifying scene, making the two sword lights collide with a radius of thousands of meters in the sky into a death penalty zone.

The audience was stunned, with cold sweat from behind, and goose bumps all over their bodies.

“too frightening!”

“Wang Teng and the emperor’s swordsmanship are so terrible!”

“Is this really an attack from a constant star warrior? I don’t think I can stop a cosmic level!”

“We are afraid they are living in different worlds.”

“By the way, don’t you find that Wang Teng and the emperor have similar attacks?”

“Similar farts, but they are exactly the same!”

“I rub, how do I feel that Wang Teng has secretly learned the emperor’s combat skills, even the previous fingering combat skills.”

“No way, Wang Teng can also learn such brilliant combat skills? I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!”

“There can be such a wicked person in this world, right?”

“Although I admit that Wang Teng is very enchanting, but even this kind of combat skills can be learned secretly, then it is not an enchanting to describe it.”

“Could it be a coincidence, the emperor will, and Wang Teng will happen to.”

“That’s a coincidence!”

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the combat skills of Wang Teng and the emperor are almost exactly the same.

The emperor’s combat skills were first displayed, and Wang Teng did not display it until he fought with the emperor.

Therefore, either Wang Teng learned the emperor’s combat skills secretly, or the two really happened to have the same combat skills inheritance.

In the eyes of many people, although the former possibility is also very outrageous, the probability is much greater than the latter one.

If it’s just ordinary combat skills, everyone can learn it, naturally there is a possibility of collision skills.

But the emperor’s combat skills were obviously extraordinary, it was a legacy left by a strong man, and was not comparable to ordinary combat skills.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for two people to get a kind of inheritance at the same time.

Generally, there are few strong people who will eat and have nothing to do and leave two inheritances!

On the royal spaceship, even the heavy mountain king was in shock at this moment. He carefully looked at the combat skills of the two in the light curtain, and could not see any difference. He finally determined that they were using the same combat skills, with his face showing. An extremely speechless look.

“How do I feel that I still underestimated Wang Teng?” King Chongshan muttered to himself.

The inheritance that the emperor got, even he couldn’t penetrate the depth, only knew that it must be above the immortal level.

And this level of combat skills can’t be learned by academics.

Even if they know the cultivation method, many people still can’t practice it, let alone learn it like this.

“This…” The world master-class elder next to him opened his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

Although I think it is immoral to steal learning, they are blatantly stealing learning, rather than stealing the cultivation method by any tricks, and they can’t find the slightest fault.

This is the skill of others!

What can they blame?

The elder of the royal family is naturally on the side of the emperor, so he is very depressed now.

In addition to the royal family, people from all royal families also saw this scene and were equally shocked. They wondered if Wang Teng had really learned the emperor’s combat skills by stealth?

This is so evil!

This is so shameless!

The three of General Fu Xinglan looked at each other, their expressions were a little weird at this time, they really didn’t expect Wang Teng to do such a thing.

“Monster!” General Habakak sighed, feeling a little complicated.

“I really want to learn it secretly, then his skill is not small.” General Fu Xinglan shook his head and sighed.

The ring above the mainland.

The sword light of Wang Teng and the emperor both disappeared, and the overbearing aftermath rolled around, and both of them were pushed thousands of meters away.

It’s just that if someone observes carefully, they will find that the emperor retreated more than 3,000 meters, while Wang Teng only retreated more than 2,000 meters.

After the collision of the sword just now, there was still a bit of strength and weakness after all.

Wang Teng is slightly better!

The emperor stood far away, with the sword in his hand pointing diagonally to the ground, but his eyes were fixed on the opposite Wang Teng, his eyes gleaming with extremely complicated light.

He knew very well that the sword technique that Wang Teng had just used was the sword one of his [Twelve Overlord Swords], and it was absolutely impossible to be another sword technique.

He couldn’t help thinking that what he said before gave Wang Teng the ability to even learn this [Twelve Overlord Swords] secretly, but he really did it.

This face is really a bit… hurts!

“How about my swordsmanship?” Wang Teng walked in the air with a sword in his hand, and asked lightly.

“It’s OK!” The corner of the emperor’s eyes twitched, and he faintly replied, and walked forward as well.

The two of them just took a step, then turned into afterimages, and rushed towards each other again.


The terrifying battle broke out.

The two sides collided in the sky, like two small suns, bursting out extremely powerful energy fluctuations, sweeping across all directions.

“I still have a second sword, please advise!” The emperor’s voice heard, and the sword in his hand burst out with a strong golden light, illuminating the sky.

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows involuntarily!

“I’ve never used this second sword before, to see how you secretly learn it.” The emperor said lightly.

“It’s okay, if you use it once, I will do it.” Wang Teng said.

“…” No matter how good the emperor is, when he hears this sentence, there is also a MMP in his heart that he wants to blurt out.

But after all, he didn’t believe that Wang Teng could learn it after reading it again. Moreover, this second sword was much more difficult than the first sword. It was his own practice at the beginning, and it took a lot of time to realize it.

It is absolutely impossible for Wang Teng to learn it after reading it again!

In an instant, a special field spread out from the emperor, within a radius of several thousand meters, everything turned into a world of swords.

The first sword of the emperor can be integrated into the power of the domain, so that the sword of the [Twelve Overlord Swords] has the power of the domain!

And this sword two needs to use the power of the domain thoroughly to maximize the power of the domain.

For [Twelve Swords of the Overlord], the domain is for it!

The person who uses it must also master the domain in order to display the true power of the [Twelve Overlord Swords]. This is a threshold.

A combat skill requires comprehension to perform.

I am afraid that only God-level combat skills can be so strong and the requirements can be so demanding!

The emperor unfolded his [Golden Realm] and turned it into a sword world. The power of countless realms gathered on his sword’s edge, like golden streamers descending from the sky, converging on the sword’s edge.

An aura of horror bloomed along with it!


The surrounding space was distorted, and small cracks appeared, and the whole land below also appeared cracks, as if being cut by countless sharp swords.

Thousands of meters apart, Wang Teng also felt a sharp rush toward him. There seemed to be rows of rapiers on his body that were cutting his skin, causing him to feel a slight tingling pain.

However, his physical body is strong, and at this time he directly opened the [Ancient Divine Body], and no external force can hurt him.

Even his black hair has become extremely tough, his hair shining brightly, and the sword cannot be broken.

Although the sword of the emperor was terrifying, it didn’t really come, and it was impossible to hurt him.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes. This second sword was indeed much stronger than the first sword. The emperor really had reservations in the previous battles and did not try his best.

On the virtual universe communication platform, the audience was shocked when they saw this scene, and they burst into earth-shattering discussions.

“What a terrible sword!”

“The space is distorted, it seems that a space crack has appeared!”

“Oh my god, the emperor has only used this sword until now. I haven’t used it in the previous games. Is it disdain to use it, or is it unnecessary?”

“I am afraid that only Wang Teng can force the emperor’s true strength!”

“It’s really scary, the combat skills of the constant star warrior can actually shake the space, it’s incredible!”

“I am afraid that Wang Teng can no longer steal this sword.”

“After all, it’s the first time to use it. No matter how great Wang Teng is, he can’t make it out of nothing.”

“But having said that, Wang Teng also has a lot of methods. Do you still remember the thunderstorm that Wang Teng used during the war to be eliminated?”

“Yes, that move should be enough to deal with this sword!”

The second prince and the others looked at the sword used by the emperor in shock, their mouths were slightly open, unable to close.

“The fourth-order domain! It is the fourth-order domain again!” Ji Haochen was shocked: “Wang Teng’s domain has reached the fourth order, and the emperor’s domain has also reached the fourth order.”

“There is also that sword, which is terrifying. If it were me, it would definitely not be able to stop it.” Di Moses said solemnly.

“I don’t know how far it can be achieved with a sword used in the fourth-order domain. It is really unimaginable.” The second prince said.

Su Jianchen on the side stared closely at the sword cast by the emperor, looking crazy, as if he had seen a peerless beauty.

“The second sword, it turns out that there is a second sword!” He muttered to himself: “I can only let him use the first sword!”

For Su Jianchen, this is undoubtedly a huge blow!

In kendo, he not only lost to Wang Teng, but also to the emperor.

Wang Teng can let the emperor use the second sword, but he can’t do it, his strength can only force the first sword!

This is the gap!

At this moment, a strong unwillingness emerged from the bottom of Su Jianchen’s heart and could not be restrained.

On the royal spaceship, King Chongshan stared at the light curtain, and said with a sigh: “He doesn’t know where to get this sword technique, it seems to exceed the immortal level!”

“Exceeding the immortal level!” The world master-level elder next to him was suddenly taken aback: “Could it be…”

“With this good fortune, his future is limitless.” King Chongshan didn’t answer directly, but said so.

“Good! Good! Good!” The world master-level old man was overjoyed, saying three good words, and nodding his head again and again: “It is the blessing of my royal family to be able to be such a arrogant man.”

Chongshan King’s eyes were deep, and some words were not spoken. The more outstanding Tianjiao, the harder the road would be. The future depends on the emperor himself.

Inside the giant fortress of the military headquarters, the expressions of General Fu Xinglan and the three of them appeared solemn.

“This sword is very strong!” General Habakak’s eyes vibrated, and he said solemnly.

“This kind of combat skill should be above the immortal rank, and I didn’t expect to appear in the hands of this emperor.” General Fu Xinglan couldn’t help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes, said.

“Yeah, these young people are really terrifying now, they can actually master combat skills of this level.” General Habakak said.

“Very strong!” Even General Tang Wuwei couldn’t help but said, admiring the sword of the emperor.

The ring above the mainland.

The sword light brewed by the emperor had been flaring to the extreme, the golden light shining into the sky, and the power of all domains gathered in it, magnificent.

“Sword Two!”

The emperor’s eyes were blazing, and he cut out with a sword.

In an instant, the golden sword light burst out, the golden light filled the sky, and the endless sword light seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

This is the second sword of [Twelve Overlord Swords]!

With a single sword, all the space is sealed off, and there is no way to avoid it!

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, not daring to neglect, the sword in his hand suddenly disappeared, and then a sword appeared in his hand.

Trade swords for swords!

Many people’s faces showed a look of astonishment.

What is Wang Teng doing?

Why did you suddenly replace the war sword with a war sword?

Could it be that his sword cultivation base is stronger than the sword cultivation base?

One question after another suddenly appeared in the hearts of everyone, and they all looked at Wang Teng with question marks.

The emperor opposite also frowned, wondering what Wang Teng was going to do.

Playing against him, even changing weapons midway, such a child’s play?

Wang Teng ignored the thoughts of others, a horrible knife intent flashed in his eyes, and the sword in his hand was held high.


The earth series field broke out!

Although Wang Teng combined his own Earth System domain with Fire System domain to evolve into the [Meteor Field], his insight is still there, and he wants to use the Earth System domain without any problems.

At this moment, the soil field exploded, as if it turned into a yellow sky.

A terrifying yellow sword light condenses on its battle sword, piercing through the world, as if it became the only existence in this world.

“This is…” The emperor’s pupils shrank, and an incredible color appeared on his face.

Huang Xinghua’s eyes widened suddenly at the moment, shocked, unbelievable, and his expression on his face was so complicated that he couldn’t be more complicated.

Similarly, when many people saw this sword, they couldn’t help but think of Huang Xinghua’s original sword technique!


At this moment, an earth-shaking roar sounded.

The second sword of the emperor [Twelve Swords of the Overlord] had already appeared hundreds of meters in front of Wang Teng, and was about to be cut down immediately.

The light in Wang Teng’s eyes skyrocketed, and he looked up, as if he wanted to pierce the sky, he had already cut out the knife in his hand.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were dark, all the light was dimmed, and only the knife that was slashed like a yellow sky was left.

This is the real heavenly sword!


The blade light passed through the void, and the latter came first, and instantly collided with the golden sword light of the emperor.

The terrifying roar echoed in the sky and the earth, and the entire sky turned into a golden color, half of which was golden and half of yellow.

Dao Mang and Jian Mang held a stalemate for a while, and finally a squeaking sound came out.

The emperor’s complexion changed slightly.

I saw that above the golden sword light, cracks appeared, then crashed and turned into countless golden fragments.

The yellow sword light slashed towards the emperor!

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