Chapter 135 Unexpected Auction (please subscribe!)

The auction is going on in full swing. Wang Teng has a long experience today. There are a variety of peculiar items, and everyone below is eager to bid more than one.

Only then did he realize what it means to be truly rich. Compared with those people, he really is a poor man!

But so far, the people in the box haven’t made much effort, and the auction items in front don’t seem to arouse their interest.

Lin Zhan and a few people called the price several times, but the price shouted by the people behind immediately frightened them…

Too Nima is cruel one by one!

If you want to take a picture of something, you really have to hollow out their old bottom.

I thought I could shoot one or two pieces before, it seems that I totally overestimated myself.

“There are so many rich people in the world, but unfortunately I am not one of them.” Yan Jinming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a mockery.

In fact, compared with ordinary people, these warriors are rich and cannot be richer, but only they know that the money comes and goes, buying weapons, exercises, combat skills, etc., all cost a lot of money. Actually I just turned it around in my pocket, and then it was gone.

“It’s us!” Lin Zhan said suddenly.

Sure enough, the auctioneer below said: “There must be a lot of people interested in this auction item below. The client just got it from another world, and it happened to be in time for this heavyweight auction. Okay, I won’t sell it anymore. .”

“The seventh from the bottom of the auction-the star bones of the legs of the 3-star wind system star beast Unicorn!”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a commotion from below.

“Star Bone!!”

“This seventh-to-last auction item is actually a star bone!”

“It’s still the stellar bones of the 3-Star Wind System Unicorn Beast Unicorn. It’s definitely a good thing. It must be photographed!!”

“Hehe, don’t grab anyone from me! This star bone is mine.”

In an instant, the atmosphere was ignited.

Even the people in the box were attracted attention, and even someone was ready to take action.

Star bones are rare and rare, and they have a variety of unique talents, forging weapons, and battle armor. If you can add a star bone, you can definitely improve the quality of the weapon armor and distinguish it from ordinary weapons. Battle armor has special abilities.

For the warrior, what could be more attractive than this?

“Not much gossip, the starting price of this star bone is 500 million yuan, and the price increase is not less than 10 million yuan. Now start bidding!!!”

On the high stage, a beautiful cheongsam girl is holding a tray in her hand. The crystal-clear bones are placed on the tray. The light is shining, the blue light flows, the lines on the surface are dreamlike, and the eyes of everyone below are getting hotter.

“Five hundred and fifty million!” A loud shout rang, and fifty million was added as soon as he opened his mouth.

Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible to use this to scare away other bidders. Many people are determined to win this star bone.

“Five hundred and sixty million!”

“Six hundred million!”

“Oh! These people are crazy!” Wang Teng was secretly speechless.

But the crazier they were, the happier Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others were. It was all money.

“It’s time for us to send a sum!” Lin Zhan said with some excitement, clenching his fists.

“Yes, this star bone can be photographed at least 1 billion, and each of us can be divided into at least 150 million, which is worth what we have gained five times in the past.” Liu Yan said excitedly.

The bidding continues, the price has risen to 950 million, but the popularity has not diminished in the slightest.

“1.2 billion!”

Suddenly, a faint voice came from a box on the left side of the second floor.

After the sound is processed, no one knows who it is.

The auction sound below suddenly fell silent.

1.2 billion!

Suddenly, 250 million was added up. One billion was originally a watershed. Many people might retreat when they reach one billion or more. At this time, when it is increased to 1.2 billion, those people don’t even struggle. Yes, just give up.

And everyone knows that the people in the box are not easy to provoke, and participating in the competition may offend people.

If not necessary, some people are certainly not willing to do that.


The voice came from another box, adding 100 million directly.

The people below were completely silent, shaking their heads, disappointed, they could only watch the people in the box compete.

“1.5 billion!”

“1.6 billion!”

There are no threats to each other, only prices clash, and the higher price wins.

Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and the others looked at each other, the price was a bit scary, almost doubled their expectations.

“Two billion!”

Box No. 8, the first box that opened a bid, seemed determined to win, and finally pushed the price to 2 billion. The others were silent for a while, and no one opened any more.

“Two billion, this stellar bone is acquired by the VIPs in Box 8!” The auctioneer clinched.

The dust is settled!

Lin Zhan and the others couldn’t help but breathe out, watching the price rise with their own eyes, it was really a bit too exciting.

“Made, two billion, just take it out and take it out. The voice doesn’t change, the atmosphere!” Lin Zhan couldn’t help but explode.

“Hey, we’re rich now!” Yan Jinming was pleased with joy.

“Divide the money! Divide the money!” Liu Yan’s eyes lit up, wishing to get the money right away, and then all kinds of purchases.

On the contrary, Yan Jinyue was the most calm. She smiled and watched everyone’s reaction, and said to Liu Yan: “Sister Liu Yan, when the money is divided, let’s go shopping. It’s been a long time.”

“Yes, yes, shopping, buying clothes and cosmetics, my old lady has to indulge.” Liu Yan nodded vigorously.

Since becoming a warrior, wandering between life and death, even her previous hobbies have been taken lightly. At this time, Yan Jinyue mentioned it, and with the stimulation of money, she seemed to have recovered the feeling of shopping spree.

Wang Teng smiled slightly, and then turned his eyes to the next auction items. The last few auction items are undoubtedly the same rarer than the same.

The whole body armor, high-level exercises, weapons, and even rare medicinal materials, ores, etc., can only be watched by the people below. At this time, the battlefield belongs to the people in the box, and the auction items have been sold at sky-high prices.

Today, the total price of all auction items is at least 80 billion, especially the last few items. It is already tens of billions of dollars after a little bid, which is terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, the last auction item was reached, and the auctioneer could no longer suppress the smile on his face. Today’s auction was very successful. The transaction volume exceeded expectations. Now there is only the last auction item left. For this auction item, the auctioneer is extremely happy. With confidence, the bidders will only be more crazy.

“Everyone, today’s last auction item…”


As soon as the auctioneer spoke, a loud noise suddenly sounded, the building shook violently, and debris fell from the ceiling.

“what happened?”

The crowd below turned into a pan of porridge, and the warriors stood up and made defensive gestures.

The expressions of Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others changed slightly, and they looked at each other, took out their weapons, and looked in the opposite direction from the loud noise.

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