Chapter 1326 You stole my combat skills! ? (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

The emperor won the fifteen battles!

The cheers of the audience lasted for a long time, and their emotions were quite agitated.

Although the emperor’s record surprised Wang Teng a little, it was not too surprising.

This is the real strength of the emperor!

Wang Teng looked at the figure in the sky in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curve. This is more worthy of his serious action!

A sufficiently powerful opponent is more worth looking forward to than an ordinary genius warrior.

“It’s a monster!” The second prince muttered from the side.

After finishing speaking, I couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng, and then asked: “The emperor shows such strength, do you have any pressure?”

“I played sixteen one at a time, and he only played fifteen. It’s obviously not as good as me. He should be the one who should be under pressure.” Wang Teng smiled slightly and said lightly.

“I’ll wipe it, you can pretend to be one of these.” Ji Haochen was listening with upright ears, but was forced by Wang Teng to pretend that he was a little caught off guard.

“How can this be compared, the emperor hit fifteen, because you killed one, otherwise he can definitely hit sixteen.” The second prince said silently.

“I’m one to sixteen, does he dare?” Wang Teng said.

“…” The second prince was speechless: “Well, you are amazing!”

“Speaking of you have always been so confident? Don’t be afraid of any opponents.” Moses couldn’t help but say from the side.

“If you are not confident, how can you be invincible.” Wang Teng said calmly.


Everyone was stunned and their hearts were shaken. They didn’t expect Wang Teng to have such a strong mentality.

A warrior dare to say that he is going to take the road of invincibility. He does not know how many powerful opponents he will face in the future. Without an extremely powerful mentality, he simply cannot support such a belief.

For a while, everyone looked at Wang Teng’s expression, and it became extremely complicated.

They didn’t think that Wang Teng was joking, his expression was calm, but his eyes were very serious.

This sentence must come from his heart!

At this time, the emperor was also coming from a distance. Hearing Wang Teng’s words, his heart was shocked and his eyes fell on Wang Teng’s body.

He has seen many geniuses who are comparable to him, and even stronger people, but none of them dare to say that he is going to be invincible!

The young man in front of me said such words!

It caused a big wave in his heart!

The image of Wang Teng in the emperor’s heart became more and more plump, like a luminous body, originally invisible, but now gradually revealing its true face.

This is a person different from the genius he has ever seen!

The emperor returned to his seat and made a special comment to Wang Teng in his heart!

This is already a very high evaluation in his mind!

Can exceed, but five people!

Wang Teng glanced across the sky in front of him, and his mental power swept out, picking up the attribute bubbles that had just been dropped by Gunter.

[Poison Field*600][Poison Star Force*8800]

Wang Teng’s Poison System domain has been upgraded to Tier 3, this time he obtained 600 attribute points, which did not improve it, but his perception was deeper, which is better than nothing.

After the emperor’s match ended, in the next few days, the remaining talented warriors competed for the last eight places.

As time passed day by day, the second prince and others entered the final battle!

The battle was fierce, and even if he was injured, he was still on the court, and no one chose to give up.

After fifteen days, everyone’s ranking was finally decided!

From third to tenth, they are the second prince, Lan Deng, Moses, Ling Yangxu, Ji Haochen, Leng Qianxue, Su Jianchen, and Yue Qiqiao!

Sawyer, Xia Houzun, Jiang Weisheng, Bokta, Tu Xiaoba, Gunter, and Situ Wan’er all failed to make the top ten after all!

There is also a dead Strachey!

It can be said that the top 18 warriors are here.

Now there is only the last game left, the first and second place showdown!

Although Wang Teng is temporarily number one, he is not really number one before he defeats the emperor.

Therefore, Wang Teng and the emperor still have a battle!

During the competition of other genius warriors, Wang Teng and the emperor had rested for more than ten days, and had already adjusted their state to the best.

This day, early in the morning!

Both Wang Teng and the emperor appeared in the sky at the same time, standing opposite each other from a distance, their gazes were in the air, and the fighting spirit rose!

The audience had waited for this game for a long time. At this moment, seeing the two peerless arrogances on stage, they finally boiled completely.

“It’s going to start!”

“The final battle is about to begin!”

“I’m so excited, I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest!”

“It’s finally about to start!”

“Who on earth will Wang Teng and the emperor stand in the end?”

“Who will be the first place?”

“Just watch this game!!!”

Above the continent of the ring, Wang Teng and the emperor were speechless, and strong winds blew from time to time, circling between them.

“In the beginning, when I returned to the Dagan Empire, I didn’t expect to encounter an opponent that was enough for me to face it.” The emperor said.

“I walked out of the Dagan Empire and met many talented warriors!”

“Among those genius warriors, there is no shortage of people who are comparable to me. Since then, I have learned about the vastness of the outside world!”

“It was from that time that I gradually reduced my inner pride and began to examine myself!”

Wang Teng looked at each other in surprise. The emperor had never spoken so much since the start of the game. When he was about to fight today, he turned out to be a different person.

Could it be that he is actually a… talkative?

The second prince and the others were also very surprised, but they quickly realized that the emperor regarded Wang Teng as a worthy opponent, so he said so much.

“I know my own shortcomings and know my own path so that I can defeat countless opponents and gradually come to today.” The emperor continued.

“So what?” Wang Teng said.

“You said you want to take the road of invincibility, so have you examined yourself?” The emperor stared at Wang Teng and said.

“…” Wang Teng was stunned. It turned out that the emperor had heard the words he had said before. He probably felt that he was a little overpowered, so he said so much. He shook his head and laughed, and said: “First fight. I’ll tell you again.”

“You are very different, you are the most different of all the geniuses I have ever seen.” The emperor said: “But you have not seen the wider world, so you shouldn’t say such things.”

“Really?” Wang Teng looked at the emperor with calm eyes, and said: “Go ahead, defeat you, I can naturally see a wider world.”

“You are very confident!” The emperor didn’t say much, a bright light broke out in his eyes, and a flat voice came out: “Then… let’s fight!”

Although his voice was not loud, it echoed in the sky and became the clarion call for this battle.


The next moment, both sides disappeared in place at the same time, turning into two rays of light and rushing into the sky, like two giant dragons, crashing into each other!

The emperor held the war sword and directly cast [Human Sword Unity], sweeping towards Wang Teng.

At their level of battle, temptation is no longer necessary. Only with a truly powerful attack can it be possible to defeat the opponent.

Wang Teng felt that strong sword intent, and the sword in his hand also condensed the original force, his whole person seemed to be integrated with the sword in his hand, and he cut out.

boom! boom! boom……

The sword lights of the two sides kept colliding in the sky, and eventually shattered and annihilated…

The sharp sword light swept across the ground, leaving a series of sword marks on the scarred ground full of traces. Some were as thin as a blade of grass, some were as thick as an arm, and some were not bottomless, as if they had been cut out. An abyss.

The yellow sand lifted up all over the sky, making the sky dim and hazy!

Seeing that Wang Teng’s swordsmanship was comparable to his own, the emperor flashed a strange light in his eyes, and an vacant hand pointed towards Wang Teng.

Overlord refers!

A finger containing the profound meaning of horror appeared in the sky, as if a terrifying giant in the void clicked a finger, penetrated the void directly, and descended on this world, absolutely domineering!

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes and didn’t back down. I don’t know what he thought of, a malicious light flashed in his eyes, he smiled in his heart, and he also extended his fingers and moved forward.


It is also a terrifying finger sticking out of the void, containing terrifying profound meaning, absolutely domineering!

The emperor’s pupils shrank suddenly, as if seeing something extremely incredible.

“Fuck! Why are the combat skills displayed by Wang Teng and the emperor so similar?” On the virtual universe communication platform, the audience was a little dumbfounded.

The second prince and the others were also shocked, staring at the two huge fingers in the sky, seeming to want to find the difference.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, two huge fingers that were nearly the same slammed into each other, erupting a terrifying roar!

His fingers broke every inch and burst out at the same time.

Both Wang Teng and the emperor flew out and appeared thousands of meters away.

“You learned my combat skills secretly!” There was a hint of disbelief in the emperor’s voice, his eyes fixed on Wang Teng, his heart couldn’t calm down.

Wang Teng’s finger just now really resembled his Overlord’s finger, no matter the appearance, the inner meaning, or the overbearing meaning that it exudes, it is almost the same.

But how is this possible?

This combat skill was obtained from that inheritance through all his hard work. How could it appear in Wang Teng?

He can only think of one possibility, that is, Wang Teng has secretly learned his combat skills!

However, this is an extremely unbelievable situation. In the previous battles, he used the Overlord’s Fingers very few times. How could Wang Teng learn it secretly?

Is there such an existence in this world that is almost enchanting?

Countless questions surfaced in the emperor’s heart, causing waves of waves in his calm mind.

“Guess!” Wang Teng said with a smile.

He just saw the emperor’s serious intention to educate himself, and he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of evil in his heart.

I want to see how the opponent would feel if he knew that his combat skills had been secretly learned by him?

Now it seems that the effect is not bad, the expression of the emperor is exactly as he expected.

As for whether it will be exposed, that is even more nonsense, which at best can only prove that his talent is very strong.

“…” The emperor didn’t expect Wang Teng to answer himself like this, his chest seemed to be blocked in one breath, extremely uncomfortable.

“Come again!” Wang Teng said toward the emperor.

The emperor took a deep breath, calmed down, and finally revealed a dangerous light in his eyes.

Whether or not Wang Teng learned his combat skills secretly, the provocation against him is an indisputable fact.

He is angry!


The battle between the two broke out again, more intense than before.

The roar constantly echoed in the sky, shaking all directions, as if the space would be shattered.

“This sword, see if you can learn it stealthily.” The emperor’s eyes were domineering, a sword cut the sky, and an unparalleled sword light swept out.

Overlord’s Twelve Swords!

Sword One!

With this sword, the emperor used the realm of [Human Sword Oneness], and even integrated his own domain into it. It was extremely powerful!

Seeing that the emperor was struggling with himself, Wang Teng couldn’t help but smiled in his heart and glanced at the attribute panel.

[Twelve Swords of the Overlord (Sword One)]: 750010000 (Beginner);

Before the proficiency stage, 2500 attribute values ​​are still needed. He did not hesitate to add points to the blank attribute.

In an instant, [Twelve Overlord Swords (Sword 1)] proficiency increased rapidly, from entry to proficiency directly, and then proficient!

It takes 30,000 points to go from proficiency to proficiency, so…

Wang Teng spent 32,500 blank attributes!

【Overlord’s Twelve Swords (Sword One)】: 150,000 (proficient);

In an instant, countless insights melted into his mind, a sword light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, he picked up the sword in his hand, and cut it down with one sword!

Man and sword are one!

The Golden Realm is integrated into it!


The domineering golden sword light slashed out, facing the sword of the emperor.

The emperor’s pupils suddenly shrank, and after the dim light, his complexion became a little stiff!

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