Chapter 134 You are single

The senior sisters of Xu Hui were very embarrassed at this time, but they didn’t leave immediately like Xie Zhilong, and they seemed too demeaned.

Fortunately, they didn’t say anything just now, and Xie Zhilong had torn his face after all, and it was boring to stay.

“Wang Teng, I’m sorry just now!”

At this time, Pan Danwen took the initiative to stand up and apologize for what happened just now.

“It doesn’t have to be that, it has nothing to do with you.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

“Time should be almost up. The auction will begin soon. Let’s go up first. The person in charge of Bond arranged a box for us.” Lin Zhan said.


Wang Teng nodded and said to Xu Hui: “My teammates and I will go up first, you are free.”

Then they talked and laughed with Lin Zhan and walked to the second floor.

Pan Danwen and others were shocked again, and Bond auction house arranged a box for Wang Teng and them.

You must know today’s heavyweight auction, but only the real big shots are eligible to enter the box.

It seems that this friend of Xu Hui, as well as his martial artist friends, must be exceptional!

Otherwise, how can you get this treatment?

Xu Hui bit her lip and looked at Wang Teng’s back, feeling a little lost inexplicably, as if there was a gap between the two of them this time.

Wang Teng was faintly repelling her.

Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others came to a small box on the second floor, and Yan Jinming came over and laughed:

“Good boy, Yanfu is not shallow, your childhood sweetheart is very beautiful!”

“Haha, Wang Teng is so handsome, there must be no shortage of beautiful women around him!” Lin Zhan laughed.

“Are you envious, but you don’t understand, this is just an annoyance to me.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“You pretend to be a criminal!” Lin Zhan and Yan Jinming suddenly rolled their eyes.

“Oh, it’s really incomprehensible for you to be single!” Wang Teng shook his head and sighed.

Single woof! !

Yan Jinming and Lin Zhan froze in place instantly.

Their fragile hearts seemed to have endured a million critical strikes for a time.


Liu Yan and Yan Jinyue couldn’t hold back their smiles, they fluttered and laughed.

The injuries suffered by Yan Jinming and Lin Zhan suddenly doubled.

“Your special mother is too bad!” They stared at Wang Teng viciously, gritted their teeth.

“Brother Wang Teng, ignore these two singles, do you mind having more sisters and confidantes?” Liu Yan pushed the two away disgustingly, and then cast a seductive wink at Wang Teng.

“Sister, I surrender!” Wang Teng showed a horrified look, and immediately raised his hands.

Now it was Liu Yan’s turn to become depressed, and she rolled her eyes and said, “Am I that scary? You treat me like a scourge!”

“My mother said, beautiful women are very dangerous, stay away.”

Wang Teng’s seemingly honest words made Liu Yan angry and funny, and couldn’t help groaning: “Glib tongue!”

After a while, the voice of the auction host came from below.

“Thank you for coming, and thank you for your trust in Bond Auction House…”

Very official opening remarks, then enter the main topic and start the auction.

“Today’s first auction item is a bottle of medicine pill made by Master Sun Pill-Sanwen Liyan Pill!”

As soon as the auctioneer’s voice fell, there were waves of low-pitched discussions below.

“Master Sun!”

“Three Patterns Liyan Pill!!”

“Could it be that fifth-grade alchemist?”

“It must be, otherwise there is any alchemist with the surname Sun who can refine the three-pattern Liyan Pill.”

Seeing the repercussions of the first auction item, the auctioneer smiled slightly, and then said:

“Everyone guessed right. These three-stripe Liyan Pills came from the fifth-rank alchemist. As for the effects of the three-stripe Liyan Pill, many people probably know it, but there are some people who don’t care about the pill. , Let me introduce it to everyone.”

“Three-stripe Liyan Pill is a third-rank spirit pill, which can help fire fighters break through the bottleneck of 3 to 4 stars. The Sanwen Liyan Pill is definitely a great gospel!”

“These three-stripe Liyan Pills are among the most difficult to refine among the three-ranked spirit pills. Only a fifth-rank alchemist like Master Sun has a high chance of successfully refining them, and they will reach the quality of the three-stripe, with extremely effective medicinal effects. Good, it is determined by our senior appraiser, there is absolutely no problem, you can rest assured.”

In the box, Lin Zhan heard the effect of the three-stripe Liyan Pill, his eyes immediately burst out with envy.

“Oh, it’s a pity that it’s only effective for fire fighters.” He said regretfully.

Seeing the look of doubt on Wang Teng’s face, Liu Yan explained: “The captain has been stuck at the top of the 3-star warrior level for some time. If you can use a similar pill, you will surely be able to break through the 4-star soon.

Once our team has a 4-star warrior, we can go to the outermost periphery of the dark mist forest to explore. Although the danger has risen, the harvest will be greater. With sufficient resources, our team can continue to grow stronger. ”

Wang Teng nodded, but listened to Lin Zhan with a wry smile and said, “How easy is it? 1 to 3 stars are low-level warriors, 4 to 6 stars are middle-level warriors, and 7 to 9 stars are high-level warriors. There are bottlenecks between the classes, and the opportunities and talents are not enough, and it is difficult to break through.”

It was the first time that Wang Teng heard this kind of statement. He couldn’t help thinking of his own situation. By picking up attributes, would he encounter the so-called bottleneck?

“Well, everyone, the starting price of Sanwen Liyan Pill is 30 million yuan, and interested parties can bid now!”

The voice of the auctioneer spread through the microphone throughout the venue, and after a slight silence around, someone called out the price.

“Thirty-one million!”

“Thirty-three million!”

Among the people present, there is no shortage of fire fighters, whether they are in a bottleneck or not, as long as they have money, they all participated in the auction at this time.

Each time the price increase is not less than one million, the front is still in the trial stage, and the subsequent bidding continues to be fierce, and the price is rising steadily. In just a few moments, it has reached 58 million!

“There are a lot of fire fighters here today!” Yan Jinming said with emotion in the box.

“It’s not necessarily. Some people may buy it for other people.” Lin Zhan said.

The bidding continued for a while, and the voice finally weakened. Every item has a psychological price point for everyone. If it exceeds this price point, some people feel that it is not worth it.

“Sixty-six million!”

“Sixty-six million!”

“Is there anyone bidding? No… I’ll ask one more time, no? Okay, 76 million! Three-stripe Liyan Pill belongs to this gentleman!”

In the end, the auctioneer shouted three times and no one bid any more, and the final decision was made, and the three patterns of Li Yan Pill fell into the hands of a middle-aged man.

“The pill is so profitable. This small pill will cost 76 million. Alchemists must be rich people.”

Wang Teng couldn’t help thinking about the forging attributes he picked up from Lu Zisheng these days, can he also pick up the alchemy attributes?

If so.

When the alchemy is applied, he will refine him a hundred and eighty furnace spirit pills, it is not sent!

“The next auction item is…”

The auction continued. Wang Teng, Lin Zhan and others did not participate. The first auction item was sold at a high price of 76 million yuan, not to mention the subsequent auction items.

Although they have some savings, in this heavyweight auction, the next two items are probably the limit, so they will not rush to make a move until they encounter a particularly exciting item.

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