Chapter 118-Furious Step (seeking subscription!)

Looking at the hurricane wolf at his feet, Wang Teng gasped slightly.

The attack just now seemed simple, but in fact he did his best.

Fortunately, his speed is not inferior to that of the Storm Wolf. The basic physical skills of the Enlightenment level are close to the speed that a one-star warrior can display at the peak of the combat power. The two superimpose, even if the Storm Wolf is known for its speed, it will attack the street.

What’s more, the hurricane wolf killed by Wang Teng did not actually reach the one-star advanced level, and it was only one-star intermediate in terms of strength.

Regarding Lin Zhan’s similar words of appreciation, Wang Teng was extremely indifferent. He neither underestimated himself nor was too conceited.

“Okay, Brother Wang, strength and fighting instinct are not weak!” Liu Yan jumped from the tree and patted Wang Teng on the shoulder with some surprise.

“It seems that we have all misunderstood. To become a martial artist at such an age and win the martial arts test champion, it is definitely not a weak one.” Yan Jinming smiled.

Several people couldn’t help thinking that the first time they faced the star beast, it was not as easy as Wang Teng, or even extremely embarrassed.

In comparison, they are far behind!

Before thinking about it again, Wang Teng said that no special care was needed. They also felt that he was unwilling to accept help because of face. At this time, it seemed…

Obviously they think too much!

MMP, are the newcomers so popular now?

“Okay, take care of it, leave as soon as possible, and soon there will be other star beasts coming over with the smell of blood.” Lin Zhan commanded.

A few people didn’t say much, and immediately began to deal with the corpse of the hurricane wolf, mainly its claws and teeth, and then looked at whether there was a star core.

Other parts, such as flesh and so on.

Although it can sell for some money, the price is not too high, the quantity is too large, and it takes up space in the backpack, and no one will spend a lot of effort to recycle it.

Wang Teng also learned their methods to cut off the claws and fangs of the blast wolf, and at the same time, silently activated the mental power to draw the attribute bubbles scattered around-pick it up!

【The Force of Wind*1】

【The Force of Wind*1】

【Blank attribute*4】

The force of the wind! ! !

A total of 11 points of wind force!

In Wang Teng’s heart, he was secretly delighted, and there was another attribute of the original force, which was the original force of the variant attribute wind system.

He had personally experienced the speed of the hurricane wolves, and their ability to have such a speed all relied on the force of the wind element. Now he also has the force of the wind element, and the speed will definitely be faster in the future.


咻咻咻…… Just ask if you are afraid?

The only regret is that Sora has the original power, but there is no corresponding talent, and it is temporarily unavailable.

This is a bit awkward.

Wang Teng shook his head and continued to pick up bubbles.

【Earth Force*1】

【Fire Force*1】

【Fire Force*1】

【Blank attribute*2】

【Water Force*1】

Except for the wind force, the rest are attributes dropped by Liu Yan and others, accumulating 2 points for the earth force, 2 points for the fire force, and 3 points for the water force.

Unfortunately, there is no gold force!

It seemed that in the battle just now, Lin Zhan completely relied on his physical strength to bombard and kill a two-star blasting wolf king and two one-star high-grade blasting wolves, without using any force at all.

This is a fierce man!

Wang Teng shook his head, and put the claws and teeth of the hurricane wolf into the compartment of the backpack, completely isolating the smell of blood.

As for the star core, there is no shadow. I don’t know how others are doing?

Soon he picked up the last bubble.

【Hurrying Step*1】

Wang Teng was taken aback.

“This is?” His gaze immediately fell on the attribute panel, swept from top to bottom, and finally stayed in the combat skills column.

Wind Step (Getting Started 1100)

“It’s actually a combat technique!”

Wang Teng was both surprised and happy, and the hurricane wolf would actually drop combat skills.

Hurry up!

Could it be a kind of physical fitness?

If it is really Shenfa, then this is really an unexpected joy.

He had seen the price of Shenfa on the intranet of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall. It was much higher than the offensive combat skills, and the higher the grade, the more the price increased exponentially.

So Wang Teng didn’t want to buy it, but with his current financial resources, if he wanted to buy a decent body technique and combat skill, it would really cost most of the training fund, and don’t think about other items.

“good stuff!”

Even if the burst rate is very low, this [Breaking Step] has made a good start now, and it can be improved through the blank attribute in the future.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but counted the blank attributes he just picked up. A total of 16 points, plus the 35 points left during the actual combat assessment, is 51 points.

At this time, other people also dealt with it.

The nine hurricane wolves did not explode a star core, even the two-star wolf king was no exception.

Wang Teng was a little bit stunned. It seemed that the last time two molten salamanders could explode one, it was really out of luck.

Lin Zhan greeted everyone to continue on the road.

The night is deep, and in the dark foggy forest, beast roars one after another.




There is even the sharp cry of birds!

Wang Teng discovered that as time passed, fog gradually formed around him, and the entire forest became more dangerous. This is where the name of the dark fog forest came from.

“It’s foggy! Captain?” Liu Yan frowned.

“Find a place to rest, come here tonight.” Lin Zhan paused.

The others had no doubts, and Wang Teng naturally wouldn’t say anything.

The rookie has no say!

And he is a rookie among rookies.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone woke up on a big tree.

Several teammates each lay on a branch to rest, and several people worked in shifts to watch the night to guard against star beast attacks.

“You are awake, ha~ It’s really torture to see you sleep.” Yan Jinming jumped from the highest point, yawned, and said enviously.

He is the last person to watch the night.

“Next time I will be the last one.” Yang Fei smiled.

“Let’s eat something, we will go to the Valley of the Wind to hunt and kill the unicorn!” Lin Zhandao.


“Captain, is it faster to hunt the unicorn now?” Yan Jinming hesitated.

“Originally, I wanted to take Wang Teng to adapt for two days, and then go hunt and kill the unicorn, but I saw his performance last night, I think I can go ahead.” Lin Zhandao.

“Captain, although Wang Teng performed well last night, the Unicorn Yan is a 3-star top star beast after all, and he is very talented. It is the most difficult category among the 3-star star beasts. Even if we work together, They may not be able to win, and now there is one more Wang Teng. If you are not careful, you will die.” Liu Yan frowned.

“Yes, Captain, I also think what Liu Yan said is reasonable, the unicorn is too dangerous.” Yang Fei said.

Yan Jinyue, the little transparent, looked left and right, and decided to close her mouth and continue to be her little transparent, which she has always been like in the team.

“Wang Teng, what do you think?” Lin Zhan asked with a slight smile.

“I don’t think so much?” Wang Teng was full of black lines, and Yuan Fang didn’t even comment. Which round is me?

Seeing Lin Zhan’s somewhat embarrassed expression, he said, “I don’t mind knowing what you call the unicorn, but if it’s a 3-star, I’m not going to be able to play a big role. You play cover.”

He still knows this. The 3-star top star beast is already close to 4-star, even if it’s not so capable, the concubine really can’t do it~

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