Chapter 117 Raid (seeking subscription!)

There is a camp built by humans outside the dark fog forest, which is similar to a transit station.

Lin Zhan parked the car there, and then everyone carried their bags and headed to the dark mist forest.

“The dark fog forest at night is very dangerous, but you have to run into it sooner or later, so it is better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day. We will enter the forest now.”

Lin Zhan walked in the forefront, turning his head and rushing to Wang Teng in the team and said.

Wang Teng was placed in the middle of the team, followed by Yang Fei and Yan Jinming, and Yan Jinyue and Liu Yan walked beside Wang Teng.

“I have been specially taken care of!” Wang Teng smiled bitterly to himself.

It was the first time to enter the forest at night. Although Lin Zhan and others were experienced, they did not dare to take it lightly.

As the setting sun sets, the light gradually disappears, and the entire forest is completely darkened.

“Bring on infrared glasses, be careful!” Lin Zhan shouted.

Wang Teng took out a pair of black framed infrared glasses and put them on. This was also one of the essential items that Lin Zhan introduced before.

This kind of tactical infrared glasses is very light, even with rune blessings, no matter the hardness or flexibility, and even the fit, they are excellent and will not affect the battle.

Although Wang Teng has the eyes of vision, there is no need to stand alone, and second, vision requires mental energy.

Naturally, use tactical infrared glasses first, while Lingshi is for emergencies.


Everyone was heading toward the depths of the forest, Lin Zhan in front raised his palm and whispered.

The next few team members immediately made a vigilant posture, looking at their appearance, as if they could defend and attack at any time.

Wang Teng squatted down with a few people, holding a war sword in his hands, his eyes swept around.

“It’s the hurricane wolf!”

Lin Zhan squatted under a tree and greeted everyone to pass.

Then everyone gathered in a group, and their eyes fell on the things on the ground in the middle, a pile of…shit!

Several strong men and beautiful women squatted together in the middle of the night, watching a pile of shit!

Don’t be too beautiful!

Wang Teng wanted to make a point, but seeing Lin Zhan and the others looked serious, they didn’t mean to be joking at all, so think about it and give it up.

“This shape, color, and… smell.” Yan Jinming twisted his nose, nodded and said: “It is indeed a hurricane wolf.”

“Wang Teng, pay attention to study and observe!” Liu Yan reminded.

Wang Teng nodded, remembering the few characteristics they just said in his mind.

“Be careful, depending on the freshness. It should have been a short time after we left. The hurricane wolves are all group activities. It will be a little troublesome if you encounter them.” Lin Zhandao.

Several people continued to move forward.

They found more and more traces of blast wolves. According to Lin Zhan’s speculation, at least seven or eight blast wolves were hunting together nearby.

“The paws and teeth of Dust Wind Wolf are all good materials for refining tools. When they really encounter it, they will be reckless.” Liu Yan said indifferently, carrying the machine gun.

“Don’t be impulsive, we now have more Wang Teng in our team, and we still need to run in.” Lin Zhan was relatively cautious.

“Captain, what level of star beast is Hust Wind Wolf?” Wang Teng asked.

“Most are one-star high-level, if there is a wolf king, it may reach two stars.” Lin Zhandao.

“If you do, you don’t need to take special care of me. I should be able to deal with a one-star star beast.” Wang Teng said.

“Are you sure?” Lin Zhan was a little surprised.

“Wang Teng, the star beasts of the other world have lived in the star beast pile since they were young, and they have extremely rich combat experience. They are much more fierce and difficult to deal with than the star beasts on the earth star. Don’t be aggressive.” Liu Yan frowned.

“Liu Yan is right. Star beasts in other worlds are very difficult to entangle. Especially this hurricane wolf is a wind system star beast with a mutation attribute. Harmony, even if it is us, it takes a lot of hands and feet to get it done.” Another team member Yang Fei said.

Wang Teng smiled bitterly. Everyone seemed to think that he was swollen face to fill a fat man, so he could only nod his head and said, “Okay, I won’t try my best!”

Several people continued to move forward, paying attention to the trail of Hurricane Wolf.

Suddenly, Yan Jinming slashed across.

A three-meter-long black snake was cut in half by him and fell from the tree.

“Are you okay?” Lin Zhan asked back.

“It’s okay, a mere snake, not a star beast.” Yan Jinming said disdainfully.

Lin Zhan nodded, just about to move on, as if he suddenly saw something, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted: “At six o’clock, waist and abdomen, claws!”

At the same time, the foot slammed on the ground, flashed to the right, and the battle axe in his hand struck a semi-arc, and he smashed it backwards.

When Yan Jinming heard the reminder, his face changed slightly and his body turned quickly.


A cyan sharp edge swept across his waist and almost cut his waist.

As a result, the green light passed through the big tree in front, and two rows of trees were cut off at once and fell to the ground.


The sound of howling wolves was heard from all sides.


The sound of silhouettes rubbing against the leaves in the grass came, and then green spots of light lit up in the woods, and seven or eight black shadows sprang out instantly, culling Xiang Liu Yan, Yang Fei and the others.


Yang Fei, a man who looked simple and honest, suddenly roared, his eyes widened, and he rushed out in an instant, with the warhammer in his hand dancing.


A hurricane wolf hit the warhammer head-on and was smashed out a long way, and instantly lost its breath.

Yan Jinyue held a war sword in her hand, and the speed of the sword was extremely fast, and the cyan sharp edge wielded between the gusty wolf claws was pierced into her eyes.

The sword tip was a little bit cold, the blood spattered, and the blast wolf died.

Yan Jinming cut off the head of the storm wolf that had just sneaked off with a single knife, strolled in the courtyard, and faced the second storm wolf.

Liu Yan leaped up to a big tree with the heavy machine gun behind her back, but she was holding a rune pistol in her hand.

Point shot!

A blasting wolf under the tree dodged from left to right, at an astonishing speed, the bullet shot out with a fiery red flame tail, and Liu Yan solved it with three shots.

Then his eyes fell on Wang Teng.

The formation was broken up, and everyone solved their troubles as quickly as possible before turning their heads to look for Wang Teng’s figure.

For this rookie, everyone will certainly take more care.

The danger of alien star beasts, only those who have really experienced it will understand.

But when everyone finally found Wang Teng, they saw that he was no slower than Dustwind Wolf. When he brushed past Dustwind Wolf, the sword in his hand drew an icy blue light, and he easily broke Dustwind Wolf…

Hurry and be ruthless!

There is no sluggishness!


On the other side, Lin Zhan smashed a two-star blasting wolf king into meat patties with one axe, and cut off the two one-star blasting wolves with another axe, quickly ending the battle.

Then, inserting the battle axe into the axe case behind him, without looking back at the few hurricane wolves that he killed, he walked forward slowly, looking slightly surprised at Wang Teng’s feet being smashed by him. Hayate Wolf smiled and said:

“It seems that our team has found the treasure!”

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