Chapter 119 Martial Dao Profound Meaning (please subscribe!)

The dark fog forest is so huge that it has been artificially divided into five areas.

From the outside to the inside, it is divided into the outer, middle, and inner three rings, as well as the death penalty area further inner, and the unknowable mysterious forbidden area.

The outer ring is basically star beast with 1 to 3 stars.

Star beasts also talk about class!

Higher-level star beasts rarely surrender their status and ran to the outer ring.

There are 4 to 6 star beasts living in the central ring, and the inner ring is the territory of 7 to 9 star beasts.

Star beasts in the inner ring also won’t go to the middle ring.

In the death penalty area, not only the terrain is very dangerous, but also the terrifying star beast that occupies the lord level.

The lord-level star beast is equivalent to the warlord-level human warrior, and can be called the overlord among the star beasts.

So that death penalty zone, not to mention the warriors below the general level, even if the warrior enters alone, it will be a life of nine deaths.

As for the mysterious forbidden zone, the warlord-level warrior entered, only to fall, at least so far I have not heard of a warrior-level warrior who broke into it and can return safely.

Wang Teng and others are in the outer ring area at this time.

With the strength of the Tigers squad, they are the top teams in the outer ring.

Ordinary 1, 2 star beasts have not caused much threat to them.

That’s why they could easily solve the nine hurricane wolves last night, after all, the difference in level lies there.

Otherwise, the general warrior squad, encountering those few hurricane wolves, is very likely to rush to the street.

As for what Lin Zhan and others said before, it would take a lot of hands and feet to solve it. After seeing their battle, Wang Teng just wanted to say haha.

Pretend to be better~!

They finally decided to go to the Valley of the Wind.

The unicorn in the Valley of the Wind is a 3-star top star beast they found when they entered the Dark Mist Forest last time, but because their supplies were exhausted last time, and they were not fully prepared, they were not very sure of hunting it down. It was postponed until now.

Otherwise, when they return to Earth Star, they usually take a full ten and a half days off, and they rarely rush back to another world after only three days off.

According to Lin Zhan’s introduction, that one-horned jade has an extraordinary talent, and it is very likely that a star bone will be born.

If it can be hunted down, it will definitely make a profit this time.

Now that Wang Teng’s strength has been recognized, they don’t need to be too distracted to take care of him, so they can naturally deal with the unicorn with more concentration.

Later it changes!

They have been delayed for four days, and if the delay continues, who knows if the unicorn will be discovered by others.

“Wang Teng, you can solve that one-star advanced earth-scale pig.”

Lin Zhan stopped, and pointed his chin towards the giant star beast that was eating in front of him. Then he casually leaned against the tree trunk beside him, took out the water bag from his backpack, and drank water on his own.

When the other teammates saw this, they also stopped, either sitting on the ground or leaping onto the tree, taking out the dry food and water and eating.

There was a lively expression on his face.

The huge scaly pig also spotted them, and raised his head, his big copper bell eyes were red, staring at several people.

Its entire body is covered with thick scale armor, like a heavy armored car, giving people a sense of oppression.

The star beasts all have a common feature-big!

It can even be said to be huge!

The hurricane wolf that I encountered last night is no longer small, with a shoulder height of 1.5 meters, and it can bite a person in half in one bite.

However, compared with this earth-scaled pig, in terms of body size, he definitely lost to the grandma’s house.

When Wang Teng saw Lin Zhan and the others with an expression that was not too big to see the excitement, he felt a little speechless, and walked forward with the sword in his hand.


The earth-scale pig was panting heavily in his mouth, looking extremely irritable, stomping on the ground with his hind hooves, digging back the soil, ready to attack at any time.

The earth-scaled pig was originally two hundred meters away. As Wang Teng approached, when the distance was less than 100 meters, the earth-scaled pig suddenly moved.

“Ho! Ho!”

It roared in its mouth and rushed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed. This earth-scaled pig seemed to be huge and aggressive, but it was agile and fast. It stepped on the ground and made a loud rumbling noise…

“You said, can Wang Teng solve the scaly pig?” Yan Jinyue asked.

“According to the strength he showed last night, it shouldn’t be a problem. Instead of worrying about whether he can solve it, let’s guess how much time he can solve this earth-scaled pig, how about it, are you interested in taking a gamble?” Lin Zhan Smiled.

“What are you betting on?” Liu Yan licked her sexy red lips and immediately became interested and asked.

“How about the ten source stones?” Lin Zhan said.

“Okay!” Liu Yan promised, after thinking about it, “I guess it will take five minutes.”

“Wang Teng should be known for his speed. I don’t know what his strength and ability to break defenses are. Let me guess for ten minutes!” Yan Jinming said.

“I guess twelve minutes.” Yang Fei said.

“Well, I guess, I guess 9 minutes.” Even Yan Jinyue, a little transparent, joined the guessing game with enthusiasm.

“I guess within 1 minute.” Lin Zhan smiled slightly.

“No, Captain, even if you look at him, one minute is too exaggerated.” Yan Jinming said in surprise.

“Hey, look at the result, just wait to dig out the source stone.” Lin Zhan smiled cunningly.

Fortunately, Wang Teng didn’t know what these unscrupulous teammates were doing, otherwise they would vomit blood…

At this time he had already handed over to the earth-scaled pig.


The earth-scale pig rushed over at high speed and directly slammed into Wang Teng. The terrible impact formed a fierce wave of air that swept Wang Teng’s body.

Wang Teng used his body technique to dodge like a flexible ape, and at the same time the war sword in his hand aimed at the neck of the earth-scaled pig and chopped down.

It’s introduced in “Five Years of Martial Arts Tests and Three Years of Simulation”, whether you are dealing with alien beasts or star beasts, you must find out their weaknesses and attack them. For ordinary star beasts, the weaknesses are nothing more than the abdomen, eyes, neck, etc. .

When Wang Teng drew away, he was at the side of the earth-scale pig, and he slashed towards its neck.

The earth-scaled pig was so huge that he couldn’t turn around for a while, so he could only let the sword hit his neck.

But the effect is not satisfactory.


When Wang Teng heard this voice, his face changed slightly, and when he looked at the place he had just cut, there was only a white mark.

The scale armor of the earth-scaled pig almost covers the whole body, and it is extremely hard, making it difficult to break through this layer of defense.

Wang Teng couldn’t make a hit, but he gave the earth-scaled pig time to react. With a shake of its head, two thick and long fangs that looked like sharp knives pointed towards Wang Teng.

If this is true, it must be pierced.

Wang Teng blocked the shield with his left hand, and his body swayed away by recoil, and then relied on speed to deal with it, and circled the earth-scale pig to find its weakness.

The earth-scaled pigs were being played around, and their temperament became more and more impatient, and they kept roaring “Hohoho” in their mouths.

In fact, the attack method of the Earth-scaled Pig is very simple, and its only characteristic is estimated to be its defense.

For other star beasts, it is invincible if its defenses cannot be broken.

However, Wang Teng’s speed completely crushed the earth-scaled pig, and the earth-scaled pig rushed into a rampage, but he couldn’t help him at all.

After a while, Wang Teng had found its weakness.

Budo upright!

The legendary-Thousand-Year Kill!


The long sword stabs out, and the chrysanthemum blossoms!

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