Chapter 116 Dark Mist Forest (Subscribe!)

“Hey, Tokai Wushu champion, is it true?”

“This year’s martial arts champion is so critical that he is already a martial artist!”

“It looks like a genius!”

“But even if you are a genius, you are still a rookie. Where is the alien world? People may die at any time, but newcomers are not easy to bring.”

Lin Zhan’s remarks caused everyone to fall into a discussion, and many people were surprised.

“Okay, don’t chat with you.” Lin Zhan ignored them and took Wang Teng to the center of the hall.

This hall is very spacious, passing through one activity area before coming to the center.

There was a round table in the middle, on which was placed a stone inscribed with runes, and an old man was sitting next to him dozing off.

“Uncle Hei!” Lin Zhan cried respectfully.

The old man called “Uncle Black” opened his eyes and glanced at Lin Zhan and said, “Oh, it’s your kid, why are you here?”

“Bring the newcomer here.” Lin Zhan stepped aside and asked Wang Teng to come forward.

“There’s another newcomer!”

Uncle Hei looked at Wang Teng and couldn’t help but hum.

“This kid, why don’t you understand?”

Lin Zhan couldn’t help feeling a few people.

Uncle Hei guards this [Inheritance Stone] all the year round. I don’t know how many new people I have met, but he never gave them any extra comments. This time he actually made an exception to Wang Teng.

And this evaluation is actually “unintelligible”!

Wang Teng didn’t know what Lin Zhan and others were thinking. When he heard Uncle Hei’s words, his heart jumped slightly.

The old man’s eyes are so poisonous?

“Uncle Hei!” He cried respectfully after learning what Lin Zhan and others called.

Uncle Hei nodded, seeming not to delve into it any further, and said faintly: “Put your hands on the [Inheritance Stone].”

Inheritance stone?

Wang Teng glanced at Lin Zhan and the others, and when he saw them nodding, he walked forward and put his hands on the stone in front of him.

Without seeing any movement from Uncle Hei, the rune on the inheritance stone suddenly lit up.

“Just now it was… mental power!” Wang Teng’s heart moved.

In the next moment, he felt pieces of information flooding into his mind.

“This is?”

Although one or two can be guessed from the name of the inheritance stone, it is inevitable to be shocked by the real experience of its role at this time.

However, in a short period of time, Wang Teng felt as if he had learned a language.

“#¥¥%¥&*%……” (Can the language be passed on?)

He opened his mouth and found that what he was speaking was a completely unfamiliar language, with a strange pronunciation, even with a little Chinese flavor.

Soon after I heard Lin Zhan said in this unfamiliar language: “Yes, when the pioneers came to this world, they discovered the existence of this kind of inheritance stone in the other world, which can make people rough, but quickly grasp a kind of Language.

We all know that the difficulty of learning a language, especially in another world, is entirely due to the cultural differences between the two worlds. Learning is even more difficult. Many people have suffered so hard to truly master the language of another world.

Later, the major forces could only purchase this inheritance stone at a high price from another world, and used it to pass on the lingua franca of Xingwu Continent to newcomers. ”

Wang Teng didn’t expect this kind of operation, and asked: “That’s not other knowledge, can it be passed on through this method?”

“It’s not that easy. It’s very difficult to make inheritance stones. A slightly complicated knowledge requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and even time accumulation, and you need a sophisticated rune master before you can try to make it.

Those superficial knowledge can be learned once again, and it is completely tasteless to produce, and the gain is not worth the loss.

And because of the many races of the Xingwu Continent and the extremely complex language, this lingua franca was born.

This is a mature production method that has gradually formed after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation.

So far, Xingwu Continent is the most widely spread and the most common, only the inheritance stone of this lingua franca. ”

Lin Zhan explained.

Wang Teng nodded, expressing his understanding. If this kind of thing that can affect memory can be made easily, then everyone doesn’t need to use their brains to study.

Everything depends on inheritance, and everyone does not need to use their brains, and it is extremely easy to develop inertia, which is likely to cause the stagnation of civilization.

The consequences are terrible when you think about it!

After completing the inheritance of the lingua franca, Uncle Hei closed his eyes again and took a nap, and Lin Zhan and others left with interest.

“Give me a glass of Lingpu ale!”

There are many entertainment facilities in the hall. Lin Zhan didn’t seem to be in a hurry to go out. A few people came to a bar, and he shouted at the bartender behind the bar.

Lingpu ale is a kind of wine from a different world. It has a low degree and excellent taste. It is deeply loved by warriors.

Lin Zhan pulled out a booklet from under the bar, threw it to Wang Teng, and said:

“There is common sense you want to know, you can take a look.”

Liu Yan and others also sat around the bar, each ordered a drink or a very low-grade fruit wine, etc., while waiting, chatting with the acquaintances next to them.

Wang Teng nodded, opened the pamphlet, and read it.

This booklet is a summary of some common sense about the alien world. It is not exhaustive, but it is more general.

Time passed quickly. After Wang Teng finished reading the pamphlet, Lin Zhan greeted everyone and prepared to set off.

The time alternation in the alien world is almost the same as that of the earth star.

In the afternoon, around three o’clock.

Lin Zhan drove a heavy armored car from the parking lot of the martial arts hall and greeted everyone to get on the car.

The tires of this car are one person high in diameter, and the entire body is covered with heavy armor, like a giant steel beast.

The heavy armored car roared out of the “Yongcheng”!

Yongcheng is the current heavy city that connects the rifts in the East China Sea. It was built by the earth and the stars after the rifts appeared in those years.

After years of development, it has its current scale.

In the alien world, many of Earthstar’s technological products cannot be used, and can only be created by the original force.

For example, the Force Tower in the center of the city, such as the Force Heavy Armored Vehicle under its seat, and so on.

This seems to be a “rule” restriction of the world!

What Wang Teng learned from the booklet has now gradually begun to accept things from other worlds.

The front and rear seats of the heavy armored car are connected. Sitting in the back, Wang Teng can also see the front dashboard. This type of Force car completely relies on runes to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, which is very environmentally friendly and practical.

After leaving the city and driving dozens of miles, he left the main road and entered the wilderness area.

The surrounding area was deserted, with only low bushes and grasses, which occasionally alarmed one or two wild animals.

In the endless wilderness, there are natural ravines and no roads, but it is not a problem under the huge wheels of heavy armored vehicles.

“The destination of our trip is the dark fog forest!” Lin Zhan shouted loudly in the whistling wind.

Wang Teng knew it immediately, because there was an introduction in the booklet.

The Dark Mist Forest is an area that the Earth and Star humans are exploring. This forest is very huge, with many restricted areas inside, where powerful star beasts are entrenched, and a lot of high-level powerhouses have fallen.

After more than two hours, the setting sun was about to set, and a huge forest appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Zhan drove the car out of the forest, suddenly stepped on the brakes under his feet, the huge body swept across, and the tires plowed an arc on the ground.

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