Chapter 115 I saw a figure from behind! (Seeking monthly ticket for subscription!)

Xingwu Continent is the name of the main continent of this alien world.

A heavy city dominates the north of Xingwu Continent.

At this time, in the center of this heavy city, in a huge palace.

A young man sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, with a palm-sized quaint turtle shell in front of him.

He tapped the tortoise shell lightly, making a crisp sound.

The stars flickered in his eyes, as if the connotation was empty.

Suddenly, the starlight was circulating, and the void was retreating.

next moment.

The young man closed his eyes abruptly, two lines of blood and tears flowed out, his head covered in black and long hair was all gray in an instant.

It’s like being robbed of all vitality in an instant.

“How are you?” In the darkness, a majestic voice asked anxiously.

The young man just waved his hand.

After a moment of silence, he said mockingly: “What else can the dying person do?”


The man in the darkness took a deep breath, his voice regained his majesty and indifference, and asked, “What did you see? Tell me the truth!”

“I saw a figure from behind!”

“Back view? Just so?”

“That figure from the back, a sword of the gods and demons fell, cut the galaxy with one knife, and wiped out with a big punch…”


“Hehe, you just don’t want to believe it, our world… that person may be the last hope!”

“How can one’s power be achieved?”

“Give you a piece of advice, let me go, can you?”

“…” The person in the darkness fell silent.

“Hehe, I’m a dying person, I can’t do anything anymore.” The young man mocked.

“You are my brother. With your stubborn body, you go out alone, dead or not, I can’t watch you go to death.”

“I’m no different from death now. If you don’t let me go, it’s all the same. Can’t you let me go and see what the world looks like before I die? He wants to…”

“Enough!” The man in the dark sighed, then sighed: “Fine, you go, come back when you want to come back, this has always been your home.”

“That person, don’t get involved with him!”

After saying this, the young man put away the tortoise shell on the ground, did not even pack other things, staggered out of the hall…

Go here, don’t go back!

“Let’s go.” Lin Zhandao under the tower.

There are dozens of steps around the base of the high tower. Wang Teng followed Lin Zhan and others down the steps and walked a little longer.

Passing through a gate, Wang Teng’s eyes were caught in the bustling street scene with a foreign atmosphere.

This is a huge steel city, as a whole, it looks like a medieval period, but there is no steam product.

The buildings in the city have exotic features, but the shadows of the earth-star buildings can be seen. The two blend together to form a unique style.

The pedestrians on the street wear unique clothes, which are very different from that of Earth Star, but some figures in battle uniforms can also be seen, just like them.

“What about that girl…” Wang Teng was shocked when he saw the ear of a passing girl.

“That’s a girl from the rabbit clan of the orc family. It seems that Brother Wang is a fellow in the same way, so I caught it at a glance.” Yan Jinming put his shoulders on his shoulders and said with a smile.

“Brother, don’t bring Wang Teng out of harm.” Yan Jinyue groaned.

“How is it possible? I’m discussing the philosophy of life with him.” Yan Jinming said.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless, and asked, “Are there people of other races in the other world?”

“Yes, this place is very different from the earth. When you get to the branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall in this city, you will know some common sense about other worlds.”

As Lin Zhan said, he drove a car out of the parking lot, and then drove everyone to the branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

In the car, the five team members saw that Wang Teng had a lot of questions, so they rushed to explain to him.

For example, this alien race, language…

There are many races in the alien world, not only the orcs, but even the dwarves, giants, seas, and so on.

There are more human races and more natural languages, which is very complicated.

Of course, the human language is still the mainland lingua franca.

Wang Teng was secretly speechless.

What kind of orcs, dwarves, and giants are only found in the novel, right?

There are so many races in another world!

“I’m surprised, when I first came, I even wondered if we had penetrated into the novel.” Liu Yan said.

“Then we came to another world, what should I do if the language is not clear?” Wang Teng asked.

“You can rest assured, there is naturally a way.” Liu Yan sold it off.

“I have another doubt. Since the earth star and the alien world coexist peacefully, why can we enter the alien world, but the aliens cannot enter the earth star?” Wang Teng asked.

This problem has actually troubled him for a long time.

“Because the aliens could not pass through the space cracks, there were once strong aliens who wanted to pass through. The result was not only unsuccessful, but was seriously injured by backlash and almost lost his life.” Lin Zhan explained.

“Why is this?” Wang Teng was even more puzzled.

“This question is not something we can know.” Lin Zhan smiled bitterly.

“So this is the reason why the “peace” between the two worlds can be maintained!” Wang Teng said.

“It’s not just that, there are other reasons.” Lin Zhan said, as if he had thought of something, his face was a little bit unpleasant, and he didn’t explain it anymore.

The water in another world seems to be quite deep!

Wang Teng sighed secretly, and stopped questioning.

He looked at the scenery outside the car window.

The entire alien civilization process seems to be still in the age of black iron, no matter the environment, architecture, or atmosphere, it is not as modern as the earth and stars, but because of the existence of the force and runes, there will be some artificial people beyond the current sense of the times. Things.

Just like the steel locomotive running by on the road, the Force airship flying into the distance in the sky, and even the steel dolls of “Gada Gada” freely acting on the street…

The sense of alienation and the times are very strong!

Well, that is the beauty of the fox race, she has a good body and is very enchanting…

Before the car stopped, Wang Teng recognized the branch of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

Haha, this unexpected building!

Everyone got out of the car and walked into the martial arts hall. Lin Zhan directly took Wang Teng to the main building of the martial arts hall.

The main building of the martial arts hall in the alien world is different from that of the earth star. It is more like a distribution center. Many martial artists of the ultimate martial arts hall are concentrated here, repairing, entertaining, accepting tasks, and even directly selling hunted trophies.

The arrival of Lin Zhan and others attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

Because they are also martial artists in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, everyone sees them before they look up, and they all know each other, so someone starts to speak:

“Oh, Lin Zhan, have you brought a newcomer?”

“This newcomer is a bit tender, so young is a warrior?”

“Isn’t it the son of another family?”

One by one voices came from all around, with a trace of contempt and taunting, and he didn’t care about Wang Teng’s feelings.

“Don’t listen to them, this group of people is like this, there is no too much malice!” Lin Zhan said to Wang Teng, and then shouted at them: “Go go, what do you know, this is Donghai’s martial arts test this year. The champion, the owner of the museum personally asked me to take him with him.”

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