Chapter 103 I’m Really Ugly! (4500 words for subscription!)


A look on Wang Teng’s face moved. Since stepping into the ranks of warriors, he knew that sooner or later he would come into contact with another world.

“I’ll think about it!” He said to Tiandao.

“Well, in public and private, I hope you can stay in the East China Sea, the East China Sea needs more top powerhouses!” Fu Tiandao said.

Wang Teng nodded without giving an answer immediately.

When Fu Tiandao saw this, he stopped saying more, got up to leave, and said: “After applying for the exam, there is still more than a month before the start of school. I will look for a martial arts team in the martial arts hall for you. Then you will join them. Go to another world!”

“So fast!” Wang Teng said in surprise.

“The road to martial arts, race against time, one step faster, step by step, you are already a big step faster than others, don’t you want to make this gap bigger?” Fu Tiandao smiled.

Obviously, Fu Tiandao’s words came to Wang Teng’s heart.

He has left most people behind, and now is the best time to distance himself.

Moreover, as a gangster, if someone is overtaken, wouldn’t it mean that he will lose face at grandma’s house?

“Is it dangerous?” Wang Shengguo couldn’t help asking beside him.

“From the moment he became a warrior, the danger was like a shadow, and he would never be able to get rid of it. Unless one day he is invincible in the world, there is naturally no danger.”

Fu Tiandao glanced at Wang Shengguo, but he didn’t comfort him, but directly told the truth.

And he asked meaningfully:

“Furthermore, is there no danger if you don’t become a warrior?”

Wang Shengguo immediately thought of his own experience. If Wang Teng was not a warrior, his situation would only get worse, and even the Wang family would have a major event.

The danger is relative.

There is never real safety!

Based on his experience, he naturally understood this truth, so he could only sigh secretly.

“Okay, don’t send it, wait for my news.

Several people came to the door, Fu Tiandao waved his hands and drove away.

Watching Fu Tiandao leave, Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei suddenly became silent. It is a good thing for their son to become a warrior, and they are also proud of it, but they have to worry about the danger.

Just like those parents who send their children to go to university in other places, they are obviously happy to be admitted to university, but they are always reminded and even secretly wiped tears when they are sent away.

This is probably the instinct of being a parent!

“Parents, I said you want to look like a dead son, I’m still alive!” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“Bah, baah, just say something inconsequential.” Li Xiumei said.

Wang Shengguo let out a sigh of relief and said with emotion: “You have grown up too. Not only are you amazing in strength, you are also much more mature than before. You can be confident in front of the three martial arts masters, and you can also provoke an accident at home. Mr. Liang, the net worth surpasses me. You Laozi, I actually have nothing to worry about. I only hope that you will take your own life as the most important thing anyway.”

“I see, Dad!” Wang Teng was silent for a moment, and then he squeezed his eyebrows at Wang Shengguo: “If you say, Dad, how do you sound sour? Are you envious and jealous, billions of dollars in net worth, do you want me to share you a bit? ?”

“Get out!” Wang Sheng raised his foot and kicked towards Wang Teng in a huff.

This dead boy!

What envy and jealousy, you are so old and shameless!

Wang Teng laughed and avoided.

“I’m going out!”

Speaking and ran out the door.

Fu Tiandao’s words still caused a little pressure on Wang Teng, at least before he entered the other world, he raised everything he could improve.

Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

A red banner hung at the gate.

“Welcome Donghai Wushu champion Wang Teng to join Jixing Wuguan!!!”

Wang Teng got out of the car, stood at the gate, staring at the eye-catching words blankly, and suddenly felt a shame sweeping over his body.

The speed of Fu Tiandao was too fast, and the banner was hung up within half an hour before and after the two of them.

Is it because you have been prepared?

Wang Teng lowered his head quickly, pretending to see nothing, got into the car and drove into the martial arts gym.

His car can be regarded as a frequent visitor, not to mention that the banner is still hanging, and the guards know him and let him go directly.

When the car drove in, the guards talked a lot in the back.

“That’s the champion in the martial arts exam.”

“It’s him, it’s him, it’s him!”

“I heard that our museum owner personally came to the door and snatched him back from the two martial artists of Lei Ting and Bai Lian.”

“This treatment, tut…”

Wang Teng didn’t know what was going on. After he parked the car, he came to the third floor of the martial arts training building.

He can enter the warrior building, but he still wants to go to the warrior training building one last time.

Three floors.

As soon as Wang Teng walked up, many eyes fell on him, and then the whole hall fell silent, and then there was a low voice of discussion.

“Wang Teng!”

“Wuhan champion!”

“Unexpectedly, there is a big boss hiding in our group!”

People like Zhang Shaoyang and Peng Hai who knew Wang Teng immediately gathered around, and you expressed shock and sigh with each word.

They are all social warriors, still struggling with high-level warriors, and don’t know how long they can become warriors.

However, Wang Teng became the champion in the martial arts exam. The key universities in the country let him choose, and he can enjoy a lot of resources in the future. Becoming a martial artist is just a matter of time.

His future is bright, but their future is uncertain.

Thinking about it makes people feel complicated, and envy, jealousy and hatred are not enough to fully express.

Wang Teng chatted with a few people he knew well, and everyone went to train separately.

I thought everyone was the same, but now Wang Teng is about to take off, and they don’t want to fall behind too much, so they train harder.

What’s more, they haven’t seen Wang Teng become the champion and still work so hard, so what reason do they have to slack off!

“Huh!” Wang Teng let out a sigh, then pretended to be training, and secretly picked up attribute bubbles.




Time passed, and in the evening, Wang Teng’s [Savvy] attribute finally exceeded 100!

[Comprehension] That column has quietly changed!

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (0100)

Wang Teng suddenly felt a mysterious and mysterious change in his mind, and it seemed that his understanding of various exercises and combat skills had become much deeper.

Looking down at the attribute panel, the proficiency of various [Gongs] and [Combat Skills] has increased by 2 to 3 points in an instant.

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 35100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 25100), Huang Tu Gong [Tu Yuan Shield] (Introduction 29100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, stick, body comprehension), basic arrow method (beginner), spear fighting (beginner 310), fire lin sword (beginner 59100), magic ice fist ( Getting Started 31100)

Among them, only the spear fighting technique increased by 1 point, from the original 2 points to 3 points.

“Spirit realm! A new realm!” Wang Teng thoughtfully.

He tried to pick up the comprehension bubble again, and found that it had no effect on the current spiritual comprehension.

Wang Teng left the martial arts hall, his goal has been achieved.

Sure enough, after breaking through one hundred, the comprehension has changed. The spiritual level of comprehension does not know what effect will it have if you go to comprehend a brand-new exercise or combat technique?

He looked forward to it.

He was a little itchy in his mind for the spiritual attribute that was also about to break through 100, and he wanted to fill it up immediately.

Unfortunately, reality does not allow it!

Wang Teng returned to the Fuhua Villa area, and when he reached the door, another eye-catching red banner was hung on it.

“Congratulations to Wang Teng, a resident of this community, for becoming the champion in the Tokai Wushu test!!!”

He couldn’t help covering his face, because Mao had this thing everywhere!

Wang Teng didn’t know that his martial arts champion had spread all over the East China Sea a long time ago, not to mention the streets and alleys, at least there are children studying in the family, and this “child from someone else’s family” must be taken out to educate his own children.

Wang Teng probably couldn’t think of it, he also has the day of becoming a “child of someone else’s family”!

He was about to drive into the community when he suddenly saw the guard, a small figure talking to the guard.

This figure is very strange, the whole person is tightly wrapped, wearing a baseball cap and a mask covering the whole face, leaving only a pair of dark and bright eyes exposed outside, with both hands in his pockets.

Look at this hot day, anyone who sees it will feel very strange!

Can faintly hear their conversation.

“You said you came to find someone? But with your sneaky look, we can’t let you in.” The guard frowned and said.

“I’m looking for Wang Teng!” The strange figure spoke very recognizable, faint, like a ghost at night.

“Haha, the champion in Wu Kao! Now that there are too many people coming to him, should we put them all in?” the guard said disdainfully.

“I know him.” The figure said.

“Everyone who came to him said so, who knows if it’s true, you go quickly, don’t hinder our work.”

The guard finally started to rush people impatiently.

Wang Teng drove the car forward, lowered the window, and exclaimed tentatively: “Early summer!”

“Brother-in-law!” the figure cried faintly.

There was a little surprise in the voice, it seemed relieved, but it was not obvious.

“Young Master Wang!” The guard also saw Wang Teng. Seeing that this strange person actually knew Wang Teng and called him his brother-in-law, he looked at each other and quickly said, “We don’t know…”

But before he finished speaking, Wang Teng waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, where your responsibility lies!”

The door guard immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: “I haven’t congratulated Shao Wang, you have become the champion in the martial arts exam!”


Wang Teng thanked him, and said to Lin Chuxia: “Why did you run out alone…Forget it, let’s get in the car first!”

Lin Chuxia got in the car immediately, and the guard let him go immediately.

As Wang Teng drove into the villa area, he asked, “Let’s talk about it, why did you run out?”

Lin Chuxia frowned and said, “I feel that the air around me has become sticky and uncomfortable again, so I want to come to you… Hey, I feel more comfortable now!”

Wang Teng smiled to himself.

Just now, he had picked up all the attribute bubbles floating around Lin Chuxia.

【Demon Lotus Poison*10】

【Poison Force*7】

Lin Chuxia looked at Wang Teng with bright eyes.

Wang Teng didn’t say much, and asked, “Does your sister know that you are here?”

“I don’t know.” Lin Chuxia said without pressure.

Wang Teng suddenly felt a headache. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed Lin Chuhan’s number and handed it to her: “Here, let’s talk to your sister first, otherwise she and your mother should be worried!”

On the other hand, Lin Chuhan was working as a tutor at someone else’s home, striving to repay Wang Teng as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly received a call from Lin’s mother and learned that Lin Chuxia had disappeared.

Although there were several similar experiences in the past, Lin Chuxia was ignorant when she was a child. Later, she gradually recognized the reality and stayed at home honestly.

After so many years, Lin Chuxia unexpectedly played missing again!


There is no sign at all, making people confused.

At this moment, Lin Chuhan’s phone rang, saw the caller ID, and when he answered it, it was not Wang Teng’s voice.


While Lin Chuhan breathed a sigh of relief, she was instantly furious, and she roared word by word: “Lin! Chu! Xia! Do you know how much my mother and I worry about you.”

“Know it!”

“…” Lin Chuhan felt his chest feel so stuffy, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

“Huhuhu…Forget it, I don’t know you as much!”

“You come back now, my mother is almost anxious!” She said helplessly.

“It’s hard to come out once, I don’t want to go back so early.” Lin Chuxia said stubbornly.

“Do you not know your own body…”

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Wang Teng motioned to Lin Chuxia to give himself the phone, and then said to Lin Chuhan: “Since she doesn’t want to go back, let’s treat me first. Anyway, I’m fine.”

“That’s so embarrassing, this damn girl, she often talks about why you don’t come at home. I didn’t expect that she would run to find you by herself. I was really annoyed. If so, I will come and pick her up right now.” Lin Chu Han said angrily.

“I’m going to take her back to my house for dinner now. If you come over, I don’t mind. It just so happens that everyone joins the table for fun.” Wang Teng blinked at Lin Chuxia beside him, and said indifferently.

“…” Lin Chuhan was speechless, before he said for a long time: “You two can work together to piss me off, I don’t care!”

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

“It’s done!” Wang Teng smiled and said to Lin Chuxia: “Go to my house for dinner first, and then take you to a fun place in the evening!”

“Could you not go to your house for dinner.” Lin Chuxia was a little confused at this time.

Wang Teng stopped the car.

“I’m not afraid of running away from home. I’m also afraid of this. Here, let’s get off.” He got out of the car first.


Lin Chuxia hesitated for a while, and finally got out of the car, and shrankly followed him and walked into the villa in front of him.

“Mom, here is a guest!” Wang Teng shouted toward the kitchen.

Li Xiumei immediately ran out, her eyes fell on Lin Chuxia’s body instantly: “This is?”

“My sister at the same table, met on the road, come over and have a meal.” Wang Teng said casually.

“Your sister at the same table.” Li Xiumei’s head turned a big circle before she suddenly said, “Sit down, sit down, how come this child is so tightly packed on a hot day?”

Lin Chuxia glanced at Wang Teng, hesitatingly said to Li Xiumei: “My face… is ugly!”

“You little children, always think that you are not good-looking here and there. It is best for me to tell the truth.” Li Xiumei said disapprovingly.

“Auntie, I’m really ugly!” Lin Chuxia tried to make her tone more sincere.

“It’s okay, ugly is ugly. Anyway, no one sees it at home. I will take off the mask soon. It is strangely hot.” Li Xiumei said.

Lin Chuxia turned her head to look at Wang Teng again, and he returned an encouraging look.

Lin Chuxia gritted her teeth and finally slowly took off the mask that covered most of her face.

Li Xiumei’s breathing was stagnant, she was really taken aback, and then she touched Lin Chuxia’s head lovingly.

“Don’t!” Lin Chuxia quickly avoided.

“Mom, the physique in early summer is special, ordinary people can’t touch it randomly, and her face is changed because of her physique, but a solution has been found.” Wang Teng explained.

“Special physique? I don’t understand this, but I can find a solution!” Li Xiumei said suddenly.

“Sit down first and eat some fruit. I will make the rest of the dishes and I will be able to eat soon.”

In the evening, Lin Chuxia had dinner at Wang Teng’s house.

When Wang Shengguo came back from the company, although she was surprised that there were more people in her family, she even looked like Li Xiumei when she saw her face, but he did not show disgust. On the contrary, he felt that the little girl was very pitiful.

The old couple were very enthusiastic about Lin Chuxia, which made her a little bit overwhelmed.

After the meal, Wang Teng took Lin Chuxia out, wandering around outside, playing wildly around, and it was considered as letting her breathe.

During this period, Lin Chuhan made several calls, but Wang Teng did not answer.

It was almost twelve o’clock, and Wang Teng took Lin Chuxia to the Xijiao Mental Hospital.

Lin Chuxia faintly felt a little excited, being sneaky, always thought it was a lot of fun.

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