Chapter 102 Pole Star Martial Arts Hall’s SSS-level contract (subscription required!)

“I choose Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!”

As soon as Wang Teng’s voice fell, the two masters of Lei Ting Wu Hall and Bai Lian Wu Hall fell silent.

Fu Tiandao laughed loudly: “Two, let’s make it!”

“Can you show us the contract?” Jiang Hong said unwillingly.

At least you need to know where you lost?

Gu Hefei looked at Fu Tiandao with the same expression.

The three martial arts schools themselves are competitive, and any loss of genius is their loss.

“Please!” Fu Tiandao said indifferently.

Jiang Hong immediately picked up the contract of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, put together a piece, and quickly browsed it.

“Fu Tiandao, you are crazy!” After reading the contract, Jiang Hong’s eyes widened in shock.

“Do you know what this contract means?” Gu Hefei couldn’t help asking.

“This contract was finally signed after I submitted it to the headquarters, and then was approved by the head of our main library personally. How about? Are you convinced?” Fu Tiandao said.

“Your main museum owner personally approved it!!”



The two looked at each other and could only admire.

What is the gap?

They reported to the headquarters, and it took the boss a lot of words to finally finalize the current S-level contract.

And what about Pole Star Martial Arts Hall?

Go directly to the highest-level SSS-level contract!

It seems that there is only a gap of two levels, but it is like a gap.

In their memory, for so many years, a total of 23 SS-level contracts have been awarded by the three major martial arts gyms, and now these people are already big bosses.

All hopeful warlords!

In fact, Gu Hefei also wanted to apply for a SS-level contract for Wang Teng. In their opinion, Wang Teng has this potential.

But some of those at the headquarters still have doubts.

They believe that there will be great surprises in the future, and they should invest in geniuses, but they should not invest too much at one time.

Therefore, according to their wishes, first sign the S-level contract, and after entering the martial arts gym, observe for a period of time, and the performance is bright enough, and then consider whether to transfer to the SS-level contract.

Many geniuses who signed SS-level contracts in the past adopted this model, and very few came up as SS-level.

As for SSS-level contracts, so far, there have been no more than five contracts.

Those five people have all entered the warlord level!

And they are not more than thirty-five years old, they will be the mainstay of China in the future.

This is the gap!

Polestar Martial Arts Hall can afford SSS-level contracts, while their two major martial arts Halls, Thunder and Bailian, can only give S-level contracts.

In comparison, they seem to be a bit petty.

The two curators, Jiang Hong and Gu Hefei, were suddenly a little bit depressed, and they had no more thoughts.

“you are vicious!”

But they still couldn’t help but glared at Fu Tiandao.

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and said to Wang Teng, “I made you laugh!”

They have seen Wang Teng’s actual combat assessment, so they are very optimistic about his future, but they are not alone in some matters.

It is regrettable to miss such a genius!

“The two museum owners are really serious, and I am very grateful for your importance.” Wang Teng said quickly.

Wang Teng’s humility undoubtedly made the two of them look better. Fu Tiandao saw this scene from the side and nodded secretly.

Be humble when you should be humble.

This is a matter of life.

Wang Teng’s performance made him very happy.

“Since you have a choice, then we won’t bother!” Gu Hefei and the two stood up and left.

Sending them off, Wang Teng returned to the living room.

“Sign this contract, the province has many nights and dreams.” Fu Tiandao said.

“The master Fu is so optimistic about me?” Wang Teng was not in a hurry, but asked him instead.

“Hey, not only I am optimistic, but the master of our main hall is also very optimistic about you. Your kid is training in our martial arts hall, and there are some things that can’t be hidden from me.” Fu Tiandao smiled mysteriously.

Wang Teng’s heart jumped.

“But don’t worry, everyone has secrets, especially martial artists, there are more secrets.” Fu Tiandao seemed to see what he was thinking, and said indifferently.

Wang Teng didn’t say much, and signed the name on the contract.

Fu Tiandao nodded in satisfaction, and handed a black watch to Wang Teng.

“This is the Force watch developed inside the martial arts hall. It is made of special material and is non-invasive, and can even withstand the bombardment of a fighter’s combat power level without being damaged.”

“As long as you enter your identity information, you can log in to the internal network of the martial arts gym-Ji Xing!”

“The resources worth billions of dollars stated in the contract will be transferred to your account in installments. You can purchase the resources you want on the intranet of the martial arts hall.”

“But you have to think carefully, don’t waste this first huge amount of resources, make full use of it, it will be enough to increase your strength by a lot.”

“In addition, you still have three opportunities to ask the head of the main hall for advice. This opportunity is very rare. Many talents can’t ask for it. You have to take it well.”

“Finally is the right to purchase houses in [Luyuan], where family members of warriors live there, and [Luyuan] has very high security measures under the name of the three major martial arts halls. So far, no one dares to make trouble there. I know you. My family has recently encountered some troubles. If you live there, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your family.”

After Wang Teng listened carefully, although it was included in the contract, Fu Tiandao’s reminder was worth pondering.

These conditions are all very good, especially the last one, which is exactly what he wants. Let his parents move to the [Deer Park] to live, and he is even more relieved about safety issues.

Li Xiumei didn’t look at the contract just now, when she heard Fu Tiandao explain one by one, she was secretly speechless.

One billion resources!

The son’s net worth surpassed the husband’s struggle for so many years, which is surprising.

Warriors are so rich?

Wang Shengguo was a little autistic at this time. It was a happy thing that Lao Tzu was overtaken by his son…

But it’s too easy to make money, right?

It’s easy to take a big hit!

However, [Deer Park]’s right to purchase a house also made his eyes light up. For men, the safety of their family members can make them worry-free.

“I should apply for college tomorrow, right? Have you decided which university to apply for?” Fu Tiandao asked.

“I haven’t figured it out yet. I looked at the admission lines of each school this year, and it seems that no matter which one I choose, I can enter.” Wang Teng said.

After the scores came out, the schools also announced the admission line as soon as possible.

The Wukao is different from the ordinary college entrance examination. For the ordinary college entrance examination, the admission line of each school is released after applying for the exam. It is regrettable that many students are not allowed to register for the exam and fail to pass the exam.

In Wukao, not only universities are choosing students, but students are also choosing universities, so the admission line must be released in advance.

“With your score, no matter which one you apply for, there is no problem. The question now is which university is more suitable for you. Your college entrance examination results should have been passed to major universities. As long as you are not blind, I believe they will soon I’m looking for a door, and I might even stop at school tomorrow.” Fu Tiandao smiled.

“Very troublesome!” Wang Teng smiled bitterly, and he couldn’t help but asked: “The curator, do you have any suggestions?”

Fu Tiandao smiled and said: “The top few key universities, regardless of resources, school atmosphere, or faculty, are actually not much different.”

“Moreover, resources rely on competition. The better the students, the more resources the state will allocate. For those excellent students, there is never a shortage of resources.”

“In recent years, our East China Sea University, and even the Yellow Navy Academy have been pressing harder, and there is not much difference with the first university. They have even stabilized their heads in the national martial arts competitions several times and won the first place. .”

“Compared with ordinary universities, military academies are undoubtedly more stringent and restrict the freedom of students, but there is an advantage!”

When Fu Tiandao said this, he paused for a while, and when he saw Wang Teng coming over, he continued.

“Military academy can be a shortcut to power. If it performs well enough and builds military merits, it is very likely that in the future it will be in charge of the army alone, and it will be powerful!”

“Especially in another world, I might as well tell you that we are establishing major legions, and there is especially a need for new forces to be injected…”

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