Chapter 104 Do You Want My Treasure? (Please subscribe!)

Time: 12 o’clock in the middle of the night.

Location: A hidden corner of the Xijiao Mental Hospital.

Characters: Wang Teng, Lin Chuxia.

It was dark all around, and two dark figures squatted in a corner of no one whispering.


“Don’t call me brother-in-law, just call me by name.”

“Brother Teng…”

“…How it sounds weird.”

“What are you doing?”

“I add some condiments to this wine to make it more vigorous. I have someone in it who loves to drink super strong wine.” Wang Teng said nonsense in a serious manner.

“Are you sure?” Lin Chuxia asked suspiciously.

“I can lie to you, well, let’s go!”

Wang Teng stood up and took Lin Chuxia to the door of the building quietly, hiding sideways in the dark.

“Learn to meow.” He said to Lin Chuxia.

? ?

Lin Chuxia was stunned, Wang Teng urged again, and she reluctantly called “Meow Meow” twice.

Hearing this voice, Wang Teng’s hairs couldn’t help standing up.

“This girl, the voice is too weird!” He thought to himself.

At the same time, the sound of footsteps came from inside the building, getting closer and closer, Wang Teng did the same, and knocked the attracted staff stunned with a knife.

Lin Chuxia couldn’t help but his eyes widened.

This time the staff is not the same person as last time. In front of me is a woman of five big and three thick, bulging the nurse’s overalls, which looks very mighty and majestic.

“We don’t seem to be able to wear these clothes!” He touched his chin and muttered to himself.

“Forget it, wait for them to look in their changing room.”

After Wang Teng dragged the five big and thick female nurses to the outside corner to hide them, took Lin Chuhan to avoid the camera and went to the changing room to find two work clothes to change, then put on the masks, and the two walked upstairs. go.

Lin Chuxia felt very novel.

A pair of bright big eyes looked around curiously, and there was a hint of smile that couldn’t hide.

She grew up so much that she never went out to have fun, let alone such an interesting thing.

Although, it seems to be doing bad things…

Wang Teng took her all the way to the third floor and found the room where the man with instant noodles was located last time. He first looked inside through the window.

The light was on, and the instant noodle head sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.


Wang Teng took out the key and opened the door.

The other party raised his head and asked: “Who are you?”

“You don’t recognize me!” Wang Teng took off his mask, revealing his true colors.

“Why should I know you?” The instant-faced man looked at him with a puzzled look, as if he really couldn’t recognize Wang Teng.

Lin Chuxia looked at the two suspiciously.

Wang Teng stayed for a while, how real he compares to a mental patient, shook his head quickly, raised the contents in his hands and said:

“Don’t care if you recognize it or not, I brought some good cigarettes and wine, would you like it?”

The man with instant noodles brightened his eyes, jumped up from the bed, and said repeatedly: “If you want, give it to me!”

“Next!” Wang Teng’s eyes moved slightly, and he threw the wine in his hand towards the opponent.

The instant noodle man took a copy, his movements were extremely skillful, grabbed the wine bottle, broke it easily, and opened the bottle cap.

Tons tons tons tons…

Looking up is a big sip of wine!

“Ha~ It’s cool! It’s been a long time since I had a drink!” The instant noodle man sighed, and then asked again: “Where’s the smoke? Didn’t you say you brought cigarettes?”

“Oh, take it!”

Wang Teng took out a box of squashed cigarettes from his pocket, and a lighter worth one dollar, and threw them to the opponent.

As soon as the foam head man caught it, he couldn’t wait to light a cigarette and smoke it happily.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles scattered in the room.




【Gun fighting technique*1】


Gun fighting! ! !

It’s still exactly 1 o’clock!

Wang Teng was suddenly shocked.

The previous ones were all spiritual attributes, but within Wang Teng’s expectation, he didn’t think there was anything.

Who knew that there would suddenly be a spear fighting technique attribute bubble.

How did it fall?

He was a little puzzled, but more of it was a surprise!

Is this really a gunman!

Gun Fighting (Introduction 410)

Spear fighting technique jumped directly from the original 3 o’clock to 4 o’clock, Wang Teng felt that he was more proficient in spear fighting technique.

“I don’t know how powerful it is to use it now?” Wang Teng thought secretly.

“Is this person a hidden master?” Lin Chuxia looked at the instant noodle man curiously, and asked in a low voice beside Wang Teng.

“How do you know?” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice.

“Look at the action he just picked up the wine bottle, which ordinary people can’t do.” Lin Chuhan said.

“It is said that he is a spear god!” Wang Teng didn’t lie to her either, but said slightly mysteriously.

“Really?” Lin Chuxia’s eyes suddenly widened, and at the same time she was a little excited in her heart, as if she knew some big secret.

“I can lie to you!” Wang Teng said, “But he hasn’t shown his strength, and I don’t know whether it is true or not.”

Although he picked up the spear fighting attribute from the instant noodle man, most of which can be determined, there is no way to explain it.

“You two, what are you talking about secretly?” The instant noodle man’s voice suddenly came from the side.

“Oh, we are talking about your hairstyle, it feels super handsome!” Wang Teng babbled a bit, and winked at Lin Chuxia at the same time: “Right?”

“Hmm, super handsome!” Lin Chuxia nodded in cooperation.

The instant noodle man nodded in satisfaction: “You two, have a good eye!”

He thought for a while, walked to the table, took out a USB flash drive from the drawer, walked over and handed it to Lin Chuxia.

“Got it to you, there is what you want in it!”

Familiar USB flash drives, familiar words.

Are you engaged in wholesale?

“…” Wang Teng looked at all this blankly, and suddenly felt a sense of absurdity. Is there really no problem with the spear fighting skills he has practiced?

“As for you…” The instant noodle head returned to the table, took out the pen and paper, and scribbled.

A very abstract stick figure suddenly appeared on the paper!

“Do you want my treasure? If you want it, just follow this map to find it, I put it all there!”

The instant noodle man danced the blank paper in his hand, with an impassioned tone, as if giving a speech in front of thousands of people.

“…” Wang Teng.

I believe in your evil!

“Don’t you want it?” Seeing that Wang Teng did not respond, the instant noodle man asked embarrassedly.

“Haha!” Wang Tengpi smiled.

“Forget it, forget it, I must be embarrassed to see you like this, I will reluctantly give it to you, the time is running out, you go quickly.” The instant noodle man stuffed a blank paper into Wang Teng’s pocket. When he retorted, he drove the two out of the room and closed the door with a “bang”.

“I…” Wang Teng was speechless.

“Puff!” Lin Chuxia couldn’t help laughing when he saw his depressed but helpless look.

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