Chapter 101 The Recruitment of the Big Three


Wang Teng came to a seafood buffet restaurant on the fourth floor of Yida Plaza.

Looking around, I saw Lu Zhiqing who was waving at her, nodded at her, and walked over.

“Why come so early!” Wang Teng said.

“I have a treat, of course I have to come early.” Lu Zhiqing pulled her hair and smiled.

“It’s too polite, in fact, I don’t need it, and you also help me answer the question of hatching eggs, and I will have to trouble you in the future.” Wang Teng said.

“Let’s stop thanking you. If you have any questions, just ask me, come and see what to eat?” Lu Zhiqing handed the menu to Wang Teng.

The two ordered food.

This restaurant has very fast service. The dishes ordered are coming up one after another. Wang Teng and Lu Zhiqing are chatting while eating seafood.

Suddenly hearing something, Wang Teng asked in surprise: “Are you understanding alien beasts and star beasts?”

“Yes, the business of pet shops is not doing well now. There are more and more people raising alien animals. If you want to go high-end, you must pay attention to high-end products such as alien animals and star animals.” Lu Zhiqing said.

“It’s not easy. The alien beasts and star beasts are extremely lethal. After all, you are just an ordinary person and it is difficult to deal with it.” Wang Teng frowned.

“I know, so I don’t plan to sell large alien beasts. It only targets small animals and can only be cubs. In fact, alien beasts and star beasts are similar to ordinary animals. As long as they are domesticated from birth, they will generally not cause damage to their owners. Hurt.” Lu Zhiqing said.

“There are some fierce natures, you have to pay attention.” Wang Teng didn’t want to say much, just reminded.

“Well, I will pay attention.” Lu Zhiqing nodded and smiled.

This meal is considered to be a good time for the host and the host. Wang Teng and Lu Zhiqing’s friendship a little closer. Before, they could only be said to be nodding acquaintances, but now they are friends.

At least Wang Teng felt that he could approach Lu Zhiqing more confidently about incubating eggs.

“If you can help me in the future, you can also find me.” Before parting, Wang Tengchong and Lu Zhiqing said.

“Okay, then I won’t be polite to you!” Lu Zhiqing smiled.

She had seen Wang Teng’s strength a long time ago, and she naturally knew the importance of this favor.

The two bid farewell, and Wang Teng returned home.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere at home is a bit weird!

The owner of the three martial arts giants, East China Sea Branch, was sitting in the living room of his house at this time, staring wide-eyed.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei sat aside, looking at each other speechlessly.

Donghai is an important city ranked very high in the country. The masters of the three major martial arts halls in the East China Sea are not only powerful, but also have amazing rights.

It can be said that they are the top group of people in the East China Sea.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that your hands and eyes are open to the sky!

Compared with them, the status of the entire royal family is like the difference between elephants and ants.

Therefore, Wang Shengguo is very embarrassed. These three bigwigs can’t afford to offend anyone.

Seeing Wang Teng coming back at this time, the two of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Shengguo said, “My son is back. Didn’t the three look for him?”

The one thrown by this pot is called a slip!

Wang Teng immediately felt the eyes of the three Fu Tiandao all fall on him, the kind of heat, as if he was going to swallow him alive.


Boss, let’s not disturb the foundation!

“Student Wang Teng, don’t gossip too much. This time the three of us are here for you. Please take a look at our conditions and give us a good word. Which way to choose!” , Couldn’t stand those corners, and said straightforwardly.

“Yes, when the warrior acts, you should simply take a look at these three contracts and decide which one to choose.” Fu Tiandao also said.

As for the fact that Wang Teng was already a martial artist in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, he didn’t mention it again. The martial artist is obviously different from the martial artist, so he won’t use it to fool people.

What’s more, even if it is a warrior, it can still be dug into the wall. After all, it depends on everyone’s conditions.

Whoever can afford the terms is the winner.

For Wang Teng, the champion in the martial arts exam, and even a young martial artist, the three major martial arts halls are determined to win.

In the era of warriors, talents are rare!

Super genius is even scarce!

There are no more than ten martial artists at this age in the country, and it is still the sum of recent years.

The most important thing is that most of those people come from a family of warriors, have a lot of resources, and have dedicated warriors to guide them.

Wang Teng couldn’t compare with them.

In addition, not long after Wang Teng became a warrior, he was able to hunt down star beasts.

And those geniuses, as far as they know, only one or two of them can do this.

Most of them still learn experience from their predecessors and make soy sauce.

Because of this, they are more optimistic about Wang Teng’s potential.

With great potential, strong strength, and no too complicated background, who doesn’t like it!

Therefore, all three of them applied for the maximum benefits, and the bargaining set does not apply here.

As soon as you come up, you have to come up with the best conditions, and it depends on who is more ruthless!

When Wang Teng saw them being so direct, with an expression of “We are rich, you can drive as you wish”, he immediately laughed.

“Big guy drinking tea!”

Wang Teng sat down in front of them, poured tea for them, and asked the question from the bottom of his heart: “Is there no conflict between the martial arts hall and the school?”

“You can rest assured that the school is a public organization and does not conflict with the martial arts hall. Even if you apply for the military school, the school rules are strict and the school is the main one. These can be written in the contract. Many schools and even the strongest in the military have Hang a name in our martial arts gym.” Fu Tiandao explained.

“Yes, exactly!” Jiang Hong and Gu Hefei nodded in agreement.

Wang Teng nodded, picked up the three contracts on the table and looked at them. The name of the martial arts hall was marked on the contract.

He passed the first contract prepared by Pole Star Martial Arts Hall first, and instead looked at the contract of Thunder Martial Arts Hall first.

The two masters of Lei Ting Wu Hall and Bai Lian Wu Hall suddenly raised their eyebrows.

This is a different treatment!

Obviously, Wang Teng prefers Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

Looking at their contract first, the contract of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is left as the finale.

If the weight of the three contracts is equal, then Wang Teng will definitely choose Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

The fact is indeed the case. After all, Wang Teng has been training in Ji Xing Wuguan for a long time, and everything is familiar.

After seeing that Wang Teng had read the contract between the two parties, Fu Tiandao picked up the contract of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall and browsed it silently. He raised his eyebrows at the two museum owners, Jiang Hong and Gu Hefei, with a confident and smug smile at the corners of his mouth. .

Jiang Hong suddenly had a bad feeling.

Wang Teng finally finished reading, put down the contract in his hand, and let out a sigh, everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but fall on him.

“How is it?” Wang Shengguo asked anxiously. In fact, he really wanted to see the content of the contract.

“Mr. Wang can also take a look.” Fu Tiandao smiled and handed him the contract.

When Wang Shengguo finished reading it, he knew that Wang Teng had already made a decision, and he would choose it if it were.

“I choose Pole Star Martial Arts Hall!” Sure enough, Wang Teng said almost without hesitation.

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