Alien Lord

Chapter 1991: Transmitting Jade Fu (2)

This distribution plan is the most average distribution plan, but in fact, there is no such distribution plan at all, because in the cultivation world, strength is respected, you are strong, you will be allocated more, if you are weak, you deserve it Can't be assigned at all.

Therefore, in Chu, the annual output of more than one hundred kilograms of empty karst stones is in the hands of the top ancestors, families, and royal families, and only a few will leak out.

The production of the Jade Talisman requires a lot of empty refractory stones. Although it is not as much as required for storage equipment, but the simplest one is the number of refractory stones required. It takes two or three grams.

In this way, the price of a piece of phonic jade symbol is more than four or five hundred spirit stones. With such a high price, how many practitioners can afford it.

You should know that the treasures of this level are usually built during the foundation period, and the strong ones above can only use them. Those who are below the foundation period use Yuanshi and Zijin coins.

So, don’t look at the value of a piece of sound-transmitting jade as if it is only four or five hundred spirit stones, but there are very few people who can afford it.

This is the same as the current private jet. The private jet believes that there are not many people who don't know now, but 99.99999999% of the people in the world can't afford this purchase price.

Therefore, everyone knows that the private jet is very good and convenient, but the price is really amazing.

Another thing that needs to be said is that the transmission distance of this value is very short, that is, a distance of several hundred miles. If this distance is exceeded, this transmission sound will be invalid.

And if you want to transmit a farther distance, you have to change to a better quality sound transmission jade, that is, the number of empty slate has to increase.

To use an analogy, take Huang Quan’s current transmission jade symbol as an example. His transmission jade symbol can directly transmit hundreds of thousands of miles, which is regarded as the top-level transmission jade symbol. ,

So do you know how much airstone was used for this jade symbol?

Two kilograms, a full two kilograms, that is, two kilograms, which is equivalent to four or five million spirit stones. Such a large sum of money. Seriously, if there is no mine in the home to support it, it is really not affordable. Up.

It is precisely because there is a mine in the ‘home’ that supports it, so he can afford such a high-level jade symbol.

If it is replaced by another sect, even if it is too one, it would not dare to make too many such jade symbols. Otherwise, they will go bankrupt 100%.

Finally, one more thing, that is, if you want to use the phonetic jade, you must have at least two pieces, otherwise, how do you contact? !

This has increased the burden on the buyers, and it has caused many practitioners to think of Chuanyin Yufu as a headache.

The price of empty stone is really too ‘gratifying’, so everyone knows that it is very convenient to pass the jade symbol, but no one makes such a high jade symbol.

As for why it takes a spiritual material such as empty ridge stone to make a jade symbol, Lin Ze can also guess that the reason is that it uses the spatial properties of the empty ridge stone to transmit sound.

The empty stone is the spiritual material of the space attribute. It can play the role of a telephone line, let your voice pass through the space, directly ignore the distance of the space, and let you quickly contact another piece of acoustic jade.

"Master, our tribe still has nearly two kilograms of empty netherstones. See if I let the tribe refining the sound-transmitting jade rune, and bring it to the master." Huang Quan said quickly, and took the initiative to explain There are also two kilograms of empty slate in the tribe.

The Huangquan tribe has a spirit stone mine, so there is no shortage of spirit stone at all. The two kilograms of empty refractory stone were bought by the tribe from the market.

It is a pity that, in order not to arouse the ideas and doubts of outsiders, these tribes have been careful and careful every time they buy empty slate over the past few hundred years. The weight of each purchase did not exceed ten grams, which led to Up to now, their tribe has accumulated only two kilograms of empty slate.

However, it is precisely this kind of caution that allows their tribe to avoid countless dangers.

"This is not necessary anymore, it's too far away." Lin Ze waved his hand to show that he didn't need it.

"Master, I can let the tribe bring the Chuanyin Yufu to the place as quickly as possible." Huang Quan did not give up, and then said.

"Oh, Huang Quan, I know your loyalty well, but I really don't need it, because I have empty stones here." Lin Ze refused with a smile.

He rejected Huang Quan not only because it was too far away, but also because, in the eyes of others, he was the most precious emptiness stone.

"Master, this..." Huang Quan couldn't believe it, but when he thought of Lin Ze's identity, there was a trace of expectation in his heart.

Lin Ze saw the doubts on Huang Quan’s faces, and he did not hide it. He said, "Oh, don’t forget, this space dragon king beside me!"

Lin Ze said as he stroked the space dragon King, which was reduced to the size of a baby's arm.

Jindan period monsters like Space Dragon King can already zoom in and out at will.

"Really, why did I forget this!" Huang Quan, Qu Jingwen and others suddenly realized.

The space dragon king lives in the void world. For the cultivator, the void world is indeed a place of death, but for the space dragon dragon and the space snakes under it, it is the home, they were originally Just living in the void world, in this way, it is not a simple matter for them to look for the treasure of space such as empty terrane.

Thinking of this, Huang Quan, Qu Jingwen and others looked at this'small and small' space dragon king beside Lin Ze with enthusiasm

"Dragon King, in the future you will be responsible for collecting empty slate stones, will you?" Lin Ze smiled and said to the space dragon King around him.

"His hiss!!" The space dragon dragon roared very excitedly and nodded directly.

"Very well, in this case, I won’t have to worry about the consumption of empty stone again. So, Qu Jingwen, after that, you arrange some refiners to start refining the Jade Talisman. I want my troops to have a pass Yinyufu is used." Lin Ze ordered to Qu Jingwen around him.

Since the problem of empty turquoise is no longer a problem, Lin Ze immediately began to manufacture the Jade Talisman.

As a modern man, he knew the importance of convenient communication.

The combat capability of a unit with only convenient communication and a unit without convenient communication is definitely a heaven and an underground, which is far from each other.

"Yes, master!" Qu Jingwen replied, his face full of excitement.

As a military division, Qu Jingwen also knew how much he would help the army with such a convenient transmission of jade symbols.

The army under Lin Ze was already very strong now, and now with the addition of the jade symbol, Qu Jingwen could not have thought of any army that could defeat them.

"It's just that Chuanyin Yufu is extremely precious. Master, once it leaks out..." said the elder Lu Wanlin on the side, frowning, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Everyone knows that Chuanyin jade is actually made of empty zeolite. If Linze’s army has a large number of dynasty jade, it is not to tell others clearly that Linze has a lot of empty zeal.

In this way, it will inevitably attract countless peeping eyes, and then it will inevitably cause crisis to Lin Ze himself and the people around him.

It can be said that this thing will happen 100%. The elder Lu Wanlin clearly saw this.

"This..." Huang Quan and others hesitated for a while.

"It doesn't matter, then all the jade symbols will be used by our own people. I believe the risk of leakage will be reduced to a minimum. The military is different from other places. It is originally a very confidential place. The average person wants to come in. Investigating the news, it was difficult and difficult. Now that Yuyin Fu is in our own hands, when outsiders guessed it." Lin Ze said after thinking for a while.

Since you are worried that Chuanyin Yufu will be leaked, it will be directly used by those who plant the puppet mark. In this way, the news of Chuanyin Yufu will not be leaked.

"Well, this is a good idea!"

"Yes, in this way, the news will not leak out."

"Master is wise!" The last Xinxue exploded a fart, listening to the other people around me for a while: "This fart!!"

With a trace of envy in my heart

"Master is wise!!"

.. Everyone did not fall behind, and soon slap at the same time.

After arranging the matter of Chuanyin Lin Ze and Qu Jingwen again, Huang Quan discussed the matter of the Lingshi mine, and finally decided that everything would remain unchanged as usual.

Spirit stones are very precious and extremely valuable. However, when Lin Ze does not need to consume a lot of spirit stones now, his current strength is enough to use Yuan stone. Treasures like spirit stones, if used now, really Is too wasteful.

In this way, if Lin Ze ordered the barbarian tribe to expand the mining of the spirit stone mine now, it would not be as necessary. At that time, some unexpected accidents might happen, so it is better to maintain the current state.

It was Huang Quan who had to go back as soon as possible to prevent the news of the defeat from reaching their tribes and being known by the tribes who were hostile to them, so they came to the door and threatened the tribes.

Therefore, after this consultation, the elders, the second elders and others immediately embarked on the road of returning to the tribe, guarding the stability of the tribe, it is enough to have them, and Huang Quan still stays in the plane seed world and is responsible for production supervision. The manufacture of new warships.

After these new warships are completed, they will return to the tribe.

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