Alien Lord

Chapter 1990: Jade Symbols (1)

After listening to Huang Quan's complaint, Lin Ze sighed in his heart that Huang Yu and his tribe were really good.

Lin Ze can guess that it was because of the huge sandstorm that caused damage to the Lingshi mine buried deep underground, and then the aura leaked out, which was noticed by the Yinyue giant wolf and the earth bear. Arrived.

It is clear to both that the spirit stone mine below is extremely huge, as long as they can get it, their promotion to the next level will not be a problem, so even if they know that they continue to fight in this way, it is likely that they will lose both sides, but Under the temptation of the first floor, the two monsters in Jindan period did not flinch, and eventually lost both sides and both fell.

Huang Quan's ancestor Huang Yu really could be said to have burst into watch at that time. Not only did he safely escape the invasion of the giant sandstorm, but he was also lucky that he was not targeted by the two monsters of the Golden Age.

In fact, it should be said that more does not matter, after all, Huang Yu’s strength was only the 7th or 8th layer of the day after tomorrow. With such strength, the two Jindan monsters can kill him with one breath, so they will not care about Huang Yu’s. presence.

In the end, the two monsters of Jindan period died together, and there was only one Huang Yu beside him. Afterwards, he was picked up by Tianda.

More importantly, Huang Yu can perceive the leakage of aura, so he also found the giant aura mine buried underground.

In this way, Huang Yu and his tribe embarked on the road of prosperity, and eventually became such a powerful tribe.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze sighed in his heart. This is simply a modern one. The protagonist Huang Yu continuously experienced adventures and finally took his own tribe to grow and become a mythical figure of their tribe.

"Huang Quan, the transportation of your ancestors and tribes is really good!" Lin Ze sighed again, envying Huang Yu's good luck.

However, it is only a glimpse, because in terms of good luck, Lin Ze’s luck is obviously much larger than Huang Yu’s luck.

Huang Yu just found a giant spirit stone mine, but Lin Ze got an artifact like a plane seed, and also, safely got out of the endless void, came to this world of cultivator, mainland China .

This kind of transportation is no longer a description of a watch, but it should be said that transportation is simply Lin Ze's natural ability.

"Hey." Huang Quan laughed a few times, and he was very proud of his ancestor Huang Yu's fortune.

"Huang Quan, not only do you need to be responsible for building those warships in the future, but I also hope that you will be responsible for contacting the tribes, so that there is no suspicion in your tribes," Lin Zeding urged.

The tribe where Huang Quan is located occupies a large part of Lin Ze’s future, and he does not allow a trace of accidents.

"Yes, master, it will be done well." Huang Quan also answered seriously.

"Master, you can rest assured that our tribe is far away from here, so the connection is entirely dependent on this phonetic jade symbol on me. As long as this phonetic jade symbol is on my body, there will be no problems in the clan." said , Huang Quan took out a palm-sized jade-colored jade amulet with extremely complicated lines engraved on it, and, at the center, was a top-grade spirit stone.

"Tuanyin Yufu is a good tool for communication." Lin Ze's eyes lit up when he looked at the Huangyin Yufu.

Because before, he had been worried about contacting the above things.

Like this time, he went out for several months, thousands of miles away from Huangsha Town, and even further away from Heisha City. It was tens of thousands of miles away. At such a long distance, Lin Ze didn't want to contact him at all.

Even Lin Ze’s Plane Seed World has many modern communication tools, such as mobile phones, interphones, satellite phones, etc. However, this is a feudal slave society, there is no signal transmission tower, nor communication satellite, so, Lin Ze’s modern communication tools are basically obsolete.

Their only use now is only in a small area, such as in Huangsha Town, or in Hesha City.

The scope of these cities is limited, so modern communication tools such as walkie-talkies can still be used. However, if Linze is now thousands of miles away from Huangsha Town, then it is completely useless.

Lin Ze, who is adapted to the convenience of modern communication facilities, is really a bit uncomfortable with such changes. Therefore, he established a cultivation method in the plane seed world to achieve the research of the function of modern signal transmission. Team.

It is a pity that the modernization knowledge is very different from the refining knowledge here, so now, this plan is still only on paper, and there is still a long way to go before it is actually implemented.

Lin Ze originally thought that it would take him more than ten years or even more time to reach a convenient communication, but unexpectedly, this convenient communication appeared in front of Lin Ze so quickly.

Chuanyin Yufu, yes, this is the Huayin jade.

Tianyuan Mountain is a few hundred thousand miles away from the wilderness. However, Huang Quan is still able to use this phonetic jade symbol to contact the tribes. It can be seen that this phonetic jade symbol is convenient.

In this case, as long as Lin Ze makes a large number of phonetic jade symbols, his subsequent communications will no longer be a problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze's heart was full of heat. He couldn't wait to pick up the yellow jade symbol in Huang Quan's hand and asked, "Huang Quan, is this method of making the yellow jade symbol?"

"Master, it's not difficult, just." Huang Quan replied with a hint of hesitation.

He understands Lin Ze's excitement, but there are still many problems.

"Oh, it seems there are still a lot of problems in it, isn't it?" Lin Ze suddenly thought, thinking again, Lin Ze shook his head directly, feeling a little embarrassed by his brainless thought just now.

Indeed, if this sound-transmitting jade was so simple that it could be manufactured on a large scale, then now this thing has spread all over the mainland of China.

The market scale of modern communication equipment, as long as anyone who understands the economy knows, it is a huge cake.

The market for mobile phones alone, the annual output value is measured in trillions of gold, which shows the size of this market.

The population of the mainland of China is far more than the number of people on the earth, which is more than 7 billion people on the earth, but on the mainland of China, the number of people is hundreds of times this number.

Such a huge quantity, what a huge market you would say.

If the manufacture of Chuanyin jade is really so simple and convenient, then those ancestors, where the great powers will miss this huge market, the world has long been full of Chuanyin jade.

However, in fact, Lin Ze was the first thing to see the Chuanyin Yufu, so it can be guessed that the manufacture of Chuanyin Yufu is not that simple.

"Master, the method of making Zhuanyin Jade Fu is actually not difficult, but the difficulty is to make its materials." Huang Quan quickly revealed why there are not so many Chuanyin Jade Fus appearing now.

"It turns out that way!" Lin Ze sighed. In fact, he already had this guess in his heart.

"What kind of materials are needed? It is so difficult to make this phonetic jade symbol." Lin Ze asked. He was also curious about the materials used to make the phonetic symbol.

"Master, in fact, the other materials are very simple, at most, the quality requirements are higher, but the main material made by Chuanyin Yufu is the spatial spirit material such as empty refractory stone. Such materials are really difficult to find." Huang Quan answered quickly.

"Empty stone!" Lin Ze shook his head, and now he is still clear, why there are no voiced jade symbols on the mainland of Shenzhou, because the price of manufacturing it is really too high, too high.

Empty slate, the top-grade spirit of space, is generally used to make advanced storage equipment such as storage rings. The price is extremely expensive. In grams, the price of a gram of empty scoria reaches the sky-high price of hundreds of spirits. This price is really not affordable for ordinary people.

Like the most inferior storage ring, that is, the storage space is a space with a length, width, and height of ten meters. To make such a storage ring, it takes two hundred grams of empty slate, that is, twenty thousand spirit stones.

This is just the price of the empty stone, plus the price of other spirit materials, and the cost of the refining master. The price of such a storage ring exceeds 50,000 spirit stones.

This is just the most inferior storage ring. It is replaced by those high-end storage rings. The storage ring has a space of more than ten kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers. The empty refractory stone is directly in tons. This counting unit is calculated.

This high value is no longer imaginable by ordinary Even if it is such a top class, it can't afford such huge consumption.

Finally, and most importantly, the output of empty karst is extremely limited.

Voidstone is a mineral in the Void World, and it will not be produced on the mainland of Shenzhou. That is to say, if you want to get Voidstone, you have to look in the Void World, or look around the cracks in space, or It is to find places where there have been space collapse, space collapse, and space annihilation, etc. There will be more or less empty gravel in these places.

It's just that it needs to be transported very well. After all, emptiness is not visible everywhere in the void world. It is like other minerals, and it only exists in certain places, which leads to more emptiness. Scarce.

Like the Chu State where Lin Ze is now, coupled with Zongmen's harvest, the output of empty slate in a year is less than one hundred kilograms.

One hundred kilograms seem to be quite a lot, but this is the entire Chu Kingdom, plus the tens of thousands of ancestors in it, and the amount that the family has in common. A few grams.

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