Alien Lord

Chapter 1992: Path

In the evening, the two figures rose into the sky, left the Sancai Valley quickly, and flew away into the vast forest. Lin Zeyu landed on the road to Xingyue Canyon.

This flight took more than a day. During this time, in order to get on the road, there was no rest on the way. Such a flight, of course, seemed very boring, and it can even be said to be boring.

Lu Yun is now following Lin Ze with a bored face, eyes slightly open, a pitiful look on his face, looking at the blue forest below, the endless forest, she is almost suffocating. From the initial excitement of following Lin Ze out, to the current boredom.

These are actually nothing.

What makes her feel most hateful is that when on the way, there will be some wild beasts to disturb them from time to time, making Lu Yun, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to make a good relationship with Lin Ze, extremely dissatisfied.

Lu Yun originally thought that when she and Lin Ze were the only one this time, they deepened their mutual feelings and allowed themselves to occupy a position in Lin Ze's heart, but what they didn't expect were those that appeared from time to time on the way. Barbarian, let her desire be directly destroyed.

Whenever she wants to get closer to Lin Ze and say something, there will be a few or dozens of wild beasts attacking them in the forest below. Although they will be wiped out by them soon, but just now The atmosphere that was finally cultivated was destroyed, and she had to spend some time to cultivate the atmosphere.

It's not just that, Lu Yun can be said to have put down the shelf all the way, but Lin Ze on the opposite side is like a piece of wood, but she didn't feel very tempted. This made Lu Yun wonder if he was not beautiful. ? !

She glanced down at her petite and exquisite figure, with a bumpy figure, thinking that her figure was absolutely very good, so why was the owner indifferent.

Lu Yun was puzzled toward her heart. Among the tribes, she was the most beautiful girl. There was no one who dared to say that she was not beautiful.

Lin Ze is very clear about Lu Yun's thoughts. If it is changed to something else, Lin Ze may have some interest, but, seriously, now Lin Ze is really not interested.


It wasn't because someone around was staring. From the moment Lin Ze left Sancai Valley, he felt someone around him staring.

The beasts who attacked them from time to time were actually provoked by the secret people.

Obviously, these people are testing themselves to see their details.

Lin Ze wanted to trouble them, but these people were too slippery. Once they saw Lin Ze showing signs of action, they immediately fled.

Lin Ze was anxious to rush to Xingyue Canyon, there was no time to chase them down, so he could only rush to the road.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Lin Ze is very clear. Now is not the time to fall in love and love. If San Caigu delays here, Lin Ze will have less time left. Yes, maybe he was too late to participate in the Xingyue Canyon Trading Conference.

In the end, Gu Xiyao was waiting for him in Xingyue Canyon. If he only wanted his own happiness and forgot his painful waiting for Gu Xiyao, Lin Ze's heart couldn't get through.

Therefore, it is not that Lu Yun did not attract Lin Ze, but that the timing is not right.

If you change another time, Lin Ze would have won Lu Yun long ago.

"Master, I heard from people inside the clan that the outside world is very dangerous. Many disciples of Zongmen seem to be very positive on the surface. In fact, they are full of flowers in the stomach. Before coming out, Grandpa told me to ask Be careful of these seemingly honest guys, master, is the world outside really like this?" Lu Yun asked nervously.

Although she is the saint of the barbarian, this is the first time she is truly out.

In the past, Lu Yun had been staying in the shrine of the barbarian tribe. Everything was arranged by someone, and he had never touched the outside world.

Now it's time to get in touch with the outside world and people, and Lu Yun's heart starts to get nervous.

"My little Yun'er, don't worry, I have the owner, and the outside can't bully you." Lin Ze said with a smile, then stretched out his right hand and pinched Lu Yun's nose directly.

"I hate my master!!!" Lu Yun shyly shrank away from Lin Ze's right hand. It was precisely because of this that the trace of tension on her face disappeared.

"Master, how many mistresses are you waiting for? Will they be dissatisfied with me?" Lu Yun asked again.

This is the most tense thing in her heart. She is only a slave of Lin Ze. How can she be inferior to Gu Xiyao, Ping'er, and Shaman? I was really nervous.

It's like the mood when you first went to Zhang Zhang's house, the nervous heart almost popped out.

"Relax, Ping'er, Shaman, and Xiyao, they are very gentle and speak very well, and will not bully you, you can rest assured!!" Lin Ze smiled and comforted Lu Yun.

"Well, it's just that I'm still nervous!"

"You, come, I hold you. Believe that, you won't be nervous, don't be afraid, everything is with me!" After that, Lin Ze held Lu Yun in her arms.

"Master, how nice you are!" Lu Yun grinned, and the whole person was buried directly in Lin Ze's arms. The warm feeling made her inner tension completely disappear.

To Xingyue Canyon, there are many mountains and forests on the way, and you may encounter dangers such as wild beasts and monsters at any time. The most important thing is that this road is extremely far away, and it takes nearly three or four days to fly to reach the Xingyue Canyon trading market safely.

Lin Ze is already psychologically prepared for this.

The time it takes is so long, it is natural that this period cannot be abandoned. Although his own strength is extremely strong, Lin Ze's own strength is not very strong. Now it is the strength of the innate layer. Such strength is now facing more and more powerful enemies. I can't handle it anymore.

It's just that he has just been promoted to the congenital period, and he can no longer continue to enhance in a short time.

However, he is not without a way to enhance his strength. For example, he still has several secrets that he has not mastered yet that need to be cultivated. As long as he succeeds in cultivation, Lin Ze’s strength can be improved.

Like refining more war puppets, and the Qianjian large array of Qianjianmen obtained before, various low-level and intermediate-level secret methods obtained from Xuanyin Master, and the main cultivation skills of Xuanyin Master Law "Xuanyin True Explanation" and so on.

Don’t see that Lin Ze has obtained the true solution of Xuanyin, and it is also used as the main cultivation method. However, he is still practicing to the most initial stage, and the power he exerts is only the most initial stage. Lin Ze believes As long as he can continue to strengthen, his power of Xuanyin true energy can also continue to increase.

This is the same as you learn to drive. When you first learned, although you can drive out, the experience of driving is definitely not as strong as that of old drivers. If you want to become an old driver, you have to keep increasing. Driving experience.

These exercises and secrets are enough for Lin Ze to spend a lot of time slowly practicing.

What made Lin Ze wonder was that Xuan Yin's true solution was extremely overbearing. Once he began to practice, the range of more than ten meters around it was an ice sea, and the temperature dropped sharply. Every time Lin Ze practiced, There is a feeling born in the South Pole and North Pole.

(When Lin Ze was on the earth, he really went to the South Pole and the North Pole many times. As for why Lin Ze went there, the reason is very simple. That is because these two places are the last wild land on earth, human. The impression is very small, so there must be a lot of spiritual materials. In addition, a lot of meteorites landed in the north and south poles in the year on the earth, and there are ice and snow there, so the meteorites remain more.

Inside these meteorites, there must be a lot of spiritual materials, even if it is not a spiritual material, Lin Ze can also be used to sell money. To be honest, relying on selling meteorites, Lin Ze's revenue directly exceeds nine digits, and it still starts with three characters. )

If it had not been for Lin Ze’s experience in the North and South Pole, it would have been frostbitten by this extremely cold temperature.

However, even in this case, it took Lin Ze a long time to gradually adapt.

Thinking of his own difficulties in practicing this time, Lin Ze secretly laughed at himself: After thinking that he had plane seeds, there would be no difficulty in practicing above.

It seems that I have been too smooth before, so I inevitably have some pride in my heart. I really deserve to write hard. I have to go through some hardships and difficulties to correct it. This lesson also came just right. Now that my realm is not too high, I have corrected it. Once the realm is very high, it is even more difficult if I want to correct it.

In this Lin Ze reflected on himself, while landing on Yun, staying fast in the endless forests and mountains.

Lin Ze's flight speed is extremely fast, so this time it is really suffering Lu Yun.

Where Lu Yun had experienced such a thing before, even if she came to Tianyuan Mountain, she was also sitting on a war flying boat. On top of the war flying boat, she was protected by a defensive cover, so Lu Yun would not blow cold wind at all.

In addition, the warship is huge and has plenty of space for activities. Where is Lu Yunzhi's ability to shrink into Lin Ze's arms like now? Not to mention the space for activities, even trying to turn over is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Lu Yun had been living in the wilderness and wilderness before, and she had been fighting countless wild beasts since she was small. She was not a mistress who was raised in a boudoir, so she could bear even this kind of misery. ,

The only thing that pityed her was that she could only stay in Lin Ze's arms during these times in the sky. As for the practice of polishing these times, hehe, this is completely non-existent.

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