Alien Lord

Chapter 1980: Helplessly yield

Seeing the moment when Biao Lingling appeared, the elder Lu Wanlin's heart was suddenly cold.

If in the heyday, Lu Wanlin was not afraid of this roaring bell, he, and patriarch Huang Quan and others, had enough strength to resist the attacks launched by similar soul attacks such as roaring bell, but now the clan in the tribe, the ninth floor Jiudu suffered a lot of injuries, and the spirits and so on were even injured by the dragon power of the golden dragon of the Jindan period. Now the appearance of the roaring bell is like the last grass that crushed the camel. Their tribe is eating dead.

Originally, the barbarian warrior's mental strength is worse than other warriors' mental strength, and of course the ability to withstand soul-type attacks is also worse, not to mention that their mental strength has suffered a major blow before, and now encounters the bell of bellowing. Lu Wanlin had no confidence in this soul-like weapon attack.

"Second Elder, you quickly take Yun'er and other tribes away, there is a roaring bell, our winning rate is extremely small, this time, even if I am out of my life, I must block the chasing of the family alliance here. ."

The barbarian elder said very decisively, with a bit sadness in his tone.

He had hoped that he would have the opportunity to let the tribe leave safely, but now it seems that the person in front of Lin alone is enough to eradicate their tribe, and there is no hope that they can all leave here alive.

Therefore, until now, only the second elder had his granddaughter, also the sage of the tribe, and other tribes. In this way, the last glimmer of hope for the tribe could be kept.

"Great elder, you leave with us!" Elder Er said anxiously.

"Hurry!" The barbarian elder roared angrily, his eyes full of anger.

Seeing this, the second elder knew that the situation was urgent, and no longer pushed away, and the eyeballs fell directly. Afterwards, he pulled the saint around him and wanted to take the other clan to break out of the door and leave the place.

"Oh, have you gone yet?"

Lin Ze sneered directly, throwing a bag of spirit beasts, and released the Jindan period dragon that was collected because of the injury. Not only this Jindan period dragon, but also the Space Dragon King was also released by Lin Ze at this time. Came out.

The two golden dragons of Jindan period surrounded the barbarians one by one, and looked at these barbarians in a murderous manner.

"Death!" The second elder shouted sharply, striking at the two golden dragons in front of him.

The powerful gang gas directly tore the air inside the temple and made a sound.

However, the two golden pill dragons did not evade at all, and they were directly blocked at the entrance of the stone temple. In the face of the full attack of the elders, the two golden pill dragons simply opened their mouths to highlight a gang of gas and attacked the second elders directly.

The second elder hurriedly waved the magic weapon in his hand to resist, and then he was light in his hand and his eyes were dazed for a while. Because, after seeing the heavy axe in his hand collide with the two gang attacks, an indescribable strong shock force was transmitted to his hand, and then, he felt a slip on his hand,'咻' In a blink of an eye, the two giant axe in his hand turned into a dark light, and was instantly flew out.

"Dang Dang!!!" Two sounds, two heavy axes directly hit the wall of the temple, deeply embedded in it, leaving two huge concave holes.

Inside the Stone Temple, after seeing this situation, everyone's face was horrified again, and some people exclaimed.

"Two golden dragons!"

The faces of the elders and the group changed dramatically, and they looked at Lin Ze in disbelief.

Before, they had seen two golden dragons, but they all appeared one after the other, so there was a luck in their hearts, and now the two golden dragons were in front of them. The luck in their hearts was completely break in.

This is not a monster in the foundation period, but a monster in the Jindan period. Such a golden beast monster is enough to sweep them now, not to mention there are still two.

Coupled with the words of Huang Hui and Zhou Da...

"Ah!!!" Big Elder Lu Wanlin sighed deeply

"Now I believe that everyone should be able to make an accurate choice. Letting you hand over the storage bag on your body is indeed very difficult for you. However, if you want to use Yuanshi to redeem your body, then you are also a bit uninterested. So, we can make peace, but, you have to use spirit stones to deliver. If there was no battle just now, maybe this price is very good for us to discuss, but, with the previous battle, hehe., this price is not much negotiated There is room for it. Great elder, you should consider my proposal now. Now to give you a joss stick. Here, to remind you again, killing you can take away all the spirits from you. Stone, hehe!!!"

Lin Ze chuckled, and then turned around and said to Huang Hui and others around him: "Brother Huang, I will deal with it like this, shouldn't you have any opinions?"

"Oh, everything is according to Brother Lin what you mean." Huang Hui said with a smile, and Zhou Da and others put away the flying swords around them.

The battle scene in the temple disappeared, and the two sides once again returned to their previous state of peace.

Hearing Huang Hui's words, Lin Ze nodded blandly, and then received the magical tools beside him. Without looking at the barbarian elders, they turned and left the stone temple directly.

The two golden-dragon dragons beside him shook their heads, and their eyes swept across the numerous "prey" in front of them. With a swish, their bodies shrank a lot, from the size of hundreds of meters before. It changed to only four or five meters long, so he swaggered and walked out.

Later, Huang Hui and others went out with them, leaving only some guards at the door.

Within the stone temple, there was a silence.

No one in the barbarian tribe can say half a word.

The five golden-dragon strongmen, plus two golden-dragon dragons, now all the tribes remaining in the tribe and several elders of the tribe are all together, and they will not be opponents. There are two other dragons in the tribe. You can't escape even if you want to escape.

The four elders of the tribe soon got together and whispered, whispering for a while.

I don't know what the elder elders of the barbarian said at last. The two elders jumped up anxiously, with strong opposition in their mouths, and the face of the argument was red. However, the barbarian elders finally persuaded the other two elders to let them agree with them.

After Yixiang's time was up, they seemed to have made a decision.

The elders of the barbarian tribe came to the outside of the temple in person, and invited Lin Ze to enter their temple to "discuss" the price of their redemption.

Of course, although it is a discussion, it is actually done directly according to the method Lin Ze said.

Under the absolute strength of Lin Ze, what he said, how many spirit stones, the barbarians only had to do so, there was no other option. After all, if they want to leave safely, they have to ask the two golden dragons lying in the sun outside the temple to disagree.

These two powerful Jindan Jiaolong, on the barbarian side, look more terrifying than Lin Ze, Huang Hui and others.

Lin Ze’s method was really very simple afterwards. When it was first proposed, Lin Ze asked for a barbarian one hundred spirit stones, and now it drops directly to fifty spirit stones.

If there was no previous battle, then the price is only ten, or twenty spirit stones is enough, now increased to fifty spirit stones, can be regarded as a lesson for the barbarians.

In addition, the spirit pill on the barbarian, as well as the spirit pill formula they possess, must be given to Lin Ze.

In fact, Lin Ze of Ling Dan does not need anything, but, like Dan Fang, Lin Ze would not be too small.

Some people may say that barbarians like the Danfang won't have much, or, even if there are, they are not very precious.

Ha ha, if you really think so, then you are wrong.

Don’t forget, the barbarian Keshi has researched new warships and large flying warships like warships, weapons, and improved sunset sun cannons.

There are two examples in the front, Lin Ze is also very much looking forward to the Dan side of this barbarian tribe.

Even if the value of Danfang obtained is not high, Lin Ze will not care about this.

Originally, he got the secret method of making a new type of warship and the unknown spirit stone mine, which is already a huge gain. Therefore, even if the value of Danfang is very low, Lin Ze will not be too disappointed.

Of these requests by Lin Ze, Huang Hui and others on the one side certainly agreed directly.

But the elders in the barbarian tribe had a very ugly look on their faces.

It doesn't matter if they are a But this panacea is really one of the most important secrets of their tribe, but now it is handed over because of the defeat. For a time, the faces of several barbarian elders are really ugly.

However, if they refuse to take out the Lingdan formula, they will definitely be stared at by Lin Ze’s Jindan Jiaolong, so in the end, they still obediently follow Lin Ze’s method.

The elders of the barbarian came to the sacred platform enshrined in the stone temple. The left hand stroked on the wrist of the right hand. Suddenly, the blood ran down from the wrist and dropped into a cavity in the sacred platform.

"Om!!" With the inflow of blood, a bright red light radiated from the top of the Shentai. Then, a sound of an organ sounded, and the stones above the Shentai were divided toward the left and right sides. Then, from the position directly below the Shentai Above, a heavy black iron box was slowly raised.

"Yun'er, let's open it!" After the box came up, the elder said to the saint nearby.

"Yes, Grandpa!" Lu Yun soon came to the box. Like the elders, he cut his right wrist and blood dripped. At the next moment, the runes on the box began to light up.

. m.

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