Alien Lord

Chapter 1979: Boom Bell

"It doesn't make sense! As a warrior, Zhou Da, the storage bag is definitely the most precious thing around him. It can be said that this thing is related to our own safety. Once you are given to you, if you repent again, then we are not that chopping block. The meat above, let it be slaughtered so much, if there is anything you want, it will give you reason!

Besides, since this battle, everyone does not want to fight anymore and wants to make peace, then your family alliance should also show some sincerity. Now let us hand over the storage bags. Is it your sincerity? ! I think it's more malicious! If this is the sincerity that you want to make peace, then I will tell you directly here, even if you have the advantage now, but I don’t have to fight for my old life, and I will be equal to you! "

The barbarian elders were also angry at this time, and it was absolutely impossible for them to hand over the storage bags.

As a warrior, the storage bag around him contains his most powerful reliances, such as immortals, weapons, and cheats for cultivation, etc. These things can never fall into the hands of others, even if it is this other person It’s your companion too.

Not to mention that Zhou Da and they are the real enemies. If Zhou Da is only handed over to Zhou Da, once Zhou Da repents, they lose their weapons, and the barbarian clan of the panacea, how much resistance will there be.

The elders have endured repeated patience before, but patience is limited, and some conditions he really can't bear.

Just as during the war, the two countries were exhausted from fighting and wanted to reconcile each other.

At this time, the country that had the upper hand a little, directly raised the opposing country, and if you want to make peace, you put down your weapon.

Believe that such a condition, the country on the opposite side will absolutely not agree, because once this condition is agreed, it is equivalent to seeking a dead end.

After losing the fighting weapons, the country on the opposite side wants to defeat them.

The storage bag can be said to be the most important thing around a warrior, where can it be easily handed over.

But, out of awe of Lin Ze and the two golden dragons beside him, the elder elder only yelled a word, and did not really start a war on this, and, tolerating an angry anger, persuaded the anger that was behind him People.

It's just that things have come here, Zhou Da, Huang Hui, Xu An, and Lin Guang, etc., are they scared people?

What's more, it was originally the family alliance that had the absolute advantage on the battlefield. The barbarian side may be wiped out at any time. Now they want to threaten them with the same thing, which also stirred up the anger in Zhou Da and others.

If faced with the threat of barbarians, Zhou Da and they shrank, wouldn’t they lose their faces? After going back, the others didn’t know what to say about them, but, the word coward, definitely would Bring them on their heads.

Therefore, in the next moment Zhou Da and others immediately took out the magic tools around them and prepared to fight.

"Hand over all your storage bags, hurry up!!"

"You wait for such aggressive words, then we have to fight again! Come on! Let's go to war!!!"

"Just hit it! Come on!!!"

The second elder behind the elder, Song Yu, and the sage Lu Yun, etc. stood up immediately, each took out their weapons, and stared at the family alliance disciples in front of them.

The atmosphere inside the stone temple suddenly became tense.

The breath of war slowly began to envelope the whole temple.

"Your strength is strong, but if you want to take away the storage bags from us, I'm afraid it's not that easy." The men's football elders looked calm and stood up slowly, with great momentum.

Zhou Da let out a cold snork in his mouth, his sleeves flicked directly, several magical instruments radiated out, and took the barbarian elder directly opposite.

The elder Lu Wanlin, the barbarian elder, shook his body, stomped suddenly under his feet, leaving a deep footprint, and the ground within a twenty-foot square circle also cracked with the sound of "crackling". And his body burst out and turned into a lean phantom, and Zhou Da was instantly fighting together.

At this time, Xu An, Lin Guang, and Huang Hui saw that the hall had been opened, and they also shouted, and displayed their flying swords, attacking several other barbarian elders.

"Boo babble babble!!"


"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!!"

The stone temple immediately became chaotic, and the strongest of the two sides fought here.

Zhou Da and the barbarian elders met. The two fast figures flashed continuously in the temple. Their speed was extremely fast. The average person could not see clearly at all. Only occasionally, the dark light and various lights burst and bloom. It's hard to tell the difference.

But the other Xu An and Lin Guang, they are not the opponents of the other three tribal elders. After a fight, the two of them were already awkward. Huang Hui looked frowning, and finally joined the battle with Lin Ze's indication.

Originally, Huang Hui wanted to guard Lin Ze's side. After all, this is the temple of the barbarians. Who knows if there will be any traps in it? Therefore, Huang Hui wants to guard Lin Lin's side to avoid accidents. .

However, Lin Ze didn't care. His sensitivity had long been able to investigate everything in this temple. There were no dangerous traps here. In addition, he still had the guardian of the Space Dragon King, whether it was Huang Hui or not.

In the end, Lin Ze still has a plane seed, a small barbarian tribe, who wants to hurt him, hehe, that’s a fantasy!

With the joining of Huang Hui, the battle situation gradually became stalemate, and now only Lin Ze and the barbarian goddess Lu Yun remained in the temple.

Lin Ze didn't want to do anything, the opposite was a young girl, even if she defeated her, Lin Ze's face would not have any glory.

As for Lu Yun, she wanted to get started, but she didn't dare to move lightly.

One is that there are a large number of barbarian wounded behind her. Once she also shoots, who will protect the safety of these wounded?

The other, her sensitive intuition at the bottom of her heart told her that Lin Ze was extremely dangerous. Once she started, it was definitely a dead word.

Therefore, she stared at Lin Ze like this, holding the Wu Tie Ling fork in her hand tightly, her heart beating rapidly, her eyes constantly glancing at Lin Ze, trying to find some of the flaws exposed by Lin Ze, and then launched a sneak attack and attacked in one fell swoop. kill.

However, Lin Ze was such a casual stop. From any angle, he seemed to be able to attack him at will, but Lu Yun felt extremely uncomfortable and difficult to start.

She has hunted many barbarians, and naturally knows that low-level barbarians are the best to bully, while high-level barbarians are not to be provoked. The opposite Lin Ze, in Lu Yun's heart, is equivalent to the existence of a senior barbarian.

It was just that when they came in, strong men like Huang Hui would have to look at Lin Ze first. It can be seen that Lin Ze is the talker among them. Similarly, perhaps Lin Ze is the strongest among them.

After all, he has two golden dragons, so powerful, even the elders of the tribe did not dare to attack him. Such a strong man with unpredictable strength is obviously not the object that her current strength should provoke.

Lin Ze didn't care about Lu Yun's threat at all. He glanced at everyone in the stone temple and frowned.

This kind of chaos is not what he wants to see, because this will not only delay his time, but also, if a bad one, there will be casualties.

Huang Hui and they were originally Lin Ze's people. Of course Lin Ze didn't want them to suffer casualties. The elders of the barbarians were also reserved by Lin Ze. He also didn't want them to suffer casualties.

Therefore, this state of melee is not what Lin Ze wants to see.

Lu Yun, who had been staring at Lin Ze for a while, saw that Lin Ze didn't pay attention to her, and was distracted. She couldn't help but secretly, she had to throw the Wu Tie Ling fork in her hand to attack Lin Ze.

But she was just preparing to shoot, but she saw a gleam of brilliance, appeared beside Lin Ze, and then sounded like a sound of silk and bamboo, and then her mind was shaking, and the whole person was so dumbfounded. In place, forget what I wanted to do before.

Not only her, but also the strong men of the foundation period such as Song Yu were shaken by this sudden sound, and the spiritual power in the body was in chaos.

He knew that if he now forcibly casts his spells, there will be a danger of spiritual counter-current. Therefore, Song Yu, who originally wanted to shoot, also stopped quickly and looked at Lin Ze with a horrified face. .

The bottom of my heart kept thinking: I don't know what kind of magic weapon it is, it can actually mess people's minds and interfere with the spiritual power in his body. The details of these sect disciples are really too rich! !

Not only Song Yu but also the elders of the barbarians ~ ~ is also a confusion of spiritual forces in the shocked body, which is a stop.

As for Huang Hui and others, because there was Lin Ze's reminder, there was no harm at all.

In this way, the chaos in the temple stopped at once.

At this time, the elders of the barbarian looked at Lin Ze with a horrified look. They were shocked to find that the sound of natural sound from the blue implement that Lin Ze now controls // makes them really unbearable.

"This is a bell!" The elder was so knowledgeable that he immediately recognized what the magical instrument was in Lin Ze's hands.

It was also the elder who recognized the magic weapon in Lin Ze's hand, a giggling in his heart, a feeling of being shrouded in death.

"How could it be such a powerful weapon against the soul, this time I was really dead!!" The elder was discouraged for a while, because, when he least wanted to meet, he encountered this one against the soul. The class of magical instruments, and, is not a low-grade soul-like magical instrument.

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