Alien Lord

Chapter 1981: 1 chill

"Click!" With a bang, the previously sealed box opened.

After the box was opened, I looked down and saw that inside the box, at the top, there was a small stack of more than thirty slaps, but it was a very thin jade piece with some mysterious runes engraved on the front and back. Some engraved portraits of powerful monsters.

These portraits are very ugly, but the expression is extremely expressive, and it is obviously the ancestor of a barbarian who used the power of spirit and the like to engrave it one by one.

"This is the recipe for all the elixirs of our demon **** tribe. These tribes have been used by my tribe for more than 500 years!"

The barbarian elders reluctantly handed over thirty pieces of jade to Lin Ze on one side, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

As Lin Ze guessed before, the barbarian tribe has also made some improvements to the panacea over the past few hundred years. The importance of these panacea is no less than that of the new war flying boat that was taken away by Lin Ze before. importance.

It can be said that this is definitely the root of the survival of this barbarian tribe, but now in order to protect the future of the tribe, the elder Lu Wanlin had to hand over these Danfang.

Seeing the painful look of the barbarian elder in front of him, Lin Ze suddenly knew in his heart that the value of these remedies was absolutely not small, otherwise, the barbarian elder would not show such a look on his face.

"Hey, it seems that these Danfangs are not of low value. When this great barbarian elder handed over the secret method of manufacturing a new warship before, he didn't have such a reluctant look." Lin Ze's heart burst of joy, just watching the elders As he is now, he knows the importance of these thirty Zhang Danfang.

Lin Ze quickly took these jade pieces in his hands, and then directly took out more than thirty blank jade slips from the storage bag, pinched the law, covered it with a spell of white light, and copied these Danfang recipes directly to these On the blank jade slip.

Why did Lin Ze do this? One is to worry about whether there are secret hands on the jade slips of the barbarians, and the other is because these originally had to be handed over to Huang Hui on the side.

After all, in this war, the protagonist is a family alliance, so the original ones like Yu Jian should be handed over to Huang Hui. Otherwise, if this matter spreads, others will start to wonder whether Huang Hui and Lin Ze What does it matter.

After Huang Hui put away the original jade slips, Lin Zehe carefully looked at the details of these barbarian panacea recipes and the various raw materials they needed.

Lin Ze, the rune of the barbarians, does not know, but it does not matter, because as long as there is a rune, Lin Ze can know everything above.

The jade jade runes can be viewed not only with eyes, but also with the martial arts consciousness.

If you look at it with your consciousness, you will see the text represented by the runes, but a very direct inheritance picture.

The extremely vivid images remaining in the runes engrave all the raw materials needed for refining the Elixir directly into your mind. The detailed steps and the points that need ideas are also pointed out.

Lin Ze had seen a lot of runes like this before, so Lin Ze was not worried about whether he knew the characters of the barbarians.

As Lin Ze imagined, the 30-man formulas of immortality of the barbarians are indeed very good, or rather precious.

Among the 30 types of elixirs, are the elixirs of different types of monsters, essence blood, soul, and other spiritual materials, which are used as the main materials and refined into immortality.

The lowest is the innate panacea, the strongest is even the golden panacea panacea, and there are three copies of this panacea.

However, there is no such thing as a panacea in the infancy.

With the strength of this barbarian tribe, there is obviously no way to hunt monsters above Yuan Ying, let alone use their demon pill to refine the spirit pill.

After the Danfang thing is done, it is time to take out the spirit stone and redeem it.

At this time, the barbarian elder said again: "We don't have so many spirit stones on our body, can we let us inform the tribes first and let them raise spirit stones to redeem us."

In fact, there are enough spirit stones on the elder, but, in order to avoid exposing the secret of the spirit stone mine, he secretly destroyed most of the spirit stones around him when he just fought. To a thousand spirit stones.

"Huang Hui and others discussed it and finally agreed with the elder's proposal."

Of course, because the nine layers of spirit stones have been destroyed in advance, the elders opened the storage bags directly after the elders, letting Huang Hui and others clearly see that there are few spirit stones in them. .

This is not just the case with the elders. Several other barbarian elders, as well as the remaining barbarian people, opened the storage bags to let Huang Hui and others see the situation inside.

Finally, the number of spirit stones put together by the entire barbarian tribe is less than two thousand, which is still far from the number of one hundred thousand. (A considerable part is the barbarian women and children. These people are also regarded as one of the fifty spirit stones. The barbarian elders did not refuse this, and they readily agreed.)

"The elders, because the number of spirit stones is very different, so now you can only be our captive first." Huang Hui said frankly.

The ransom of one hundred thousand spirit stones can only get less than two thousand, and the amount varies greatly. Therefore, of course, the family alliance must first capture the barbarian clan to avoid accidents.

"Yes, but, you can't confiscate the weapons on us." The elders of the barbarian had long expected, and they agreed to cooperate.

"This is okay, but you can only move within the specified range. Once it exceeds this range, then" the rest does not need Huang Hui to continue, the people of the barbarians are also clear.

With the consent of the barbarian elders, the barbarians quickly put down their hostility and followed the army of the family alliance with a reluctant face and left their temple.

Looking at the back of the barbarians going away, Lin Ze's mouth showed a mysterious smile

"Huh, there seems to be something wrong." The front elder directly shivered directly, a sense of crisis flooded his heart.

However, he thought about it carefully, and did not figure out the source of the crisis. In the end, he could only attribute it to the defeat. He thought about it a lot.

As everyone knows, his dangerous hunch is very correct, because Lin Ze itself has no good intentions.

Let the barbarian use the spirit stone to redeem the body. This condition was originally used by Lin Ze to fool the barbarian. He will put forward this condition. The biggest reason is to let the barbarian lose vigilance and finally be captured by the family alliance.

Only in this way, Lin Ze can secretly play the black hand and use puppet marks to conquer these barbarians.

As for how to plant puppet imprints without letting them doubt, Lin Ze said that from the moment Huang Quan fell on his hands, all this was not a problem.

Among all the barbarians, Huang Quan, the first captured patriarch, will be the first puppet mark planted by Lin Ze. At that time, with the cooperation of Huang Quan, Lin Ze gave the puppet mark to other barbarians. Simpler.

The barbarians are different from other ancestors or families. In the barbarian clan, the head of the patriarch has the greatest order. The following people will all follow the command of the patriarch. If you plant the puppet mark, then the next thing is very simple.

Of course, there will definitely be some people in the middle who will have accidents, but then, everything will be carried out in the plane-seed world. No matter how powerful it is, it is useless.

One hundred thousand spirit stones seem to be many, but most of these spirit stones have to be handed over to the family alliance. Lin Ze can get a handful of hands, so this one hundred thousand spirit stones is not Lin Ze's goal.

Lin Ze’s goal has not changed all the time, that is, the huge spirit stone mine concealed by the barbarian tribe.

It's just that because this huge spirit stone mine is the biggest secret of the barbarian clan, there are very few people who know it, and the people who know are all dead clans of the clan.

Therefore, in order to obtain this spirit stone mine, Lin Ze had to insert his secret son in the barbarian tribe.

And what is more suitable for this kind of secret son than the patriarch and several elders.

Huang Quan, as well as several elders, are loyal to the clan, but under the puppet mark of Lin Ze, they will still bring out all the secret trays.

When all the remaining Barbarian tribes were planted as puppet marks by Lin Ze, and when they returned to the tribal headquarters, the spirit stone mine was Lin Ze.

Of course, because this barbarian tribe is very far from the sandbar where Lin Ze is located, it is a full distance of 140,000 to 150 thousand miles. Such a long distance is not Lin Ze’s current strength, so, Lin Ze didn't want to get this Lingshi mine for a short time.

Linze cannot get Linze in a short time, but it is not a problem to get some Lingshi.

Don’t forget, Lin Ze now has a new type of warship and a powerful warship like the warship. As long as he can build several warships and a lot of warships Then, when these things are used as transportation means, the spirit stones in the barbarian tribe can be continuously transported out.

Oh, do you say that such a large-scale operation will attract the attention of others, or will the barbarian tribes agree to such a transaction?

None of these issues is a problem. Transportation vehicles such as warships are indeed very rare and important for small countries like Chu State. In general, no private person will own them.

However, for the vast world of foreigners, warships are actually very common.

Like the Great Qin Empire, the warship has been used as a means of transportation, and its status is similar to that of the plane above the earth.

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