Alien Lord

Chapter 1978: Threaten

Of course, just thinking of the role of money to let the family alliance army let go of this barbarian tribe is not that convincing, or convincing. There are actually other reasons for this.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the disciples in the family alliance, the hatred of the barbarians in their hearts is not due to personal experience, but due to their elders or the teaching of the environment. None of these disciples has a real relationship with the barbarians. Vendetta.

There are many similar examples in history, like France/////Germany/////, these two countries are definitely considered a feud, whether it is before World War I, or World War I and World War II, these two Every country is a life and death feud. As long as there is a chance, another country will die.

However, this is that hatred is between countries. For those people in the country, there is no hatred at all. The hatred in their hearts is actually proclaimed by the state. Off to the rendered.

These two countries have been propagating the evil in that country and the hostility between them. Over time, the people inside have become extremely hostile to the opposite country.

These disciples in the family alliance will hate the barbarians. It is a similar experience. In fact, they have no hatred with the barbarians at all. It is just a long-term propaganda that makes them subconsciously regard the barbarians as their own world hatred.

Therefore, at this time, as long as someone stands up and guides, these disciples of the Family Alliance will not have any unusual words about Lin Ze wanting to let these barbarians, after all, these barbarians are not their real deadly enemies, they are now It is also the winner, and the other party is willing to compensate a lot of money, so let them go if you let them go.

Like France/Germany and Germany///, these two countries have occupied each other’s country for several times because of the war. After the victory, they also signed an extremely harsh victory with the other country. The Treaty of the People’s Republic of China, however, even in this case, for the people in the other country, this country does not die, and more is ignored.

Even if the garrison is on the territory of the other country, as long as the people of this country do not actively attack their army, the army of this country will not harm the people of the defeated country, or even their army.

Now the Family Alliance is the winner, so Lin Ze is ready to let go of this barbarian tribe, as long as the conditions are right, it is really not a problem.

Anyway, the Family Alliance has already defeated the Barbarian tribes, captured most of the Barbarian tribes, and wiped out the real hidden dangers in their hearts. Even if they go back now, they will be commended by the Family Union headquarters.

In addition, they can also get huge amounts of monetary compensation in the barbarian tribes. The most important thing is that they don’t have to continue fighting, and they don’t have to worry about whether they will die at the dawn of the victory, Therefore, Lin Ze previously proposed that the barbarian tribes use money to redeem themselves. In fact, it is hello, hello, and everyone is a best result.

Perhaps some of the disciples of the Family Alliance, who are extremely enemies of the education and poisoned by the barbarians are dead enemies, will have some unwillingness, but Lin Ze believes that the people around him will make these people shut up.

As long as more than half of the people can be satisfied, Lin Ze completely ignores the few other gossips.

"I can only pay the price of two hundred yuan stone!" The elder Lu Wanlin is also a very bargaining guy, directly reducing the price by a thousand times, from a hundred spirit stones, directly bargaining for two hundred yuan stone, the price difference Extremely huge.

"Two hundred? Or Yuan Shi, ha ha."

Lin Ze sneered a few times, and looked extremely coldly at the great elder of the barbarian in front of him.

Just when the barbarian elders started to feel cool, thinking about whether their bargain was too much, Lin Ze turned directly to Huang Hui and others around him and asked Shen Sheng, "Brother Huang, don’t you mean this barbarian is very Wealthy, there must be a large number of spirit stones in the tribe to compensate me? But, look at it now, is it rich? It’s just a secret method of making warships, but it’s not enough for me to dispatch two golden dragons. Yes, wouldn’t you want me to come here in vain?"

There was a hint of anger in his tone.

Of course, this is what Lin Ze pretends to show to the barbarian elders. After all, the price returned by the elder Lu Wanlin is really too much. Lin Ze wants to covertly help, but the barbarians can’t get this way.

If the barbarians on the opposite side are really so decent and want to regard themselves as the wrongdoers, then he will never let any of them easily.

"Impossible! We have already investigated it before. This tribe is definitely very wealthy. Otherwise, their tribe is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the barren wilderness. How can they build a residence here than our family alliance. The more powerful tribal branch came, and three warships were placed here. You must know that such a luxurious treatment cannot even be provided by our family alliance, so I can say 100%, This tribe is definitely very wealthy!"

Huang Hui said on the side with great coordination, his eyes filled with injustice, and with his good coordination, even Lin Ze gave a thumbs up in the bottom of his heart.

Lu Wanlin, the barbarian elder on one side, was furious when he saw that Lin Ze was really angry.

Once the Jindan strong got angry, the tribes now hit hard can't bear it.

Just now, although he meant to use Lin Ze's power to reduce compensation as much as possible, he never dared to anger Lin Ze because of that, because it was to find death.

However, before the elders wanted to explain anything, Lin Ze asked him with a voice and said, "This old gentleman, all three warships of your tribe are in front of you. You said that the tribe does not have enough money. Ransom? It looks like you are ready to fight with us again, that's good, let's continue the war!!"

Lin Ze turned his head and looked at the elders of the barbarians with icy eyes. His eyes were full of what you wanted to go to war, and we would just go to war.

"We tribes really don't have many spirit stones, and these three warships were also seized by our tribes during the battle. They were not purchased by us." The elder explained, but the tone in the words was already Not as confident as before, when speaking, his posture was much lower.

Finally, I learned that I can redeem myself with spirit stones. The elders really don't want to miss this good opportunity.

Seriously, if not afraid of exposing the tribal spirit stone mine's biggest secret, the elder had agreed to the price proposed by Lin Ze long ago.

It is a pity that he can never agree to the price of one hundred spirit stones for one person, because, if he really agrees, those waiting for their tribes will be endless wars and endless armies.

In the mind of the elder elder, he can at most agree to the price of a person's stone or spirit stone, otherwise, he would rather all the people here die.

The lives of these people are not so important compared to the leaked clandestine secret stone mines of the tribes.

"Don’t say more of these things, then take out all the storage bags around you. Do you have any money, and how much money do we have, after we read your storage bags, it will be clear! Maybe it’s just the amount of spirit stones in the storage equipment around you, which is enough to redeem yourself.” Zhou Da said directly, his right hand stretched out towards the elder, to show him to hand over the storage bag around him.

The elder heard that his brow was directly frowned, because that was exactly what he was most afraid of.

There is a huge spirit stone mine in their tribe, so there are really a lot of spirit stones around them.

Although there are no spirit stones on the general tribes and tribes, there are a certain number of spirit stones on the elders like them and the tribes that the tribes focus on.

"Huh, fortunately, I gave Song Yu all the top-quality spirit stones and the top-grade spirit stones before, and let him use them to open the big sunset **** cannon. Otherwise, this time the tribe's spirit stone mine must be exposed!" There are no more conspicuous top grades on the body, the top grade spirit stones, and the elder is relieved.

However, even if this is the case, the elders have a lot of skill in carrying the spirit stones around their elders. According to his estimation, how can there be tens of thousands of spirit stones, and if the number is large, if the opposite family alliance knows, then Still there will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the elder quickly said with a cold face: "Want us to hand over the storage bags around us? Ha ha, Zhou Da, do you really think we are vegetarian?"

After talking about a great force surged from the elders, directly pressing towards Zhou Da in front of him and the army of the family alliance.

The momentum of the Jindan Powerhouse directly made the family alliance army feel like they were crushing a mountain, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Boom!" Seeing that the elder had signs of war, several elders behind him, as well as other barbarian tribes, also worked their full strength, and a powerful momentum directly enveloped the entire temple.

A battle, it will happen again.

"Brother Huang, Brother Xu, Brother Lin, this old thing can't see the coffin without tears, and doesn't want to pay the money to redeem themselves, so, let's not be wordy with him, let's do it directly!" Zhou Da didn't do anything at all. Suddenly, after seeing the great pressure of the elders, he shouted directly at the Lin Ze and others around him.

He said this, in fact, Lin Ze secretly explained, because Lin Ze did not want to be used by the barbarian elders. In addition, Lin Ze also wanted to use Zhou Da to express their toughness to the barbarians, to make them clear, they wanted If you want to make peace at a very small cost, you don't have to think about it at all.

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