Alien Lord

Chapter 1977: The magic of money

The Family Alliance is made up of five different families. The relationship inside is really too complicated and the people are extremely complicated.

Lin Ze can say 100% that there are absolutely countless other forces in the family alliance, and even, perhaps one of the families is the secret child arranged in secret by other sect.

Even if there are no such unexpected factors, Lin Ze, the family alliance alone, is not at ease.

Everyone knows a lot about the meaning of this word.

There are countless members of the Family Alliance, and God knows one day, who will reveal the secret secrets of the extremely powerful war carrier of the Family Alliance.

Zongmen may not care about the secret method of making warships. After hearing the secrets of the family alliance, he sighed the good luck of the family alliance, but once these families knew that the family alliance had more After the secret method of making powerful warships, what do you say they will do next?

Haha, the answer is obvious. These sects will definitely exert strong pressure on the family alliance to let them surrender the secret method of making warships.

You said that in the face of the coercion of countless powerful sects, a family alliance established by a small family of five families insisted on living? !

Therefore, when the secret method of manufacturing warships is revealed, that is 100%.

Rather than leaking it out at that time, Lin Ze is now destroying the secrets of manufacturing warships and other new, more powerful warships.

In this way, as long as the barbarian clan has not been leaked out, the secret methods of manufacturing these new warships will not be leaked out.

The elder Lu Wanlin could not have imagined that Huang Hui was actually Lin Ze’s men, and Lin Ze also ordered Huang Hui to destroy the new, secret method of making warships. If he knew this already, I believe that this would not have happened before. Look forward to.

At the same time, for Lin Ze, the elder Lu Wanlin will also be more vigilant.

After all, Lin Ze, a strong man like Huang Hui, has conquered. Isn't their tribe even more dangerous? !

It is a pity that all these great elders Lu Wanlin do not know at all, so what happens next is imaginable.

"Now that you have confirmed it correctly, then the price should be negotiated next!" said the elder, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

After all, no one knows whether the family alliance on the opposite side will turn their heads. The two sides are deadly enemies. Anyone who sees them will die, and the elders did this before, just wanting to gain a way of life for the tribes that have suffered heavy losses. .

As long as the rest of the tribes can be safely returned to the tribes, the elders are willing to pay no matter what the price.

Their strength occupies the seven floors of the entire tribe. If they are lost here, the tribe will be in danger.

You should know that during the process of growth, their tribes did not have less enmity, just because the tribes were so powerful. Therefore, those tribes who hated their tribes did not dare to find them easily.

However, once they lose too much on this side, the enemy who hates them will attack their tribe.

After losing so much power, facing the tribe's offensive, the tribe's safety can be imagined.

This is not the worst case. The worst case is that the news of the Lingshi mine was leaked out. At that time, their tribe really had no way out.

Previously, because of their powerful clan strength, they were able to guard the secret of the Lingshi Mine. However, once the strength was greatly reduced, in the face of the attack of countless enemies, the guarding of the Lingshi Mine would definitely have problems.

At that time, once the news of the Lingshi mine is known, the end of that tribe will come.

Therefore, whether it is to save the lives of these tribes and tribes behind them, or to ensure that the tribal doomsday will not come, the elder Lu Wanlin must take all the tribes behind him, even if he pays his dignity for it.

"Price? Ha ha." Lin Ze smiled, very sad for the childishness of the elder.

Both of them are enemies, enemies of life and death, you said that these two parties, will the conditions?

This is like a cat and a mouse. When a cat catches a mouse, it will not kill the mouse at once, but will play with the mouse underneath. However, after playing, the cat will eventually eat. If a mouse is used, it will not play with the cat because the mouse is very'cooperative'. The cat will let go of the mouse in the end.

However, what the elder Lu Wanlin said was exactly what Lin Ze thought.

After all, Lin Ze knew about the barbarian spirit stone mine, so he did not want these barbarians to fall into the hands of the family alliance.

After all, the Family Alliance is not under Lin Ze’s hands, so if these barbarians fall into the hands of the Family Alliance, then the news of the Spirit Stone Mine will leak out.

Therefore, Lin Ze will never let these barbarians fall into the hands of the family alliance.

It’s just that if you let them go like this, it will obviously cause suspicion in the family alliance and the dark lines around it. pass.

Hearing Lin Ze’s laughter, the elder’s heart was extremely tense, and his heart was beating like a motor.

"Okay, let's talk about the price problem." Lin Ze said with a smile, there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

Seeing this, the elder's heart that almost jumped out of his chest fell back.

"Oh, as long as you are greedy, as long as you are greedy." The elder thought with great joy.

"In this way, a person with a hundred pieces of spirit stone, as long as we get the spirit stone, we can put you back." Lin Ze directly proposed a price.

"What, a hundred spirit stones alone!" the elder exclaimed, "this is impossible!!"

The elders shook their heads directly, very firmly denying the price.

It's not that he couldn't get the price. Based on the prosperity of their tribe, let's not say that a person has a hundred spirit stones. Even if there are a thousand or ten thousand spirit stones, the tribe can take it out.

Just, being able to take it out does not mean that you can really take it out.

The elder can be sure that if he really agrees to the ransom, the other side will soon repent, and the heart is definitely thinking of their tribe.

One hundred spirit stones of a person agreed so simply, how rich their tribe is.

After all, this is the spirit stone, not the Yuan stone, such a huge ransom, even the family alliance can't come out, but their tribes come out, and the family alliance will not think too much at heart.

"Then you say a price." Lin Ze smiled and looked at the angry elder barbarian. He knew that the guy on the opposite side pretended to be angry.

After all, there is such a large stone mine in hand, the ransom price is really not high.

However, as the elders thought, Lin Ze will not really let the barbarian pay this price.

If the elders really agreed before, Lin Ze would have a headache, because, then, the news of the Lingshi mine might be leaked.

Now it seems that the opposite elder is a wise man, so Lin Ze will be relieved.

As for why Lin Ze said such a high price at the beginning, this was pretended to be shown to the disciples of the family alliance around him.

After all, in the hearts of the disciples of the Family Alliance, the barbarians are their deadly enemies, but now Lin Ze is discussing with them about peace, which will certainly cause a lot of dissatisfaction in the hearts of the disciples of the Family Alliance.

Not only that, but the dark lines around you will also have doubts in your heart.

However, if it involves a huge amount of money, a huge amount of money that no one dares to imagine, everything will be different.

This is the same as in some //Xiang//// Jiang’s police gangster movies. ///黑//道//分//子When the chased is nowhere to escape, he directly takes out a lot of money to buy and chase him Official difference.

When he first confronted the price of one million, the official may be hesitant, but, the next moment, when he directly took out the price of five million, or even tens of millions, the official was moved. Finally This person was let go directly.

The magic of money is infinite, and in front of it, even the enemy of life and death can be resolved.

If Lin Ze had replaced the Lingshi with Yuanshi before, it might be more urgent to discuss, but the shock to the hearts of the disciples of the Family Alliance was not so powerful.

Lingshi and Yuanshi are completely two concepts. For example, the disciples of these family alliances, among them, the nine layers and nine people, just passed the name of the Lingshi, never really saw the look of the Lingshi, let alone Said I got some.

Now, Lin Ze directly uses the spirit stone as the ransom unit. For the disciples of these family alliances, the shock in their hearts is absolutely unparalleled.

It's like when many people are sending out year-end when the boss directly sends out the gold.

The year-end bonus of tens of thousands of yuan and gold worth tens of thousands of yuan are in front of you. Many people choose gold if they don't want it, because in most people's hearts, gold is the most precious thing.

Now it’s the same for these family alliance disciples, they are not lacking in Yuanshi, but if they are replaced by spirit stones, then.

Lin Ze's inductive force has been monitoring everything around him. After seeing the fiery eyes in the eyes of the family alliance disciples and the heartbeat, Lin Ze's mouth showed a smile. He knew that his calculations worked.

Next, as long as he can get a suitable ransom, the family alliance will not have any other objections to the matter of peace talks between him and the barbarian tribe.

Compared with killing these barbarians and tribes to vindicate their hatred, there is no better place to get the spirit stone they got, and it is even more delightful to them.

In front of the spirit stone, the hatred between the tribes is nothing.

. m.

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