Alien Lord

Chapter 1960: Fighting again

The next day just lighted up, that is, more than five o'clock in the morning, the morning sun just shone the first sunlight on the side of the mountain, threw a blazing sun on the earth, and dispelled the darkness and darkness of the night. cold.

   gives people an extremely comfortable feeling, but this is the feeling that when Song Yu stood on the turret, he always felt a little restless in his heart, and it seemed that something was going to happen.

   Under this state, he easily thought of it: there is a war coming!

  Not only he, Huang Quan, but also several other elders and others have already felt it.

  Huang Quan's tribe has a hidden spirit stone mine, so they have a spirit pill, but after all, the time is too short, and most of the injured people have only recovered 70% or 80% of their strength.

   Faced with such a situation, the strong men of the barbarian came out from their room one by one, slowly converging into a team in the valley, and came to Huang Quan behind them.

  Everyone looked at the sky far away.

   At this time, Huang Quan, as the patriarch, was also solemn. He said softly to the big elders around him: "Great elders, they should be coming!"

  At this time, a dark cloud appeared above the horizon in the distance.

   Seeing this, Elder Huang and Quan Quan knew from his heart that today's battle will start again.

  The elders quietly handed back the jade rune that controlled Huang Shan to the guardian of the beast soul from Huang Quan to Huang Quan again. The voice said solemnly: "Patriarch, just look at this time, can we keep it."

   "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo_out! The entire barbarian tribe was mobilized.

  The barbarian people came out quickly. After the last baptism of war, the barbarian people once again faced a strong enemy, and they have become calmer, but deep in their eyes, there is still a fear,

   The emotion of fear is in it, because Lin Ze and they have not yet arrived, and the two golden dragons of the Jindan period exhibited endless dragon power, directly suppressing the hearts of the barbarians, making them very uneasy.

   In addition, after the last battle, the Barbarians actually knew that they were able to win the last time, in fact, it was luck, or that others did not want to hurt both of them and retreated first.

   Now, this time the enemy is coming back to regroup, and their strength is no longer as strong as before. In the face of the enemy's new round of attack, whether they can hold it or not, no one knows.

  On the horizon, with the emergence of two golden dragons, only a few seconds later, a thin spot of light appeared on the horizon, and it didn't take long for those spots to become very clear.

The first is Huang Quan, who are very familiar with them, and with awe-inspiring body length reaching two or five hundred meters, two Jindan stage dragons, with the dragon behind, this is a three-headed strength without Jindan stage A giant beetle similar to a dragon, with a golden hair like a flame-like Jin Yan lion, and two green eyes on the back, like two ghost-eyed wolves that can drown anyone's soul inside.

  On top of that Jinyan lion's head, Huang Hui and Zhou Da and others stood proudly above them, looking at the barbarian tribes solemnly.

   In the back, Huang Zhen and others followed with an appropriate distance.

   "Prepare, all disciples are in place!"

Seeing the enemy coming, the five elders began to give orders.

   Soon, how many 500 barbarian disciples, with the Spirit Stone and Spirit Pill distributed before, entered the position separately.

   The last time, only three hundred people provided true energy, and it was still a bit reluctant, so this time directly increased to five hundred people.

   It's not that Huang Quan doesn't want to increase any more, but that they have limited manpower here. The increase of two hundred people is already the largest number. If they increase again, other defense lines will have problems.

   This time, the five elders with wounds were in the middle, like Huang Quan and the elder elders. This time, they turned into the greatest mobile power of the barbarian clan.

Several other elders also stood at the forefront, among them Huang Quan stood on his back. Seeing that the three elders around him were absent-minded, he looked from time to time at the Yueluo Shengun. Huang Quan sighed slightly: "Three elders , You don’t have to worry about Song Yu, we should worry now, actually we are ourselves."

   Huang Quan is right. The attack of the family alliance army is absolutely unreserved. In this way, they can be said to be the first front, and their pressure can be imagined.

   On Song Yu’s side, although there is no strong protection around them, as long as they are not lost, or as long as they do not take the initiative to find their own way, Song Yu is safe on their side.

   At this time, among the guns of the Falling God Cannon, Song Yu carefully checked the three Big Sunset God Cannons. During this inspection, he felt a bit of bitterness in his heart.

   In just this night, some of the damage inside the Dao Shen Shen Cannon was not repaired at all. The special equipment is the most important gathering array, and now only about seven layers have been repaired.

It is the most important way to gather energy in the cannon. Normally, as long as there are enough spirit stones and only a few breaths, the strength of attack can be gathered in the energy array, but In the past ten years or so, none of these three great sunset artillery pieces have been properly maintained. Therefore, some damage occurred in the energy gathering array, and the continuous bombardment yesterday also made these damages aggravated a lot.

   If the speed of gathering energy was only a few seconds, then the time of gathering energy has increased to almost a minute.

   In the battle of life and death, one second can be absolutely life and death, but now it is a full minute, this time is really too long, too long.

   Moreover, this is not the worst, because the sunset sun cannon is damaged, so now, even if the power is fully open, the final power is only restored to the original 80% level.

   This kind of power is really much smaller than the power of killing the base beasts with one shot.

   Seeing these problems one after another, Song Yu sighed helplessly. However, he thought that the patriarch had just given him something, and he felt a little guilty in his heart.

   This time, I don't know if I want to give the barbarians more psychological pressure or want to be more secure. The family alliance army is not moving fast, and it seems that I don't mind giving the barbarians their preparation time.

  However, only the barbarian talents in it knew that in the face of the attack of the increasingly close family alliance forces, the greater the invisible pressure, the longer they withstand, the more people feel that they will collapse!

  A thousand kilometers away from the mountain gate of the barbarian tribe, Huang Hui and Zhou Da and others rose up, letting the lion Jin Yan and the two ghost-faced wolves fly to the barbarian position themselves.

  Without Huang Hui and others on his back, the surnames of Jin Yan Lion and Ghost Face Wolf were fully exposed.

The first is the Jin Yan lion. Under the four thick and huge feet, each bursts of a golden flame that burst into a piece, turning into a scorching fire cloud of a size of acres. The rain fell.

Immediately afterwards, the two ghost-faced wolves were not far behind. Following the Jinyan lion, within a few hundred meters of the surroundings, an infinitely dark black cloud rose, and inside the black cloud, there was a sound of ghost crying wolf howl One by one, pale-faced figures and beast shadows constantly appeared in it, and it was horrifying to see it.


"woo woo woo woo!!!"

  Jianyan Lion and Ghost Face Wolf roared upward in the sky, the sound wave oscillated, and the entire barbarian position seemed to tremble in the roar of these three peerless beasts.

Among the barbarian positions, a few of them were only three or four years old. The barbarian children who had just joined had weakened their legs for a while, so they almost sat directly on the ground.

However, the barbarian veterans around them did not laugh at them, because, compared with these young children, they are not very good-looking now, many people's faces show a look of fear, and finally, everyone's mouth Only after talking about the devil **** of the tribe, he stabilized his mind.

The strong elders of the barbarian elders also looked a little ugly at this time. The roar and the endless momentum around the three wild beasts clearly conveyed a message to them: This is the spirit of the three-headed golden pill beast!

Although it is the early spirit beast of Jindan, and it seems that it should be the strength that has been forcibly is much different from the strength of the Jindan period spirit beast that you practiced advanced, but it is also gold after all The spirit beasts of the Dan period are really dangerous for their tribe, which has been hit hard.

  Jindan period spirit beast, suddenly appeared five heads (two Jindan period Jiaolong), plus Huang Hui, these Jindan period strong men, in the barbarian tribe, who is confident to defeat such a powerful enemy?

   None of the people present dared to say this, including Huang Quan and the second elder who were so powerful before.

  In the roar, fire and rain, hail, and ghost roar........, one after another directly fell down, Huang Quan did not hesitate, and the Hushan array immediately excited.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo saying out yells of fire and rain blasting and hitting directly on the guards of the mountain guards, there was a burst of violent explosions and at the same time Pieces of orange-red ripples hit.

  However, the power fluctuations in each orange-red ripple are enough to crush a hill into stone powder. It is powerful and dangerous, and it is never as "beautiful" as it looks from afar.

   Faced with the powerful attack of the enemy, the barbarian disciples exerted their true energy with all their strength, and their faces were hard and hard to support.

  However, this is just an appetizer for Jin Yan Lion and Ghost Face Wolf, the three early golden beasts. ...


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