Alien Lord

Chapter 1961: Jin Yan Lion

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yan Lion was roaring again, his front paw raised, and the person stood up. A strong red-red ray between the two paws quickly formed, and then a vortex of flame spewed out of the ball of light. More layers of red thunder and lightning are constantly brewing and flashing.

The powerful power contained in it seems that even Jinyan Lion himself can't control it. After seeing it roaring, his hands pawed hard, and he threw the red thunder between his palms to the barbarian's mountain protection group. .

The red glow of thermal power swelled rapidly as soon as it left its claws, and when it reached the barbarian mountain gate, it had grown from the size of his head to the size of a hill.

"Boom!!" A bang crashed directly on the barbarian mountain protection array, and then everyone saw a red light with a diameter of nearly ten meters rising into the sky, which was mixed with crazy flames and thick images It is a golden thunder of thighs.

"Boom!" The loud noise shook the sky, shaking the mountain.

The blue light above the shield of the barbarians protecting the mountain array instantly reduced 90%, leaving only the very thin layer still there, but now, it is already crumbling and about to break!

Not only that, 60% of the two hundred barbarian disciples who had maintained the large formation before vomited blood on the spot and passed out, and the rest were also injured in varying degrees.

In addition to the most powerful Huang Quan and the elder elders, the other three elders responsible for scheduling were all injured. In addition, the five elders who were already on hand were more seriously injured.

The five elders were pale, and out of a dozen healing pills, they swallowed it, and were self-supporting.

"Come on, add new people soon!" Huang Quan shouted loudly, and soon, the barbarian disciples who had been prepared by his side all had a complex look of solemnity and fear on their faces, all of which included, including Those new barbarian disciples who have just joined the 13-year-old or 13-year-old, who seem to have never grown up, have just joined.

However, the strength of the new barbarian disciples is still too poor, and even if they input all their true energy, they will have very limited help for the restoration of the mountain protection team.

Therefore, this time the blue light of the barbarians protecting the mountain was extremely slow.

In the sky, the lion Jin Yan twisted his neck and shouted again, shaking his body, the light flowing above the golden hair, obviously preparing for the second round of attack!

Among the barbarian tribes, only Huang Quan and the elders are the only mobile combat forces.

The second elder was restless and kept walking around the elders and Huang Quan: "Patriarch..."

"Shut up! Stand aside, it's not yet time for you to shoot!"

The elder elder said coldly, and drove away the elders directly, and at the same time he was secretly scolding: Those spies who detect the family alliance are stupid. I didn’t say that the investigation was clear about the true strength of the alliance army. The intelligence of the Spirit Beast is also unclear. If we can pass through this time, I will destroy those spies if we go back.

It's just that the elder elder actually said that, letting out some inner anxiety.

As a great elder, he would not know where, such a job as a spy is really too difficult for their barbarians.

First of all, the IQ of the barbarians has always been a problem, which has led to their inability to learn human spies at all.

In addition, for any barbarian, the positive confrontation is the behavior that they think is correct and that they are heroes. Once you start secretly, you will definitely be spurned by countless fellow people. Will be expelled from the tribe.

Once a barbarian is expelled from the clan, the other clan will never accept him again. Eventually, he will disappear into the endless wilderness.

Becoming a spy, in the eyes of many barbarians, is actually becoming a coward, which will be welcomed by barbarians.

Therefore, even if the spies were personally selected by Huang Quan and the elder elders, and even most of them were children born by barbarians and human women, the atmosphere of the barbarians and tribes still allowed these mixed-race warriors to resist this command from the heart.

You say under such circumstances, how strong will the barbarian's spy ability be? !

Use their abilities to probe, even if they are not killed, it is good. If you want to probe some confidential information, hehe, seriously, he might as well go directly to a telescope, just look at it from a distance. it is good.

Seeing the offensive power of the barbarian beasts of the Family Alliance, the faces of Song Yu and others in the cannon mount of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon suddenly became dignified. The Jin Yan Lion and the Ghost Face Wolf struck through their guards with all their strength. Mountain formation!

This powerful power directly disrupted his original plan.

Originally, Huang Quan and Song Yu thought this way. In the current state of the three big guns, they can only fire a dozen guns at most. However, the more these ten guns, the more powerful they are. Was dropped.

Against the barbarians in the foundation period, there is no problem, but whether they can bomb Huang Hui and Zhou Da, their golden-dan strong players, they have no grasp.

However, there is another powerful thing in his hand. With the combination of the two, even if it can't beat the Golden Dans in the Alliance of the Undead, it will definitely make it difficult for the Golden Dans to be seriously injured and continue to fight.

However, now there are suddenly three more powerful and powerful Jindan stage spirit beasts, and with a single blow, they almost destroyed their mountain guards. Without the guards of the mountain guards, these people of the barbarians are the members of the family alliance. The live target is simply unbearable.

So, no matter what, the three golden beasts must die, otherwise, their tribe is really dangerous this time.

Thinking of this, Song Yu quickly made up his mind. He calculated in his heart that if he wanted to kill these three golden beasts, the power of just a few shots might not be enough. In this case, he could only do it at the fastest speed. , Shoot as many cannons as possible to destroy them.

However, in this way, most of the power of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon will be used, and if you want to deal with the Jindan season masters of the Family Alliance, there will be at most one or two goals.

As for whom this other goal is left? Huang Hui? Zhou Da? Or are there three other golden powerhouses?

Song Yu could not be sure for a long time. His eyes have been fixed on the three golden beasts in the sky. He knows that in any case, the three beasts must be solved first.

"Note!" Song Yu said solemnly.

"Boom!!" The top-grade spirit stones were placed in the energy array of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, and they said that the Divine Divine Cannon began to recharge silently, and in the sky, the three golden-headed spirit Beast, this time has restarted the second attack.

Like the most powerful Jin Yan Lion, this time between the two front claws, once again condensed a huge ball of thunder fire light.


Lion Jin Yan didn't hesitate, it made another trembling roar, and his claws were about to throw the red light ball between his hands. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, and when he looked down, he saw the big gun falling down. In the muzzle of the three strong rays of light came.

He shook his head, and desperately smashed the red thunderball in his hand on these beams.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three loud blasts, the red thunder fire light ball collided with the Dayue Luoshen Cannon, the exploding sky red light, almost the entire battlefield, reflected in a bright red.

However, because of the three cannons, Da Yue Luo Shen Artillery is better than others, so after they destroyed the red thunder fire ball of Lion Jin Jin, they only lost about 50% of the energy and the remaining energy He still blasted towards Jin Yan Lion.

The light beam is like a sword, and the speed is extremely fast. Even if Jin Yan wants to dodge, it is impossible to avoid at this time.

Soon, the shells of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon would hit the Jin Yan Lion.

Seeing that it was going to pierce the arrogant and terrible Jin Yan lion, the barbarian people below were about to cheer, thinking that the mighty Great Sunset Divine Cannon would once again create a miracle. I didn’t expect that Jin Yan lion roared, and the front paw slapped hard. A layer of bright red light like blood appeared on the two claws, and then, relying on this pair of red claws, it actually survived the beam attack of the Yueshen Shenshen Cannon!

The beams of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon were constantly bombarded, and the red light above Jin Yan’s lion claws was also rapidly consumed.

"Roar roar roar!" Jin Yan lion roared repeatedly, the golden hair on his body rolled like a wave, constantly sending the red light from his body to his claws.

In this way, both sides insisted, after four or five breathing efforts, the beam power of the Sacred Artillery was finally exhausted.

At this time, Jin Yan was also tired and sweaty, and his front paws could not be lifted But it finally insisted!

Feeling the danger receded, Jin Yan’s lion was excited and irritable, and then directly turned into endless anger. He summoned the remaining power to roar and waited for it to rest, then he would show his magical power and ruthlessly barbarian below. Hushan Great Array smashed!

Just, the next moment...

"Boom!" The second silent attack followed, and three huge beams with a diameter of more than ten meters immediately hit the Jinyan lion.

At this time, no one, including Lin Ze, thought that the barbarians of the barbarians were able to fire continuously in such a short time, and it was also such a sign.

One of the beams of the three great sunset cannons directly blasted the Jinyan lion out hundreds of meters. During the tumbling, the part of the Jinyan lion dissipated by the beam dissipated one by one, and finally the beam disappeared. The powerful Jinyan lion spirit The beast also had only a few pieces of wreckage left, and fell from the air weakly.

The Jin Dan lion of the impossible Jin Dan period fell like this.

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