Alien Lord

Chapter 1959: Agreed

  The temporary camp of the family alliance army was established on an open mountain fifty miles from the east of the valley where the barbarians were located.

   The surrounding trees have been removed, and the ground has been paved, and no other hollows or raised stones or the like can be seen.

Above this open space is surrounded by a tent of 30 to 40 square meters in size. This is the tent in which the disciples of the Family Alliance live. In the mouth, there are several huge, relatively luxurious tents. This is the tent of Huang Hui and their leaders.

These tents are actually magic instruments. In fact, Huang Hui also has magic instruments like villas, but in wartime, everything is based on simplicity, and things like tents are built no matter where they are. It is not difficult to get up, and it is extremely beneficial in wartime.

  In a dark golden tent in the center, Huang Hui, Zhou Da and others were sitting here, and on the side of a relatively luxurious stove, scented spirit tea was being cooked.

   Judging from the fragrance, this spirit tea is not ordinary spirit tea.

   The water was already on at this time, and there was a murmur of steam, and a pleasant fragrance spread in the tent.

  The white water vapor was standing by an invisible power, and gradually became the center of the tent, and turned into a barbarian tribal mountain gate.

  Huang Hui and Zhou Da both stared at the pattern, their eyes looked unpredictable, and they were both planning tomorrow's fighting style.

  Because Lin Ze asked to reduce the casualties of the barbarian as much as possible, Huang Hui and others had to discuss the plan for tomorrow's attack.

Huang Hui sighed that the master's request was really difficult. After all, this was wartime. When fighting, the emphasis was on killing as many enemies as possible. However, Lin Ze requested that as few enemies as possible were killed. What makes Huang Hui these people has a headache.

   "Huang Hui, what shall we do next?" Zhou Da took a sip of Lingcha and asked slowly.

   The masters of the general family, with such a touch of nobleness, or elegance, like Huang Hui, the elegance of his body is very strong.

  It's just that after facing Zhou Da's problem, Huang Hui smiled first, and then directly revealed a trace of cruelty. When the mouth opened, a powerful gang of gas turned into a red flame, dissipating the smoke of the valley of the barbarian tribal valley that had been transformed into water vapor in front of it.

   Seeing that the phantom of the barbarian tribe's mountain gate in the center disappeared, he seemed to spit out a bad breath and said directly, "We will make it flat!"

"Master, don't worry, I don't mean to flatten the barbarian tribes directly, but to break the barbarians of the barbarians with the most powerful power. At that time, without the protection of the barbarians, barbarians are in our palms. Things are missing," Huang Hui explained to Lin Ze instead.

"Well, okay." Lin Ze nodded. He also realized that he had put too much restraint on Huang Hui before. Plus, those of the barbarians, you don't convince them, even if they surrender, There is no real surrender in my heart.

   In addition, Lin Ze’s killing bees left in the barbarian valley also reported to Lin Ze the barbarians’ casualties.

There are three or four hundred barbarians who are seriously injured and can’t fight. After that, the barbarians believe that one third will be left after the war. In this case, there will be seven or eight hundred barbarians remaining. This number is enough for Lin Ze. So, this time, Lin Ze will not restrain Huang Hui again. He is going to give Huang Quan a barbarous lesson to conquer them.

   "I'm not restraining you this time, you have taught the barbarians hard." Lin Ze said lightly.

   "Yes, Master!" The meaning in Lin Ze's words Huang Hui could not hear them. Realizing that Lin Ze allowed them to let go of their hands and feet, Huang Hui and others suddenly relaxed a lot.

"This time, we can no longer make mistakes like last time. What do we fear? Whatever the last card of the barbarian tribe, with our current strength, we can forcibly crush it without hindrance. The last time, yes We mistake ourselves ourselves." Xu An said fiercely.

  Wang Chen had some concerns, and said: "But our strength has lost a lot after this war, if you push it strongly, then the final loss..."

The Wang family where he lives has really lost a lot in the last war. The number of casualties has reached 70 or 80, accounting for one-sixth of the number of the Wang family brought by him. In addition, the Wang family has two barbarians during the foundation period. The beast, being bombarded by the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, was really a huge loss to their royal family.

   Hearing Wang Chen's words, Lin Ze was also hesitant.

  Although these losses are not his now, but once the strength of the family alliance army is damaged too much, it can no longer suppress the prying eyes of other forces around here.

  Lin Ze's killer bee biological monitor, but there were no less than a hundred spy agents belonging to other sects, or families, or forces around him.

   These spies are obviously attracted by the war here, and the battle conditions here are believed to have been reported long ago.

In the end, if only a half of the casualties are left in the family alliance army, and the bones are not hurt, then okay, other forces will not have any trouble in the heart, but once the strength of the family alliance army is greatly damaged, what will happen in the future Things, that's imaginable.

   Some of the relatively good-looking ones will secretly threaten the family alliance and let them hand over some loot, and those forces with extremely unsightly appearances may then send a large army directly to capture Sancai Valley.

  The aphrodisiac garden in Sancai Valley is a strategic level for any force.

   Otherwise, the family alliance has long understood the powerful strength of the barbarian tribes. Why are they still reluctant to leave Sancai Valley? In fact, it is because the aphrodisiac garden here is so important to them.

  As long as there is an apocalypse garden of the family alliance, then there will be a steady stream of people to start.

   Perhaps the Family Alliance can block the previous waves of enemies, but they will definitely not be able to withstand them after the loss of their strength. In this case, it will be extremely unfavorable for Lin Ze’s future layout.

   Thinking of this, Lin Ze knew that this time he had to help the family alliance directly.

"Huang Hui, in this way, this time I will come up with three breaking bans. I believe that with these three breaking bans, the barbarian's mountain protection array should not be a problem." Lin Ze flipped his right hand and his palm appeared A jade bottle contains three breaking bans.

   Hearing Lin Ze said that he had come up with three breaking bans, Huang Hui, Zhou Da, five people were uplifted and their confidence was greatly increased.

   Breaking the ban, as its name suggests, can break the ban on the realm.

   As long as you take a broken ban, you can promote a level of power, of course, there are limits.

   First of all, it must be taken by the masters of the foundation period. In addition, the power gained can only be maintained for an hour, and the power promotion will only advance to the next level of the initial level of strength.

   If you are promoted to Jindan period, you can only gain the power of Jindan in the early stage.

  Finally, the most important thing is that after use, whether it is a martial art or a wild beast, it will lose ten years of life.

   It can be said that the power of breaking the ban is strong, but the sequelae are also extremely powerful.

   However, no matter how strong the sequelae is, it is nothing for the warriors who were in the situation of death.

After all, if he didn’t apply the Ban Ban at that time, it would be a 100% dead word. However, if the Ban Ban was used, he would not only have a chance to defeat, but even if he was still invincible, he would have The strength of escape.

  As long as he can escape from birth and pay ten years of life, what about? !

Huang Hui and Zhou Da don't even care about them. The life span of wild beasts is much longer than that of martial arts. Like the beasts in the foundation period, the general life span is not less than five or six hundred years. Ghosts, dragon-like blood beasts, have a lifespan of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years.

   Such a long life time, lost ten years of life, really nothing.

  As long as the barbarian tribe can be captured, then the family alliance knows the situation inside, and those at the headquarters will not say anything.

   "However, in this way, your master's cost is not too high, but this is the three breaking ban!" Huang Hui said.

   "Oh, it's okay. Although it's precious to break the ban elixir, it's nothing compared to the huge spirit stone mine of the barbarian. Lin Ze said with a smile.

  If you want to get it, you have to pay first, which Lin Ze knows very well.

It is indeed very important for Lin Ze to break such a high-level elixir, which is one of the most high-level elixir he found in Xuanyin secret realm. However, such a price has a huge spirit stone mine. It’s really nothing.

Lin Ze waved a very daring wave: "Huang Hui, Zhou Da, you are going to prepare now. This time I will not only take out three break-through bans, after that, I will ask Han Dong to prepare a big five-element array to use To deal with the barbarian mountain array. The barbarian body array is powerful, but I believe in Han Dong and the strength of his formation. This time, we must give this barbarian tribe a net, and one will not stay!"

   "Yes, master!"

  Huang Hui, Zhou Da and others were so confident that they should be reconciled. Later, after discussing some other relevant details, the group went out to prepare for the battle tomorrow.

   With Lin Ze’s three breaking bans, plus Lin Ze’s preparation for Han Dong’s full shot to set up a five-element upside-down array, what is a small barbarian protecting mountain array?

   Faced with such a strong lineup, Huang Hui and his colleagues thought to himself, this time, even if the strength of the barbarian tribe is strengthened ten times, I believe that they can't resist their attack!



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